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<br /> .,'� rnr.c�mnati�n ar other cak'sng of�hy part af tfie Frarpetry.or for cunveyaucr in lic-�o€cundcss�i�sra.ate Ste�by.ssigned aad �z��•�,����� -
<br /> sha�t 6e g�id to[.�nder. .�`,� �-,`�,�.r:
<br />_:,� Io the event;af a tot�T takic�g of th�Pta�ty.the�pra�eeds sfsaU be agptied to the sum�seceued 6y this Sec�rity ;r9�..n.....�...�'"`F--_
<br /> l��stc�menz w�hether nr aot dt�1 due.with su�y exaxss pai@ m Borravrer. in the even3 of a partial taking of the Prod�ertY in t;3",�::s"�==--_
<br /> e�_=-------
<br />'i;� wP�icfl tlte fair muYet vaLue of dte Pmpecty i�ueds"ately 6efore the takin8 is e4ua1 m or gnea�er thaat&ie amaunt of the sums _=__— _ --_
<br /> Picfl
<br /> sec�d by tbis Scctuity instnttneni immediatYiy befaie the taking.untess Bo�awer auu�Lender otHeywrise agcee in wsitin�. �tl
<br />__� �sums serured by t�is Sesurity Ins�ument s6a1!be.ceduced by the amoiuR af the proceeds muivp]'*ed by tha follawiag
<br /> fmction (a3�totat maount of t�sums secvned immediateiy before the taluag.divided by(b)the fair maTket vulue of the
<br /> � proPe�tY immYdiatety l�efo�the rakiag. An�8a2aa�s�sit be p�d to Sflrrower in the event of a paitial ta�ag of the �----
<br />= pr�petty in�wflith the faiir ma�kea value of tbz PtopettY•imm�diately befo:e the taking is Iess tfian the amnant af the sums .
<br /> !� ue wrin�a ar untess applica6Ie law
<br />- sec�•{tnatediiitetS; befaie the taking,unless Sorrowet'aad Lender othetwise agiree� g
<br /> ��v�ise pmvc�s,t�pro�ds s�al!be 3pplied to sPte sums sec�r+ed.by this Secunq'��t whetiter ar nat t�e�ums ate
<br /> t�"�°n due. . � � .
<br /> If t2te PropettY is ahacdoaed by Sorrower,or if,nfter n4tic�:�bY.Len�r to Borrawer tHat th�condemnor offets to tataYe
<br /> :.� an award ns�ffie a ciaim for damag�s:B�rrowet fails to�suRf�to Lender eritiun 3p @ays aftet tlt�date the nnlit�is given. � _
<br /> L�ad+er is auth�rized to colIect and appiy the praceeds.at itsr aptfon:eiihe9r to mstorasion ar_repair of the�roperty ar tn the
<br /> stims secuced by th�s Sec�ity Inswme�►�whetherur nai thea 41u°• shall nas extend or
<br />- Ualess t-ender and Borrower otheiwise agree in wri6ng,eaY aPPlicatian of proceeds ar principal
<br /> postpone the dice due of the monthlY P3Yments refecred.w in pars�aphs!aad 2 or change the amount af such payments. v-
<br /> Il. Bareower Not Reteased; Forbearance By Leudtr Plat a Walvea Extcasion of,tti�:dnc�' frnr F3Y�ent or
<br />.�_-_� '.!::. rt:o�f' ce�iion of�ortization of the swns seciued by this Secniity Insn�ms�nt grante�By Lendtr w any sucec�sos in interest - -
<br /> of�armwer shaFl not ape�ate to ret�uue the ti�bility af tLe ariginal Boirower or Botrowt�'s sutcessors in iniet+est.Lender �?_ �
<br /> �'� shall aat tre requi[ed to commeRCe proceedings against any suc�essot in iaterest or te(use to extc�nd time far payraent ot --
<br /> '.' � n;��r�on of the svms sec�ued b th�s Sec�uity InstnAtseii4.by reason of any demand made bv the onginal ,
<br />::;;� :;•� . othernyse modify a�o� Y �
<br /> rny
<br />,��i;,`��.,. . Borrower.or BurniWer$succe�sais in interest Any forbearance by[.endcr.i�-�cercising,at►y r�ght a�remedy shall ttot a :
<br /> cvaiver qf or proctude the exercise of any right or remedy. -.; .�. •°
<br /> � 12. Su�sa�s aad As�F,ns Bouad;aoini and Sevessti!�►�Y+�S�►�rs. `fft�aovenazus and agreements af ihis
<br /> gt
<br /> � 5„cwity Inswment sf�aU Dind and beaefit tHe sttccessors atsd assigns of L.ender and Banower:su6ject ta the pruvisioas of _
<br /> p3ragr,iph !T. Bmiawer's rnvenants and agieements shal!be joint and several.Any Barrovrer who ca-signs this Security
<br />. Instrament bat dxs.not execute the Ptote: (a)is co-signing dzis Secm�iry Ins�sment only to mongage,�tant and convey thnt
<br /> � $orrower's interest in the PropertY under the terms of t(ns Sec�uiry lnstrumen� (b)i�not peisoaalIy a�Z'��:ed to pay the swns —
<br /> � seciued bp t�is S�tsity Ynst�mmen�and(c)agrees that Leader and aay other Hairoaer may age�to�d.modify,farbe� --_-_—
<br /> e ued
<br /> or m�lce aay ascommodauons with ce�ard to the tenns of L�is Seciuity lnsVUment or the Note withoui that Bomnwer�a
<br /> conseut. ' �
<br /> !� Loaa C�es. If the loan secaned by this Securicy Incuwnent is subject to a law which seu maximum�oan
<br /> charges,and that luw is finaUy interprete�d so that the imenst ar other loan charges coll,ected or m 6e collected'ut connection -
<br /> rge
<br /> with the�aan excaec!the pen'nlued limits•then: (a)any such laan charge shall be reduced by the amannt necessary co reduce � �
<br /> the chaige w the pennit�ed limi�and(b)anY sum�a1s��Y colle�:ted from Borrower which exceeded peimitted.limits will be �''�
<br /> - refimded to$orrower. Lender may choase m make this refund by reducing the principa!owed under the Note ar by malcing a =_--
<br /> direcq paymeM to Bormwer. If a refund reduces principal.the redaction wiU be tnated as a partiat pmpayment withaut any
<br /> � � P�PaYm�t���the Note.
