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<br /> . .��� �� IFJY�7`
<br /> -.� ' tc�r� 3 >i3F'��.`Ss�� '��'s`i��{�1i'Tfa.�'�.x�'""" _
<br /> .� . . , ' _
<br /> "".....�._._.��_' . — _.—_. —_--_ _ _ _-�.-
<br /> _—_ .—- •• . _
<br /> ___ - - --,_.Y._. ....._._ ....P.sa —_ _ _— .___. �...�...T. . __— __ __
<br /> .. � ' . - ` " . . t __—___-
<br />- ' ' - t` ' . . '. ` . . . . ' � . . @ —_ _ _
<br /> � . . `L . ' .. � � � . . - . ' ��.°9�� .������ ` ----_—�—.
<br /> or
<br /> .. _°,,r�_�.��p� �,4.����� �� �� rr��ar���ay t�-�emed�r snch €a3.Itise��nd all �uQis�aafa� :�'-° _ _-----
<br /> . by ���� Berae£ici�xy puxat�ane heareto� �a�th ��ateacest ati � the �rate h�xeir�a�£�eg � _ - - _
<br /> pra�ric�ed e�ll ccaat�.tute a �.iea�•upon the Property. sha11 be �e�ur�cl by thie ����
<br /> . De�d of Trsiet, arcd �ha31 bs �3.��mediate�y due �nd repa�►ab2e �Q the .8enefaci.ary� . � , �_______----
<br /> .� . t�a) not ito aell the Property or any�ger�fon thereof c�itho�at the approval of _��-_-_—__
<br /> tli� 8eatefiai�rry i:r� 'sragitang; anc} in the event og an�r eale herein �rohibsted, , t �, _ __
<br /> t2�� �he entax indebtec3nes� secured by ehis Deed ot Trust 4hall. at .Che � ��� _�._
<br /> ca�t iou o� �h he B�ne f iciary, b e c o m e du� 'an8 p a y a�i�; (i} that if thc� Prop�rt�,► � ..
<br /> . ab�a�.������cr� p�c�? thereca� shal,i be t�ea og damaged uadsr t�e powez� of ` r_;;-��� -
<br /> e�n e a t d o m.a i n, t h e a w a r d f o a a n g,. P r o p e s t y so ta�ken oz d.�ma ged i incl�alia9 F�,�';r�:,�-�;��.s,�:--�-
<br /> seve:�caazc� e�ac�ages to tY�e rema�nz*+g pzemiaea) ehall. be paid to t�e Heneficiary � >�. �.. �r; __
<br /> a� �i���t �s�l-� t3�- -i.ttt �-3t-t#3e ��n?+ nf .the $euef icf ary in reda�tivn ,� ��v��� �.4�
<br /> o� the isi�.ebtednese hereby seceired� t j) ��at the Benef icf.ary s�ll have the �, �,�, ��
<br /> rigb� to inspect the Property at such reasonable t�es aH the Benef�iciary cn�y ��7z.$
<br /> � dee3�xe to determiae Tru�tor's compliaace wi�h the �ovenante contained ia th�e ���T-��=°=-�_
<br /> � Deeot o£ .�rea$�; tk), that the Beaefi.ciary aray release from the liea her�of any v"='�
<br /> ,;:�,��=_=�--_-
<br />- �g� ;o�..pa�c�1 0� t�e Prop�sty w#.thout requiri.ng a�a,y consideratioa th�re£ar, { .z__
<br /> a�c�;,.(1) that ��usLor is law$ully seized of said pr�azises and Property in f�e ,�__ =
<br /> � s3ucp2e, that the: aatae are fzee fcram all liens aad e�cumbrancea except ae may ��,�,���-�—
<br /> other�visex•�be spe��fically r�ated herein,ar,wai.ved a� writiug by the Beaeficia- ��:�p-��-_--
<br /> sy: 'Cl�t T�vs�or �il�_e�cecu_te or procuze any f�r necesaary assuranc�s a� �_.�v _ `
<br /> title and does her�y waaraat general�.y the. title �o said Eroperty and wiil --_--
<br /> � foreve� de€end the �ame agai,ns� the claims aa� demaxtds of all persons �::.:t=_`_-- -_:_.
<br /> � whomsoever, and th�t �rustor's separate estate,� vih�her vested, ccSa�ing�nt"or " T��°�--=
<br /> i s:�,=�,r��'.
<br /> �ia3 expec�ancgt, f.� �ierebp convey�ed and Trustdr dc�s hereby exp�e��ay waive, ,,.,-:�:.���--
<br />- . release alI rights and beneffts of any laotuestead, dowsr, curteay., appraise- �,-�� �.-_
<br /> �ent, ex�tfon aaad ��ay law�s o£ ti�i.s statce. Yt is agreed that the i�texest :•;:� `-'�=-
<br /> �:T LA � Y
<br />- providte�'�oz in subsectiea (gj above shall be at the same rate�as gpeci.£f.�d : - ._ ���
<br /> ...'H�. A 1 �.�.
