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Iiorrciw:r sl�alf ��rompYy p:ry w�ceu:Itie ���a - <br /> � prinGi���l of aud iatcrest on the dcbt cvidencec!by die Dlnte c►�id nny r�r.cpayu�:��t n�+��+��«��%���cs�luc u:.;.'�t'.:�A;ate. <br /> 2. Flind�for TAxes�►�a Ins��runee. Subject to applicabl� law o� to n cvrittc»tvaivice by 1.�:��:le%. Lia►•ru�ver sli�dl p�}�to <br /> Il,cnder«r►t{ic dny man�Eily paymcnts urc duc�mdcr thc Note;,antfS tl�c Natc is pa1J in fall,n 4um{`rund�)faru(�uD�{ari}f�t�Cu <br /> � and assc�smcnt5�v{�ich may nttain d:rirrrity nv�t'UIIS StCUf1IV IOS(filII1CIIS�IS n ilen��n iiic rnqn:��y. U•/��•v ��^^�^•".'�'t•»�•^^-•- _- <br /> a�grnurti rcnt:a��t!ie Pru�,::siy.if i!ny;(c?Yrariy liaznri!or prapc��ty Im,urincc prcmiuuri:(cl)ycati�ly flmxl invurancc p�infu�nv, -- <br /> i�nt►y: (c) yc:irSy u�oitgnp,�intiur;incu prcmlums. if uiry:nnd(�uny sumv nayabl�: hy Ilurrncvcr io[.i:uctcr, in acc�r�fa:icr�viti�. <br /> thc pr��visluns ul'p:n�„�ri�ph lieu uf'Il�c{�:ryrncnt�►f mur�gogc fiirur:uicc��rcu�ium+. 'I'I�csc itcn�s nrc callcQ "L'scr��u� itci��s.�� <br /> ►.cndeY Qiay, at uay 71n�c. r��llcct nnd fuil�l i'u��ds in�n nmaunt iuit tu exccc�l tlic ntaximum n�r�uu�u ci Icnsicr fnr a fcdcertlly <br /> rehRc�) ntmtgu}c lu:w m:�y ra�nlrc fur ffunr►wce's �scr�iw ��ccmuit untler�hc Pc�lcw,d Itrnl Idstn�e 5cqlen�cnt Proccdures Act of --_ <br /> It.l7a u4 mncixlr.l 1'mm tim�to�imc. 12 U,S.C. 5ccNon 2G01 ct srra. ("I21?Sl'A'7. unlc:�s nrn�thcr lii�v�i�at t�p�lics tu thc I'unJs �- <br /> 6ClA �ICtiSCI':lqklilli�. If sc�, l.cndcr may. <<t any timc, uallcct und ho1J FUIld9�0 llll(10Y111Ul1t ItOt (O CXCCC(I II1C ICSSCY ti111U11111. <br /> I.cndcr may cstluti:�tc Iltc craoun[of Fnnds duc uu di�Bnsis of cum��t clatm ead r�•�sa��,u,lr astimutcs of cxpenditures of futi�r <br /> �sr.ruw Icems or otherwise in uccorctimce with applicat�le lnw. T-� <br />-- Ti�c Funds shalt be held in nn instiuuion wl�osc dcposits �rc insurcrl by a fcdcrnl ugency, instrumcntnlity, or cntiry _ <br /> � (including l.cndcr,if[.ender is,uch nn institution)oc in any Fcdcral Home Loan Bank. I.cndcr shall apply the Funds to pay thc �^;� <br /> Bscrow Items. Lender may not cl�arge Ecrrower for holding arcd applying the Frnds,annunlly nnnlyzing thr,escro�v account,or _ <br /> verifying the Esarow it�ms, unless I.cnder pays Borrower intcrest on the Funds and applicable Inw permits Lender to mnke sacti , <br />--- �charge. However. Lender may require Darrowcr to pay a one-time charge for a»indcpendcnt real estate tax reporting sePVicc _— <br /> used by �.,ender in conncction with this loan, unless ap�plicabio !aw providcs othcrwise. Untess nn agreement is made or � <br />.-_--- �, .� � �__ _�_u __��._........:«.d ���n�yvr nnv inrerest�r camines on ihc Fua�ds. �=�__ <br /> Ql3PI1CAhIC 1�1W TC(�LLI[t.5 IIIICIC:it W uc��itiu�a.i:uuw m�nu nva w��.yu..w .�Y"J _-- <br /> Bonowce and Le�ndcr may a�ree in writing, hnwever, that intcrest shaU be paid on thc Funds. Lcnder shall Sive ta Uorrower, <br />-- without cliarge, an annual accountin� of the Funds, showin� credits nnd debits to the Funds and the purp�se for which each �— <br /> deBit to tt�e t{unds was madc.Thc�u�cue tiic�i-�'g��a3diiiosts!�uri!y�'=�=nll c�imti sec�red by tl�is Security Instrunuent. ___ <br />� ;;;� 1f tho Fuiids held by I.ender exceed the umounts permi►ted to be held by applicable la�v. Lender shall necount to Borrower `-• <br />;�4%� fot the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender at a�y <br /> time is no:suff[cicnt to pay the Escxow Items when due,I.