y_f� s ' _ '_ ..�. �t : , �?r .. z .L ,4:_�" �4:zt a — -- —
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<br /> ;. .. : " .t3 � - ---
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<br /> �'�.� '�- !.. 'tj��: - ._"::_ ,_�, l �:L"f`�'Si.����Y.R�'�C3��..`WP'���i:'t�°�Y's`'��arx�w� — ——_ .
<br /> -�::t. a�= .— _.,�, -..._,�..._a_»z�..-r��� � -..,-:.,.,�-��..� . . _ _ .___
<br /> - _-- _ _. __��_n.a+...:e..r..c.+�n' --���.""'_""..-.s n� ... �_ __ --� °
<br />.._ __�� ' . � . . � . . ,
<br /> �, •• . .' '. .• . . ' . . ' .. .. ' ������ .
<br /> . � ` . . . ' . ' . . a �����. Q _ - . -_--.
<br /> r�ie9: . : . _.: ' ' • . '_ _'- .. . . -_
<br /> =� or_�ur� a�,r aLfault o�r ��iae of alsfault hes�urtd�g j �c���v�l£d�te.�.an� a�t<_ - --- — ---_
<br /> � daue< �aur�uapa� tc� e�,ch `natice. Tr���g aen3grie ta Beaeficiar�, ae €urther - -
<br /> r ��cei�city £or the gerfortrt�ce �f the .fndebtednses atad� oblf�ations aecnired �,� _
<br /> ��: Y�ereb�r, a11 ,g�Yepaid rer�t� anc� all rrtorteya'whick� may hav� b��n or ma� Iiereaf�ter � ��. --
<br /> ° � 1oe �d�sitec� wtith Trus�or' b� �y lesaee o� the Prop�xty, .ta secure t8e � � �---
<br /> �-��. �.���---:
<br /> � pag�:cerat a� aay rent or`�lamages, �ad ugon d�afau].t �fa the perform�nce og any af � � ����y _`
<br /> -= t� provfoians hereof, Txuator. agr�es to �liver euch �ents ans� depesits ta ., ��:�,���=�ti_--
<br /> __.-� 8enefici�zy. Deliv�ry o€ anC�tCen no�ice of eenefiefaxy's ex�zcise of t�e ` �;�� �-_
<br /> �fg�t�c� 9�a��� �}• tb�s p�agragtt �iIF#� to any tesz�n�.t��aupy�g the Preperty : t ._�.��a< <.
<br /> � � oz..a�,y portion thereof. s�2 bs. sufffci.ent to require safd tenant to pay eaid �a�� �--r = -_
<br /> �r ���`-_
<br /> �.� r�t. � .
<br /> }.�;_. �en�,tQ.Bea�ficiax�r un.til .�urther notice. ;Y,�.���`-�� �..�
<br /> f�`;: � ���. S� th��sQ,shall be ff2ed by or a�afn�t the..Trustar aray pets.��.on,. _F' ��-�'�:'�"-�`:
<br /> ox pa�e�eed�3.�agr .se��.ng:,.any axraxigement or cotu������.oa or, extenaaan .of„anjr, , � ��,P ��`
<br /> a=��, , otl�e�•,relie€ nuder ox�,:p��suaa� to the �edera7�. ���u� �Y,.Cvde or any.,.atl��r:. f'��;�,,,` __
<br /> �� similat statute as ie"uc��t�.pr hereafter in e�fee�.� ar•.3.�•the Tauetor aha2� ba�� �-�`:• '�`�"'"�--
<br /> `�f� adjudicateal Poankrupt ox in�olvent oar aay of Tr�etor's prepex�y.shall .h�ve.�. ���,�.��,�� - =-
<br /> - � : been sequesteredf and such� deciee shall 8ave continued undiacharged �and � .�,�K"G�.�___
<br /> �•,` ,. ---
<br /> ` unetayed �or 90 days after the entry thsre�f, then the whole of th� Note and. �s _,.�� __
<br /> �r i.ndebtedaess hereby. secur�d eha�l, without aotice, at the op�ion �of the . � ��-
<br /> �r � .��, — �-
<br /> _ Seneficiary, become,dtie and gayable. • • � - -
<br /> �_:� ' �--� � =
<br /> �FIFTH: IIpo� default by Tru�toz� in the payment of or performance of the ;�, � ��
<br /> -- tertn�: and cond�tions of tlrxe Note, or an}� reneoral.s, �difications or ��;;T;,���.__ _
<br /> — � execution� thereaf, �he pagtment of any other indebtedness secured hereby or °:��`�- .
<br /> in the gerformance of aay agYesment, covenant or warranty hereia cantaiaed ar `-`�� r;�
<br />^�y� set forth in any agreement or inet�ument executed 1ay Trusta� i.n can�nection :`�` `s �
<br /> � wi.Ch the iad�tedaess hereby secured,� Beneficiary may declare all aums -�,:.��-��--=
<br /> �
<br />