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.. ... ..: .. •• ''.w�'.�'..e.y'\ 1'^Fij•'u;x �F ..,er. p�y.aF .«.. ._. . ..,.. . . . ... . .i�d <br /> C�Y'�� � ' . . .x ' .. .� . .�, . ..... . . . � . � . <br /> S/ ' . .. . . Y,�f., <br /> .., .. .. � .. <br /> i'`. ...... , .... _.. .. ... .. . ... .. . . . . . . .. - . . '�: <br /> 'K:F�. ' ., � <br /> �]E��f3 �:��� k��JS'I' � <br /> t��5� ���:1.�� <br /> Ti�is C3LFI'a C]F �RUS'T is made this�th day a�tlpril, 1995,1�y�d an�ang F�ARDLU�2. PLEJY1YtUP <br /> and EI,ALI�IE J. PLEJAItLTP, Fiusbxnc! a�nd wiTe, hcreinafter referrE;d to r„s""�['rustors," whettaer one or more, <br /> whnse maiiin�; address is 3�7(➢ North ��i�hwfay II, Csyra, Nebraska b�824; Tk1E S'�'AT� BAI�iK U�' <br /> �C;A��d�, a Ns6arasiaa I3a�tking Corg��r�akipn, hereilzafter reterred t� as "T�eas4ee," wh��se rnaifing address is <br /> B�a 41�. Ca�x�a, �iebrasE� d��14;and T�IE STr�'A'E iZ.A.h��]k'�AIRl�. � '�r..Lr�sic�Ban6cing�ar�ora�i���, <br /> hetein��er referred to a.� "�e�e�i��ar�-,°' whose maili��ad�ress is E;ox d�S, Cairu, t�lebra!�Ica 68824. <br /> Far vaEc�a..ble cansideration, �'rustors inevocably grant, transfer, com�ey and assig:i to Tru,tee, in trust, ; <br /> «��� powet�of s�1e, for the benetit and security of�eneficiary, under and subject to ���e terms and-conditions or <br /> this L7ee� oFTrust, the�'ollowing described real property loca±ed in�iA.L$,Cnunty,Nebraska: <br /> A tract af land�omprisiza�:1�311"�Of Lf1C NE �/�Of�uCCtlOtl Z�,Town;hip lU Notth,Range ;2 West of the Gth P.Ad., <br /> ' F�IaJ.!Cotsnty,Nebraska,a_*td more part.�cular►y describ�d as foliows: <br /> Cirst to�ccerta9n ttie point of begin.ning,start at thc noriheast carner of the SE V�NE 1/4 thence n�nning«�cstcriy s <br /> along t�ic noxih line af said S� 1/4 NE 1/4 a distance of Fine I�undred Sixt�� (560.0) fcct; thcnce S11°40' � ,a <br /> d'astance of ane f-iur�dr�Fiity Five and Ninety Fi�•e Hundredths(155.951(cet L'ieiace defle�ting right 89°44'an�i <br /> n,rnnin� soi�thn•estcrly, a distanee �f Fi�•e I�undre� 1"hir[y S�e-n ana Thirty Scven Hundredihs (537.37) Feet; <br /> ?�iri1CC�EiiGCil(l�' ICCL IS°2i' and running se�thw•esterly a distan�:e oi`Two I�u�rdred Sevcnteen and T'hree Tenths <br /> (2t7,3)fe�G to tt�e ACTUAL point of kacginning;thencc continuimg sob�thtir�esteriy along thc last acscribed cours�a <br /> dictar�cc cf"i'hrcc=Iui�dresl Fif�y� 5is a�d Ninet�•5ix Hundredths(356.961 Fcrt; thcnce dcflcctin-right 90°OU' and <br /> n�nning noRh�vcsterly a distancr ef Tluee Hundred 7"hirty and �l�ty Ei�h? Hundredt'�s (330.58) feet to thc <br /> :enterfi7e ef'rv%cx�cl Rive:;thcnec det�ecting right 102°07'and n�nning n,�rtheasterly along the centerline af'Woo<i <br /> River a ciist-r.n�e of"I'��o Hundred Thiriecn and Fam•Eirht f3undredths(113.a8)tcet;thence detlecting lett 72°16' <br /> a:��rutinit:•�;nc��7hczsicrly along the c�nterline of�Vood P.ive:a distance af One Hundred Thirty Si�c and Eight�n <br /> �A�ndredths (1 if.IR) feet; theticc dcficcting lr.ft 12°�34' and running n�rt.heasterly along thc centcr�ine of Wc�oci <br /> River a disia�acc nf Onc Hundred�iftcen axi�Fortr•i«•o Hundredths(l 15.42)feet to a point on the nori�line of the <br /> S 1/2 T��' 1/-b;:hcnce rumiing easterlr�aiang the nvrth line of said S 1/2 AIEi 1/�4 7 dis;�tnce af�'ift}•Three and Fifty <br /> F'our Hundred[lts (53.54) fect; thcncc dcflec;ing righ! 77°3�.'S(t" and run:ning southe,�sterly a distance of Three <br /> F�udredEi�hty Seven and Seven Tcnths(387.7)feet to the ACTUAL point og beginning and conTaining 3.OA acres <br /> morc or icss, <br /> togcther�vith all buiidin�s, imprpvements, fixkures, stree,s, alieys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and <br /> appvrtenances lacated tliereon, and all persor�al property:l�at may be or hereafter become an i:�tegral part of such <br /> buildings and in�provements, ail crnps raise� therean, an�.