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<br /> fhaTr�antr.r., ._. F.,"tvF_N,n�.t��.�..��A1��,..,.�_ llahrw�r�f�e�!'Lnr,�it�ra4Ynn - --.__.__�^_-_�.w .._..,.._..._-...-r-.....- .
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<br /> rN�• """"...""
<br /> 2(Dl i N. L�rncirlbt;ll G:a�anU Iclnnd, W�. 6tiQp�-15b'] (hernip"t.�mck+r"�.
<br /> wtsa����al�Irs�edclrese!a..,M ..._.
<br />, Fu�4�,t,,,"-,�!.�CONSI[�CR��YIQPl,Idclucliny{.endR;'s ontans!.�n�ti r.rodit IEls,nttpt+�1 hnre�:n fn�.. ..__.�.,....—..-- .
<br /> Qa�d�i.►3 Con��.ruati�n T.nc (horein"�orr�r��rnr",.vcheth�tr ane;ar mDre)a��q;the,tr��7t hr�l'�ftt;craatetl,
<br /> 1tt8,f�c,6�{yit:R1`�iP�ich Is heraby�tr,kR.{��149:{�ed,T�uat�r h�t�hY�rr�.vocaUly�rante..tran&fpvn,carl}ny�c�nd;+�s�l�nA�a'Trua+.ee,ft�
<br /> TFZUSi6+fNl7F!AOYt'ER dl�SAIE,loi4t�e l�ea�ryt(qa:�rJ ER�uri�i c�!I.R�nclHr,s�tttlt�t Apd�ubJecttatho termii�t��isr�ntl►t{ci�►aheielnaftar adt
<br /> lorth,th�4 r�a�propertY de8crl6e�J aH Yo�l��tit��:
<br /> 1.f3'f..FiVG (3?, 9I.qCK F'Iyfi t�f, G��RGE L67AttE'S SU1�1�1VR�Ipt� 70 TiiE CSe'Y..OI'. �riAi�D
<br /> a�>i.t±i•�ll� I(ALL GGi1H7'Y,, k,1�.BR�iM1{A-
<br />_ " 7'ogeih0r wtth ell bulldinge,improvamentH,tixturos, atreets,alieys,pussage�vays,�asemen49,right�,prtvlleges and appuiDr- --
<br />_ � na��GC�i�cat�d t��ar�«;�or In enywh;a periutning tiierot04 ond(t�o�onta,(t3su�3 anci profiia,rcvaio:oit�AfiJ r�:neiriuur�ti►ciuui,a+�t� �
<br /> �u�.h perao�al proporty that ts at�ichci:to tho Improv:�r:a�ts.:o au to consiltuto a flxiti�e,Inctudin�,but not IImiE�x!tu,haadny and
<br /> cnoiing equfpmont;and tog_*.?aar with tho 9►omest�aad or r��;aritat Interssts,if eny,wi�ICh ir�terosta era hereby releassd and waived;all _�
<br /> of which,Inctudlnp replecementa ond eddltlons thereto,ca herr,by declared to be a partof the real estateeacurer3 by the Ilen of thla
<br /> Oaed o}Trust end ell 01 tha toregoin�being referred to i�areV�ea the"�'ropeRy". ,
<br />_ 1'�sls Q�:,:cY Trua!�h�!!secure(�)C��paymeni ol*_he�rincl�al aum nnd IntarASt evldonced by a promis�ury�ote or credit °"'-
<br /> ay�e�ment dated Rpril £�th 19�5 ,having e mAturity da4o ef._._June ist 1�95 --
<br /> __..,
<br /> 111 l69 O�I}�1R81 pn�ICfp81 8ti10Ullt OTi_ 5xa_(17.0.5� ,�yna eity 8iu'&iI Ttv�ili{i;ati'vi�6�o+�sviiCi'vRo 6Ti�i"ai�v�+a,�o -
<br /> thereo4 or thereto and any and all tuturo advances and readvances to Borrowar(or any of thmm if more than one)horeuader
<br /> purouant to ona or more promiasory notes or credlt agreemente(hereln celled"Note'�;,(b)the paymant ot a4he►�ums ndvenced by
<br /> Lender to protect the security of the Note;(c)the pertormance of all covenanto and ag�eamenta of TrusUOr sst tort3�hareln;and(d)ai!
