!'����` ._�'...�. -'t. ^y:"� r g"=3�,•�'�� �"s'-,�' 'a'x� ����-��'re+: - ��,,,�__� . —_
<br /> ,��.
<br /> s�, -F t+f x f_ ' ...-: �'�:,.�:t:z."��t_. rer = — -
<br /> - --- -1.d..�.�z�":1s.er�'�'�= _,� _- _ _
<br /> - _ ' . ' � , , . . • '
<br /> ' � , �.� � . � � ' � .. , . ����'� �����'.�� . �----__
<br /> � '�t}G�`�R �s�th a�d >f.�a].udin�T �all��udl e3.�gu�.ar._th��.��e�rcen�e: heseer33�a- _ - —
<br /> -- �en�s. agp�az�e�canaes and pr�vile�es t�eseur�to � b�2Qng�ns�--or� iaa ���rsa�e� _- =-----.
<br /> �Pps���.niag. w�e�he� new c�r hereaE�,��c ac�ised. wh'l.ch �Yaall�fa�l�ad�� wi��tcaut ; • �___----
<br /> _ imi.ting s�he generaiity og G�e foge�ofiag..'the, folia�f.nga
<br /> � ��]:1 of the rent�, faA�aes ar�d �ro¢its�, fncZ�ac�ing ali ,���ta, _xayalt£e�. �� - =
<br /> � I�oa�us�s aud ��aaefits under an�r existin�.or �u�usc�.o$Y, ga� ox mfr�ea�al o� ��;���°'_______--
<br /> o�her l�eases; al� eaee�neret� and rights of ��.y:, aZ�.� ri.ghlCe o€ hom�o�eac� , . ���.�..�.�,Q.��= _
<br /> � s�'s �ital or ciiatx�b�s- �.'� 7 =`��„'°`- � -
<br /> and hoi�e�tead ea�erc�ptaon and an'y ��r�v3.�g s�o� .<< �..�,,,�._� -
<br /> . tine ehare, an� �Ix a'cher cantiugeat xigtats in and �o said premie�as and ' }��-��c.�-� _ __
<br /> t.. :�.��.��v,�t.s�.,�,_,:
<br /> .r_ 9 -, .. la. inn--..h�at. � U -_ --__
<br /> - — ==AL�-Z171CL7�EEI� iCtt�?�"�iClioCaai.�sr uu�si�f.sagS� r.Sld-- ..� ���'.---�. �a - N„�,a�sc;,o, �», --- --
<br /> ventfl�xing and lighting syetems and equipmeat t�erein, a3I. o� wh�ch �`-�-T'rt_�, T_L��_,__
<br /> shal.l ba conetrued and aonefderec� ae affixed to attd p�xt of th� te�tl � -� _ �._
<br /> ea�ate. . . t;===--------
<br /> ��Z����=��-�-�—�-
<br /> P�.il v�� .ths foregoi.ng estate, prog�rt.y and �nterest hex�by coaveyed ta t#�� � i;��Y�-��__
<br /> said Trustee is hereinafter col�ectiveZy referred ta as. �ie "Pzape�rty•�' ;��:�=•—_
<br /> . -u:�y�_,=_�-
<br /> '�A
<br /> � 'ir-�..:�.
<br /> TQ I�AVE AP?D TO HOLD the same untc the sai.d �'ruatee, Truetee's succeseore _ _--_-
<br /> and assigns fozevex, ZI�2 TRUST HOWBVER arcd T�ITS FOWg3t OF SA�B hexebY exP=essl�
<br /> �ranted unto tYte s�.a� �.'rus�ee, Trus�ee's suac�asors, and aesigas far t�ie , --
<br /> Puxpose o£ securing: • . . . _ �'----_ _
<br /> ��---_
<br /> . ,_:.�r.:.f;5 °-��..�'_
<br /> ,(a) �e gaymen� of T�cnstor's �ju�t indebtedness eo Heneficiary #� t1r��,� �=--=�`�`. _
<br /> principal sum.o� Forty-three Thousand S�venn Hundred Dollars ($�3,700.00) goi �� _ .-.�
<br />. cn��ef borrornte�, 'saith -interest there.an,. aIl as. evideaaed by a�d. ia..�trict - _ '��-�_
<br /> �u����.
<br /> accor�an.ce with the terms of that certain p�amigaory note herei:tafter caZled - •,�
<br /> � the °1�Iate°, k�earing even date herewitb made gayable to the order af _ �Q:.
<br /> Heaeficiary, ..executed by Kevin E. Byerly aad 8obbi J. Byerly, husband arad • :'„ " ,.
<br /> wif�, and providi.ng for the payment o�>>aa�.d indebtedn�ss in installments, �-;: .