<br /> � . tq, Notic(�. Any nouce to Boaower pmvided for in this Security Instrument shal!be given by delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by first cLyss rnail unless applicab2e 1�►w reqoires�se of another mettcvd.Ttte notice shall be�cted to the Properry �
<br /> pddress crr any otfier address Borro�uer desigrc�es by no6ce tv L.ender. Aay notice to Lender shalf Fse�iven by fitsc riass '__
<br /> mail to Y.endet's add:ess smtedhrrein or any other address Le�nder desigiatcs by notice to Borrower. Pii�y natice provided for ��_
<br /> � in ttvis gecuriry lnstivment sh�Il be deemed to have been given tn Borrower or LeadeF w6en given as providcd in thla i�lw..�
<br />- h � -___
<br /> - , �1Sp Governfng Law;Severa6�lit� This Secvrity Insmiment shaJl 6e govemed hy federa!�i�w and the taw of the -`'�,��
<br /> •_', • jurisdiction in c�'�lch slnz Pcoperry is located. h3 she event that any provision or clause bf tftis S�GUSI�tdnswment or tha Atote _ . , _
<br /> • canfiict,,�vith,.ppiicable law.�uch conflict shafl noi affectother provisions of this Sec�ui4y Instcum�:at or ihe Nato which cun :�:. ;^.
<br /> � .��: ;
<br /> � be�givesi effect wuhput the�caRflicmtg provision. To 4liis end the pmvisions of tbis�'ett�ity I�sis�ment attd th�Nate ate t,_:. ... ��.
<br /> i: decIaredmbescverahte. `u.`�.-.. '' �'
<br /> . �.�-• :..:�'sr:�
<br /> 1G. Bornt�vr.r's Copq. �orrower shall be given one confommed capy of the Note an�f of this Secwity Insuument. ..�..�.-: . .
<br />--� • !� 71r�st1�oithe Y1'aperty ar a Ben�cial�tnterest in Borrower. If all or any part of the P4roperty or any intarest in �;-:
<br /> cia
<br /> � it is soId or trr�fern�d•(or if a beneficial imerest in Borrower is sold or transfemed and BorroK�;s noi a natural personl ,:}�: .,� . .
<br /> ��� witl�aut i,endcr's prior wriuen consenG l.endes may.at iu option.require immediute payment in fult of all sums secuied by -..,.•;. . �
<br /> this Secvrity Insuument. Howevet.tfis optiun shall not 6e exercised by Ixnder if exetctsa is pruhibited by fedeml la�v us of
<br /> ��� thr da�of this Sccuiity Iasuument � .
<br /> _ ;, If L,et►Q;,t exercises tius optioa,Lead..'r shzl!�ive Bomawei notice of acceleratiott. 'i7te notiee shall pmvide a petiod of
<br /> �.= rtot less tbau 30 days from the date the aotise ia d:livcr�d ur ntailed within which Bo�mw�must pay all sums secuted by r�ftja
<br /> = Securiry instrumenf. If Ba*rower fails to p3y�ttiese swas prior to the eapiration of this period. Lender may imake any :�
<br /> ' cemetiies petmitted by t6is Seturiry InstNment without further norice or demand on Bomawet. .
<br />_r:` lg, ���.'g I�4 to g�insta0� If Bmrower�neets certain condidons. Barrow�er shall have the ri�ht to have , .
<br /> enforremeat of dils Securiry instrimacnt discontinued at aay time psior to ths ear:icr of: (a)S d�ys(or such other period ns
<br /> _ � Sin�t°F�mitY--Fanmk MfdCta�Fe 6Sic IJ�7FdR111 QiSiBUb�E�iT--Uaifmm Covcrs�ns+ 9,'99 lpuRe d nf b pnge�l �_ : ..
<br /> _� ' � ' .
<br /> �, •' . ..
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