� 111 water rights, a!! of which, including replacements <br /> and additions thereto, are he��oy declared to be a part of the real e;ta,e co�rveyed in trust hereby, it being agreed <br /> that all af tkie fore�oir��;shall be hereinafter referred to as the"Property." <br /> � <br /> FOR'THE FI71l�.PQi�E ��' sE�liRiNG: <br /> �. Payment of indebte3ness evidenced hy Trustors' note c�f even date herewith in the nrincipa) sum of <br /> �30,UOO.DO, together with interest at the rate or rates ��ravided therein, and any anp all renewals, modifications <br /> and extensions ox such note, both principal and interest on the nate being payable in accordance with the terms <br /> set forth therein, �.R�hich by tl-�is reference is hereby mad�.a part h�ereof; <br /> h. `['h�perfarmance o£�ach agreement and covenant of Trustors herein contained;and <br /> c. The payment of a.11 si�ms advanced by Benefici.ary under the terms of this Deed of Trust, together with <br /> interest thereon�fi rhe raYe provid�d in thc note. <br /> d. T'he a6ove amount is secureci even ¢hough all ar part of it may not yet be advanc:e. Futurc advnnces�nder <br /> the agrecinent ar�conteroplated and will be secured;o the same extent as if made on the c�ate this deed of trust is ` <br /> executed. <br /> . <br /> TQ PRQTECT TFIE SECURITY QF TI3I5 A��D�F'TP.i1ST,T:2UiTQRS fdERF:BX COV�NA?V'I'AND AGRE�:: <br /> 1. �ra �,y� t��r,��,au�, �t�e principal af, and Uie interest on, t(ic indcbtedncss evidenced by the note, cliarges, fees aYid all otlier <br /> s�afns as pro�idcd in the Ioa.n instrumenls. <br /> 2. 'I'ruslors �rc thc owatcrs of the praperiy and ha�� th� right and authority to execute this I7eed oC Trust in respect to tiae <br /> propert}�. <br /> 3. T'n pay, �vhcn duc, �It taxcs, speci�l as:.r,ss�ncnts a.nd all other chargrs ag:�inst ilic propeny, beforc t1�° same 6e�omc <br /> definqiicr�t Tn�s�nrs sluil! pay a.;i t�xcs�nd:rsscss:��ents�ul�i:h m�y bc lcvicd upen F?encfici�ry's ii�terest herein pr upon this Decd of <br /> '1'rust nr thc debt sccnrcd h��;eb7•, wiUiout re.g�rd ta��ay law lhat may be enacted imposit�g p��yment ot the� nny pan therec�f <br /> u��on tl�r�crr.^.flcian�. <br /> :. Ta�Ic.r,c��ilac impro��emcr��s nn�v on c�re�ltcr loc:;ated nn I��e�rnperlr'ix�sured 7Eait�st d�inri,r,e hy fire.ind such nther h:���rds as <br /> �`�? th�:�.icnc�iici;u�, esi;�y z,:<;iiiec, in�n.nount.s:rt�c!cnmpanir.s:�cr.cpfablc to thc[3cn�Cici;ir}',SGich,^.ncc pnlicy sh�l(contnin a st�ndaid <br /> '� �noi�;��,c r,��iuc,u in l;n•or qf Flc-ncficin Tn�sltir chall �rom tl rc �ir. muintain;�ud rr�lacc Ih<� tn rty or a�ati� ►rt thereaf, sn <br /> F I rY f P Y P� 1 F� Ix P� <br /> II�AI,ChwC�I Ibf(91'(Zlfl:l(V�VC;ir��nd�car,the property�sh:tll t�ot cicicrioratr. , <br /> '� 1n Ihc c�•cnl thc prn(?crt}', nr;�ny p:irt thcreof, steiNl tm takcn 6y eminent dom�in, Ihc Heneficinry is tntiticd iu callcct and <br /> rcccivc:ifl �orn�x�ns:�tinn«hich m;�y tm.p.�id fnr:uiy�propcny takcn or Cnr clamri�cs tc�property�nnt takcn, and Ihe E3encfici�ry shall <br /> ❑pply��sch ccxn�r�nsn�iara,;�t its nption,ci�licr to a rc�dtacti�n nf 11ic indcbtcdnCSS securc<l hcrclyy,or lo rc��ir r�nd resiarc�hc property <br /> sa t;.ikci3 <br /> i <br /> � <br /> �! <br /> � . . �; <br /> r� ' . <br /> ,,;;�,a <br /> ,.�' <br /> :"�� 8�.�`....:�... . . ... <br /> �� <br /> ,��� i,. <br />