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<br /> l�l. �;antit�uu�IMi�o: 'fhc ��r�Kx,�dc uF nny awar�l ur c;ialm fur�t�un:;ges. dirct ur ca���scqucntt�il, iu cu►�ucctiun��iUii :a�y . _
<br /> � u:���i�i!r�tinn��r��tl,.•��:�RIu;;��i'm�y��;�rt ui'9lu� t'ru2sc�ty,��e fror cunvcy�ncc In licit�f c�mQcmnatio��,i�rw lier�:l;y,�si�;�ud ��m1 —_
<br /> sE�all tx:µ�iJ ta�I.�rKJc�•. ,
<br /> fr thc L.r����f�tuta!takiisb nf Ittc Prnperty,thr.prcxcc:d,ehall bc np�Itcd to Ilic sum5 secur�:i!t�y thfs Sccurlty L�str ument,
<br /> wl�cthGr a�r,not tl�cn duc, wltii�iuy r.xccss paiil tc�Z3orrowcr. �►�Ihe c.vcnt��f n p:utial tnicius Uf Qic {'ruparty In���hicl� �hc gnir
<br /> ntarkr! valtte of Ihe Pm}ierty imnacd8ateiy lsrfo��a�he t�king is equ.d to or grcaeer than die amu.vnt af tho sums sccured by this �.
<br /> t__._'_"'. Js"'_1""�._a`__' L_ 4'..� 1__ 11��...�.. J 1 .1..� 1. 1.... 3» !.o� i _
<br /> uc�,iii iy�u,uu�tcc�n iniir,rcutmc�y umuec i�+c iiu�iu .iii�cca5 ar���vtivc� iv'iu ui�uci GiaCi�d�nv og�a,��o n:71�i1�.Gw 47:,s:..:+���,Y - -
<br /> this Securily Instrument sliall be r�ducc�.by tlie nmount uf the pro�eds multiplial by the followin� tractiun: (ii) tlte total
<br /> amomiR of the sums sccured immediuteIy'bctbre th�taking,dividcd by (b) the fair m�ef;et value af rhe Prop�rry immcdiar.ely '
<br /> bef�r� th:. taking. A�y balancc shall Lti; paid to Horco�ver. in the event of a panial takinb af thG Prupeny in which �hc fair
<br /> markct vnl�ic of the Pro�erty immediately bcfore the taking is l�.cs than die amaunt of the sums secured imme.diately befure the _
<br /> taking, unlcss Borrowcr and Lendcr othcnvicc a�rcc in writln� or unless applicAble 11�v othcnvisc provides, tlic proccc.�ls shall
<br /> be applicd to dxe sums securcd by this Securily Instrument whetfter or nai the sums arc then due.
<br /> If the P�openy is ubandoncd t�y Ikan•a�ver,or if,aftcr notice by Lcnder to Eorrower tltat tlie cundemr,or offcrs to make nn
<br /> �ward nr c�tN� A r.laim for damarCS,Barrowcr fails ta respond to Lender�vithin 30 days after th�dnte thc naticc is tiiven, _
<br /> Lend,•r is autl�ori�cd to collcct arid apply the prooes:ds,at its uption,either to restoration or repsir of'the PropeiKy or to the aums ___
<br /> securw by this Se� �rity Ins�rumcnt, ea�h�tlicr or uot then due. =-_ _
<br /> Unless I.cnder nncA Borro�,ver otlienvise agrec in writing. any applicatton of procecds to principal sbaU not extcnd or t�==�
<br /> post}wne thc duc d�te of the monthly paymcnts referred to in�aragruphs 1 nnd 2 or change the arnount of such payments.
