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<br /> �Y-��x -=�j,�s}sn _�`T� t, F �� � '� 'f.- 4�i'M1 t=c 6.{i c. k .'. '°F.: s � . _ ..c'* c .�4` �"rt �' k trf Ri,i4+-�eK Y
<br /> ,{��+,;���,}�?���'����y; ., • c� �c - �, �. � ' ' '• . _ ��... _ � r 7
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<br /> �' - � � '�rx _P:
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<br /> p�iods ti�t Lender�qaues.�'6&�.inswram.°e canier p�viding the insurance a�ail6e ch�en 6Y Borrower }� L�der�s . � y`'� �='�' _
<br /> appzoval wiuch shal3 aqt be�iy withlicid. df$arrower faSls co maintaice covera�e�described abave.Leitder tnay.at_ �,,.:.� --
<br /> l.ende�s option.obtai�a coce..�syapmtert Lender's•righ!s in the Peoperty in eti�cordance�v�th paragr�gh 9. �°�x-� --
<br /> c =
<br /> �inrnran . '-<��F�.�-.._.,
<br /> �e poiicies�i-ta�e�rals sha116e usceptable to Lender and shall inctud�a s�ndard cnongage cL�nse. Lender : :}��.r:s��'�^
<br /> � sbail have the ri�g.S:E tn hoi��'r s;��`�und ceneevs�ls. It ir�nder reqttines.Bamawer shall pmznQtty�ive to Lender all�eceipt� �s __.-
<br /> ' of paid premiums acd r�cr$1�. �n�e event of toss.Eorrow�s sttaall givs Qrompt notice to thQ insivaace ca�ier and ` �`� ' `' -
<br /> � t�,.£'� r�
<br />" " Lender.Lender etay�t�aii�2ss Bf imt r�tde P�P�Y�Y$�eucves: . � -
<br /> . Untess l.er.dec a�d��cca�b�,It�awise agre�irs writirig,insur�ace pr+oceeds shal!be applieQ to resiorati4n or tepair of ���,_�
<br /> . the Property d�*nagal,it t:��a�e�a�nr repatr is econami�lly feasibSe and Lsader�s securiry is aot lesseaed. If dce • �``�'__
<br /> � �_.��;�=_�.
<br /> �an or r�ga's is r�e��rr,�si�3:��feasible or Leadet's security waulc!be tessened.the insuranee proceeds sh�s1l he ' —___--—_
<br /> a�sed w the sums�e��d t#y.�.?5s S�ttui*.y[rsuumen�whethec ar not tI�due.witj�any eAcess�aid to Borrower. If ------_._.
<br /> Bmrower abandons t�e Ptnoc�.try,.c�r d,�s ssal answer�vithin 30 days a norice fram'ixnder that tkte inswar.oe�riet has --__--_-�_ .
<br /> offeted to seuie a cL3i�.th�►d�3E�may to!lact the insurance prooee�. Lender may use the pmaeeds to cepait or cestore�. =
<br /> . t�ptugerty or to�va�r s�nt s�by�tis Sscuiity Insuument.whether ar r,oi d�en due: 'ii�x 3Q-day geniad w�l 6egia wher� •
<br /> . .fi�.s�.,°ACUCe is giren. � ' _-_--
<br /> . . �3aless Leader a�d Sa�rav��oihernzsa agree m writiag.any applicaumn of proceeds to principal shall aot extend or
<br /> ". .`�mne tha dce d�z oS t��mt«m�y Pml�mwnts r�fe�d to in para�hs 1 a�d 2 ar,c6ange the amvnnF�f tme payments. If �-
<br /> �mder P�a�r�in�l tM Pta�;�tty is ar�v"ved by�.endeti Baaowers righi m any Insuraace palicies aad proceeds cesutiing
<br /> , from damage tca t6e Pro�eriy�t�r to tt�angvisirion shall pass to Leader to t�e extent of the soms secured By tt�is Seeurity,
<br /> Iasnument im�datety p1i��r W.eTez ea�. ' � ' �
<br /> . ' �. Qcmpanc� Pre��iibu��te�ace and d'rnte�ton of th� Pruperty; �osro�er� Loaa A.pg�at�on; , ,
<br /> • Lease�SOlds..:Busmu�c�er s�l o�y y.ealabllih,aad tzse the Pcoperty s�s Bormwer's priactpal residence within si�ty days xfter '� ° -
<br /> ' ths eaecati�a�ttus S�uiity 1t�cmment and shall contiaue to accu�y the PropertY as Borrower�pratapai s�e�e ffoF at
<br /> � least one year afcer tt� d�tta �f oat�nry. unless Leaider otherwise agxees i:t �vriting, which �sent s1�a11 nat be ' .
<br /> un�asonabiy�vi�J,Pset�,or unless cctennating ci�nstances exist which ar�t:eyond Bom�aser�s ca�s14_::.Sr,�trower shall not .
<br /> destroy.dama„e os impair tt►E Ar�ty,alDnw.ths Prope�ty to deteriorate.or cammit waste An the�Gt,�;�:��awer s6al� �,,.:'.,'
<br /> � �.in defanit iE�ny fosfeittue actioai ar p�ocreding,whether civil or criminal.is 6e�m that ia Leudea?s:�,r,n�!".µ.?,�j��ismeat . , - _
<br /> =Q�ai7�.i iesWt in foifeitute of tt�g PYopsrty ai otttzrwise materially impair the lien created by t��"�','?�r�ei'¢or
<br /> Ti.'r�c�er�s secuity intere�l. Bu�o��may czue sueh a defaui[aad reinstate.as providPd in���C t8;:ry���ac6on : .
