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<br /> � ��,�-�,�,. �.4)�"g.+��
<br /> f,. Thc 13eneticiary m�y, 6ut snall ha�e no obligatian tp, tio any act wtiich "f'n;sr�t5 ik�ve,*°a�reed but 1�ailed to do, and thC
<br /> I3encCrciary �x��3y also do an��act i� dccros neccssa�y�to protect the tien hcreaf. Tnast.r.r��+grcc?�repay,upon demartd,any s�,�ms so
<br /> er�+endcd 1n�tl�c Benc.ficiaq�far lh°abo��e pu.rposes,and any s��m so e�c�enefed shall bc addecF to thc indcbtcdness sexvre�hereby a�id
<br /> �ecnme s�,ared trv t;�e 1ic�� �]c;SCOF. TI1C F�C3YC�16f3T}' S}L3I� no incv� �nu liabili�y� �*�ct+s.ace cf anylhing it may da or omit to do
<br /> hcrcundcr. �:
<br /> 7. 1"tie Bene,ir.ia�•shal! h�ti•e thc right. powcr and zulhorit�•di�rin�;ihe continn:anc�:af ti�is LFccd Q.''Trust to enllect the rent5,
<br /> issi.��s ;tn�i prerjts af thc prapcaty and of an��petsonsa[ prqperty locxtc�i th�rcon wit.ka or«•ithout taking p.�ss�ssion oC the property
<br /> afi4'e.�te�hercby, and Tnistors heretay sbsal�tel��and unconditinna9:y assi�n alI such ten�s, issues and pro�ts to ciie bene�ciary. 'Thc
<br /> benei'ici:in•. tirn.cvcr, here6y consents to Trustnrs'tollectian a.nd retention oi such r�nts,issucs and prc7fits_ 5v lbng as Tn�Stors are
<br /> not, �t sueh zi^:.^., in c��fa�.�li «�th r•�spcct to payment of arry indet>Cedness sec�red hereby, or in the perfurmance of any agrexment
<br /> hexcandcr. Lf'ar�v event of defatilt desc:iUed hereafter in res�ect to thi�Deed qf TruSt sh;sl] hlve xcurrcd�nd krc continuing,the
<br /> Besiefi�iar�.as�maiter of right and w�ith�ut natice to Trastors o�an}�ane clainung nndc;Tn�stqrs,and without regar�i ro the value of
<br /> tt�e tns>i estatc nr thc int���esi of fhe Tnastors therein, sha11 hav� thc right ro applp to any court ha��ng jurisdictio�r to a�rpnint a
<br /> receiver nf thc prapert•. �;
<br /> S. The BeneCtc±ary, cr its �ger,ts, are authorir.ed to znter at any rcasoru�bte time opon or in any part of thc prnpexn• iqr the
<br /> • purpa5e ef i.ispectin;thc samc and fer th�purpose of pecforming any of lhe acts they are aitthorized to perform undez the terms pf
<br /> any lnan ir�stnuu�r�'.s c�ccutcd�"!'rustors.
<br /> 9. If all or an}• part of the pro�erty or,tny interest af 7'rustors is sold, transferred or fiir.hcr encvnihercd �vithout the��rtitten
<br /> r�:�sent of thc Benefcian�, the T3ene�iciary nw3y�de�larc ail sums secured tn•tliis Tnut Deed tq be immediately due and payablc and
<br /> prpceed tq tfre rameciies available to it under thc u+efault prrn•isions contained herei�a.
<br /> 1n. Any of ihc fo.lo���ng e��en,s sha11 bc deemcd an e��ent�f defauit herctmdcr:
<br /> a. 'i'ntstars shail taav�(aitcd to make p�}ment of an� inscapmPnt ot prir.cipal or inten,st or any othcr s�sms secured hereb,y when
<br /> duc;
<br /> b. 71�e:e has occarrcd a breacl� of or �!efault und�r any tcrm, covei�ant, ngrcemen;, r.o�diiion, pravision, representation or
<br /> w�rrant3�cos7taiaied in this I)ced of Tnist,thc nate or any other lvan instn�ment 5ecured hereby:
<br /> e. Thc;c has been a ciefauit by thc T:'usto,rs in thc payment o;aay prior or subscqu�nt licn or cneumbrance in respect to all or any
<br /> naxt of thc propertr•;
<br /> d. Trustnrs shalt fifc a �'aiuntary pctiti��n in bankn�pt�y or shall be adjudiyated bankrupt or insolvent, or shall make an
<br /> assignrncnt for the benef!of crcditors in res}xct to the property;or an action ro enf�rcc any lien or cncumbrance or judgments
<br /> agaanst the pro�scrty is cottunrnccd.