�nder may so notify Horro�ver in writing, suGh case Bonuwcr _ <br /> - • � shall pay to Lender die umount neccssary to make up the deficiency. Horrower shall make up the defeciency in na ntnre than '"` <br /> twclve monthly I..ender's sole discretion. � <br /> Upan payment in fidl af all sums sec:ured by this Security [nstrutnent, I.ender shall promptly mfund t�Borro�ver any �-- <br /> Funds lield by I.ender.If,under paragraph 21.Lc:ader shall acyuire or sell the Aroperry.Lender,prior to tho acquisition or sale ��, ._ <br /> of tiio P:operty, �hall apply any Funds hcld by I.ender at the time of acquisition ur sale as a crulit against the sums sccured by �;_.._,,: <br /> -- this Sccu�tty iostrument. ��-• <br /> -- 3.Applicutton of P�yments.Unless applicable ia�v provides otherwise,a!1 payments received by Lender under paragraphs f; <br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepuyment charges due under thc Note; second. to nmounts payable under pam�rapli 2; �.�'J <br />=`?�� third,to intcrest duc;fourtl►.to principaf due;xnd last, to any latc chargcs due under the Note. -L� <br /> ���� 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower sh;ill pay all t�xes, assessments,chargcs. fines and impositions attributable ro the Property t e' <br /> �" which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrowcr shall pay <br /> these obligations in the manner providod in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that marmer, Bon•ower shzll puy them on time directly . <br />----- to tho person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnisl�to I.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> ° 1f Bonower makes thcse paymcnts directly,Borrowcr shaU pro�ripdy furnish to Lendcr rcceipts evidencing the paymcnts. <br /> I�nrrower shall promptly dischargc any lien which hus priority over tliis Secudty Instrument unless Horrowcr: (a)agrecs in <br /> "'° writing tn tl►e payinent o'F the obligation se�:ured by the lien in a manner acceptublc to L.ender;(b)contcsts in good faith the lien . . <br /> � Uy, or defcnds n�ainst enforcement of the lien in. Iegnl procccdings which in thc Lcnder's opinion aperate to prevent the <br /> —�= enforcement of the licn;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreernent satisfzctory to Lender subordinating the Iten to <br />"�.�� this Securiry Instrument. If L,ender dctermines that any part of the Prupeny is subjcct to a lien which may attain prioiity ovcr <br />__� this 5ccurity Instrument, Lender mAy give Borrower a notice identifying thc lien. Borrower shall satisfy the licn or tnke one or <br /> - mnrc of thc actians set forth abuv�within 10 ds�ys of thc giving of reotice. <br /> - - � Form 3G28 BI80 , <br />`:ea:a. <br /> e�—� � <br /> Popo 2 of 6 .. <br />--�z�y� . <br />�---:..J .. � � . �> <br /> .,.-�.v <br />-.. <br /> ��.-_..-'..__ __. '__'__"' __- ....�..-.-._._ —�_._ , .. , -.-n... .. -' ._"....... ; . _ �_._....-. .. _'�._"- <br /> . . . .. <br />:•.ur�� �i � ,. ... �,.c�.....1�:. . .. - :) <br /> �--.�-.._. �� .._ . . . , . .. .. . _ .__ <br /> ... <br />._.- .._ �. . ..v ., ' ' �i �' <br /> . <br /> _-__- __- _.____ _ - _ -- __- _ _ _ - _-_ <br /> _____ -__ ._-._ _-_____. . <br /> --�:...... . _ _ _ _.-. _- .__-__ ` _. .r .'- '_ -_ - _ _ -_ <br /> �_ __ _-_ __._ _-_.-` ._-.-� .-:-- .n <br /> ___-. -__`__ __-_- ___ .-F.,- 8. . : �{T <br /> .. '-•� '. .. -• . .i .i ' . <br /> .i .� <br />.:��..K.. � .. . _.. .. .. . . <br />�----_:., . .. ��. ,. . . <br />..:k",�' . , .� ' , � � . � .. , a� .. -, <br /> .:S�SSS��.. . ° ,. , ., ., . .._ . ., � ' • ' .. - .. � <br /> .%.�i-• � ' .. . -�., _ '� " ' - • ., � , � � .� <br /> _ ..+ , . .. �� - .. - - , .. " . � „ . . <br /> :.-vd.i� . - o . . - .� ' .. <br /> ��� . '. , . � . ., " ��� � , .•.. ._ , '.�I . 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