__ _ _ _ . _ _�_ �
<br /> z `*� . .� ----- �._ 1 —�^ -- ,� ' • �.. :�.��.eb'�7a� � � �____-
<br /> . � !� g7.�c�'o#E� ar a�i�tler�L in BQira�tver.if a�o��t�of th�Prapeaty or any ImPtPsi isi it , ' � —_
<br /> ' ` ss sazd ar t�fcrrs�ta��if�:�ime.�i�Bonvw=i is sotd o�te�.nsf�rr�d�nd 8orrowee is uot�a�auSal Fe3son}y,ntisaut
<br /> ' �<�Cnde�'s p�nr c�w�st�+t: �r t�.e�its p�tit:a.=reclnine �fliat�paYtneu't ih fult of ati suuts sa�ar€� by r�his ` .
<br /> (S�urity ir�sutn�c�G:I�s�+ver�:thls a�.ier�sr�..,�T-�t be exercised by F.�er i�'er,eneisC gS prohi6ited by fed�ia3 laKr as of Ei�e date . .
<br /> .. •�,_._ � .. . - - -- -
<br />---- -----,a�t�isSs��. .i -�.:�'si3.—..__--___';.--. - - .
<br /> • If l.en�irr exer�s�+1L's a,�'^,u.L,e�es s�gcC Hortower nbLice o€n�reteratioa:'i'k�aotice sh21!provide a petiod of nQt
<br /> trss Qt�t 3Q days�.*:�t�;d,s.*.e�noace is ci�ivere�vr m�'sEed withia whirh Borraa�er must pay all sams�secured fsy this . `
<br /> ' Seeurity instns�;r:f�1�3o,-�ovrer faiis ta gap t�sums p;ior tu t�e expiration of shis periad.Lea►�er mzy invoYe�¢�y r�medies •
<br /> • pa�cnittecf by t[�.��iy Irscnsy�rt Nittrmst aof.i�or ds.�rn�d oa Boaovrcr. � .
<br /> Fa. Baxra��a's �i Lo R�,4sts�i� �m►wer m�ets cert�ia 6onditians. Borravrer �i�Ji tiave the cight to,taav8 c �
<br /> enforcemeni o�t�;�S�tz.ry Ir.scruta�t�,d�sur�t3fnted at an}r time prior to the'qslier of: (a)5 days(ar such ot[z�r period as '
<br />� DPP�E�.hte ta� r��s„�ecify foa reirs�sa�e�en*.3�ore sale af the PraF��Y,Pnrsnant to any povre�of�le cautaiued in th�s _ -
<br /> ��ritq I�:c�33 e�Y o�a ju��r3 e�i'orci�t�is Sr.c�uit'y tas�. Those ctoruiitioss sra tt�Bo�F Ca)�aYs . _- �
<br /> f,endcr all s�c��n:�tls�s��s�3[�dug or.��-this S�tiry i�, .ment and ttie Note as if no asceleratiior��ad occucred:(b) _ _
<br /> es�res.n}r defaat,�cuS a�..^�ot.�er cov�ants vE�enis: {c)Paqs all expea�ses incurred in ea�forc'sng tiiis Secarity Insic�s�enE, -
<br /> inciuding,but ace f�r.i��tn,r�suazble ar,.�a�s'f�s:and(d)ta�e5 suci�aeuon as Leade�a�,ay igasai�ably reqaire to assure =._
<br /> ehat the lien o8 t';s:Se�.ui:"Y Iastn�mena. �,s ri�ts in ttte FFOperty at�Bonuwer's obligatian ta puy t@e sums secared byt
<br /> tLis Sccurity Ycs��b shal� caaaimr� utx�t►#�ged.�Upon remsta�nt by Borrov�rer..this Secarity Instcument astd tIte
<br /> ob�}�tiians s��n A.e�.�s�,�.It re�ain fcsl[y�ve as if ao arceleiatioa Ira�acxvrr.ed.However.this r�ght to reinstate sbaU
<br /> . n�i spply in tAe ca�aS 2xel�inzs andeag�h 17. , . -
<br /> U.�e o,t 1�+Y6� C�Q4'Lo�n�er. The Note or a part�a! inierest in the Note ttogether with this 3ecariYY
