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<br /> % �rirf.
<br /> horein e�"H�x�rcivua PR�uterlxla"!.'��ustae iieratjy war�ane�n�.l re�rs9�nt�ta l9�►der l�+�t tt:nroa�ono 14are�do�a�dti+if�t�riai�c�ic nr _..:_
<br /> unitc�rtn�N�n�:arty.`iiuRt�lrizctral�yayr��:yfc,lndarnNl,+ar.c!ho!c6i��nrrn!��96�nsie•r,It�c;ls�e.t:tr,3,0{�ir!'Pc'1,Gi'r1�11:1yc't3t�R(I�.�fS�:li:1,9,Kn�1, a,w;.-
<br /> any aucaw�eors to 1..�'�Interwt,lcaiM a+�d eya�nnt pny�and o11 ciaimo,d�magae,la�aea a�'+d Il�b�filiee ar►�Inp In r�nnecdoa with
<br /> tt,�si:esnncP, ��srr, d'epaaal or ti�Rnapo�t�nf any Nr�xe:rd�r��e Materlr.l�on,i�rttl9r,fram ar a�bmut 4he Rropdrry.7Vi�FQ�t�(3QirlC ___ _
<br /> VYfItiNARi11C�iRt��JHcI-nc:ici�iAYi�i�vrA�J('1Y�l!i`i'td1:'.^iO;LIGA�10��:rf`UI::.�lJf.�?l'TOTt"_:FF�;I'��'�l1�r����nr�e�,uj~y��'}�a��,
<br /> 1 p. 01wt�wn�H ol ilene�.Tcyatar hereby a�al�na to Lt�nder lho rentf,ieauea anri protlta o?Q�e Propar�r;provl�ed th�t Truxter
<br /> ehal6 unU!tho occurren�a ut sn�vent at Deiault heraundar,havcs the elflht to collt�ct and�atain atich r�i�ta,f saueo snd urofit4 s�ttiey
<br /> Wcoms dae and paya�la.Upan the ocourronCe ot an�vent Ai OetRUlt,l.ender may,eithAr i���aa!rac�n or by�ant,wlth ar without„
<br /> qr�nping,eny sctlon oc proceedinQ,or by s�ec�lvar a�ppolnted by u caurt end w�t�hout regard tdit?Qrt.c{s�c�uK:y of Ita t+�ecarity,sr,�ar
<br /> upo»end 4Ake(w�se�alon af fhef�rop6rty,or any pan tfioreol,irs Ite own na,m9otfn the a��maqt►.Iiy>-7ni:�tr���r�ncSdoahy r�c4awhlah It —
<br /> Gw,��ar�;.c:;�.syCrd_alrab+.etopree�R'OtltBVBIll9.msrke!�hlliM;�re�sl'7:4��(h�,nfthePropcs3y,qra.my(�arlt�fcd�nt��rinfarpBtthAreln, ______
<br /> Ircre�ee the income ti�oreirom or prp4act tha s�curlty h�arec�t,�,t1,u�ittt or.�t�itN�r�ut tak�ng pns�s�salan�f tho P���S6�+ry,orae for or�
<br /> otherwise cr�llect[re rante,lssue�and protita thereol,Inctud��:�,{i1:�tfi�9st duai and un�ald;enei R?r�►1y t�1e►t�m�t,lr�aa e:asts end
<br /> expaneoaofopora.tonandcolleaUortlncludi�ga.ttQ*n�yo'tee9,upun:�n/�ins{;tl'�tc�d!neasaecuredheTeEy,d�fl.li►q�tc�arr�9ara�Lc+ndBr ,
<br /> may deterrnlni�.The�utoring upa�Y and taking possesolon ot ihe Rrc�pesry,the coltectl�n of such rents,Iss�s�and proit[�s ena the ^
<br /> aFpllcatton there�t ge atoreseld,flhall not curo or walve Any do!au�t or notiae o4 default heroundor ar InvAlldatA any s�t dona In _
<br /> respnn�etoeucAdetaultorpurauanttnauchnallceotdetaultand,notwlthatandlnptheco�tlnuencolnpos�aslonolthaP�opertyor _—
<br /> tha collecdon,recalpt and sDPllcatlon of rents,isauee ar profltp,and Trustee pnd Lender shstl ae enthled to ex�rcle�n q+�t�is��iflht -
<br /> p;a•t;.'r"�s!^�z;�ltt�y�4�►�Lznr�.�ment�n►bvlt!w�?for�iu;c��rrenc.aMany[vantofClsS...:::,:rtclud:ngwlthouilimftattac►4±;ti179htto
<br /> exe�rcls�tho�sower of eefe.Further,Londer's+iphts and remedtes under this paragraph ehaU be�umulattra�wfth,and In no way a
<br /> Ilmltetlan on,Lenrlet'o rights anc!romedles undar arty asalgnment of leases and rents recosdfla e�insfitJ�Froperty.Lender,Truatee
<br /> Lr:�q��rC;,::;��;sRsil b�Ileb�o ta�.ccaunt enly tho�r�rcnt3 Actuully re�t2fccd. ' ,___
<br /> 11. �vonb W DNpuN.Tho fallo�viny ehall constltute an Evant o4�efoult under tht(t h7,ind QiLYru�it•
<br /> {e�Fa(Iura tn�amy any tnntnlimant at princlpal ar lnterest ot eny other sum sacura�N�reby whed due;
<br /> (b) Abreachofordetsultunderanyprovlsloncoe�talnedlnthoNotn,thlsOc�edaf7r�st,anyaiti�oLoa�aDocumenta,o�czny _
<br /> othsr Ilen or ericumhrence upon the PropertV; -"
