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<br />— !9i If Trustvr te noi an an�fviduat,tf�e issuance.�a�e,tranaler.ssefqnmervt,conveYancc c+r sncK��nbrgnce o1 ma�'e tlieit a�ota!
<br />- ot� parcen:of(:f a corporation)ita+ssue�and�u�tar�ilnq at�ck ar(!t a partnerat�ip�e.tatel vt.... qerCent ai
<br />- par:nersti;p interssts s�urtng the Qe�iod this Deed of 7rust remalr;a e 1i�n on tn�Propert�l
<br />- ;�, Plarm�dlaa;Aacelratbn Up�on aetauN.ln the even4 ot any Ev�,nt nf Defauit Lendsr may,without nadce a;cce�t e�s requirdd by
<br /> Ixrva.3eclara n�i Indebtadn�gsa nacured hnreby tv ba duo dnd payabia nnd the��me shali tt�ere�u��nn bsr1��►e dtia end qaysbls
<br />- wi��out eny preser�tmqnt,damand,proteat or notice o1 sny�,kind.There�fter I..ender may:
<br />- (a) t?emend that `Cr�stea exercis�ttze F'OV1�ER O� a4L� �r�hte�� herr�tn, and �'rustee �shMtl t;sereali�sr cau�e Trustora
<br />- in?Qrest in the Prog�rty to!�Q aoEd snd Sha p�oceeda tra be dislributed,ali in the mannar�ravid.ed!r.tria Ne�raska Truat Oeeda
<br /> AL'�
<br /> � (b) Exerciss any and aEt right,.+s provideci tor in any ai the Loan 1nsVuments br by law�apc*r�occ�rrence of aRy Eve�nt a".
<br />- Re�fauit;ar�d i
<br />_ �cj Cammsnce an action to i�recle�e this Used Ot Tnrst�S 8 r.tortgsge.npqolni a receivR±',o�apo�iflcally entorca a���o�9t►e
<br />� co�en,ar,ts 1'�erpof. :,�:�
<br />= P!o r�medy herel'��r confr�rred upan or r�sorved 4o Trus�e�or l.ender lu intendec�to be exclus:va of nny nthe�r remedy herrsln,in:�e
<br /> �a�n lns2rumer�ts or by I�w provt4ad vr permlttad,�ru4 each she:tl bv cumulad��s,shall be:n t�dditlon So avery other remedy given
<br />� heraunder,In the l.ar�n Instrums�nts�or naw or har�ttar exisUng Fit law or ln equhty or by a'.�tvte,and may bcj exercised concurren�y,
<br /> indapandendy or s,�ccesaively.
<br /> i �3. 7ruytee.Th�trustee may resign at any ftme without r,suse, and Le���ter qr,ey.at any tlme,arid without c�use appa4nt A
<br />- auccessor or subsHriaie Truste�s.Truatua shaH not be 1ia64a ta any parry,�ncluding wWnaut iimttatdon Lender,E3orrower,Truator or�ny
<br /> purchasar o(the Pro�re�fy,fpr any loss or darna�ge unless du�to i eckl�ss br willtul rni8condunt,and'aha!1 not ba requlred W�ka any
<br />- ���on in c'vnneciton �afih the �3nidr�[�menY af fh"� fleed 0�Tnaat urslems lnrle�r±nifled, (n wr�ting,i0r �11 Cc)otlA,compeineaHon or
<br /> �xpanmea�rhich may k+��a a�soclatad therawith.In addl�lon,TrusOee may becarne n pi�rch�ser et any cal�of the Pra�pers�({u�lciaM ar
<br /> u.nder th�pawar.q(salc�granted hereln);postpone ihe sata of ali or any pardor�oi th�Property�es prv.id�3d by law;ar se!!ihe.
<br /> Property as a whn,e,or t>��para4e paraels or lots et Tri�stee's diaeretlon.
<br /> � 14. ��ees arsc9 Fatpens�ss.!r�th�event Truatee sells the Property by exercis8 at power of sale,Trustce�hal!be entldpd to apply
<br /> any sa�a p:�xaeds 4irst;c payr�ent of ali costs and expensas Df.3xercising power ot sale,including etl Trustee's fees,and Lenders
<br /> s:�d Trsast�e's attorne;'s tea:3,actusiiy incurred to eactent permitted 6y app�iCebla law.in lt�avent Borrower or TrutKp�exerctsea any
<br /> righe prvvided by taw to curE�F:n Eve�t vi aetautt,Lender shaN be entltled ta recove�fram Truator all costs and ex�enses actuelly
<br />- fncurred as a res�lt ai Trustcrr's def��ul� Including wfthoux limitation ell Truatea's and attom�s tses,to the �xtant permittad by
<br />= a;�+piir.��le law.