<br /> Instcumemy cen�r C¢�s�5�ar�o:mcne tiru�s u-�oat prior aotice to Burron�r,�+sale may resuft in a change in the enrity(iazawn - -
<br /> as ths°Laau Set-u�")?ha4 ao�ec"s ma��.tY&AY�nts due uader th�Nnts�Nis Security Insuument.There aiso may be one �
<br /> ar mure c8a�o�t*��t�.-ni�uarr.t�.?�ta a�ate of the t�ote.Lf tl�c�is a change of the Ldan Servicer.�orrower�vi�l be _ __
<br /> pven writtea coa,a�aS t�e ctta.r�e ia�so�d�ee arsch^�� 14 a�bave and applicabte lacv. The aotice will state ttn�n�e aad -
<br /> addr�cs of the ccar.�Sen�z�s aa�d tPre�dress to whi,ch payments shauki he made.'fhe notice will also oontaip arg�r affier ---
<br /> iufamsazion re�tdb�a�fi�rbLe ia�,r. � � = . _---
<br /> Zv.�.�".�n G^�•� �szrs��rs sh2.�1 aoa ca��e or�ermit tti�.pn�e,nce. use disposal. storage. ar iel�e of any . �;_-,m_�_--•�,- -- -
<br /> � �d�QS Substa�cea on or in t� Pi�rty. Borrower shall aat do. tiu�r.:etIow anyone else ¢o do, anything aff�g the
<br /> Property that`u ia y�a�i�o�anyr Eu�z�t�uraental law. 'I1ie preceding ato sentences shall not apply to tfie prese�: ase,or —
<br /> siorage on the Pr�rt�o�smai0�.�ntit�s of Hazardous Substsinces.that are generaUy r�cognized to be appnopri��tsr nnrmal �=,�`___
<br /> residentralusesa�ac�c�int:a�oeoitP►�Ptope�ty. . . �'• `• _--� -
<br /> Eorrower s8�l�coq'�y gio•e l.eai�er�vritten nnrice af tui}>itnresti�ntion. claim, demand,lawsuit or other�t#aq 6y any � "�
<br /> gnveiame�ai or .t�st:a:asy a��r o�girivate party invoiving t6e Progaty#ind any Nazar�daus Substance or Environmental[aw ' - �.��.
<br /> , of wIlic6 Horrn*w3rc C�.s 2st��mt�ige.tf Eottaw2r team�:ot is aasifi�bY anS+govemutearal or regulatory Euui�tity.d�aT ��---<'', `.`
<br /> ,,:-�.l��s
<br /> aay remnvaI oc ot3ut rer�edi��s og;�ny Hazatdous SubstEontc:nffectinb iite Ptoperty is necessary.Borrocver shall P,mm�tY take :;r� �.,
<br /> all nec.essary r2.-�,-'mi��i��rdance with Envimtm�t�tni.�faw.. � . .. .,., ;�
<br /> As used i�n��.�2dR 'Hazardaus Substanc�s'isrr shose suf�ances defined as toxic or haiardous sui�st:�ces by � _;�`�; •
<br /> Fmri�on�eiztaz Il�c•; . EEe fo3l;Rwin substanres: 7ins. �eroses�e,��tfier flammable or toxic eirbleum roducts; to�ic- :: `"`''`-� ,::
<br /> {� a+I $ S� P P .:z,�__,,.�,�...-
<br /> pesticides a�d tr:cbifsd�,vo�tili soSvertts.materials.conta3iur�asbescos ar�1'�m�aldehyde.and radioactive materials.As used in "-'��=':
<br /> this paragraF�2�,�:`�viro�.-�atal !aw" means federal laws$nd laws of�the jurisdiction where the Property is tacated that ��� ��,
<br /> re2ate to ft�.sa_��y or e+k.psmwt�ntat protection. .