<br /> t 9. In?Src event at any�efault, thc Bcne�cian�may dc�lare all indcbt.driess secured hereb��to be due and payxblc and the same
<br /> shatl thereuX�en bccomc duc ar.d payablc�vithout:eny presentmcnt,demand,protest oz notice of any k;nd. Thcreafter,the C3encficiary
<br /> r.iay:
<br /> v. either ±n �ycc;an o: b}' a�ent, ��itli or ��;ithout bringi�ig any ac:ivn or precceding. or by' rcCei�'er appointed by a �purt an�i �
<br /> «ithnut rc�,aru 10 the adequa,ry of�iny security,�3itcr upon and take possession oi 2he property,or�n�part therepf, in its o«m �
<br /> n:ime or in the namc of the TnQStce:, and �io an}� acts which it deem� necess�ry and ciesirablc to preserve the value, °'
<br /> markctability or ientlbifity af tlte proF�erty, or part tlacreof, or intereM therein, increase the income therefrom or protect thc �
<br /> sectiirity't�ercof:�nd,tir�tltotit taking pUS5C55lOR Of[}iC}7YDpC[S}',sue ior or pthcrwise cnllect the rents,issues and profits theraof,
<br /> inclucling �I�a�� past duc znd unpaid, and apply the &�me. less c�sts and exper.scs of or,c:ration and crlllectio», inc?uding (
<br /> 7trorne3•fces,u�n arn indcbtcdness secured here6y,all ix�such ordcr as the BeneFiciary rnay determir:a. Thc ente:ing urrs� �
<br /> ;y :end t;zki�is;posscs�in❑ of fhe trust esta?e, Yhe cal(eetion oC s�cii rcnts, issues and prvfits and application therer;as af�:�said
<br /> sha;l not �ure or n;ii��e am� dcfaalt or �rutice:,i default hereuncier or invalic(ate any act and ir. responsr, +:, suc!: uc£ault or r.
<br /> pi�rs��uit to s�ach noticc of default and not!�.ithstnnding the conti:nklncc in gosscssion of thc�;operty or t:ie c��;ection,receipt
<br /> ar.d�pplic:irto�l of rcntc,i55tiC5 c3C pro{�s,Trustee or the Benei�iciary niav be eniilled to exercise e��ery.�gh:.provrded for in any
<br /> nf thc loan i:istrurnents nr by law�i�c+r,cx��rrence af any event af defaul.,inciuding thc right to e•:erc_.;c the ppwer of sa1e;
<br /> b. commcr.cc an action to for�4lose this I?ced of Trust as a mongag�, appoint a rec.eiver, n* s;�ifically cn!'a:rx any of the
<br /> cati�cnants hc•reoC',
<br /> c. deli�•cr tn Tn�stce a �vrittcn declaratiori of default and c�cmard for sale, an�writ!ei+ =�otice of default and cicclion io c3use
<br /> "fnastnrs' intcrest in:he property lv be svld,�vhich noticc Trustee shalY czase:n be duly fled for rccord in the nfficial recc�cis
<br /> oI thc co�.;nt�in«hich the pro�rtl�is lctic�lcd.
<br /> 12, S}iouici tlzr,F;encl'ici.iry elect to:oreclose by cxcrcise.�C thc pawcr n,`s�ile f��rein cont.�ined,the E3enetici�n•sh;�ll nn!ify Trustec
<br /> and shall dcposit �vith 'rn�stce. diis Deed of Trtest and ihe notc and such ;ec�ipts and evidence of cxpenditures m�r.�,e and secured
<br /> �ICTCI7�'85 TflISICL'G11�'iCC1Lll�C,and upon requcst of ii:e Eicn.^.fiei�r�, the Trur,tee sfe:�ll cause ro�be rccor�'cd,publi;hed and delivercd �
<br /> to Tr.:;tc;:such NoIiCC oi'v4i��uft:irld NpYice ot'5:ilC 15 iheu requi:�(.+hy l�w�^:1��this Dced ofTrusL TrustcV sh7l!��ishout demand
<br /> an'Cn.isior, aftcr such tintc�s uiay then Uc: rcquirtd i�y la�v and a!;cr recorclativn pf such Naticc of Dtfa�ait at�d after Noticc oC Sale
<br /> havin�;lncn gi�•en as re�uircd by I�nv, sei: tli�propc:�i�'��t Il�r dt��e�nd pf�i::c of sale��ced by it in �:lCtl IVOIICC OC S7IC, either as a
<br /> ut�olc, c�: in scparatc !c�ts or parcc!s e� itettis as"?"rastec :,'�iall deem e.rpcdient, and ii� sr�ch or�er :ss it mar dr.ter►nine, at public
<br /> �ur,tion tn the h+ghcst�idder for cash and shal!dcliver tu such purchaser nr purchasers thercof a dced tp the prope►ty sold,rnnsistenl �'
<br /> R'11.f1 1�1C�%1�V I{7Cll Ifl C�CCI. RCC:[:1I5 I11 i��:;"T'r�stee':�de^.d:�hall bc pruna f�cic evidence r..the truth of ihe statcmcnts made th�rein. .