<br /> (�)A wrlt o1 oxecutlan ar ettachment ur�ny elmllar pracosa�hafl be enterod agalnst Trustor whlch shall becomo a tlen ore
<br /> the Properiy or any portion thereof or Interoat thereln; ' ___ .,
<br /> (d)�'her�shall 6e tltad by or agalt�st Trustor or f3orrower en actlon under any preseni or iuiure federel,state or ather
<br /> stetute,law or��ulatlon relating to bankruptcy,Insolvency or atNer►oltetfor debtars;or the�e ahall 6e nppolnted any trustee, _
<br /> recefver qNlquldator ot Trustor or Borrov+er or ot aii or any parr oi ii�v F�upa�'ry,v►inn t�nia,iaauoy ui Nivnw u�8ia'vi,v'7 liuoivT =-�-
<br /> or Bnrre��sf�alf mako eny general asslQnment for tha denefit ot c�edltors;
<br /> (e�The,9altt,tranater,loasa,esslgnm���:convoyance or further encumbrance ot en ar any part oi or arry inieresi irt ina
<br /> Property, elther vol�ntarlly or Involur�tarlly, wlthout tho vxpress wr(tton consent af Lender,provtded that Trustor ehal) bo _
<br /> permltlacl to oxecute e lease ot ths Praperty that doas not contaln en optton fa purcha�v and tt�eterm ot whlch does nnt exceed _
<br /> ei�a ycar.
<br /> (�Absndonment ot the f►rap�rty;ar
<br /> (g) If Trustor Is no2 an Indivldual,the losuence,sale,transfer,asstgnmont,conveyance or encumbrance o4 more than a total —
<br /> ot�.porcent ef((t e corporatlo�)Its Issuod snd outstanding stock or(It a p�rtnershep)a total of. percent of
<br /> p9rtnorshtp Int�rests d�f►ing the perlod thls Oeod oi Tiust remairrs a Ilen on 4he Property.
<br /> 12. Rxnsdlau;AccetorAtlon Upon Qefault.In tho event oi eny Event ot Oefnult Lertdor may,wiihout noUce axcopt as requlrod by =,��,-
<br /> law,decltire ell Inde�tedness seaurod hereby to bo due nnd payable and the :,ame shall thoreupon bscome due and psya6le L
<br /> wlthout any presentmant,demend,protest or noUce o4 eny klnd.Ti�oreafter lend?r may: ----
<br /> (e) pamanc4 that Trustee exorcise the POWER OF SALE grante�3 hereln, end Trustee shall thereatter cause Trustor'� ,...
<br /> Intarost in the ProFseRy to be sold and the proceeda to be dlstrlbuted,oll ln the manner prov@ded In tho Nebra�ka Trust Deeda -
<br /> Ach, v�
<br /> (b) �xerclseanyandal�sic�l�tspravldediorinanyofthoLoanDocum�ncsorbylaw��:ponoccurrenceofanyEventofDefault: t-„_._,
<br /> AT1d.i ' x �`
<br /> (c) Commenca nn aatton to torectose ihls Deod of Trust es a mortgage,sppolnt a rocelver,or spaclflcalty entorce eny of thv �'_
<br /> covenents hc�roet, ` �
<br /> No remedy hereln conferrad upon or reserved to i rvsteo or�.endor la Intendad t4 be exclusive o}any ather remedy hereln,In the �;F:�L
<br /> ° Loan DucumAnts ar by law provtdcd or pormNtod,but cuch shall be cumulatfve,sha10 be In edd itlon to every other remedy fli�en E �
<br /> heroundor,In the Loan Oocumonts or now or heroaiter exlsting at Iaw or In equlty or by sta4ute,ar.d mey b9 exercfsed concurrentty, �_`-<:::
<br />__ ln�t�portdantly or successlvely., r"`'
<br /> v3. Trusto�.The Trustee may reslgn st any tlm9 wlthout causo,and Londer may et any time and without caase+appofnt a Fy��`•
<br /> = succossor or acks3�lute 1'rustee.Trustee ehell not be liable to any party,Incl��ding wlthout limltatlor�Lendor;Borrower,Srustor or any
<br /> purchasflr of t8a.�'f�apavty,far any los3 or dam�g�uniess duo to rockless or wllltul misconduct,en d shall not be raqulred to take eny '
<br />= nc4lon ln connectton wlih the ontorcemont ot thla DeQd o}Trust unlesa indemnifls�,In wr(ting,tor aIl costs,compe�satlon or .
