__ _ .
<br /> ' �`� ` ��` . ,. ' ,� � . ,>-�. ` ' , . � . . `, . . � s, . `` ' , , - __._
<br /> �. "� . . ' , . . � ' ' � � . : � ''a � .���t��� -
<br /> ��..• -, -- � - .-.. _, ' ,� _t � _ '_.. _ _� '-_ __-_,._. •�����+.._.._.. - -- -�- -- �-�--- G-- - ---
<br />•�_ '- 'ia) .' A�t�r"p��i� �Fi�, .�.�e� �epe�i€�ea �i� ��sp�r�y�a�s�� t�� �f`.-'��.�=�--. � - _
<br /> � �parags-apl�, '�'I�"Pl�. .i€ x?ne �al.e. i� bgr �rustee, vr �th��:p�og�� -cou�� ai��t ° �
<br /> � otkes `er�sts of �fo�ecl�,o�r���anc� .g��e �if eaie i� �OU��uaz� tg �u8ic��3� ° .
<br /> . < � '�ar�c�o�uYe,, t�e proGeeds of saae e��II be�aPPl�ed �n t�i.e `prd�� �s�a�et� � �
<br /> � � lb�lo��•�o �h�� �a�resent: . • �" • . <. , ' ` ; . • 4
<br /> i2} �Ca�� of aay ev�d,e��e,of e���� �raaux�e3 �.n. �cngeatiara c�i�t�. 6u��a ,�
<br /> � � saY� and.of any'g��enue xea�ufres3 to �e`paid; .. , , .A . � . . _--
<br /> , . .. , .
<br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ ,: � . - - - = - -- - --�-- .
<br /> , t 2) P�11 seuns then eecur� hereby: . .
<br /> I3) The rema�3.nder, , i� aay. eo �he per�oa or per�on.� �.egall.p;� __�� _ --
<br /> ent�.Cled �h�reto. . . .
<br /> Each of�the parties. tm, t�#,s:D�ed-tof �Trust he�eb�:.r�c�ae���;�;��t a cagy ai£,����.��-:. ',
<br /> Nr�tice. o£ D���u.�;t±a�d.�ar ca��rvo�:any Notice of 8a��: provic#ad��ct��:�rerein�o�r�. �':;,:
<br /> b�,, mailed:,�a� ea�ht:�vtcb� pa�ct�r a� tche party'e �s�st�<'.office ada�"s eet fosth . .
<br /> �. ���a.ta�,. IIp#�ta��th�,��currence of' �any default hergit�rder, Beaef�.ciaxY'shall h�ue .
<br /> th� o�.wn, �.e. fbreel�ose thi� need o� Truat�i.n the m�nn�r provided by_ ,�a�¢ for -
<br /> ` t3ie�f�s�clasu�e af mortgages on real property.� , � . . .
<br /> � . ' six'�. T�us�ter Qpecffically agrees �that (aI Trustor, at �its expenae, �
<br /> . will exe�cute and dsliver to 8enefaai�z�r, promp�ly upoa requeat, such.security . _
<br /> in�trumcaats �as may be required hy _Benefic�sary, ia a.- form and su3zst3nc� " � —.
<br /> �ati�E�c.�ory to Benefi.�3ary,. coneriug az►y of the Prop�y c�nveyed� by t�i.�
<br /> Deed.m� 'Truet which eecari.ty fn�trumeats aP�a22 �e additional security for . •�
<br /> . Truator'•s faitk�l perfa�aance o� all of the terms, covenants and coadi,tions �'__
<br />. of this Dee�...��a� Trust, the Note and indebtedaess secured hereby, � and a�ay _
<br />- • ather s.�cur}ty inetYUmeate executed i.n connection with the indebtedness�
<br />� � �securec�::&�* this Deed of Trust; and all suah instxua�eats shall he fi1�d aud = __
<br /> �ecord���at ��uettor's exgense; �b) Seneficiary.. may, frt�m time to time, b� _
<br /> wrietea frast�r�nt executed a�d acknowledgec� by Beneficfary,� mailed to. _
<br /> • Tr^tastqr arid r�arded in the county or eounta�a in whieh the � Property ia ���- :�_--
<br /> �.aca�ed.:and by otlier�aise �omplying v�ith the pzovy�iens of the ��plicable laws . , _ --
<br /> ...;.:. •.;---
<br /> oE tb�:.t��ate of Nebrael:�� substitute a successor ar suc��sors to the Tsuetee r ��`
<br /> �mer�':��rein or actin�. `.hereunder; tc) although th�.'_itice�stee, or Tgas�tee's .�. •_�`
<br /> .succe�'sQr or s�acceaeors, may b� an agent of, os. attb�mey for, or otherwise _j--------�-- _
<br /> conne���d witi� the Benefic�.��y, such Eaat ��all not be construed to :'��K`�.�--
<br /> ��_
<br /> d,isq��3;:3:�y Truetee Co act as such 'I`rustee, nor shall such fact prevezt� the :����;=-� _
<br /> Trust�e:.��x Beneficiar�► fznm bidding at a sale and bu�g any part or.�l of `=�'�:: 'r=
<br /> the Property �� any sale hereunder; (d) that if it �should be necessaty o� ��;.,•:i�, o�'
<br /> �. _ appropriate fd��:tihe protECtxon of the security �reby conveyed or enforcemen �°�{�,�•_�_
<br />- :: ;,�of the debt herehy secur�d, for the Trustee. os•.�he Beneficiary to isnstitute ';;.;�=*��--
<br /> `:���"or becoms a arty to any, proceecii.ng or a�iit ��in a court af bankruptc or '�`�:r����-�-_.
