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<br /> .�. F.�._ . �er. �"o���..�ay &�...yr�..:r�. f3orro;�cr ,iaU E;ccj� t1i� im;rnvciiic�it.� non criseing UY �CYC.iRCS' Ci'��tu! on ciia
<br /> ! 1'r:,,;::�ty i���.ur,.�.f��;iu•.t lo�.s by fir;., Icrr;u�L; i�t�lnc�c�d e:itiiiu Il�:� tc��u "cxt�^1li�C(I C(1V(:il1�C" nnd nny c��l�,r iia��r��;, ia��lnslii���
<br /> ,. , tluu��:;+u�flunzlin�, for���Lici� I.t:ndcr�•c�ui�cs in;IlYi151CC. l{II9 11151Alaucc::;lia�!bi Il).11111A1i1::c1 ita du^, amumits anc� faf•thc�cari�xi�� ..
<br /> __k,,,,_;' , thr�t[.s:ndcr rcquirc.�r,.'�hc insurance carrice providin;;tlic in�urance sYinll bc cho:�en Gy Iinn•otvct• :�ubjcct to[.c:ndcr's ti��prarv�I
<br />°'^=�.��;,���. �vDiici� sh�ll nat b� unrcasonably �vithNeid. if llorro�vee 9'ails t�m;ti�uniro cuvem�e ctescriUc�l ,�Move, Lendee nury. ut t.��.ncter'�; �::�-_�
<br /> t.
<br /> :�'�`�"�^_ antioi�,oUtai��covcrage to protcct A..end�r's right�s in Itie(�roper1y in nccurdnitec with paeagrnph 7. E�,•-
<br /> _ -4,,-�� All isisurar.ce pol[cics and renewals shall be ncceptnblc tn I.ensler ii�d shall i�tClude n h{�fndard ntort�;age ¢luuse. [.c:�tcicr �_
<br /> -_ — �...;� E:ii:;.-
<br /> �� � -- shaU hav,.thc ribht to hafd th��olic;cs ancl rcnc��als. If!._ndcr rc�uires, L�urroti�mr�h�ll�irrnnPtly�+vP tn 1���tdetr nl!rcc�ipE�t of
<br />- - -
<br /> - _
<br /> paid�,jLmiun�v mid renr.wul noticc3.In thc ovcnt of Ioss, RoPCnvrCr sh;�ll Eivc{�rampt noticc tcy It�c insurancc ca:ricr and I.cndGr,
<br /> � l.c�idcr iijay ia�kc praof of loss if nat m�.dc prampdy by Qorcowcr. -_.......
<br /> Unlzr�s l.cncicr nnd iiorruwcr nihcrwisc n�rcc i��wr�ting, inyuransc pec�cccds shnll hc npplied Ro restor�tion or rcpair of'thu '�'_�
<br /> _= Propertv dmn:u.cd. if Uic restoradou or rcu�ir is cconomidallY fcasiblc nnd 1.enJcr's sccu�ity is not Ic,sc�2cd. If Itic rest��ration ar __—..
<br /> --=--v-��- rep�ir is m�t ccimoaifct�lly feasfble��r Lcnde�•'s sccu�ity vrauVd bc Icssened,ihe insueutce prurcccls shnll be applted to the suntw '�'..'�'
<br /> - ----=-� �ecurul by ehia Sea:urity Instrunient, t+liether a:•not theu due. mitl� cu�y excess p:ild to Borrower. If Bo*rmver nhandrnis Bie L__
<br /> Frop�rty, or ducs izot answcs within�0 dnys u notice from Lender�hat tl�e insurancc catticr has offered to scttle a claim, tner► —�
<br /> L.ender muy callect �he insurance p�nceeds. Lender may use tl►e proceeds to repair or restore dis Properg� nr to pay suma
<br /> -_�---- secun;cl by this Securi�y[nstcume��t,whed�er or not then due.The 30-day period�vill begin tivhen the notice is given. !�'��r:
<br />—=_._-- Unless Lender nnd Hornnver othcnvisc ugrce in wsiting, any appli�::Uian of procceds to princiPal shall nat cxtend or - °
<br /> postponc thc due dute of'thc monthly payments referred to in parugraphs 1 and 2 or chinge the amoun� of thc pzyments. If �
<br /> under paragraph 21 tlie Property is acquired Uy Lender, Bonower's ri�lit to any insurance policies and proccP�ls resultin�from --__
<br /> -__-- da�mage to thc Propctty prior to the ac�uisition shall pass to Lendcr to the exzcnt of the sums securcd by this Security lnstiu�;��ent Q��-
<br /> __=-- -- immediately prior to the acquisition. �:?',�',;',"
<br />_r;�,�.�� G.Ozcupuncy,Fr�erva9ion,hiatntezi�ince and Protectioii oY tlie Progerty;Borrower's Lonn Applfr.ution;Y.c,�s�:holds. �;--�-:
<br /> -- —° Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principai residence witi�in sixty days ufter the execution of �-�-
<br /> ♦„,�,l,�.n,,,s,�,,: this Security Instrument and shall continue to uccupy the Property;u SorroWer's principal�sidence for at least one ycur after ---
<br /> - -° � thc date uf occupancy, unless�.ender othenvise agrees in�vriting, which cunsent shall not be unreasonably �vithheld,or unless �``
<br /> --- -°° exrenuating circumsUU�ccs exist which urc beyond Borrowcr's control. Borrower shall not destroy. damagc or impair the �`'•
<br /> �F� ProUerty, aliow the Property to dcteriomte, or com�nit waste on the Property. Sorrower shall be in default if any forfciture �`�
<br /> -_:-����.�s'• •. �: .
<br /> "_ '—.`�ev="� _.,:__ ._.�_.i_„..:..•� • :_�.._.......�... :.. �.._a__.__.. a :..::4�..�„„.� ♦ s�td c Jt i fnrfrih�rt�of the .
<br />... : . tlCLWII Vl �/JUbGGUlt12j� NIWNI�.l et�i�v�.iiBSi:iwi� �a vebuu w.ua m a.vi�ue� a gvw ..ju:.�.....t2.C^«...TC_!.._ !1 F_- _
<br /> `�'�� Property or othenvise materiti3ly impair the lien created by this Secu�9ty Instruiitent or Lender's security interest.B�rrower may `{�
<br /> v �, cure such s default and reinsz�tte;us provideci in paragraph 18, Gy causing the action or praceeding¢o be disnrissed with a ruling �r(y;;;.i.
<br /> F,.Sr P
<br /> - ----�-- m�c, in Lenders �ood i'aitn dccerminacion, preciudes iorfciiure oI ihe Borrowcr's iatcn�si lll tIIC F[UFICIIY 11i UL�ICI iiiuici�at ''__
<br /> -�_"`�� impairment of the licn crcated by this Securiry Instn►ment or I.ender's security interest. Bono�ver shull also be in default if r���6-
<br /> 4�.�.
<br />