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<br /> f In acr,nr[I:tncc wi;h tt�.e �roti•isiotts aT the Ncbr:�ska Farm t:��mcstcad Protection A�t tire undcrsign�i, &!r!]tQl,� R. P[,�J12jt4Tp
<br /> �cat� i:1.�,�PdF J. ��.�'.$i1ItUF�, hushand and s�•ife. prior tn r,.�er-,���xt� the attcr.',.,' I'^;.�? of Tnis1 d�tcd A�pril 5, 1995, by and
<br /> �a'�� :set��c:ca thc aindcrs:grted �r.d i i=S�' �'1Ct��i�BANK t2�'C�AdRO,��. IYc6rask�Bam6c�ng Corporaifivn, (herGinaf?er rcferre�to as
<br /> �.�`� "h4ort�age"').iYC�cby s2ate and�cknaw3edge:
<br /> �
<br /> � l. "I'he ur,dcrsirncd st;ites. ri•arrants 7nd represents that their dwelting heuse and ather buildings stibjeGt to a horr�estead are
<br /> j prescatl� I�xatcd upo�i tti�e follod4ing dcscziL•+ed rrzl estate(hcrcafier refcrred to as"Parcel 1")
<br /> . i
<br /> IA trzc-t�f!�nd ccmnprising a part nf the NE 1/4 ef 5ec.icm Z4,Totan;.hip]0 Nrnih,Range 12 V.'est of the 6th P.M.,I�sll Countv,�;�brxska���d mcxe rsrt�culazly
<br /> �f� cicu..'Tilxd as f?!fowa�.
<br /> i i��t to�scn��in the pnint n(lxgjhnin�,sWi at the nwtheact comer oPthe 5E l iq;VE 1/4 thcnee running wcsterlq slong the nnrth tine nf said SE S!4 h'F.1;4 a
<br /> ! di�i:ince nf Fine}fundred SiYty r;�11,f1)£ert;thsnec 511'40'E a disfancr of One Hu�red FiRg�Five and`J;ncty Fiva};����;3.g5)feet thence de:leeting
<br /> right t{9°�{4':u�3 running snuthwrtcrly,a di�+r•ncc of Five ilundred Thirty Cevrn snd'1liuty Sn�rn fiun�cfh6s(537.37)Fect;t}�ence dcllecting!eft 1 k°�I'and
<br /> r.i:.ning srn�th�.vz�trr;y s diatancr,of 1'�vo Hunclred Sn•entee�and'Thrx Trntise(217.3)feet to the ACTUAi,poim of hrgiminq:Gx�nce mrAinuin�eoulhwesterh'
<br /> a;mg U�c last,describrd cnune e distancs of I1:rr�Hund:ed Fi}ty Six as�d!�Iirnty Six Hunclredths(:1Sfi.96)fcet;tpMrice dellectin-righl 90'00'uid running
<br /> j northwcstr.rly a diKancu of Throe kiundred Thirty end FiRy Eight Eiundrtdth�(330.58`icet tra the ecr�lcrline of Wood River;(heme de(luting ripJ�t 102'OT and
<br /> r.inning:+onhe�nai�•along tihe cer.terline of Woad RivQ a di�tance o;Two tlundrrd';7�irtecn ar�d Fom�Fight HundredrM(217.48}fe:t;thencr dellecting left
<br /> 32'!6'and n�r,ning uorthcastcr�y alang the crnterlinc nf Woad P.iver a disv,nce of Oru F�uzdred'[7�irty Six snd Eip�tern Hundre�t}n()36.(8)fcet;thcnu
<br /> dc:lec�teng 1cR I2°a4'and running natheaxtely slong the crnierfine of«'ood Riv�er a di�nce of One Hwxlred Fiflecn end Farty Two Hundredtha(!I 5.42)feet w
<br /> a paint,:n th:nerlh Iinc nf thz S L'2!VE 1/4;thcr,ce rurming ca�terly along�hc north line ntuid S 1!2 hE 1/4 a dist,vxe of FiRy Three atW FiRy Four►lundredrh�
<br /> (5:�.54}fa•et;thrn�e dc(ircting ri�t 77'34'SO"and rum�in�aca�lhexsieriy n d'u�zncc of Three Hud edCighty Sevrn erd Sevci Teii�ha(}R7.71 fcrR to�he AC7'l7AL
<br /> �rint og bcgirsting and pntaining 3.0$sr.e.a marc or Irss.
<br /> 2. Thc undersigned acknoa�ledges ihat tl�ey'h7ve a�ight to rnake a designation of homesicad in the Mr.rteage or Dced pCTnzst tnr
<br /> ti�e pu:pase of afi'ordin;the opponun::,try rctain lheir homeste��d in the et•ent of default and foreclosure under the I�tprtgngc or
<br /> tr,sstc.�e's s�ale undcr the Deed of Trust.
<br /> 3. Thc i��dersi�ri.ed�ckno�vlcdgcs thai the executipn of this tir�aiver canstitutes thc complete�+�aiver of righis othern�se a��ailable
<br /> for thc purpo�e cf.�ffordin; the ep�nunit}� ta rctain a homestcad in the e•rent of a default and ariy foreclos�re undcr the
<br /> Mortgagc�r U�;stec's sale ut!.der the Decd of Trust.
<br /> 4. The u.ry�lcr;i�ned sta4e that th"si xc�r+t�a•Icdgntent and tv8i6•cr i:� their knan'tnfi and e•olsntary aet and deed and the
<br /> ut�dersi�nr;e�io her�br ti,illin�Ry'x.n�J r�oluntaril}•Naic�e,relinquish and remis�e any gnd a!1 right tv make a dtsiRnatinn nf
<br /> hosticstcad i:�the M.ort�;ane o�ll�•r�nf'Prust.
<br /> 5. Thc un�icrsic-.��ed further undcrstand and agrcc that this a�knowlcdgment and�r•aiver shalf be filerl as a PrefacE to and L•ecome a
<br /> pari of tlzc I�Snr!gage or Decc?of i���s�.
<br /> �,:
<br /> ,µ'M°��'�s` l�alcu. �';y��ai_. ;:i�S�
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<br /> °"� FlA.ROLD R P' EJU� P
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<br /> �
<br /> ) S5
<br /> y C[DIIN71'"4' (3��' diAL,Ia ;
<br /> 'ihc fortgoing instrumer.t was ac}:nowledged befare me nn ApriI S, Y995, by FiAR.OX.;: �t. PL�'JDktU�
<br /> ;�nd FLE4INE.I. �'L�JIDRU�, hus�Jand rind dwefe.
<br /> , �W.R�OfA�'l,fta9e M ye�ska � � `�
<br /> .10}4�4 J.�OY.8AAf9 _�����` ��'.
<br /> - _ k1q Osmr�t,�P-Ja�f.?�.I996 TA,I�'( P U$I.,!C \�
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<br /> ,�' � t '�, ;w`.� �" m cAi� ,�`J �] �= =-i UI r`On.
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