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<br /> _ �-�"�4w�1Fh�o c1;.Ti,`�:. . . .�i 4 .� . «-F-^.7..+"ki�'.c;,aS��.�,::�,��3 tr ,�i`�5�." 'e�`4�k,.4 "�-�?'!��eaa�r��awsr� �� .
<br /> - —_ -- '�.cacS � ;tich�,o7=.k►�Ci'3�a5Y,iV�R�S:a 77�E uL�4Hflf�t':3y�.itiYii�#'i'i'$'14f1�. _ _— _ -._
<br /> � _ � _«�� ...
<br /> -_ __- _..-_. • -_
<br />. -` _- __- _'. . ._ _ , ._.. ____.- f . . . - s�..�=�-_--_--
<br /> _ . < . �. ; ' . . _ � . . � •. ��c��_'�__�—^—
<br /> '' ` •i.t • �•• ` � [ �, � � •, ` i� �� ���a O � ` , • Sa�¢ <l.-'Y �. "—_—
<br /> . . . . � � ��FTO�
<br /> _-__. _.. . . . " ' . . _ _-_ _ ' - • . . 'r ;°al�
<br /> tio�s. Ben��s:ciaxSr may.` f�oca ticiie t� time`�nd a�ithout notice t f I ssa�as,c`'any`` � ��� - --
<br /> o :>�:;��_ -.
<br /> : perso� �0 43�b1,e, tia�) ex�ead �the a�atesrity ar alter �y of t�ie te� of auch ��<<�,t�,�:;����_-_
<br /> obZiga�:ian. liii3 grant other ind�lgences, �i�r) r�Ieas� or recvnvey. or ca�se 4� ,, .t.�;r�<:.4...-sy_.,
<br /> •1to,�e released or recomreyed at; a�y �3me at�8eneticiary,� op�ion any�parael,, �<<��';��£ ,{„���_
<br /> part�.on or a7�1 0� the Propertiy, fv) take Qr re2eaee any other or additional ��'�°_�-��
<br /> eac�rity f�ar any obl�gagioa as f�edebtedueas herein mentios�3, or (vi} �aa�cg ° �s'`" _
<br /> 'cempoaitipns oz- oth�r ar�angements uith debtors in relatioa theretot �i) in , :.���;,�:.t...��,u �
<br /> a�f.tf.og to Che rs.g��'s and povrexs given to the �Trus�ee and Hetiefi�ialcy ` .,��� _
<br /> �erean, t?rae Sea�s,tii�a�ir •e?tal2. ha�r� ��1 suah ath�x r`ighta b�t:h i.a Iaur ancT �-.' _
<br /> �quity;fo� callec�ipa of the fndebtednees secureci he�ceby as it �rou�.d have but � �. ,• ,. � T._,._ `��.�w.=_
<br /> gor tY�.t� 13�ed of 'I`xustf t�? a31 covena:�ate �cd ag�eea�ents��of T�usto� set �o�th
<br /> it�� thi.� D�ed of Tru�� shall be j4�int aiad �evexaa; (k) this Deed� of Trust � *� �`�'�"
<br /> sl�all� la��gaverraed�by�.• thQ�levta:of� the State nf I+aeb�aeka; i1D i.n the eve�nt an 4'�"`�i�� --_
<br /> �a �`.'-
<br /> �. �=�,.��`� = ��F, : -
<br /> ��L a---:.��a ,�r
<br /> • one o�r. maze�of� the pravir�f.cn�:con�a3.n�d�iin�thie De�d of Truet, or. the Note or f.: `.;�:'.4,.����`�:.,:�;. .
<br /> � ,. ,any a��x' seaur i ty� i.n a�x�ame n t g i.v e�a�.i h c o n n e c t i c�n w i t h �h e i�d s b C e d n e s�� ��,;f.�•`:�'����_
<br /> � �4�ereby 'secured; sIza�R�:.fou a�y reasori be held to be �invalid; i�+���al. or: �`":�ss����#�� .
<br /> , �.�.r
<br /> uaenforceable i� any respect, such inv�lidity; illegality, or uuenforce- ',xl..���� .._�,._
<br /> aBi2ity shall, at the option af �eneficiary, not affect any other.prov�iaivn E";�::�'��'=��.
<br /> � . �s.-:._:-.
<br /> ' r3f tl�is D�ed of Trust, 'buG•thi.e Deed af TrusC sha21 be constre:ed as if such t,�� •���'�--��-�°
<br /> � � inva�li�, illega2, or unenferceabl� provieion had never been contained hereir� ��i'�`°�==
<br /> �„==,�
<br /> or ther�i. If the Iiea Qf this Ireed af Trust i� xnvalid ar unanfogceable as =—�= -��T
<br /> to any part �f the iadebtealness hereby secured or evidenced by the Note, or� r r t-�"°`_�-
<br /> if the lien is invalid or uitenforceable as to any part of the Property, the �: _i_�' __ —
<br /> iu�eecured or partia�.ly secuzed portion of auch ind e bte d nees e ha�l be ti� }
<br /> compZc�tel�;�� paid p�ior to tl�e paymeut of the remaiaing and secured or '�x-
<br /> .:�; . .
