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,. :.. .... . W <br /> � .. : <br /> w. <br /> , .. <br /> , . � ... <br /> a�.. .. ...;,. .,.. ..... _. <br /> ..... .. . .. _. - <br /> ��a <br /> � � g 5� =���'1� <br /> Lender W Pratect ttte sec�rl<_o(the t�t (c)t1�e P�orm�n�3 of at�t;vvs�mu�r�;�:i����nq ot Tnrttor�et i�het9in:8nd Idi� <br /> presort!�nd tutura indebt�lness erd ab atlana o9'Borrower fbr sny of tt��n if rr+�n tt�an one)ta Lender�+rrhether dkect,intliroct, <br /> ,abgalute or cQnc�n�ent atisd whether gri 6y naM.guerenty,r;ve�dcatt or os��.Ttu�Nate,thla[�ed cT Trust and any and alt <br /> oltser docuenta tf��i secura ifie No1e ar erwiae axecuq,d In cnnnectlon 4herewltfi.inctudf�g without IImNa�oc�yuarant9BS,securi4y <br /> aqroem�nt�and sasiqnmor:te ni le�s�s nd ronts,eMsii be rvferrec!tcr here(n as the"Loan ir�adrumanes". <br /> Trustvr cuvanans end agreaa wh� nde�aa toltow�: <br /> �. F'�ym�an!a!Insleb6mdnass.Ail,in ebtedne�secured hereby slial!be paid whqn du�. <br /> 2. Tttl�s.Trusior it�the��knsr of th Praperty,has the rt�ht and authmrtty,to ca!�vey the Prope�ty,a�x!wgrranq Yhat the 1len <br /> created hera�by is a i3rst and�srior tler, n the Praperty,excapt for tlena and encr�mbrancea set tarth by Tn�s4pr in writlnq and <br /> delivereei to C.+gnder aeTora exa�c�.nion pf is 17eed of Truat,s.nd 4he�a c�e�ivery oi this C�9 ot i'ru�t does no!rfolate ar�r <br /> �antracY�r c:h�r nb�?�at+on ta wh(ch T atar 4s suisJact <br /> w. 'iaxa�,Asses;.�nnrets.To pay bei re deltnqueney all taxe�,spacial�ssesse��ettts srd�IO c�sc�,';�raa eg�inst tl�e Prop�tty <br /> now�r E1�:rea:!�r ievivc�l. <br /> d. Iaaurance.To keep the Praparty i�s�n�d against damzge by fire,hazards irt�lutled+mitltin ttse t�rm"fnttanded cover�ge",arxf <br /> such n4her hazrzrds a.s Lendc+r may raqu re,In amnunb&nd wi4h�ompan�e�acceptabl�to t.ender,nam(r�{�L.Br�dHr as an additlonai <br /> named lnsured,with loas psyabie ta f4�e ca.�ot losa und�r such poliClea,t9��LB�nder is 8utltar'z�J to udjua�Cotl9ot and <br /> ccmpromlae,�11 clalm�thereunder and a!i hava the op4lG�pP�pplyi»g el{or�ar!oS the 1nsuFance procerniu�i)ta eny inds�tedneaa <br /> - secured horeby end in such order a�l.a der may determl��;ti6)to the TruAtor tA be usaa�t�r the rapa(r��reai�ratdon,of th�Prppetty <br /> or(!!t)tar any oti:er purpase or otaJect sa sl�ctory to l.enc9t3r without aft�8n�tt±e Iten M th�s[)�►sd ot Trust tor ttra futt amaunt secured <br /> h�retsy�tare such payment�ver took !s^�e.Any appllea�pn a1 proc�ds tn lndabtgdn�sh.�1l not axlend or postpa�th a du4 <br /> date oi�ny psyments under tf�o IVo4e, curs any default therounder or h�reunder. <br /> 5. F.�crow.FJpon wriften damand �endar,T;ustor shalf pay to E.endec,�n such m�nner as Lender ma,y designate,suNlclent <br /> sums to�rtftble Lsnder Ya pay as Lhay orr»du�one or more Dt the tpCowing:(i�sil tax�a,aa�+assmenb�nd afher charqes agatnst <br /> the Prppc�ty,{ii)the premiums on the operty insurence requlred hereundar,a,nd(Iily tht+premluma an any mor�gage Pnsurenco <br /> required by Lender. <br /> 8. M�intea�mnce, Ae�air� �nc� Co p1!�ncr �iih Lawt. Trus4ar �hal! keep ihe Propaiiy !n goaf conditicn and repsfr, shall <br /> Rromptly repair, or replaca arry lmpro smertt whlch may be dam�ged or dastrayed;'ahall not comm(t �r pE�rmit any waste ar <br /> deter(oratlDn ot Y�e Property;shali not emovp,demafish ar sutastantlally a[ter any of the improvements�n the i'�rpperty;ahall not <br /> cnmmft,sufl�r nr permit any act to be do �In nr upon th�t'ro�oerty in violatlan of any l�w,ordinance,or reguletfon;and shal;�iay and <br /> p�OP!tpiiy disChi&rg��t'Trus4or's cast ai d ex�+anse ell ilens,encum6rances and