<br /> 11.I�orro�ser Not Relzused;Forbr,:amitc�Dy[,�nder No!a Wniver.Extensior�af tla�timc for payment or modiFcntio�i F�_
<br /> of amortization of the sums secured by this S:curity Instrument graiited by L.ender to any successor in interese of B�rrowcr shidl
<br /> not op;;ratc to mlcasc tl�c lisbiliry of the original Horr.o�+�cr or Borrower's s�ccessors in intcrest. Lendcr shall not be rcquired to =-'
<br /> commencc procecdir+gs agair,st any successor in interest or refuse to extend time far payment or othcnvise modify amurtization =_-�
<br /> of fne snms secu[ed by miy �uv�iiy inairu�ueni 'vy �wsun ui uny uciuuuu u�ade oy ii�C urigiuui nu�iuwci v; uv�■��:.;'s __ :-
<br /> :u�cessor, in intcrest, Any forbe�lrance by L.ender in cxcrcis+ng any right or remedy shali not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> excrcisc of anv rietu or remcclv. _-
<br /> 12. �uccessors nnd Assi�n5 Boon�d;Jofut und 3everal Linbility; Ca•slguers. The coven.�u►ts mid a�reements o:this
<br /> Sectirity Instrnment sl�all bind and benefit the successar.; and assigns of P:.er.der und Borrower, subject to the provisions of � _
<br /> paragraph 17. Burrowcr's covenants and agrcements shnll be juint and ssveral. Any Sonowcr who co•signs this S'ecurity �
<br /> Tnstrument but does not execute Q�e Note: (a)is cn-signin� this Security Instrument unly io inortga�e, grant and convey that
<br /> Borrowcr's interest in the Froperty undcr the terms nf tliis Security Instrumcnt; (b)is nat gersonally obligated to pay the sums .__.__
<br /> secured by this Security Instrum�nt; and(c)ng�ees that Lender and any other Horrower may ngrce to extend,modify,forbeair or �_�--
<br /> malce any acoommndations�vith regard to thc:terms of this Security Instrument or th�Note without that Bonower's consent. _ . ��,,
<br /> 13.I.oan Chnn;rs. If tlte loan secured by this Security Instrument is,subject to a lnw�vhich sets maxi►num loan char�es, • E�;•:--.
<br /> and ti�;it la�v is finally'interpi�ete,d so that the iiuerest ar other loan charges rallected or ta be collectrd in connection with the r.:�u
<br /> loan e:cceed the pGrn�itted limits,then:(a)uny such loan charge shall be rc;duced by Yhe amount necessxry to reduce tfie charge i�._
<br /> , ro the pem�itted li�nit:and(b)�ny sums almady collected from Borrower�vhich exceecled permitted limits�vill be refunded to ��•;=-
<br /> � Bonower. Lencler may chooss to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note Ur by making a direct � "'��
<br /> payment to Bonower. If a refund reriuces pri�icipal, the reduction viilt be treated as A partiul prspayment without any �"r
<br /> ,�,�.;,-_.
<br /> prepaya��ent charge under the IYote. -
<br /> I4.NQticss.Any notia:to Eon•ower provided fox in this Security Insuument shall be given by delivcring it or dp mailia� '����
<br /> it by�rst etass mnil unless applicuble law requires use of anat�aer method. '3"he notice shnll be di�cted ro the Propertv Address =�`
<br /> or any other address Borrowcr designates by noticc to Lender. Any not�ce to L.endcr shall bc given by first class maii to �'_�_"-'-
<br /> Lender's address sz�tted hcrcin or nny othcr address Lcnder desi�natcs by noticc to Horrowcr. Any notice provided for in this _
<br /> Securi9y Instrumcnt shall bc decmcd to liavc been given to Borrawer or Lender�vhen�iven as providcxl in this pw�agraph. 3Y �R
<br /> ..-5.+
<br /> 1�.�overnin� Law; Seve��b9lity. This Securiry Instrumcnt sh1l1 bc govcrned by fcderal law And the luw af the ��;,':
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is locatcd. In thc event thut any provision or cl;tttse of this Sccurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> conflicts with apE+iicablr law,such conflict shall not affect odier provisions c�f this Seeurity Instcument or tiie Nate�vliinc �an be
<br /> given affect without thc conflictin�provision.To this end the provisions oT this Security Instrument and the Nc►tc 1re dr,clared -
<br /> to Uc scvcrable. �
<br /> Il6.Dorru�ti•er's Copy.f3onower st�all be given onc conforcneci copy of thc Note and of this Sccurity In�trumcnt. �
<br /> Form 3028 9/90 -- ••
<br /> Popo 4 of 0
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