<br /> arkz��.gy secured portian ef guch inde?o�ealness, and all pa ��ents �d� arr� such � -° - -
<br /> �nctri���dnesa, whe�her veluntary ar under �oreclosure or other enforceateat �` '�`'��� ' �
<br /> . �: F � !,.'�
<br /> act£�� ar proceduze, e�aall b� considexed to� have been f irst paid on and .
<br /> applied to the f�ll payment of that portion of euch indebtedness whir.h is not �.,;:::�s:�; _��
<br /> � secured o� not fully eecured by the lien �f this Desd of Trust; and �an) the . ;�.: �,_
<br /> cov�siants and agree�ents contained in tII�ie Deed of Trrust ehall bind, aad the �� '�
<br /> ben�fi.ts and advantages hereof sha21 �inure to the rcespective heirs, ���`
<br /> executars, administratars, euccessora aad aeaigns of the parties hereta. �',,;:`y,�; ,
<br /> �,
<br /> Wherever used hereia, the singular number shall i.�aclude the plwsal ,and :��",��
<br /> aonve�sely, and the use af any gender ahalZ be applicable to all gender�� . • ���� � '�
<br /> Whereve�r the term "Beneficiary° ia used herei.n; it shall ixzclude the legaS. . , ���
<br /> � holder or holders of the Note or the indebtedness s�cured hereby. ���� �=" " ,�
<br /> � ,
<br /> SP.VENTH. Upon written request o£ Beneficiary atating �hat al]. amounts • '. '��'' �,,.-
<br /> �and indebte�ness secured h�eby have been paid, and upon ��ender of thf.r�..� � ��
<br /> n �
<br /> � Deed of Trust and the Note ta Truatee for the cancellation �xif3 retention au,d� . :�/,.�
<br /> �-_;.�.��: -
<br />_ u pa� pa y ment b y Truator of Trustee'� Eees, Trustee shall reconvey ta.�'�arustor;� � �-.;:_-t,. .�.-
<br />- or the person or �Sersona legally �rititled thereta, without war�a��y, any �,;r^;:;.;_�.;. . �.. ,�`;
<br /> . portian erf the Froperty then held by Trustee hereiand�r,. The ��citak�:�3n euc�r., ���
<br />- reaonveyance� of any mattex�e ar facta ehall be ca'�scl.usi�s proo£ of tb.�� ' �'� °•'��� y� "�"`
<br /> ,.,�. �:-
<br /> � L �. �±.�
<br /> truthfulnesa thereeE: Th� grantee of any reconveyaizwe ma� :�s deacribed as � "�''�'
<br /> "the person or persons legally entitled thereto." �. � '" � � °�- �"���`-
<br />__ , . . _ _ .e�� j'� ,
<br />- EIGHTH. � Except for any notices, demands, requests or other communica- � •
<br /> tions required under applicable law to be given in another manner, whenever �� �
<br /> � Bene£i.ca . .. :'::;�:I�� :.
<br /> ary, Trustor ox Txuetee givea or serves any notice (including, ��;��!;.,:�
<br /> . wi�3�out 13mitation, notice of de£aul.t and notice of .sale), demanda, xequeste ; ,,,�.;,. , ,�� �.
<br /> o�:..Ather communica�f.ona with resp�� to this Deed o� .Truat, each eu�Ta: notice, •�;;;r�,.•��•: .
<br /> d��t�nd,� request r�.'other communication shall be �rn writing and shall be ' �" � . , :
<br />_ �..�,�i�.1t7�.. . .
<br />.- effeative only i�� �he sam� is delivered b� personal aervfce or rc�ailed la�r . � . �
<br /> aertf£fed .ai�il,. �td�tage prepaid, return re��3pt requeated, addresaed to th� �
<br /> adr."Y�ess ot the p��t.:� to� whom mailed as aet forth at the end oE tlais D�ed of , . �
<br /> Trtii;�.�. Any garty m:�y at any time change i.ta adc�sese for such notice� by . . � . .
<br /> d���:vering or maflf�t� te the other���xties hereto, ��A aforesaid, a notice of � �
<br />= e�:ch chatzge. Atsy aotice li�reunder sh�ll be deemed to have been� given ta • , � .
<br /> � Txu�tor or Henef f.ciary whcri given ia the mauner designated herein. • �,i��,;
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustor ha� eigned and.delivered this Deed of � • t.. �
<br /> �Tru$t the day and year first above wrftten. � .��
<br />_ ' � n �• .f�i l� . . . .. . - .
<br /> � evin E. �y r , Truetor Hobb J. yerl , T stor � � .
<br /> Post Office Addreag: . Post Office Address: ��. . � �
<br /> 606 West 16th 3tre�t 6Q8 West 16th Street r � . � �
<br />_- ._ _rra_,znr1_�Al_a_nr3`NE.6$901 _ _ Grand Islflnd, NE 688d1 �^__� _ __,-
<br />_ � .
<br />- . • . .
<br /> . . e---.-•- -- - -
<br /> - . ,
<br /> , �
<br /> . �__:_.
<br />