�. � ��4£["e�rs`>�':'°'` ;s : , � � .. ..-rt 'ru`nz f'?��' .-__ ---
<br /> ,� ..�...� �c- C � •_ ,ws,:Ls.:.�,r.s�k,...s.t� --
<br /> --�L s;.. _ �rcf3fi���ASt, �u�+a* ,.. _ _ _.
<br /> �r�r.conw-atao�.�:.-.as�s-.=u�..rw
<br /> '____�--'� ��_—.�.T-.— _— . _ ._—__,: - ... - .. ___ __ - _T-.___._. __ ._.. __—_—.
<br /> -.. __. _; ._ _ - - __'_. . � -- . ' . �.' - . . .
<br /> .` , ` : - � • . : ` ,. ` ����;�.�A�,s��a7 . , =--
<br /> � 'i�f3GETii�R Ni�'H atl tY�e impravem:ats aow os her�aRez�on t$e pmpetiyT ea�all ws:m��lEs:appautenances.and � - !--
<br /> ` ` fn�tura� nacv oa�,�ereaftet a part of the pmp�sfy. Alf�replac��ents and ad�itions shal! alss 6z caveted�y ti�is ��tS► _--
<br /> . ��'Att of ths fore�oing is reietred ta iA this S�nri�y Insnua�nt as the'i'roperty.° . � ' � ,. —
<br /> BURROF��it COVENANTS�th�t Borrotver is[awfaIl,�seised of t�e�ate fzerebq wnvey�aadi t�the righe ed grant�sd , _-_
<br /> •� aonv�y th�Fmgert*,�a�d tt�t thQ 1Pmperty�is�tsteasurm4�e�d,eicce�t far encumbra�s Af r�cord.�nrrawez watr�nts aud�vilt . ___-
<br /> • defend getrerafly th�dtte tp the P�aP-rtY a�iast all ctaims s;nd demands.sub;�ct tQ eny encumbr,�aces of ineord. -
<br /> ' 'i�EIS SECURITY IN�TRUM�ENT coml�iQes unifo�mveuaats for natianal use an�aoa-uniPorm coven�nts�vitb limited =--
<br /> ° � ,variations bv j�sri�dicxion ta wnstitute a unifoasm securit�►instrutaeut�vcring r�il P�P�ftY• ` `'1��
<br /> ��.�.
<br /> ' L1NfFORM COVF.I�ANT'S.So�ou+Er aad lender coveaant and a�r�e as folIows: � , ��T==
<br /> i. �yment of Priucipal aad Ini�ere�t; Pc�p3ymeni an�Late Cbaages. 8ora�nwer shall pramptJY PaY�vhen due the t�;:::
<br />- pri�t;pa3 of e�i�t�st oa t�ddst�av�r�b�y ths l�nte a�aaY F�Y����td L�t�ch�rges due under th:Nnt�. < �'=a�•"
<br /> 2. Euads f6r�'a8es and Insmunre.Subject.ta applicabte law or to a wrltten waiver by I.cndet. Bormwer shali pag ao �
<br /> lender on tiee.EtaY monthlY FaY��clue uuder t6g PIat�.,uniil ihe.Note i�paid in full,n sum('Funds")far.(a)Yeariy taxes �"';-�`:
<br /> and asse�t�ats cvhic6 may:attaia priority over this Security inshument as�tien on tire Property;lbp YearIY lease6old paymei�ss ��_
<br /> or ground rentss an th4��mjsetty,if ar►y:(c)Ye,ar1Y�rard or pnoperty iasuranc�pr�miums:(d)YeaiiY flaod insar�ce premitrms. =°�'a
<br /> - if any:te)Y�'rr.nrtgage snsuranca pn��i►�s,if any;arhl(fl anit scims payable by Borrower to l.eader. in ascarda�soe with �;��-
<br /> . the�ovisi6ns�f�3rdgc2�h.$:in lieu of:f�e paymeut af�aottgage in���.p p�miams.These items are c;alled°Fscrow Items." _�-_
<br /> {,e.�er rnay. at agy time..co�`..es�and hotd Funds in aa aYnnunt aot to exc�ed tpte m�imum amount a lender fror a federa�lp � -�_
<br /> cekaP.ad-Ynmrtgssge la�n may c�.rice for.Bormcver's essrnvr,�cconnt uader ttie federaE Lteal Fstate Seulement Praaedvres Act of . !�`,:
<br /> r s �=-�-::
<br /> i5�%x'�as amend�d fmm time to Yime. 12 EJ.S_�.�ecaork•T�OI et seg. (RESPA ),�ess aaother taw that applies to tfie Fands' t�;,_
<br /> �a Iesser amflunt.ji so. Lend�r�may.:ss�a time, callect aad hold Funds in an amaunt.not taq exce�ed the lesser amnunt. . !:;�
<br /> E"_—_
<br /> L�der may sstimate the amount af Fuu�d�:�in the basis of curtent data and rea'sonabie est�'.�t�o€expxndiNres of fuwre . -
<br /> �uw Items or oth�rwise in accardance wi�sgplicable law. ��,
<br /> � The �mds s�al! be held in an institut'son �hase d�posits ar= insured by a�cieral 2�try;-`�u:.-^�*o���r;, ar entity e_:_-
<br /> arP
<br /> (inclading Leader.i�_Leadei is such an instiWtion)or in any Federal Home Loan Banfc.L�eu�'shz11:�;Iy t&e r�ands to pay the �:<;�
<br /> . Esarow Itenis.B.etzder may not charge Borrower for hotding assd appt_ci�the Funds,annualIy�lj�g t h e essmw acooimt,or �,`T
<br /> . verifying the E�w Items.unless Lgnder pays Eozowet i�eres�t oa�runds and applicab2e!aw petmits Lender to madce sv.� <„
<br /> • . a�arge:However.Lender may require Borrowes to pag ts oue-time ctlarge for an i�ependent real estate tax regortiag servioe �,:�
<br /> . � Ls�oi�by I.ender in cannection with this toan. onles�.�licabte lacY pravides a�wise. Unless an agreement is m2d� ur �a;:
<br /> . ••a{��icable[aw•cequires Interest to be paid.l.eader si�ti r.art be reqnined to pay Bozroa+c�r any imerest or carain�C oir the Fwtds. �-'_' :
<br /> O° W L_t..�:.�..
