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<br /> '�tr.A'oraUa tfld�YnA1��rity��f Ht6 In:#ot�fe�i[±di��tw.t;u!tai l���4i'��e�(ie.i�:i ui 7;��sS. .,
<br /> (dJ fk4+:+:w+�w�sXa efrid f.�lfctta'D.�unt?,,iufn;a�n�l4�verer!i��tst!ftg;C��Mnrac.'�t!►c;,v�nx�nt�!nr�a�rnom�nlp h+rr�n Cnn• -
<br /> � taln�d�h�ll Wtid,Mntl t7nA rly�hts Y�tre�ndeot ahe�ll inue�tU,the roepctc4ve auer.n�s80rd&nd eaulsns at L�+�c��r��'�t�'iruiSi7r.h�'r -
<br /> ', rtoKUn+��+l�srcl�pr�rrtrnt�ai Trtrsloc thall b�joini arxl�++srf�l,7ha ae�danu und he�to�rip��I th�p�rarpr•�ha of�hls FT+wd of _
<br />. .•:i:::.�G:���'��1:,••»��»"•�•••��•n.(rr�r��!t,��,4��.,.,�t�,1n�+�i��tR:t,r cit�tir'rA 9�tn[na;��9�UfIS tl�fQ.�tf. �- _.
<br /> �y 11MrMl l�r Np�.Th�q�rtl�b he�reby r�quat th�t�Copy uf Any nod�:�e�f d�ftuH h,or6uitid�r snd.*copy of R�)n.rata
<br /> af swk hereue�dir.W�rnLll�d t4�uwch�u►iy to•thla Dead o11'r�e!at th�sddra�sM torlh�t>ove In ths m�nn�r prrircrlbsd.trd
<br /> atpplicabft�w.�x�dr!?ur pr►Y a2ht►r noHc�r�ufrad uroder n�plicabin luar So bd pfven in enotsi�er n�nnnrr,any nabcA�ravkf�d�
<br /> , for{�n��a�le�d of 7rust alu�ll ba piwn by rr�11►nQ eucn r.a�cq by cMtitCdd rr.�ll�dd���sect to t�n oihor partien,�t tha o�cldrses�st
<br /> 3ortlt�t�ov�.AnN rrudc&proviri�d tor In thls�qadd ol Trust afia!t'tsa aNe�r'.1,!•.,�r,cuy rna�li:ny In thq m�nns►deef�n�ta�har+Nn.!t
<br /> T�aator In m+>r�x thc�n nne r�ertion,noUco son!to tha addreas sbt forth Hbuvt+sshcll Ita natia9 to ell Quch pArsons.
<br /> �� 1�a�ne�ia�.l.�ndan.mRy rr�aka Grr,auee ta t,e en�de redennnhlH entrim����rrn nn�!Inbpectlans ot,tha Pro�rty,pravlci�!
<br /> ihns�.endnr m�hal{��vn Truetar natira�adar to eny ec�ch irta�ecYlan epaoln+inu,eaan�r.n{�t�r,auae�iierqfor ret�fr+ct L�i�x�,r;rri'K
<br /> tn�niRnt hi.tt�n,t�rC+nrnt�
<br /> ��),5lvcanvoY�w�tsrt..laF��t�t p�},`mn�f.�t st11 suma twa�n���r1 by thla�?onti o}7ru94,l.endR�•.shc�li us�i�net Trf�9lo�st�ra:a�+stey th�b•
<br /> f�copa��ty snd�shall nurra+ndkr,lii!�p v".?�c1 oi'E'�u9t end r,ll+ia�c�n a�v(�irnc�in�indobteslrlotta�oourr�rJ hy lhtn fasn�r!n1 rns�tin•Trir�t�. ,
<br /> 'ii�:at�e ahsul ratonvey the PooperP/v�;thout wartai�Tp,o.nrl.vrithnut ch�r4e to Me pare�rn cr q�rRnrtn f�all�ft+Yt�ti0+t19f�M��lri•
<br /> ;� 7ru�tcx sh�li pay all cc,aEa of recosdattap.It nny: . , -
<br /> ' . (h)4h�rt+�+�1 prop�ty:S�cuHt�F Aqnenwnf.11t�adrlltln��nl,eflaurity for the peymeni ot iho�tcitn,�'ru�tor he►'eby prents •
<br /> ;,�:.d�:�r.«r«'i:�!�r�a4.�L��lts►���m�nR�r,tn��;,��:�,flPnurl��>inlnreatin a!1 tixturea.eyuipment,and othar(re+r�/�n+il.prc�p�rtY ,
<br /> uaed In carrnacuon wlttt�lkln real estelle or Emprovra�l�.�s�+L9 Ca�isttnd thitreun,attd s�^,t otherwfae clACtered ordem�sn�f�tu�ttt v+pti►t ot
<br /> the r�ul seWts socured 7aaS'�by.Tfifa lnahumant ahql�,�b�'conelnted Ae a SeCUrlty Apreanent under s�W Cat�;�EIS?�t+ti���:6ndsr
<br /> �h�ff ha��c.lf fh�Nryht;���rd r-me�;vo of e esc��rod��lty Url�ier satd Codo Ir additten to th�r�ghts cnd re�r:$dl!S�r�:�Y��Gnder .
