___ _ __ _ , _
<br />__ _ - . � . . ,
<br /> , - . � . �` . . . � ' '. , �` � ' � �� �„���,��� . -
<br /> � , gsy�ents rr�y no longer.�e rcc�isr�d.m 1th�opti�n c5f E�rxl�.r.if m�rt���[nsvragse oaver�e�(! l��uei and to�l�.c � .
<br /> � ttnt�.c�t �ires?.Qruyida!by an iiilss�rsr u�ravc,i by be�dsr�bes�r�s avaIIaBt��t 9s obtai�i.F�ar;e�w�er�i!�y � ..
<br /> �` ttic pt�icu�req�iret-�tt�m.�i�tain t�gagt Er.�in e�e�.c;ta p3aa�i�.�`a ia�r..�s��e�.�sr:��ihe;req-�,���,c-�t f�r►�tga� —
<br /> - -- -.insussnc�eads in�rdance c�ittt any cvrittea a�ra.'mtsu t,esa�a�m�s��r�Le�er crr tippii�eble Iaw. _ _ - :
<br /> ' � 4.iaapediae.Leader ar Qts da.e�may mak��^�.�.-a�b!��ri�c�p�s�and in�pecsior�of the Ft�perty.l.e�der sha9!gt�rg � �
<br /> ' �umowtr mtice at�time of os prior to an d�sp�ectinn specafyiq,s r@?�b1�cause for t�e inspect3cm: '�� .
<br /> .� . l41.C�. 'i'hg prcce�6s of eny swazd or ctaim far d�es.d3s�ea or cansrquenti�l. in.eona�c3ton a�t€�any
<br /> , cat�Aeginaiioii or otb�r�.vsing oF atiy pact bf ci�e Progerty.�r fcr�p��2y2nce in lieu of condemn�tIan,ar�hea�by asai�3 a�d
<br /> � stjall!te paid to I.end:s. . ' � , , . ,
<br /> ' .Tn thc event of u�tai taking of Ede Prapetty.t!��mceads�l b�a�f ied t�ette sams s�u�ed by this S�uriry I�tmm:ut.
<br /> _ whcth�cpr n�t ttt�n`dae:tvidt a�r s:o�ss.�id to�rtoK�er.ta tt�.cvent of a�al tskittg o3 ttt2 E��-�tn w�iclt itt�€ait
<br /> �naztct a�ue qf the t}capeaty�amly beFar�the tatciing is eq�sl to or gre,�ttEr than the amount af tt�e sums se�by�f.0is
<br /> Ser,arity ihsai�esrt i�iatety Befoxe�taking.untess Bortotiver Ps►d���irs othe�nis�agree in wciting.ths suins s�ce��ed by
<br /> , ' thSs Security Instnunent shall be refluced by the amonnt of tlte procoads mn�16p}ied Csy the fottawing fiartion (a)the total
<br /> amount of the�sec4tred itan�ediately`befo�+e the takIng,divid�by(6)ths fair market val�e of xhe Property iausadiacety
<br /> �sfore.t�e taku►g- A�:Eata�ce shall 6e paid to Sormcver. in ttr_eceat of a�p�tia!tataing.of tke Paop�t[y�ia w�i�th�fair
<br />" marictt vatae of tke Property�elp befoie tite taicing is tess tt�m tf�amoval of the sums sentted imrte�dtately befot�the -
<br /> ' ta�ing,uatess Soaawer and i�endcr athem+ise ag�ia writiag or nnfess applcrable taw otkernise ptovides.the proc�cis shall
<br /> 6e apptied ea d:B sunrs seca�by this Secuiiry Insu�crt w(iett��or nnt tha s�s are Nen dt�e: ,
<br /> . . !Y i�e Phs�rty is abanda�d by Borrowee.or if.aRes�tice!ry Lea�r to gormgrer tHat th+e oaademnor offeas w m�Ye nn •
<br /> awnrd or seuIe a ctai4a fas��s,Barm�ver faWs to respnIIad to l.e�es within 30 days t�Rer the date tlfe autire'is givea.
<br /> � Lender is autttotizzd cm co�Iect aud apply ths pruc�eds.at its op3ion.either to restaratioa or cepair of the Pmpert�r or eo tlte sums �
<br /> secured by this�erurity In�*rn�-t.-wl�er or not t�ea due. ' . �
<br /> Un3ess ixader and Bocro�ver aitienvise ag�ee in writimg,2nY applirdtian of pmceeds ta prin�ripai sl�a11 not extend ar =
<br /> . posipvr�the due date of tt�e ca�nttily pay�ents refemed w in parag�hs 1 and 2 or drange the atanaat of such payments.