<br /> . . P Y {"'___`� ---�- -
<br />- � robate 'or other cou�t.�of eneral or limitec� �uriadi.cti.�n, all expeneee aad � �'<,;;�• , -
<br /> , � J .;�.t!�'�;�-� .
<br /> , costs proper�.y incur�C� by .safd �rustee or said Sr;.ueficiary (inc�.uding � - .. �x , ,.
<br /> �'���.zeaeonable attorneys' ffzee} pa�sd or ancurred by auch �ruatee ar Henef�.ciary . :�� :
<br />- � :;.`�in maintaining,, prosecuting or defer�ding such proceeding or prat��ting their . ; ��:'•F�.�
<br />' `�.:;:��'-�reap��ctive riglata hereunder ehall be an additional de?ot eecured hy,thia DeEd . • . __
<br /> �. of Trust 'in I��.ke marmer with the principal debt herein describad:,•"' (e� '
<br /> � .: Heneficiary, os�. i'ta agents,. repxeaentatives or .workmen, are authori,�c�_ to . - .
<br />- �"'� ..�enter at any°��asonable time upor� or in any part af the Prope�ty far �the � �. . . . •.
<br />- .''�� purpose of �pt�cting t�e same and for the gu�7pdae of performi:r� any of the �. . ..
<br /> aate it is au�hbsized ta perform under the terms di this Deed�v� Treist t (f) . •
<br />_ any forbeasanae by Be�aef iciary o= Trustee in exercf eing any right or remedy . ..��;.. : -��
<br /> hereundes, or otherwf�s;af forded by applicable law, ahall not be a wai�er of : :�:;�:;,,;�, .: .
<br /> or preclud� the exesc�se of any auch right or remedy herPUnder; si�miTarlyr� � �_ •�.�5}��:°:: .
<br /> the o+raiver b�r �H.eneficsary or Truetee of nn� default of Truetor under thia , � .
<br /> De�d o� Truet ::ahall nct be deemed a wafver oE any other or simi.lar defaulte . � �
<br />- r�e�aseguently occe�rrittg; �g? extension ef the time for pay�nent or modi�'ication , ,
<br /> or acaortization of t�e sums secux�ed by thfa Deed of Trust granted by � .
<br /> Henef iciary to any succeasor •in 3nterest of Truetor shall not operate to .
<br /> release, in any manner the liability of the original Trustor and Trustor's � �
<br /> Euccessor an interesi. Beneficiary ahall nat b� requixed �to commence � `��.
<br /> pxo�eedi�ge againa� �such successor o� refuse to extend the time for payment . �
<br />' or otheawise moc�ify amortizatfor� of tAe aums"and iadebtedness e�cured by thie
<br />= Deed of Trus� by �eason of any demand made by the origiaal Trustor and .� .
<br /> , Trcastar•s successor9 in. intexee�;� (�a) c�it�out affecting the liability of the
<br /> � Trrsstor or anyr other person Iiable for the gayment ofc the obligations anfl
<br /> xndebtedne3s �ecured by thie Deed of Truet, and without a�£ecting the Za�n or � � � � � .
<br />� charge of thao Deed of Tr'uat u�on any partion of the Propert�r not then or � � .
<br />= th�xetofore �eleaeed aQ:�!?e���ritv far the fula ameun� of all un�aid obliga- �
<br />_ . �'Y. .
<br /> �
<br />