<br /> and accorded thn l.ender.ipuraua�nt to thls Deai of 1Yust;provfdad ihat Londor'a rights end romnrlles un�9��hta paregrepli ehail
<br /> be cumui�t#ve wkh,end In no way a ilmitntion on,Lertdsr'a riphts sr+d�amedfes under any other escurlty��reen'�st sl�r��Y
<br /> Borrower esr'tYust»r. •
<br /> (i) Lf�ns Mnd En�uanbraneM.Trustor fleraby waYr��iqs and repYeaenta that there le no default under the prqv!slona at sny
<br /> mort�ayo,deed of trua�teaao or purchase ca�trec3��axr,ribing ali or any part at the Prcperty,or other contract,lnatrument or
<br /> � ;4;��:::sr.:c�n_U!uttn�a ilen or encumbranae agnin3t ail or any part of the Property(colisctiv�ty,"Liena"1,extatinp se oi the
<br /> date ot t+Yi4 Dped af Truat,and thet�ny and eti exlating Liena ren�aln unmadifled excapt ea dlsc�osed tn LenQer 1�i rusivr'y
<br /> written ct'rsclosure ot Iiena and e�icumbrancea prov!ded 1or hereln.Tniator ehall tEmoly perlorm all of Truator's obligatlone. _
<br /> COYe118rRS,represenib[aana aria warrantios under a�ry niw'a�i vFic��o�H m�.ui��..l.���.�,�.a;I p��nN���4�.:;u�,r�1���,,,�A.;�a.nr�,�tna
<br /> . af at!nfltLces af dafauf4 oent I�i conneatton w(th any anc9:a11 exldting or tuture Llen�,nnd shnil not without I.ender'e prlor wrltten
<br /> � conaent in any manner moclEty ths provlatona oi or a71nw eny future advac�ces und�r any exiaiinp a�iuiur:s..;o��,
<br /> • (�) AppNeaqon ot aayn�nb.Unlea�otherwise requlred by law,sums peld to Lertder haraunder,IncludlnA.wilhout IlmltaUon _
<br /> paymenta qt principal and Intere�sL Inyurence procasda,condemnAtian proceed�and rents snd proflta,stiaU be npplled.lny
<br /> tender tp.ttw�amo�mte d�e end owing irom Truator and Borrownr�n suoh c����ea Lander tn its sole disCret►on d�ema deslr�t�lt�
<br /> (k) ��Vnr�Mllty.lt any provislon of th[a Deed o�Trust aonfllcts with eppllaable Inw or Io�dnCisred fnvalld or othenWldA
<br /> unanferceaMe,auch contlict ar lnveildliy ahall not sfleCt thq otl�er provimon9 of:hls Oeed of'ttu9t or th3 kote whtCh Can ba
<br /> �iven eHeet wlthout►he conRictlng provieion,end to thls end 4ho provistons of thls Deed of Truat end tho Note are decltsred to be
<br /> l6Y01'BbIQ.
<br /> (I)Tsrms.The 4erms"Truator"and"r3orrower"shall Inctude bo4h aingular and plural,end when tha Yro91or and Boerower
<br /> ere tho sama persan(a),thoae terms as used In this Ueed.o4 TruBt eh811 be Inta�changb�bi4.
<br /> (m) l�overnin�Law.Yhis Oaod ot 7rust ahalt bo yovernod by the law�of the Stata of Nebre�ke.
<br /> Truetor has ex.xuted th{a.l�ed ot Trust qs of the dnta written above. -
<br /> ' . p ••ructina .�.
<br /> TfUSt
<br /> , � �j � f✓' '^"'� _
<br /> ., , .. • � � . " Tru3tpr .
<br /> ...� . ,
<br />- .: . i
<br />= _ _ _ __ _ _ _ - - "
<br />