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<br /> PR��AGE 1'Q AGRi�41LY1lRAL a��D t?F TRU�`!` � ��
<br /> COMPL�'fE this portlon QNLY H the real�aroperty described
<br /> conatsb nf tNAN{DURLLY OWNED AGRICUL7UtiAL UWD.
<br /> If applicable,compiete C'�il.Y ON��tther p�B,nr G:
<br /> Trusror acknawl�dges that Trustor i:s abaut to ezecute the tollaw(ng Deed ot Trust upon the Prope�y.truator,and each of them
<br /> !t mora than one,hereby cllsciaima Truatpr's right 4o designaie�homestead on�sid real estate:tdo p8rt oi Trustars hameatead ts
<br /> presen�ty or wlti tn tha future be situet�c!up�n salci re���state,'Trustar undarstands that ft Trustnr os9sblishes a ham�staad on any
<br /> . part nf said r+eai eetate dur�np ihe��e thrr Deed ot Truat rema,ine unaaUSfi�d rr.�a iien�qon said rsal e5ffite,tY,ere et;all be no rl9ht to
<br /> mak�5 desi�-ra'don o1 horrnsstead!n th�,enren4 09 a toreclasure or truate�'s eate wlth reep�ct ta setd Deed of Truat
<br /> trustor acknovrledges th;3t Trustor is about to execute the foltowfng[7eed of 1"rust upr�n the Property.'Prusto�,and each of them
<br /> if morv than vne,hereby waiv�3s Trustor�right to r��sslgna4s a hc:'nestead an said reai esiate.�ru,e�to�understAnds that Tn:s:or has
<br /> rEght tca mak�a de�signatlon o9 hamos4ead and that by ax�cut;nq lhis:aiver,Tr�!stor fs waivfng righb oth�nvfse ava(lable Tor the
<br /> purpo3a ot aNarding'3iem the��pp�rtun6ty tn retsin Trustor's homeatesad 1n the evant oR a deMuit upon the peed vi Tnsat
<br /> � C. DE5IGNATICIN QF NpM�;i�'EAD:
<br /> Pursuani to the Farm Home:3tead Rrsatectfon Act(Section 76-f901 eR seq.F(eviserJ Statutea of the Statg of Mebra�aka),Trustor
<br /> hereby designates the rea!estatE�described in the"Designativn of Homast�ad"�ttached hr�reto and lncorporateti hereln by thia
<br /> reference. °
<br /> �I r�f.- -� _
<br /> �1 stor
<br /> ���
<br /> �r stOr��
<br /> Q►Ci�i�tJLTL1Rl4L t��i�D �F "R'RU aT 1NtTi�1 �UTIfFtE 1�DVANCE�
<br /> TIiIS aE�D C1F TFiUST,(s mad�aas nf the �2 day oT Maxch ....,.,,1fl 9�,,by snd amonfl
<br /> the Tru;3tor, 'Jou�las C. Ja��es and Michelle I�. Jones, flusband and wtf�, _ ,
<br /> ,.
<br />� whose maifing adclress is ���7 T�.7.E�.�� � a�, d• Ann han.. j3E• 68832 (herein„�Trusto�'',whethar one vr rttqre),
<br />-� � ,,,�;
<br />��" tho 7rustea, Bank of D�ninh�g, a NP_ raska Cn;poratlon
<br /> , - .._.._, _.______..r._,
<br />�; P 0 Sa� B Dani hun, NE 6g832 '`�
<br />_� whose mai�ing addrass is � P (her�in'T:ruatee'7,8n�
<br />� the Bene(idary, �ank o£ D��nivhan
<br />�� �
<br />�
<br />�' whose mt�ilin addresa is � 0 �ox �, Danivhan NE b8f332
<br />� g r (herein"Lender'�.
<br />� FpR VAt,UABI.�CONSIDERATlON,inaiuding lentler'8 e�ctenslnn ai Credit idgrttiry¢d Mieroi►1 t0�aug],.g8 C. Janes and
<br /> = kiicheile L. Jones —(herein"Borrawe;,"whettter ona or rrwre)anc!the trtiat herein croeted,
<br /> = the rec�+:g!at which is hereby acknowle�,�ged.7rustor heraby ircevocabiy grants,trar:aiois, co�nveys.t�nd asaipnn tp Truatee,IN
<br />�� TRU�1',WIYH i�^`�ER t7F SALE,ior the benaiit�n�s��curity��t Lender,undar and subjsCt to the t�rma�aF�d conditlana hareinafter set
<br /> _ torth,the resl property,deacrib�d aa fotlowa:
<br />� , .
<br />_ The Northwest Quazeer (NW�) �6ect�an �wenty Eight (28), Tvwnsk�_lp Nine (9} No:sth,
<br /> Kange Ten (].0) West o� the bth P,.M., Ha1� County, Nebzaska.
<br /> - M� �
<br />�.� .
<br />� Together with a(I buildings,Imprav�ments,fixturea,str�ela,altays, passageways,e�sements,rights,privileges and appurt�e-
<br />�� n�nces located thereon or in anywlse perlaining theretv,gnd the rents,issues and prafitn,reveralons and remalnders thereof,and
<br /> -- such perso�al property that Is attached to the Improvemants so as to constitute a fixture,fnciuding,but nvt timited to,heaiing ar�d
<br />�' caoling equipment;and togethsr with the,homestead or mer;tat interests,if eny,which Intereats are hsrqby released�nd walvod;a�ll
<br />;�; oi which,including raplacements and additlons theret�a;Is hereby declared to be e part of the real e$#ate aecured by thn Iien o1 thl'�a
<br />_� , , Dead of Trust and all of the fort�gaing being referred to herain as the"Proprirty".
<br /> —=�..� :
<br />�t � This Deed nt Truat shAtl secure(a)tha peymant a(the principal sum and Intares4 evidenced�y a promisaory nate or crod(t
<br />'� ` agre�ment dated Mar�:h 22, :19SS_ ,hav4'nq a rr�aturity dete ol I�nrch 10. 2010 .
<br />- '� In the orf�fnal princ(paf amount pf��.LS?S1S?�O�� ,�nd any and all mpolflcaHona,extenslona.�nd renewele
<br />_ ' thereoi or th�roto and any and all fulure adv�ncee and readvencos to Borraw�mr(or any ol lhem If more than on�a) herounder
<br /> �
<br /> pur�uan�tp ane nr mnre prvmiosory natos or credOt�graement�s(hereln cefled"NGte");(b)tha peyment of athar aumd�tdvanCBd by
<br /> - promlar�vrq rioCe of thir� da�e
<br />� �
<br />�
<br />� `!
<br />_� .
<br />� '
<br />� ,
<br />� � .
<br />- ��dBC.�457�A�rkulNrnl pead)qe�+.8l94 � � � �
<br /> � . m!ae8 Nwtk.rrJ 13enk d(`.orm�wce lYwi snd 5avkyp AetpcYeMon.Lk�ealn.Nsbraaka . � .`.� ..�i w " f .
<br />� .
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