<br /> t5. Future Advanoas. U[�c�n raquest ut Borrower, Lender may, at ita aption, make gddlt(nnat and tuture advances and re-
<br /> advances to Bc�rrowsr.5uch��iv:�nces.�nd readvances,witt►interesi thar�an,�hall be secured by this Deed ot Truat At n�time sha;i
<br />_ taie p�lncipal amount of tnd indeb;ednt��s secured by this pesd of Trust,not including aums�dva�c�d to protec:tt�e sect�rity of this
<br /> Deed ot Trust,exceed tha originai principai amount stat�d herein,�r$�.......�-�.�h1GMer$r fa greatar.
<br />� 16. P�Ilsceliffineou�e rrv�!4lonrl.
<br />�11 (a) t3nrr¢wer�lai Relems�d.ExtE�nsion vi ir�e Ume�l6r pt�yment or modNication cf amortlzation of tha sums sacurad by this
<br /> De2d ot Trust grantod by Len�er to arry auccessnr in interest pf Borrower shafl not ope!ete to release,in any manner,the Ii�bltity
<br /> = 09 4he ariginal 6orroerer ar,d Barrpwer's succassnrs in intQre:st.�ender shali not be required to commen�e proceedings against
<br />- such succ�ssor or r�rtuse!o extend tirr�e tar payment or a4hen,vi9e m�dl�y amortizat)on o(the sums ssc�red by this baed o4 Trust
<br />� by re�ison ot any demaniis made by the original Borrower and 8arrower's succsssors in (nterost
<br />=�: " (b) �an�er's Powera. V'lithout a�►E�cting zhe IiabiNty ai any other person Ifable inr 4he paymen4 ot any obli�atian herein
<br /> mentionecS,�nd wlthout af9ecting the li�a�nr charge ni thfg C3ac�d o4 Trust upon sny por[fon af the Prnperty not thien or thetatatore
<br /> releas�d as security for 4tte tull amount Uf a!I unpaid�hligatioris,Lander may.(rom tlme to t�me and without nottca(i)rslease any
<br /> person so ilabi2,(li)extend 4he maturiry o�alter any of the terms of eny such pbligatlons,(i(q grant other Indulgqnces,{Iv)reiease
<br /> ar racom�sy,ar�au3e to 5e reteased or��econveyed at any t�me at Lendc�r's opti,on any parce!„portlan pr all of the Fraparty,
<br /> (v)4ako ar ralease any vther or additionf;l s�curity ior any vbligation hsrein m�rrtfoned,or(.vi) mnke compositlona or othar
<br /> = arrar.gements wiL`�debtars in relat(on thereto. ° , �
<br /> (c) Forbear�nce by L�endar Net a W 4!ver.Any fo'tbeararce by Ler,der in exo�cisfng any r!ght or remedy hereunder,or
<br />- atherwise atior�nd by appi{cab�e faw,sh�A not;,be a waivex af or preciude t?�e sxercise'pt any such right ot remedy.The
<br /> -- procurem�nt nt:�surance or the payment o!'taxe9 or otheh�tiens or c�hsrgea t�y Lender afiell noi 6e a wafvar o(L�nder's�ight to
<br /> acGCSi�rate the maturiry of th�(nde5tedne.�s szcured by�this DE�ed of Trus�.
<br /> - (d) Sracceasors and Asaiqns Fiound; Jofnt and 5everal Lli�b4tft�r;i.apdonr.The ca�•enants and agreement�herein co�-
<br />- -- tained shaN �ind,and the rights hersunder shail inure tc,the r��ective successors and assigns of Lender and Tn�.star.Atl
<br /> caver.ants and agre�emen�of Trustor shal be joint and severei_The captions arMi head�r�s nf the Car�+9raphs of��s peed at
<br />- i rust are for convenie�ce onty and arQ not to bs t7sed U:interp;et or define Ghe provisions he��+of.
<br /> - (e) Request f�r Matices.The parti�s hereby req;�est f�tat a co�7y af arry notics ot detqtif�hereur�der a�.�•s cupy ot any nptite
<br /> — of 5al«a hereunder he maiied to each party to this f�eed oi Trusi at the address sat SG�th @bove.I�;ihe manner prescribed by
<br /> applicable IatiN.�xcept for any other no'tice requfred under apptic,3bte taw to be given tn a�other manner,any notice provided
<br /> for in thi�Deed of'Trust shall be given by mt�iling such notice by ce�ified�tiail addressed to the ather parties,at the address set
<br /> - forth above.F�ny notice provided tar in thi� peed of Trust shail be eNective upon mail!n� in the manner desfgnated herein.H
<br /> _- Trustor is more than one person,rotics sent to the address set,torth above shall be notice t,p all such person�.