<br /> pre�entand tuture Udeb4ednoss and obllgations of Borrower(or any ot them if mo�e thAn onQ�to l.ender wBether tlirer.t,Indirect, __
<br /> absoiuta or contingent and w:�ether arlaing by note,guaranty,overdrati or othorwiso.The Hote,this Deed of Trust and any and all �
<br /> otherdxuantsthatsecuretheNoteorolhanviseexecutedlnconneotlontherowlth,Inctuding�cithautlimlleUonguarantees,securlty _�,
<br /> agroements and asaignments ot teasos end rents,shall ba referrod 4o hereln as the"Loan Documente". �.
<br /> 1'ruatar covenants end agreoswith Lender ct3 foliowe; ._�_
<br /> 1. P�Ym�nt d tnd��a.A!I Indebtedness sec�red hereby shail be pald when due.
<br /> 2. THN.Trustor Is the ownar of 4he Prope►ty,haa the right and authority to conve�the Property,nn�warrante that the Ilen �``
<br /> created hereby la o first anrl prfor Ilen an tho Properly.oxcept tor Iiens and enaumbrances set to►th b Trustor in wrltin and '"`�"
<br /> Y 8 i�,.,
<br /> dellvered tn Len�er bafore ex�cutlon of this Dee�ot Trust,snd the execution and delivery of this Deed of�rust doos not vlolato any ��?'�;
<br /> contrect or other obligation to whlch TrusYar i�subJeCt ���-
<br /> 3. T�xN,MttNmanh.To pay betore delinquency ali taxeg,speciai assessments and all other charg�s egalnst the Proporhj ���-:
<br /> now or here►after levle+�. "^
<br /> 4. Iraurarfc�.To keep V:eFroperty Inaured Againatdamage by fire,l�azardal�ctuded.within tho term"extenrled coverefle",end �::-_
<br />- such other hezerds es Wnder may requlra,In amounts and with compe�ies acceptablo to Lenderr,naming 1.ent'tar as e�n add(ttonel ,,e�r<'.
<br /> named Insured,wlth Iesa payable to tho�ender.In case ot toss under such policles,the Lender 19 AutAorized to adJus4,collect and •:r�
<br /> compromise,all cloims lhoreunderand ah�11 havo the aptlon o!applying all or part of the inuurancm proceeds(I)to eny Indebtedne�y . .
<br /> secured hsreby and In such ocder a&I.endar may determino,(II)to tho Trustar ta be uaed for the repair•or rostaratlon of the Preperty
<br /> or(III)fet any other purpos9 ar obJect satistactory t�tiender w(thout attecting the Ilen oflhi3 Dead otTrustlor tho fult amount socurc�d .
<br /> hereby beMre such peyment exer t�ek place.liny applicaUon oi proceeds to Inde4t.dness shall not extond or postpone the due ,,
<br /> dato of eny Raymenta u�ider Ehe Note,or cure eny datault thereunder or heraunder. .
<br /> 8. Escrow.Upon wrftten demend by Lender,lYuoto r shall pay to Londer,In suah mpnner as Lender may deaignate,suBictent
<br />-- sums to enahla l.ender ta pay ae they becarne dua vna oF more of the foliowing:(q all taxaa,assess^�ants anr!other chnrgo�ega'.nst
<br /> the Pro►�a�ty.�::)the promiumo on the proparty insuranca roqutrad hereundar,nnd(Iil)the promju�n3 an any morgage Inauranca •
<br />- requlred hy Lender.