<br />� ex{�enons whloh may be assoc!a�ad thorewtth.In addltlon,Trustoo mey bocome o purchaser ata�y sato o}tho Prop�rty Qudlclal or .,
<br />: ursdey rthe pOwer ot sale prant�d tr�orsln);postpone the sale o1 all or any portlon of thv Propor�y,ns provfdod by Inw;or so1!fho
<br /> ° Pro�ert�►ns a whole,or In separate parcels or lots at Trustao's dlscrotlQn. ..
<br />� 1A. F�and�cneno*s.In the evsnt Trusteo sells the Proporty by exorclse of powor ot salo.Tru�tCO 3halt bo ontitiod fo pppty
<br /> - any salo pracce�s fiYSt to psymont of all costs nnd expenses ot exerClslnp power o}sale,Inctuding aIl Trustee's foes,and Landor'�
<br />� and Trustae's era:+,oy's te�o,actually Incurred So oxtent permltted by appllcable law.In tho ovont Borrowor or Trustor oxarclsos any
<br />=- rl�ht provlc�od by Is�K to cure an Event ot Do}ault,Londer ahall ba ontlttad to roc�v�r trom Tr�stor sll c�sts and oxpen&ps actually
<br />� Incurr�l e3 s ro�ult of Tru�tor's d�tnult,Includfn�s�lthaut Itmitntton�!1 Truatee's and nE:ornoy's tees,to the extent por,mftted by ,
<br />- �ppllcabto law.
<br /> ' t5. Fuiun Adran��e. Upon roquvst of Borrowor,Londor may,at its aptlon,mako additlonal and future advnnces ond ro-
<br />`�] ndvances to 9orrovrer.Sach advAncaa and roadvancvs,with Interest thoreon,ahall bq securod by thln Qeed of Yruat At no tlme ehall
<br />'a thc�princfpal amount ot tho Indebtedness seourud by thls Deod of Trust,�ib#i:lt�d41�sums adv�ncad to protect tho socurlty of tht3
<br /> ,� Deed of Tr��t,exceed the odpinal princiAal nmount at�tod horoln,nr$_ .,whl�ln�v���I�greator.
<br /> .- 1�.etl�e�)fanecus Pnivl�loas.
<br /> � (p) �otroa�zr N�!F3alcr�ed.Extonston oi lho tlmo tnr paymont or modl�tcntlon of mm�rtl�atlon oT thu aums secured b�+tnls
<br /> � Oe3orJof Trust g►ai�tad by LandQ�to ony succoss�r In Interest of Borrower shal�not aporato to ralaa�o,!n afly mannor,tho Ilablllty
<br /> � ot the or(glnal 0orrowei nnd Borrowur'o succassors In Intora�t.Londer shnll not be roqufrodta commanco pracaedings agntnst �
<br /> � such suceessor ot vetu;,e to oxtand Umo for paymont or atharv►Ise madlt�emo�tlzatlon ot the sums sscurad by lhls Detsd o}Trust �•
<br /> � by rcason of any demands mado 6y tho orlglnal 8orrower and 8nrrawor's sucanssors tn Intorost
<br />:.� (b) Landsr'�Ptlwstt.WRhout attecting the Qablllty o1 any othor porson Ila'�lo tor tho pnymont ot any obllpation hproln �
<br /> mentlocs�,H:�d:.ithoc:t at��ci�n�i��a 1l�n or cha+�6o af thf�Q��d oPTruat upan any portlon ollh�Proporty net then arthcrc:btore
<br /> -� rolossed as aecurity tor tho full amount of sll unpald obIlQaUona.Lendsr mny,irom tlme to tlmo end with�ut notlao(q reloQSO nny
<br /> � pnrson so IIabIQ,pI)oxtond th0 maturiry cr a(tsr eny oi the torms ot eny cuch obllgatlons,(IIq grunt othor Indutg�nces,pv)r�teaso
<br /> � or roconvay,or cuuso to B�roleased or reconveyod ut any timp nt Lender's optlon any parcol,portlon or all of tho Rropoity,
<br /> (v)tnko dr roten90 any othar or additlonal socurlty for any ob11g3Uon horain montlonod,or(vl)make comp9sttlon3 or othor
<br /> ! , nrmngesno�ts with dehtore In reletlon thsreto. '
<br /> - . • , i<
<br /> _
<br /> � r. , . --_ ._ .. . _ _. . _.. , .
<br /> �
<br />