<br /> _ (f} inape+ctlon.Lender may mak�vr car�se to be mada reasonabl�entries upon and inspections ot!he Properiy,�.�`vided
<br /> - that Lendar shatl give Trustor notice prior'q any such inspecUon specifying reasonabie cause thereipr re�ated to :•• -der's
<br /> Int�re�t{n thQ Property.
<br /> - (g) Ranr.aridaysnce.Upon payment oF af!sums seeul'ed by this D•�ed ai Trust,Landc+r shal!request Trustee to reconvey tha
<br /> _ Prooerty ttnd shali surre�der this Deed o!Tru�st and ell notbs e�ydanci��g.inde�tedness secured by this Deed oi 7rust ta Trustae.
<br /> 7rustea st�al! reconvey th�Property wlthout werranry end wiihout char�e to th8 person or perapna legally entiiled thareto.
<br /> Trustor shall pny atl casts oi recordat:an,ii a�ny.
<br /> - (h) Pi�raar�sl PrnparRy; flacurlt�r A�re�mant. Ay Addltlonal iaecui.lty Por the payment ot t�e Note,Trustor hareby g�snta
<br /> - �endar undr�r tPie Nebreslca Unitarm Comriierclai Cade a security Intcarc at!n e!!t!xtures,eq�pmenc,snd other pers,�n�l prope-+y
<br /> usod In cannecdan wlth the reai eatat9 ofimprovemente located therecrr,i�nd not otherwl p deqtared pr deambd la ktie a part ol
<br /> _ � the rdal eatat�necur'ed harehy.Thls Instrumant ah�il be r,onatrued ea�Sscurity Agream�nt under t�ald Cade,an�tha Lender
<br /> - _ shall have mll th��rights and remodiee oi�sseur�d parry under aetd Coe'e!r.�dditlon to the ri�hts an�eemadies creatad under
<br /> � and accorded the l.er.der purauant to thia peed ot Trust;provlded that L�inder's rights and remi�dias under this paragraph ahall
<br /> �°' be cumule�tf�e v+ith,�nd In no way a{Imitatlo�an,Lendar'a rights and rernedi�a under any oth��aeauriry ayreamt�nt elqned 6y
<br /> Etarrower or 7runttor. • ''
<br /> (q i..lans ancl�rtcumbrancav.Truator han�by war.r�nta snd represa�'+ts that tFiere Is no'2Yefault undar the prov,lsl�ns of any
<br /> - mortgage,deed��I trust,lease or purchasv contract dascrlbing all ar any part o�thv F'roperry,or bth�!r contrt,ct,Inptrument ar
<br /> ,� agrvemant consUtuting a Ilnn or encumbrenc��aga(nst ail or any part+�f ihe F�ro�erty(collectiveiy,"Llens"�,exiyt�nq aa oi tP�e
<br /> � drste c1 4riis Deen o1 Trust,and that any and all exlating Lions cAmaln u^�modifled except es diaclosed to Len�er in Tru.ator's
<br /> writtan dlacioflura of Ilens and en�umbrancs:s provlded tor herein.Truetor uhall tlmety perlorm ail of Truetqr's oblipations,
<br /> cavAnants,r�preeantatfnna and w�rr�ntles una'ar�ny and atl existlnp and ruture Llene,ahatl promptlylprward tp Lender copids
<br /> of�II notices af detaulf aent in connectipn with any and all oxigtlnp or futur�+I..lena,end aMe��nol witho�f Lender'a prlar written
<br /> - consent In any mannor modlfy the prvvlelons tif or ellow eny luturo adver,cea under eny exlatln�or fut,:re Llena.
<br /> _ q) Appllcmton of Paym�nh.Llnles�otherw�e requlred by law,euma pafd to Lender hereui�der,inciudinfl with�ul Ilmi�t�on
<br /> paymento of princl��af and Intere�t, In9urence proc9eds,condamnation proc✓aede and rents and proilta,s�all be��pllad by
<br /> = Lender to tho nmour�ta rY.�e end owing from Truetor and Borrawer In such orc�r��Lender in Its scle dlscretton daema desl�able.
<br /> = (k) SevarsbUlty. If any provlslon of this pkr�d of Truat confllcta with ;��cpliceblo law orla declared Invalid or pthervvlse
<br /> unen!c�rcenble,such canflict or Invalidity ffihall���t e�tfe�ct the other pravluonn ol thla besd oliTrust or the Note whlnh can be
<br /> � givqn atlect wlthout thb eonfllcting proviaion,and io ti�!s end the provlslvne oT f�le Deed of Truet and!he Note.are dectwred to be
<br /> sev�rabie.
<br /> m
<br /> _ , . ,
<br /> ' � ' .
<br />