<br /> 6:'M�i�9�naee�.Pi�po1ra�eul Compllanco wilh Lewi.Truatur ahall ksep tho�POperry In goad conditlan und ropulr;ehall
<br />� �•romAtiy repatr, or replec�a 2ny Imprrnroment whtch m�ay he damagod or destroyed;shall not commlt ar peemlt nny waste or
<br />= detcrtora�on ot the Property;ahall not remove,demolieh or substnn[lalty alter any of thv Improv�ments on thA Proporty;shall�ot
<br /> commit,aatter or perm(t eny ac!to ba done in or upon the Propa�ty In viotation o0 any law,urdlnanc�,mr reputntlon;and shall pay end •
<br />- prompHy discharge ut Trustar'n cust artd nxpenae all Ilens,encumbran�es and charges levlod, Irc�pasod ar easossod egain�i tho
<br /> PropeRy or any part there�f.
<br />- 7. �minant Doma7c�.Londor la hernby analgnad all compenastlon,awards,darr.�ges and other paymente or rettet(herolnaiter
<br /> "Proceeda")In aonnectlon wft�r,ondemnaUon or othnrtaking of the�PropeAy or part ti��root or tor coneoyanaa In lieu of condamnn-
<br />- tton.Lender shall Ue onfttted et Ita optlon to commenca, appear In and prosecute tn ii�own neme any ectivn or procvedMgs,end
<br /> cflell also ba sntitl9d to malco any compro�nlso ar se:ttemant In connectlon wfth�ach tnicing or d;�mage.ln tho evont�ny poNon o}
<br /> th�Property Is so taE:sn ar damapad.Lander shall havo tho optlon,in ita eoto nnd absoiute discr6tlon,to apply ali e�ch Pcocaede,
<br /> = atier detlucUci�iherefrom ull oosts�tnd oxp�naoslnr.urresd hy It in connGCtion wlth auch Proceeds,upnn nn��Ind�bted�e��securtt� I
<br /> fiereE►y arod In�uch order a4 Lezd��may d��ermino,or ta npply oll cuch f�roccc�a,attcr such dcductiqna,to tho rostor�tlon of Ih�
<br />= Propocry upfln sucli conortiurr9 as i.endermny ueierrriina.Rrty eppiiCmlvn vi t�rv�veQa iv irtdvQioQi�B oimn inn onimru vi}rvaq�m
<br /> tho dufl dote of mny payments undQr the Aloto,nr curo any dofault thereunder or horeuncior.An�r unappllod tunda shall bo patd to
<br />' Trustor.
<br />= 0. PerPo:manc+�by L�nchr.Upun 4he oceurranco of an�vont of Qotault Aoreundor,or if nny net is taken or legul prpceedfng
<br />° canmes�ced whiah materiatly affec!�Lender's Interest lrt the Property,Lander m�y In Its own dlsarotlon,hut wilhout oblinatlan to do
<br /> so,end without naiice to or da�nand u�an Trusior ond�sithout relaasin{�Trustor from any obl Ipatlor►,do any acS tvtilch Trustar has
<br />= aflre�d but talt�fo da and may stso do eny other act It deems neoeasary to protect tha aocuafty herooL Teustor shall,Immedlntoty •
<br />' upor�doman�t?torofur by Lendor,pay to Londor etf cost�dr�d oxpensea incurrod ansi Hums oxpe�.dGu uylo�dar In con��w.uai�:It,°�
<br />° theexerGisebyl.endaro4thetoreyoingrl�hta,togethsrwithlnter�stthereonatthedefaultreteprovi�tedlntRofVo?e,whichehallbe
<br /> - c�dded to the Indnbtednesffi aecured her4by. Lender chnA noY Incur any I!ahlltry b4causo ot anylhing It may do or omlt to do
<br /> ' h�+raundar.
<br />;�
<br /> ., ,.
<br /> i _ __ �
<br />