<br /> 't�'�eQittB t�s be disni.us�wiIh 21u1in$lh81,iti Lendet's good faitl�detc�munati��Pre�h�d�s f�.-�,�ie of tti�CC^`.'c,irower�s :•�;: '
<br /> �:.��rst in t�e�perry arr ost►ca snptc3ial impabtnent of the lien created by this Secarity. . �. 's��Lende:¢_.�siry.�`.i���,�:�<
<br /> � , . �ii�r�t. Bwraa,er shaU also�be in�sfavlt if Bonower, during the loan a�splicarian �o�s,��iece•.matetY��•�:`�t1s,e ur•.�_�;:�:::•
<br /> � `n6via�ate infortnation ar ssatanca�ts to Lrn3er(or faited to provide Lender with aay mat�ciat F++��+�)in caax'��3'r,?ti•with ' .
<br /> s�Ioan evidenced by ttbs l�c�e,inaluding,but not limited to.r�preseritations conoee�iag �mYavyer�s ac�cuF�;�uf'the �
<br /> Propeny as a psiacipal resnd.�►te. U this S9carity Iosuwnent is on a teasehol8,Bmrower shall ca�3�with all the p�av�sioas
<br /> of the Iease. �f Boirower 2�qaires tee tiile toBzE Property.the leasehold and ttie fee tiile shcll not rnc�:unlesq I.ender agrees .
<br /> , to the mergerizs vTiting. ; `,.
<br /> 7. Proi�n o1 I.e�dt�ts Ri�ts iu the Properts. If Borrower fails to perform the�x�ta and agccements ,
<br /> contained in this Sec�uity ttr�tc�m�au.'or the�is a legal proceedia�g that may sigmticandy affect l,:ender�rights in the `:'--f
<br /> Pmperty(such as a procea'fing in Q�nktuptcy.probate.for condemnation or frnfeiture ar to enforce laws ur regutatidns).then .
<br /> Lender may do and pay fcrr R2�.te+�r 3s n�ces.aaay to protett the value of the Yroperty and Lender's rights in the Pmperty.
<br /> Lender§action.g rnay inciro�e pay'c�a any sums secured by a liert which has priority over t�is Securiay Instrument,appzanng ;:
<br /> in court,payu:.3 reasc•.naE`e uccen�ya'tees rmd entering on the Property to make repaus.Althwgh Lender tinay taL•e ucaia�. :;,:
<br /> �_
<br /> under this pata�aph?.Leno3a d�es na7 hare to do so. . :� ,"�;,..;'�,�:,• ��--=
<br /> Any amo�ts disbar.�d h}�I.rnti�under this pazagraph 7 shall�ome addittonal debt of Bormwer sec�u��.lry ti�.is %:•;.�;=< �
<br /> Security Instrnmen� Untess Baw�aiver aad Lender agree to other tenns of payme�n,these amoants shalt bear interest from ihe� �`�;,'� • :
<br /> , date of disbarsement a�th�A'c+TO r�e aarl st�ail be payabte.with intenest.upon norice fram Lender to Borrnwer iequesdng :'�;:;� � .
<br /> . paymen� . ,:.,,; ,
<br /> 8, Man}�ag�I���i.-n►t+G If Lea��a required mortgage insnrance as a condition of makit►g ri5�tqan secured by this . .
<br /> �ecurity Insmr:L�nt,Baaraxora s?,�I!p3y tt,e premiums requiied to muintain the tnongage insuranee in effect. If.for any
<br /> •ize:s:on, the mortgage imcr�nx edvstz�e te�yuired by Lender lapses or cea�es to be in effeet, Bormwer sh�lt pay the
<br /> • ',�miums required to oD�.ain c�erags s��bstgntIally equivatent to the rrtortgage insurance previously in effec�:at a cost _
<br /> � ssi.•stanfial[y ec;u�v�err tu ttr.ts�3 tu�tnmwer of the mortgage Insurance previousE;�in effect,from an altemate mortgage
<br /> ii:surer approvc�!by Ler1�:a. ft�.vb�nSty equivaient mort�ge insurance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay ta
<br /> Lender e�s�m�ihd�a s�..rn e+qurJ to o:�-tw�ettth of the yeruly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the .. �.'.,
<br /> i,�s�rance co��e iag^�d o�cr,�s3d to i�t in effect. i.ender wiU aceep�.use and retain these payments�a lass r�seetve in lieu :: __---
<br /> af mortgage insurnnce. Lc�ss¢t�.:��e g�yr.�ents may no longer bc required at the option of l.ender;if mortga,�c iiisurance � _____ _
<br />- caverage(in the ama.�r�anri f:v s.�io}rvaad that Lender requires)P,rovided by an insw�es¢ppmved by Lender ugaur ibecomes . �-__- --
<br />- available anc!is o2uair.eS B:�e�+�a e"�::]pay the premiums required to maintain most�g�fasurarcce ip�effec�ar t'o provide a� � -
<br />