<br />; i a t he NoLe $e�sared hereb y on the principal thereof after defanit �.nd r --•
<br /> ttt�:tuxity: � . .
<br /> o ,
<br /> ,�$$yldD. Iu tYie C.'VETIt. Tl'LlBtOZ'� W].tlT011t �L��.,jSr�OL'.,IJX].C��:�,t'�II9LTl��• G� ��_' �.'?k:
<br />= Beneficiary, eha�l sell, tranafer os convey or contxact tcz se�T„•:���au�fer or � ry�,.�
<br /> t
<br />_ �e�r�ey,�Yie Fzeperty, or any part,�Iaexeof� os: anp� �.ateres�•;���ic: the entire '�n,�•. . ,
<br /> :�i����;o� the ind�btedr�ess he�c�y��,secursd sha3.�. ;�r2can�..:�...�� .�.ram�diate].y � ; :..�
<br /> ��iae�`��;;payable ati the option ofc Henef iciazy; P�'��edi; �oweve��� :Bst�e�i.afary �::��>�'_� � ,
<br /> rtiay v�aive euch option to accelerate if, prior �to su�^.J�. sale, .tranefer ar � ..����
<br />_ � conveyance or contract therefor, Beneficiary and th�; �erson ta whom the .s.
<br />- pzoperty is to be sold or transferred reach an �g��eem��t:.in wri.ting that the ,.. _ ' '��
<br />- credit of auch person is satis+�actory to Bene�i�.�.az� �aar1 that the 3nte=e8C >�ri;r,,�� fi'r�
<br /> �
<br />: payable on the sums"'secured by this Desd of Trur:� shall be at such rate as „�,,�h� ?�J��.
<br /> Benefici.ary shall request. ` '},,� '. :_r.�-.. .
<br /> - ;..,,-.�s,�+ �'..'.;:: s.
<br /> _ I�B. � That ae £urther secur�.ty for the paymen� of the Note and the _ ,.;.��:._'���--�'
<br />�_ i.ndebtedness th�reby evidenced and the perforrt�ance o� all of the terms. •. �'��.�r, i�' -.
<br /> ��.
<br /> ' covenants aud conditians hereaf,_ Truator agrees that Beaeficia�*,� shall anc� • �� ,�+°��'��
<br />- dC�s' hereby have the •right, power and authora.ty during the c+�ra��.nuance of � : ..� `���-�
<br />- this Deed of Truat to collect the rents, issues and praEi.ts of the Property . "' �'�� . :
<br /> = and of any persoaal property located thereon wsth or c�it�out taking . . �
<br /> possession of the pzopeaty affected thereby; and Trustor hereby abEalut�ly �;,__ . •
<br /> and uuconditionally aeaigna all such rents, isau� and prafits to Be�efieia- 4� . , • .
<br /> = xy. Beneficia�y, however, hereby consents tv Truator's collection and , ,
<br /> retention af�euch rents, isaues and profits as they accrue and beGOms payable . . .
<br /> so 2oag as Trustor is not �t st�ch time in default with respect to pa�eat of � ..
<br />_ any indeb�ednese secured hereby or in the performance af any. agreement � .,� ` � .
<br /> b.ezeunder. Upon any sucIa default, Benefaciary may at any ticn�' either in . ,
<br /> person, b� agent, or by recefver to be appointed by a court, withont notice � . �
<br /> and raithAUt regard to �he adequacy o� any security for the indebtedneas .
<br />- her��y s�cu�ed taa entez upon and take gossea$ion of the PYOperty or any part � .
<br />= ther�of and in its ocvti namE. sue foz or�otherwise collect surh rents, iseues • . . � �.• .
<br />- and profi.te, includiag those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, leas , � �
<br /> coste and expensey of eperatfon and co2lection, including reasonable � ,
<br />� attorne�r's fees, upon any fadebtec}ness secured he�eby and in auch ozder as
<br />= Beneficaa�y ma�r �etermine; (b) lease the same. or any part thereof far such •
<br /> = r�ntal, term aAd ugoa such conditions a8 Beneficiarys judgment may dictat� � �
<br />` � or tezmsnate or adjust the teams and condi�ions of any existi.ng lease or .
<br />�"y � leases. Unl�ss Trustor and Beneficiary agree otherwise in wri�iag, any •
<br />-= appiicatian of rents, issues ox profits to any i�debtedaess secured her�by I . �
<br />�; sYiaZ2 aot extead ,�or pcstpone the due date of the installment paym.ents as ° �� • .
<br />�: ' pxauided �n the Pzote �r change the amournt of �uch installtnenes. The eateriAg f ,: .. � . � �
<br />�=� upo� aad taking p�ssessian of tke Fsoperty, the colYectioa of such rents,
<br /> �� �a�sues and grnfxts, aixd tcYce app�.ication thereof ae �aforesaid, shall not waive �..�.
<br /> � .:
<br /> - - -�- - - � - .
<br /> - . - - ---- - _ . � --- -
<br /> ;'
<br /> � � _ - -
<br /> � . . �.
<br /> # � I �. :. . . � o
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