<br /> II.Borro�rres 11Tat�sed;Farhespaaoe By 1 ma�i Nof a��siver.Exteusioa of the time for paymeut or ma�difrc�bn
<br /> of amoriixatiou of the s�secvmd by this Se�auity Instivmeui gr�mod by I.ender to any saeoessbr 9n interesi of Bo�rawer sfiafl
<br /> not operate ta cetease the Yiabilily ef t6e origi�al Bormwer ar Borro�er's saacessots in interast.LRnder shall nnf be n�uired to
<br /> rnonnenaz ptoi�ings�a�iinse�y sac+oessor in iffteiest or refuse ta extend time for gaymeut ar atherwise madify amorti�ation z.
<br /> � of the st�ms s�ctired 0y t�is Security Instrataeat !ry re�son of a� demand m�e by the ariginal Bo�aer or Bor�ower's
<br /> s¢eces�ors in interest. A�gs Eorbea�ance by ixader in exercising any right or�}shall aot be a waiver of os prectade the
<br /> exercise of any rigtit or�y. � ' _
<br /> 12.S�sssois and �gac Sa�ad;Joint su� Serera! �ahili4Y. C;o�sF�s• 'fY�e oaveaams and agrzen:ents of this
<br /> � Secnrity I�%nt shall 6ind ai�d b�t the suc�cessois and a�sig�of Lender and Bnnus�er. sabject m the provisions of °
<br /> patagraph 17: Rurrouer's�venants nnd agreemenu shal! be joissz and seveia[_ Any Bornawer who co-sigas this Security
<br /> Iastrument but does c�t ee�;.vte the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securlcy Insuunr�nt only to mortgage. grant and convey that _
<br /> Barrower's i�uec�st in.t5e�?trperty under ihe tenns of tius Secarity lastnunent;(1�1 is not personally obligated ta pay the sams --
<br /> sera�red by thi�$ecurity tnstriuneat;and(c)agree�that Leader znd airy other Som�wer may agree to eatend.modify,farbear or
<br /> make nny a�cv�{Y�cnuda�ions�vith reg�d to the terms of this Seauiry I�rart�,nt or the Note without ihat Bortoaer's oonseat. '
<br /> 13.Lo7ilY��aeg�s.I�the loan seaued by this Security Insws�s is subject eo a taa wluch seis maximurn loan ct�arges. ===
<br /> and that lac�r is fnally irt,�sg�reted so that the interest or other toazi charges oollected or w 6e collacted in connection with the =
<br /> toan exc.eed the pemntted ii�iits.then:(�)any such Iaan charge sh�ll ba reduc�i Isy the amount necessary to redace the charge . , __
<br /> to the pemfstted linnt:aaai��6)any sums already collec�'froae 8uprruuwer wtiidt�;xceaded pemuitted limits will be refunded to .
<br /> Borrower. �der may�itoose to tna�a�this refurtd by reducin�t�ce�principal owed under tY:r: No2e or by making a diroct . -
<br /> • paymer►t to�l�brrower. If,a.refund t�l't�.�es principal. the reduaf�:� will 6e treated as a p�artial prepayraent without.zny
<br /> P�P�nt char8e u�.s�r�?Note. � . . .
<br /> 14.Notioes.An�t�i�it$r.e to Borrotiver prov8de�for in this Securiry Instrwnc�tshall be given by delivcring it or by mailiag` _
<br /> it by first c���mail�u�i�.��,pplicable law requires use ot annther�ethod.7'ite tuucce strall be directed to the Property Addr�:• �
<br /> or any otic�e sut�uress Borrower desigt►ates by notice to Lend�r. Aay norice to Lender shall be given by first class ftvu`I;to � -
<br /> Lfiadei s�diess stated herein or arry m�'ter address l,ender designaiss by norise to Bonower.Any r�otice providod for us tEtis -
<br /> Security Itut�ment shall be deemeQ ta hu<<e been givemtd Boaower or Lender when�iven as prnvided in thi�s paragraph. =
<br /> IS.Goveming Law; Sever�.S�t�. 97�is $,.suril� Instrument shall be �iiue:med by federal !aw axcd the laar of the =
<br /> jurisdletian in which the Property is f��.ztxxd. In tiie e'vent that any provisian or cr.�uss of this Security Instrument or the Note «,
<br /> wnflicts�vitl�applicabte law,snch wnClir.�shall not affect other pmvisions of this 5ecurity ln�tniment or the Note which can be - �-
<br /> given eifeci witkout the conflicting pravi�ion.To this end the provisions of this Security[�s�rnment aiid the Note are declared �
<br /> to be sQVerable. . '`r�
<br /> 16.Boria�er's Copy.Borrower shall be given one eonformed c�opy of the Alate and of this Security lnstrument. `
<br /> Fam 3028 9/90 ' `°
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