<br /> Hartower and i.eader may agree in wrtting.however, ihat interest shall be paid on the Furcds.Lertder shall give to Borrower. �;���
<br /> � - wit3tout cha�rge, an atmual accounting of dte Funds.sl�owing crediu and debits to the Funds atid the parpose for which� �:�`:-
<br /> . ' d���t to the Funds was made. u�.e Funds are piedged as asi�fional securiry for a11 sums secvred�y this S�urity I�ctramsnt.
<br /> :•::��f tfie Funds tield by'€,�r.der exceed the amou�s�Cr,c��io be held by appli�?e law.I.ender shal!acca�to Botrower �-:==_
<br /> ' ."u�'the excess Funds in acco�dance with the requiieuta�s c�f applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held 6u L.ender at any ;W_
<br /> 6me is�oE su�.;a�t to pay the Escrow Items ivi�en dr��u�ader may sa notify Borrower in writing, and.in such case Borrawer
<br /> a�l a to f��e�:the�amount n Zm��:+e¢p�e deficienc}. �rrower shall make up t t::s�e f c ic.ncy i n n o m o r e t 6 2 a �,-s�
<br /> � P 1 �7' , -
<br /> . nrelue moattily�aymemst�1-e�der's so2e discretion. ' . �`�
<br /> . : Upon payment in full of all sams secared by this Security Instniment. Lead.�c shalt promptly refunc!e�v&izrower any ''-�
<br /> ,��=-
<br /> ' Funds held by Lender.lf.uader paragraph 21.Leader shall acquire or sell the Pmperiy.Lender,priar to the ac�{�sition or sata ''_�:,:
<br /> of the Property.shall appfy any FundS hetd by Ixnder at the time of acquisition or sate as a credit against the sums secured by ;��.
<br /> '�. �
<br /> . ' tl�iis Securiry Iastrument. _-
<br /> 3.AppikatIou of Paymwt�.Unless applicable!aw psovides otherwue.all payments received by Lender nnder paragcaphs _-
<br /> ': 1.ar,�d 2 shall be a.�►►g!'saJ:��t,to any prepayment charges due nnder the Note:second,to amounts paynbte under paragraph«; m`:
<br /> � � ,�irlxt3,to interest due:fanrth.to pzincipal due:and last,to any late chargeD du�e under the.Note. �_��°
<br /> � ��� 4.Chaeg�;Liens.Bornbwer shsU pay aU taxes.asse�ments.chatges.fines and imposition9 amibutable sn the Pcop�cy ==_
<br /> � 'whicfl mag.a�ia priosity over this Scxurity Insttumeat,and leasehold payments or grouad cents. if uny. Bormwer shall pay _
<br /> � . these obligaua�in the marmer provided in para�tayh 2,or if not paid in.that mamter.Borrower shalt pay the�on time di�:siy �'�-�
<br /> r...�.
<br /> tit;tf�e petson owed paymert.8orrawer sl�all promptly furaiisb to I.endcr all norices of amounts ta be paid nndes r3��is�;.,*ugrs�h. a 4'=;
<br /> it Iidrrower makes these payments direcUy.Borrower sha18 promptly fumisb to L.ender receipts evidencing the p3ymr�ts.• ���_
<br /> �� Bonower shall promptly discharge any lien which Ga�.priority over this Security instrument utdless Borro�.zr:la)agrees in� �
<br /> writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the i+ecs in a manner acoeptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the lien �:`:
<br /> � by, or defends a,g +'�n.�.t enforcement of the lien in, le:;�l pr��ceedings which in tl�e Lender's opinion operate to prevent the �:
<br /> enfornement of U�e lien;or(c)secures from the holder ot ure ilen an�greement satisfactory to l.ender subordir.:u.ing the licn to
<br /> '�•.-
<br /> this Security Instniment. If Lender detemrines that any Fusi of the Property is subject to a lien�vhuh may�priority over :•��-
<br /> this Security IrtstrumCnt.l.enctei may give Borrower a notice idenfifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take on•�or =�%:
<br /> more of the�tians set forth above witlun 10 days of thc�iving of notice. •• `�,;`
<br /> Form 3028 8lfI0 ���.
<br /> P�gn 2 of e . . '�.�'�:._.
<br /> . 1�;`-
<br /> . p�n:
<br /> '��4, .
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