charges leaied,impased or asscssed ags+(nst tha <br /> Pfapc.f?y pr arYy na/4 th@feCf. <br /> 7. I�minsni Dam�in.Lender is her by assigned�II compensation,awards,damages and ather payments or reellaf(h�ntina�tAr <br /> "Proceeds") in conr!er�ior� Wiih cond mnation nr other taking af the Property or part thoraof, or `ar tCn�eytmca in Nc+u ot <br /> concSemnstion. Lender shal� be entiti at its optian tn commehce, appear fn and prosecuts In Its own name any acdnn or <br /> praceedings,and sheli aiso be entitled to make any co�rrpromise or settisment 1n connaction w!!h such teking or damege.hi tt�e <br /> evont any po�t(an a4 the Property(s so kan or damaged,l.ert�er sh��!heve the option,In its sola and absalute dlscrE�!ion,to aiaF�ly <br /> a(f�uch Proceeds,after deductirsg 4ha �frpm all�asts 8nc!expertses incurrec!by it!n conne�tl�ars wlttt auch Prpce�s'Is,upon any <br /> lndebtedrtess sacured hereby arid(n s ch order a�Lend��r may detetmine,or tn apply all such A�'oCe6ds,attvr such de�ductldn�,ta <br /> tha restorat!on ref th�PropQrty upon au h canditlons as Lr�nder may datermine.Ary applla�don o�i Proceedn to indebta�nesa shAlt <br /> not extsnd or pastaone the due date of any payments un�er tha t�ote,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.Anq unappilad <br /> tunds shail be pditi to Trustar. <br /> 8. P�rlo�rstanca by Lender.Upon,he occucrenca af;sn Event af Retautt hereundBr,or;f any i�ct is taken or 1eg81 pro�ces�lrig <br /> commenced v�hich rnateriaRy atfects L nder's interest in the Property,Lende,-may Iri its own discretion,but without oblig�tion ta do <br /> so,ar,d without nctice to ar demand u n Trustor and witliout relv�sing Trustor from any�bligation,do any act which TrG�sior h2g <br /> agreed but fails ip do�nd may alsa do anq ather�tct it cte�+ms necessary to protect the security hereoL Trustor shall,imm�diataly <br />_ u�on demarrd therpfor by�.ender,pay t Lender all costsan��xpens�s incurred gnd sums expendecl by Lender in connectib�vritt� <br />_ the exerci5e by Lender�i the TorPgain rights,•together r,vith irterest ihereon at th9 deisult rata provided fn tfte Note,which shali bfi <br /> adde� !o the inde6tedness secu�srl f r�'ay_ Lender shalt �ot incur any liati±tiry because oi enythtng It may �a or to do <br /> h�reunder_ <br /> -- 9. i�isaardou�Matertafa_Trustor s aU keep the Propa�r in co,•npl'�ance w'sth a11 appiic�bte i&w3,ordinances ared reguF�itions <br /> relatir.g to ir�dustrEal hygiene or envir nmental protection(cofiectively referred.o hereir�as"Envi:onmental Laws'�.Trustor shall <br /> keep the Property iree lrom aH s�batan es deemed to be hez�rdous or toxic under.any Environm�nial Lawa(coltecUvely retern�d to <br />�� herein as"Hazardous Materials").Tru tor h�reby werrants a«d repre�ents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materials an or <br /> under the Property.Trustor Fereby agr to in:iemnHy and hnid harmfess Lender;its dtrectors,oHicers,�amplayees and agena,i�nd <br /> a�y successors tv�e�der's fnteres�fr m and agsinst any and ail clafms,damages,losses and Ilabflitles erising in conneCtion vNith <br /> - the pr2senca, use, dis�osal or trans rt of`any h�zardous Materials on,under,irom or about the Property.THE FOREGQIMCi <br />- 1'YARR/�TV i icS ANQ R�FR�SENTA?lC7 S,AHD�R�JSTOR'S OBUGAI'IONS PU!�`t1ANT i'd THE FQREQaiNG IN�EMNlT;SHALL <br />� SURVNE RECQNVEYANC�DF TH1S EEQ OF TRUSi. �.' <br />_ 10. Ax�l;,r;;�ti�nt of Renta.l"rustpr ereby assigns tp Lgnder the rents,issue8 stnd prqfits of th9 Property;prqvided that Trustnr <br /> shali,until the occurrence o(an Event /Detautt hereunder,have thE�right to colfect and reta(n auch rents,Issues and prq�ts as the�� <br />-- become dve and payabio.Uaan tha o currence of an Event of De�ault,Lendvr may,elther in pparson or by c�gent,with or without <br />__ Cringing eny actlon or proceading,or y p receiver eppointeci by a court and without ragard to th�'adequac!