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<br /> . 5.�is�ard,crr Fro�erty 3�ura�ce. B:eprower shali-�p the iatproyr.mtents no g ar h.e�Ret��an the .
<br /> � � Fcap�tp,ir�a�d e�ain4t ter�sby fn��l�nrds it�ctud�tt cvit�in t�e tesm 'eacte�d cx�ver�e'�anp at�cr i�.�s,Insludin� ,
<br /> ftoads or f�oot�ig,f�r`w}uch I.�,ter r�q�rir�s ii�r^.cc�:'i'his fnsuras�shall be rteaia:aim�in e�c�aoums�fa the�iods :
<br /> tHai Le�rr reqvires..The inspramce casrigf�rrovid'una the insuran:se shall be dcosoa,by Butr�erer su�ject ta Leatier's app:ava!
<br /> . `exhich shaU nn:`be�aarcascsnably withYteid. If @orinwer.faits to m� tr�txiverd�e dessribal abave. Leader asay.at Lenster's .
<br /> a�ptioa.Qhtain a�vemg�to p�zotesi Lender's rights ia the i'mpeity�in accardaace wit�paragraph 7. � ,
<br /> ' � � Al!insirance policie5 nnd te�als shsU tss accegta6Fe tv L�tder und sha11 inctud�a standard rtortgu�e clausa. L�ender .
<br /> s�ilt have the r�Ght tu hold the{�snlicira ar.d re�ewais.If I.�er reqaL:�.Borrower shall prompdy give to Lcnder a�t r�tpu of
<br /> , � p�ud premiums anRi cenewa2 notis�es.In the evznt of Ioss.Bamawer s};ul�give pr'ompt aatice to the insurance carrier aad Lender.
<br /> Ian�r m�y mak�gmof of lass if ant rnade Pm�ptlY bY Bouawer. ° '
<br /> . - Untess Lender c�d Bozmwer ath�wise agrze in�vriria�,insurance p�ce�ds sball be apptied tp rnswr•tdon or regsir of the
<br /> Pmperty datn�ed,if the r�;tora*.ian or repair is c�onomirally fe�.siBTe�rd taendcr's security is not t�msd.'If the rEStorarion or
<br /> rtpai�is not eronamicaily feasi6!$ar L�endei's securiry won2d be tess°.ared.the insurance proceeds si�all 10�applied to the sums
<br /> secuced D,}r this Secluiry tats�ument, whahe�or aot then due. wid,r a�y e�eess paid to Bormwer. IP Sorcower abuz�dans the
<br /> Progerty,or da�s nat answrr withIn 3fl day s a�tic�from I�der t�c the�s�uance c�rrier has offered.tm settl�o.claim.then
<br /> a,cnder rAay collax the insu�pmoeeds. Leadtt may use t�e p,�s to rep�ir or restore the Fnsperty or to pay sams
<br /> �ecared by this Securtry in�strliu�ens.whether ar not then due.'i'h�e 30day peaiad will begm unc�n the notice is givea. '
<br /> � tJn!ess Lendez and Boiro�rer othetwise agree in cvrit��. any ugpliration of groceeds to principal s6all aot extead or
<br /> postpor,e Wg du�dat�of tt��nshly paym�a►ts referred ta ia paragraghs 1 and 2 or change the amoum of td�payments. If
<br /> ander paragap�2I the Propecty is acquined 6y Lender,Bormwes's rig�tt to aay inmianoe policies and giaoe�s re.sulting from
<br /> demag8 to the Pcogecry pr[or to the acquisit[on shall pass to l.euder to the extertfi of t6e sums sec�red by tivs Sec�ity in �►„ .+t
<br /> . ��edias.ezy prior on th:arquisitian. �. • � � _.
<br /> '. ,�-`.:�i�"3'�P�attc�,'L�a:rt��and Pe+��.���°t��rc�erty;Ba�o�'s ieu�a.A�cai�+'+�:L.easelto�ds. _
<br /> Bortawer shall occapy,esta.biisla,�.nd vse the Pcoperty as Ba�rowcr's principal resideuse wct�in sxty da8s aRer the exeration of -
<br /> � tivs Se�uriry Iastnu��-.,,:z a�1 sha�l conticme to occupy[he Fsoperty as Bnrrower's principal se�dettoe for af leasi otte yeaz after
<br /> thc date of aoa�am�,�.�mi�s Lender othenvise agrees in writiaII.cvhicfi consetn shall not be�raLty witt�held.ar anless �
<br /> euenuating cu�umstaaoes exist eoluch are be}rond Bormwer's oa:uroi. EamaNer sball �t dasuay;damage or impair the
<br /> � Pm�erty,altaw the Pmperty to deteriorate, or commit waste o�.the Property. BorraweP s[;�ail b$in default if arty farfeiture
<br /> �xion or prooeedis�g.wheiher civil or criminal.is bcgun tlu�t in Lendes's good faiW jad�t cauld resait ia forfeiwre of the
<br /> . Pcoperry ar otherwise m�tesially impais the lien created by tinis Security Iastrument ar Leaider's se�rity nrterest.Borrower may _.