<br /> $ub�� to accel�ratian of maturi� on de�au�t in the pay�ent of any :�,,��: ,
<br /> � inatal�.menC oft grincigal or interest..ar .in ths ,p�rfozmaace of any covenaat, .
<br /> ag��eraent �.r;a�axranty conta3ned in thi�.De�d,oE.Tirt,tst; .`��3. ..
<br /> � :'`i:� �.;;I'x ;�+ ; }.
<br /> � (b) ��p��£�zriance of each agreement,� �covenar�t ,and war�aaz�y mf Trueto�:� � ..,`��` .
<br /> he�eeix� ron�a2.ned.+�r set forth in the Note or an�,r agreerc�ent or instrument , ` �'
<br /> executed by .Truetor in connection cvith the indebtediisess.hereby �secured; and .,,, �:�••�.
<br /> ... :r� _
<br /> :� (c) The payment of any sum or sutns of �oney with interest thereen wlaich .• -�. fi�
<br /> ��.,�,� �ranced urtder the terms of thia De�d of Tru�t. �:�.�,.:��-�"—'�
<br />_ may be hereafter paid or ad . :,;�,,�,..:,,�- -�
<br /> � . . , �. ,�._
<br /> � �:�:�u�bW, T�R.EFORE:, '.�O PROTECT TAE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRIIST. Trusto� ..;,.:�_ �� . :,,�r
<br /> do�s fos Truatos �ud for Trustor�s heirs, representatives, vendees, `�=•::�x"�=�"'-_--_
<br /> � .-;;�,3-,._..�--
<br />. successors �aazd ascaigns, the owners of said Frope�cty, hereby expresely . ._.:.,b ���
<br /> cove�ant, a� ee and warrant Co and with the Tn�stee and Heneficia�cy, a�ad -
<br /> �oeadees and assign�: =t��� �
<br />- � their succe sors, � � �.�T-=
<br /> ;i'°,�;���"'-����,-
<br /> :.,�.. .s. .
<br /> to the extent . ��'"�"'`° .
<br />:= irs • That the Trustor heseb� covenants and agrees, . �:��f ��
<br /> >:�ro�;� • . .#... :
<br /> � permitted by law. as follocva: . (a) to pay promptly when due the pri.ncipal and • . . . .
<br /> int�sest and �ot�tes sums of monpp provided for in the Note a.nc3 ia this Deed of E . .-;� �
<br /> True.�; (b) to pramptly pay before �del�nqtaency a1.7. taxes, ass�sstaents and ! ::,,,,,, �
<br /> ather charges itnpo�.e�d, by law upota: �the � Pro erty, the Truator'o anterest � �"`t.���
<br /> P h � ��,;':a�s:'. .
<br /> t;ti�
<br /> tYcerein, vr upon thie� Deed of Trust or the Note; tC) to keep the above- �. ;+�.._
<br /> deseribeai P�c�perty and the improvements thereon in goad conditfon and repair � � . � �
<br /> and not to commit or eufter wastQ there�f, and ex�cept as au�horized in anq• � . � � . .
<br /> schedule anaexed hereto an� fozming a part hereofo (d) ttt maintain and
<br /> deliver to Seneficiary policies of insurance agafnx}t euch hazards on the , .
<br /> l�ui2dings and impro�vemsnts now or heseafter located orr. or cona�ituting a part . �. :
<br /> of the Pxoperty as tl�e Beneticiary shall require, in such comparaies and � . .
<br />- amounts aar� with �such �ess payable clauses as ahall be satis£actory to the f �_ _
<br /> Beueficiary; that in the event of 2oss, Beneficiary is expresg3.y authorized �. . .. •
<br />= to sQttle or compramise clafms under said policies and the proceeds thereaf .
<br /> shaZl be paid to the Heneficaaay wha may apply the sa�ae or a�ay part thereaf .��'� :i��;.� � �
<br />" on the indebtedaess secured hereby or toward the reconstruction or repair of � ': , _ .
<br />_� said buildings and imgrovetnents os release sa�e to the Trust�r; (e) to pay t. �
<br />'� a�y 1i�n, clai�n or charge against the Fraperty which might taI�e precedence
<br /> ' over th� lf,en h�zeof; ff} to pa7� on d�mand all . legal expenses, title ��'� � . _
<br />= searches, appraisal ar attomeys• fees reasoaably incuzzed or paid by � , . .� �,��
<br />- BeneficiaYy to collsct the Pl�te or foreclose or psotect tlae lien og this Deed � � . ,
<br /> ° of Txust; tg) that in the event Tnastor sha12 fail ta cemply with the .
<br /> = pxavisions af ta? ti�rough t�} abovc; the �eneficiary m�y expend such f*.uida . . �. . :
<br /> = . .. � � •
<br /> _ . . . . . � 1� . �. -
<br /> �y • S
<br /> 1' - __ _- ^..�.. - .__.. ___ - .. �. .�
<br />