<br /> ' 'I'rustce shall ypply Uie procccds vC thc s��lc ia t'��e follo�ving order:(a.)to all rc�son:�b!z cnsts�nd expenses ot tiic c��le, inciud�nfi�:.�
<br /> not Iimited to�'rustce's f..+�s nf n.:,i more tha�;?'%n af thc g�oss sali:price,reasoK��tbl:•attomey tecs ar,d costs cf ti�le evidznce;�cy ro al!
<br /> si�ms scc�.::d bv tbis i?.�;r! oC Trusi: n:�cf (c) lhe excess, if an}�, lo the pPr;an or rersons le�ally entiticd th�re!;,. An� petsan,
<br /> including the Benr,;ici;:t}', may pure.".use said prnperty at said sale. T'n�str;z nu�y;n the ttianner providcd by%�.v, pastponc salt eC�If
<br /> or arry p�ortion r;r�,e prapcn��.
<br /> 13. Tnist.���nnu Ihc Bene��iary,1nd cacli of them, s1!A�I bC CI��iUC11 l0 Cf1�0:ce paymc��t an�' p+:�torm�ncc of an}•indebtedness or
<br /> c�bl��;�tin:i ,ccured hcr;:b;• ar�d to cxcreisc ❑If ri�his and pn��•ers u�idcr this i)ccd aP'f'-,�st ns undcr any Inan instrument or other
<br /> ;i�;recrncnt or.iny l:�v; n.nr nn c�rca(tcr cnft�rcud r�o�witttsianding somc• ar al! n(1tIC It!iCC7tC(]11C55 �ind abliga�ions s�ciired hcrcby
<br /> �wt�icli m.iti' r:ov; �,n c�rc.dficn c� otl�cn+'isc :,r.:;urcd, +.'�hctl�cr ba; tnnwtg��r;�, dccd o�tr;�st. �Slcd��c, lien, �ssi�+�mcnt or othcn�•ise.
<br /> Ncithcr iiu:n�;r.C,�nr�c+�nf this I)c��d of Trust nc�r i!:;cnforccrnent, ,.;�eclicr by coun actian or�iursu�rri to thc�wcr nf s�lc ar olhci
<br /> pa�vcr� hc�r;�n c:nntairis:d, sluill E,rcjndicr,or in n�rv m:�nncr ��.�ucl Tni:�tcc'r:ur thc C'cnc(iciar}�'r riqht to rcalizc u�n br cnforre nn}'
<br /> �ihcr s��urit� now un c�rc:�l7cr I�cld b}' 'I'r�istc� qr t!:� ilcnc�ci:iry, i� !x�ng:�yrec:d �hal '['n�stcc tlnd IhC �cn�fiCi.try. :urd tnch of
<br /> thcrr�, shall bc cntiUcd 90 enfnrcc this !iced n�;rust nnd �ny nth°; �curiry now or herea(Icr I�cld hy the E�cncficiar��ar Th�stce in
<br /> �' sc�cti orcicr aitid�ri:i�incr :is tl�r.�m;+�� in�:��air r�bsnlutc discrctir.��d��anuno. Na rc�ucdy hcrcin r.onferrcd n�n or resen•ed i�,Tn�v�cc;
<br /> <�r 13cnc1"ici:ir}'is iti!cr�rlccl tci bc-�:,chisivr of t�ny nlhcr rz��ncdy hcrcin�r by'I7�v providcd nr per�Y�itted,but e;lch sh:tll bC curnulali��e
<br /> r�nd r,hull t�; in ;�dctitinn !�rvcry ntlic�r rcmcdy i�i�e�i i�creundcr nr naw or hu�caflcr exis�inA;.�� lawv or ct�uin�or by slalutc. Cvcn�
<br /> ;x7wcr or rcn�cdv ,;ivi�n by �eny of!he In:ir f;�sl:a�ricnls tn"fni�t�� nr 1lic l3cnefclan'nr In which ci�hcr of ti�c��i �nay bc athcnvisc
<br /> ^iatiUr,,1 m:�y�x:cxcrciscd.concncrcnlly ar iud�pct�dcntly fran tim::to Iirnc t�nci nt ottcr�:�ti:i�.i�•bc d��c�ricd cxpe�dient by Tn�stee nr t
<br /> j
<br /> �::'
<br /> � .
<br /> '�l'�', :� F;.^ ., �
<br /> ���Y�h",�� �
<br />