<br /> are snch a default und reinstate.as provided in paragrdph 1�.by ctmsing ti�action or pracee�ing tv 4sx dismessed witt�a ruling -
<br /> tbat, ia l.ender's goad fai4h determination. pr�iudes forfeiture ai•the Bmmwer's inter�st in the�rv�erty or other mat�cial •
<br /> im�t of the tien rreatcd by this Serurity Iiuuumem ar,•L�dee's security inteees� Hcrrower shall:alsu be im�efault if
<br /> • Bo��r.doring the loan agpli�ation pmcess.gave mats�ll�:;filr,�as.inaccurate infor�c.rtn:'or st�tements to LenQer+�or failed
<br /> to pra»de Ixader with any mat�rial information)in connecti��c,Vvitb the loan evidenced Es;-d�Note.imcdudin�.but not limited =
<br /> to,representations conceming Borrower s aocur--,.n�;of the Pragerry as a princ'spal residerue.If this Sea�ity Ir�strameat is on a
<br /> teaset�old, Borrower sl�all campiy with a!! the Qnzvisions of�t� lease. If�orrower atquires fee utie to the Praperty. the _
<br /> leasehold and the fee title shall noi meege unless fi�eader agrees to t�:e mearger in writing..�_� .
<br /> 9.prutectiun of l.entl�'s Rights in the Pt+nperty.lf Bormvrer fa�7s to perform the ia:i snants aad a�reements cantained in
<br />: thts Security Insttum:.at.or these is a tegal proa�eding thnt may signiRcanily affect I.eader's rights in the Property(such as a _
<br /> prooeeding in baafc�uptcy, pmbate,for eondema:cion or focfeiiu�e or m enfis;ee la�vs or regulations).thea Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary w pmtoct the valua of the Pcqpgty aad ifraadtw s righu in the Property. l.ender's actions may
<br /> iacta�,�ying a�r sums seaired by a jien which t►as priot#t� ovet this Security instrument, appeaziag in cortt�;..payiag
<br /> reaso�5:attorneys'fces andentering on ihe Property to ma�r�airs. Although Leadc�rnay take action under tDiif.pt�;agraph. _
<br /> 7,Ler�ts dmes no!b3ve ta dfl so. � • ..
<br /> Any amau��di�bussed by I.ender under this pa�agrzph 7 shall become addidonal debt af Bnrrower secured by this ;
<br /> Secarity Enstntr��.�J�l�ss Borrower and Le�e,g agrae to oaher terins of payment,these amounts shail bear interest fmm the .
<br /> ,�����;�' date Af disbursemeat at th�Na�..e rate and shali be payable. with interest. upan notic� from Lender to�Bormwer reqaesting
<br /> � A�*i?!4i�it• ' _
<br />. • . I�i;':tilortgage Insmunoe.If Lender required mong�e insurance as a condition of iir�:cing the loan secured by this Security
<br /> "., �n,�i�tunent. Borrow�er steali'pay the premiums required to muintaln the rnbct�;e.insurance in effect. If, for any reasan. the
<br /> � . � ruortgage inswanoe mver�e roquired 6y Leader lapses or ceases co be ia ei�ect.Borroarer shall pay the�premivms required w •
<br /> obtain coverage substandally equivalent to the rttortgsge in�csance pr�viously in effed,as a cost substantially equiv3,�t to ttie;�' "�, -
<br /> .cost to Bprrower of the mnngage insurunce previous}y in effect, ftom an altemate moztgage insurer appmved 6y`I;e�tder, If �
<br /> substan6ally eguivalent rt�ortga3e insurnnre coverage is not availaSle,Borrower shall pay to Lendcr each month a s.tiu equa!to _
<br /> . o�elflh of�ihe yeazly mnrt�e insurnnee premium bcin�paid by Bortawer when the insurance covcr.�ge lapsed or ceased to _
<br /> be in effect.Lender wiU aceepl,use nnd retain these payments as.a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage ia!:uraace. Loss resenre =
<br /> Farm a428 9►90
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