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<br /> [ �!R'i!{ i : ��.���. 11,{ :l:�l f�!`?P, fi�" Fr��1�7i:i14 1'i U!;!rl`ilii)i1,i�(�, l'1(Ci t�F lii:f.d�.111� Ji�:S7l, � fi�i.. tS.C�. � �..`iiul',:A' 1'..'it,�.�.�� _�, �,�.1 ,�ie,�r,.
<br />, �i;�fru:l}�1•�it•1',�!?y tla:titic tu ti�c Pr�+��rty a��.�iu+t iiU��latujr,t��id dc��;:iucl:,,si�f�j�it to c�ay t�n�m«�s;uca;of r-.;�ai�I.
<br /> 'flll��,�f'i�i�1'i'Y tNSI ttTl►��fiN 4�C��111I1�liCS lillllilL?I CCfb'Cliti7i�ti G1P i1:11�U1i:2I US2 a��:l Kt;�;�-nttttiuui i•ssvei���tt;�vii1a H���it�•1 ---
<br /> v�iri;�iunti.hJ juri�(icti;�a•to enns��cute a�?�iilurm;;ecr�rity intilrun�er►t cnvering re:d p�t�perty. _
<br /> ;J..3:'t!::"i;,'J!'i;l�!1'.Ri"!'S. �:ire�;,��y,,�„ri t•,n,L.r r��vt�����»t a�t<I noru::a::�'ollaws: `_-_
<br /> 1, i3cycnent uf i"rIncipa!�nd lntcs�t; Prepayment And ll.�te Gharga�. I3orrawer'shall promytly ��y wlicn duc 1l�c
<br /> pzin�+�il��f nu�f interest c�n thc dcbt evi�zneed by the Nate nnd any prepayn�e»t and lat�cha�•gcs duc uncter tho Nntc. __
<br /> 2. �'und,�fai• 'N'wes�nd Insurunse. Su�jcct to npplicable law or ta a written waivcr by l.cndee, Rorro�vcr.IialE r,ay to
<br /> . I.e��dcr an snor�tl►!y Eiaymcnts t�.�c duc mtctcr thc Natc,untit tlt�Nate is paiu in niii.n sum i°�u�EUS°3 iui:�:�i y�+t b���G� _
<br /> attd:�sscssirents�viaicli may attain�>riori�y ovcr►liis Sccuriey Instrucnent as n lien on the Praperty; (b)ycar[y Icaschnld naymcnts —
<br /> or�rcur.;!rer�t::oa d�e Pro�rty,i€a�ry;(C)yCl�ly h���rd�r propeny insu�-a�ice.prcmitmts:(d)Ycarly fTood�premxu�us, _
<br /> if�rry; (c)�carly monga�c insurance prcmiums, if any; and (�nny sums naynble Uy�orruwer ta I.c:nder, in accordance with --
<br /> the provisiais of para�rap6 lica of thc paymene of�!ortgagc insar�nce prcmiums.Tl�csc+tcros�re cnllcd "ESCI'OtV ISCi11S.°
<br /> L,ender may, nt any time,collect uncl hold Funds ui uo amount nat[o exce�:d the ma�cimum amount n�er�der for a federalty
<br /> I2;I3tCtI I110[t�':ge laan m�y �•..quir�for 13orco�ver's escro�v a¢count under the federa!Rea! Estate Settlement R�ocedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as umcndcxl f�om�ime to timc, I2 U.S.C. Seotian 2b01 et seq. ("RFSPA"), unless unothcr law that applics to thc Funds
<br /> sets a Icsscr anount. lf so, I.ender may, 1t ony tlme, coila:t and hold Funds in an unnunt not to exseed ths lesser ttm�unt.
<br /> I.euder may cstimuec the mnount of Funds duc on t��e ua�ls ui c�rre�it dafu.�;�d reasottal�le cscimt:tes of e�Feudi!ures af li�tt�s�
<br /> Escru;v itc�us or athcrcvise in aeeordaace�virh applicable la�v. �=--
<br /> Tl�e Fu�nds sleall �be held in nn institut'san whose deposics ara insured by a federal agency, instn�mentality, or entity
<br /> {includin��endEr, if Lcnder is sucli an institution)or in any Pederai Fdame Loan Banl:.I.encler shall apply the Funds ta pay Ihe --
<br /> Bscruw iterns.L,cnder may not charge Borrowcr for holding�nd�pplying the Funds,annuully unalyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> vcr,ifjinb the E.icrow Items, unlcss icnder puys Borrower interest on the Funds and applicabte Iriw permiGS Lender to nklke such ---
<br /> u chargc. Howevcr, i.endcr�nay requlre Bonower to pay a one-time chargc 1'or an independent real estate tax reporting scrvicc -
<br /> used by Lcnder i� conncction witli tl»s loan. unle�:� appltcalyle law pxavidea otherwisc. Unless an agreemcnt +s madc or
<br /> T dic�1������ur senuir�s incese_cc cn be naid; l.ender chnil nnt hc rcauimd to pay Borca�rer anv intccest ar earnin^s an die Funds. _
<br /> Aorruwcr mid Lcndcr may agrce in�vritins. howcver, ehat interest shall he paid on tlte Funds. Lendcr shal(give to Borrower,
<br /> Wlllldll�CIIAf�,'C, an:umual sccounting of the Funds,q{�owin�em,�1iG5 and �debits to the Funds and the Nueposc for which each
<br /> �ebit to tne ivnds was maue.Tnc Fumis.ue picubca�#c,�a3�iti�rta!OtiY�StI��1LST�U!otsms�a:�e:!b;t4��?�'�srity Tngtn�nu�nt_
<br /> If tha Funds held by I..ender excecd the lmounts permitted to be lield by applicable law.I..encler shall account tu IIurrower
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordacece«�ith the requirements of applicable law. If the:unount of the Funds held by I.ender at any =
<br /> ' time is not sufficient to pay the Escra�v'T2e�its when�due,Lender may sn netify Borro�ver in writing,and,in such ct+se aorrower
<br /> ..�hall pay to Lender the amount necessary to ittakc up the deficiency. Borrower.shalt make up the deficiency in no more than =
<br /> ••;;;�2welve monthly payrtients,ut I.ender's sole discretion. � �''"'�
<br /> Upon payment iu fall of a91 sums sccured by this Security Instrumcni, Lendcr shal! prompely refund to Borrower nny •__
<br /> Funds he1�1 by Lender.If,undr.r pamQf�ph 21,Lender shall acquirc or sell the Property, [.cnder,prior ro the acquisition or scele �_
<br /> �f 1he Pe�e�i���y,shall apply Any F�nt1s held by Lcnder at the time of acquisition or snfe as n c�•cciit against the sums sccured by p�,z.;
<br /> this 3ecuriry Instrument. ----
<br /> r.ia�-
<br /> 3.Applica�tto�n of Piaymcnt�.Unless applicablc law provides otherwise, alI}�ayments recclved by Lender undcr paragraphs . �
<br /> 1 and 2 shall Ix;agplied: tirst,to aqy prcpayment charges due under thc Notc: sec�nd, to amounts payable undcr pamgrapl�2; _W
<br /> third,to an�¢rest due;founh,to princ%pai due;and 1ny lute charges due undsr the Nate. �..r•.:
<br /> 4.i7hi�rges; Ltens.Borro�vcr st��;l puy all taxes, assessments, charges. �nes nnd impovi��ons attributable to tlie�Property t.----..
<br /> � which may a!tain priority ovcr ti�is Security Instrument. �nd Ieaschold payments or grounct rents, if uny. Borro�ver shall pay �=
<br />