<br /> -NOh-UNI�(�nd2 E�iL1'ENAM'S.Horrower autd Lender fiattter covenant and agree a�l'n�lows: • 1..
<br /> �`--��A�2ia��i�ca�cli�.LeII�er slrall give notice to Borravrer PrIor to aocefgcstion foQowuag Sorrasic�'�brnach � ;._� .
<br /> 08 aay w��.Qa�in this Sec�y lnsn�ent (bnt Qoi prIor to acxeleratfon uadur�graph IT ontess ;:r���; _�_ `� ;'
<br /> appllpble Ez�►G�te�o3[�ise}.The aoiice shai9 specif�: (a)trie defaalt;(6)the action requ.�red to cnre 4he defaalt; : °�-;,.,°��;:'
<br /> (c)a daie,c��5�.titan 30 day�s from tlhe date the uoticc is girea to Borrower,by�vhleh the defaWt musi be ctued;and ,
<br /> (�thas L�fls>,�ai�e EGc ddaWt on or betore flm date spedfled in t6e aotice may result in acceteration of the sams __�:;�t.���
<br /> secar�i�8y t3aiti�ity InStraatent aad sale of the P►�perty.T6e aat�ce stiatl further info�Borrower of the rig6t to "�-= �-�
<br /> P►
<br /> reinstait a.'�`�,.�t.ur�Qieratioa and the right tm bring a conrt scrtion to assest t�e noa-extsience of a defaWt or any oi6er �. ��;'`s d•�;�.
<br /> st '/
<br /> Qct�e c��orcn�er to acceieratian aad saie�U ttie defanli ls nui cuc+ed oa ar 6eforn the date speciGed in the notic� . �•':��`- �-"._
<br /> j.eadre.aa I�a�fimt+m�q'eeqa[re immediate paymeut in faD of si11 s�s secarcd by thls Secarity Instrameat without :``:�`� " :
<br /> f�tber�I atuD maJ iavo�e the power of sale aad any other remedies permitted 6y oppl�cabte taw.Lender sball be �. -,•,;�-
<br /> iv
<br /> �Itk��o eajlect uli espenses�cm��d�n the r�sdies provFde�!ia t6is h Zl.inda¢i�.b��n3limited� `:s. ;';�•.`.--_--°-�-�-
<br /> P�S P�P ���_----. - '
<br /> to,r�samWe attor�eys'f�s and casts af tiUe evideac+� , . � . • ; .�s�y�
<br /> Y[the puwer ot sate is iaru�ed,Tnutee sM�ll e�ntd� not[ce of defaNt�in.each�coanty In nhich�n9 ppe��,f the • ��` �s.�
<br /> Propeety'is tocated aad s6all mail copies of aadi nnii�t�t9ie mannsr�rescri6ed by appltrable 4aca i4 Bonu�r�r and to , , :.,�'��: ��.;.,,•,�
<br /> .i $i.; J"_'
<br /> tt�e Mher pers�r.��rescribed by appfIra6ie law.After��t�e reqalred by applic�ble law,Trnstee straql give�ts;�ttc�noitae . �.:�r.=:'.:�`���v�::
<br /> � � o!szle ta the pert�and[n the marmer prescribed 6y apPSirable law.Tnutee,withont demasd on Borm�rc�,�hall seU � ••. ;=.ti"��',;�}�;;:
<br /> ' tl�e Ph�t�erty at pablic auction to tlie tu�hest 64dr3�r at tt�e tf�ne nn�plaee and aiader the te�rs designated im t��rcatice af •.:��-�
<br /> sa[c ltd�crue or morn p�arreLs sAd in any osder Trnstee det�nntncs.Trnsiee may postpone snle of all ar a� puure� nf t6e ' :',.;,;;�'�^`
<br /> �'lY bY P��anna�cement at t�te time and piace oY any previousJy sct�edated sale. Lender or its c�^st�e mey � ' �. • ° . '
<br /> p�udtase the peuperty si.t a�s�le. ' � ;�� � � , .
<br /> . .� . .
<br /> Far+n 3028 9/80 ,. ,
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