�oi fts secur(ty,enter <br /> upon s�nd take possess(an af the Prap rty,or any part theroof,�n its��wn name or i�the name nt the Truste��,and do any uGb which It <br /> dsems necessary or desir2 hl�4o pres e tha value,marketability or rentabiliry oi the Property,or any part there�ot ar interest tharein, <br />� !ncrease the i�come thereiram or pr ;teCt tha security hereof&nd,with or without tak(ng possession at the Property,sue for or <br />�� etherwfse cotlect the rents,Issues�n pro/Its thereol,Including thosa past due end unp&Id,and apply the sams,1e88 cost3 and <br />� e.:penaes ot aperation and collec�fon I cluding attorneya'teas;up��n�ny,indebtedness secucad hereby,till in 9uc�ordar 8s Lender <br /> mi�y determfno.The entering upon an taking posseus(on aP jhe I�rapc�rty,the colteatlpn o(such ren43,.lssuas and oroflts and th�. <br />� applicatlon thereot as afcreaaid,sha! not cure Dr w8fve nny dei��yult or nntice a(datault hecAunder ar Invalidste any act dona in <br />� responsv to such defauit or purauant t such notice a}dafault and,notwithstanding the contlnuance in possession at the Propprty or <br /> - ' the r.oliaction,rece�pt and applicado ot rents,issues or proflts,artd Trust��rrp Ler►der ahal!be entlded to orerclse every rlflht <br /> provided!or in ary of the Laan Inatru ent�o[by!ew upon occurr�nce of any Even!oi De}eulR Inciuding without Iimitetion the right <br /> to exerclsg the po�ver ot s�le.Further,Lendnr's rights end remadl�:�s under thls parapraph sha#1 be cumutative with,and tn no wey a <br /> _ timit�t6�n on,l.end�+r's r(ghts and reme les under�rty asalgnmani��!leas�3s and rents recordad apalnst the tl'raperry,i.ender,Trustee <br /> and tho rticeiver z�h.all be Habis to ac ount only far those rents actualty re¢olved. � <br /> 11. �vmnta ol p�elault.Tha follow ng shall r.on�titut�s�n Everit pl D�I�ult under thts Doecl oT Trus� � <br /> - (a) F"aiture tn pay any Inatall ent ot principa)ar lnterest of eny other sum sacurad hera6y when due; <br /> {b) A breach ot ar delault un er any provislpn contafna,d In the Mpte,this pned of Tru�t,any c�T tha Lr�an Inatrumenta,or any <br />- other ilen orencumbrance upon he Property; �• <br />_ (c) !.writ o(a>:ecuifan or stt chmant a�ary slmil�r process shalt ba antnred agalnat Truator whlch ahall became a Ilen on <br /> — the PrpF7orty ar sny partipn there f ar lntoro�at ther�in; <br />_ (d) 1'hpre ahalt be IIIqd by o apAlnet 7rttstor ar Btrrrawvr an acNon under eny present ar futare tedar8l, atato or other <br /> ��luta,law pr regult�ilpn rels2ing tn ber�kruptcy,In�alvoncy ar nther rallel far debtora;or there ahAU be e�pointed any irustee, <br />- rQCVlvor oi Ilquldn�tor ol Trustor o 6prrower or o1 all or any pairt at►he Propurty,or tha r0nta,isauea or prpfite thereol,or Truator <br />- ° ar Borrawa�•ahatl maica e�ny pen ral easlqnmont far tMe benr�Clt of Greditor�; <br />- (c+) 1'he,3ale,trnnu�fer,Ik1a60,��alpnment,convey�nce�ar turther encumbrance of ail or nny part of or any Interqst in the <br /> praperty, either voiunt��rlly ar in oluntarily, withaul ttr� �xpress written consar.F ol Lender, prnvided that Tr��stor aha�l be <br /> permlriod t�exe�:ute a le�ee af t Prvpartylhat daea nat cantaln en optlon to purchaaa an�the term ot whlCh d�a not exc��rd, <br />- nne yaar; <br /> (� Abanr�ornTie�nt af ttte Pro erty;or •• �� � �: r� <br /> a <br /> a. <br />� <br /> � . f. _ . <br /> a:.r,.,. . -� ' . , .� . , <br />