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<br /> a nts ma tta lan er be wi�l.at tPie tton of Lender.if mort e insurans�mvera e(in the amaunt and for t�e doQ �� �````��"�"
<br /> �Y� Y 6 �9 � +�P� . P�S E P� �; ,. � � �
<br /> , that Le�er eequires}Provtde�Isy an insisrer appmved 6y Le�der�gair:6eco�s availaDle and is pbtaiaed.8orrourer shalt Qa3r , ����u.'j-:Y:=.;�:��.=
<br /> the ge�miums reqtrired tu[rtaintain atortga�e insurance in effect�or to pmvide u Wss cesene.untit the rzquirement for mostga�e i '•� . � . �
<br /> insaiance ends in a�cardanc�wiW a�r asittea agreemeut 6etween Bflrrotver at�l�ender or npplicaiite tavr. `'�„: '°��.� '. 2� .
<br /> 9.Inspection.Lsnder or�its agent may make sea�ansble entries uQon a�d iuspections of ihe Propetty.Lender sGa!!gi�s •:�r�� �4' •� .�. .
<br /> Botrawer aaticr az the time of ar prioi to�,itccpectiofl s�secifj�in�masanabt�r c�use tl�r the inspection. ---_; ` ;—�,.', -_-
<br /> 10.Comdemaat�on.'Fhe pioceeds af any award'or claim for damages.direct ur ma�equendal, in conaertion wit�azry ' ""
<br /> wndeutnation or ot9er tatciutg af any part of the Progerty.ar far conveyartce in lieu of candemnuion.are hereby assigned and • <„ .
<br /> shalt be paid ta I.ertder. , _ . ' .
<br /> .E_
<br /> . [n the event of a totat taking of the Property.the proceeds shall be appfied to the sums secured by this Security Insuument� •.C,�-G�4 ,l�.�r�.,�Y.'�a
<br /> whet�er or�cot ch:n due.with any excess paid to BocroKCr. In tAe event of a partiril takiog of the Property in whid�ttte fair �".'==s����,- .;�:�`:. �
<br /> maricei vaiae of the Property iaanediaidy before the t�king is equal to or greater than the azaaunt of the suins secared by this `�� �'^�' �
<br /> Security InstrumenE icim�ediatety 6eforc the taking,uniess Bnrrorver and Leader othenvise agree in�vrerin�.the snms s�cured 6� ''� ",�
<br /> : . -��-G
<br /> tbis Seairity Instrument sha}i'6e redaaxi by the amount of the prnceeds multiplied by the fultawing fiacqion: (a) the tatal '�� ��•----�
<br /> ��:`-; :+�_.
<br /> amaunt of the Svms secured emmediately 6efare she taking.divided by(b)ths fair market vaIue of the Progerty immediately :s_;�;'�;�s'��
<br /> befo�the taking. Arry balaitce shall be paid to�orrocver. In the event of a partial ra..�of the Pr+nperty in whicia the fair ��� r�` --
<br /> roarket value of the Property immediatety befare the tatdng is tess t6an the amouni of the sums s�immed'eately before t8$ sd_M. _��
<br /> taking.uat�ss Eoitnwer anct Lender otherauise agree in writing or untess appiieable la�vr otherwise provides,the prooee6s shall - �����_-.
<br /> be applied w the sums se�ued by this Seeuriry U�mument whether or not the sams ere then due. � rd �_
<br /> LSYI
<br /> If the Pmpe�iy is abarndoued by Borrower,or i�at�er aotice by l.eader to Borrower that the�ndemnor offeis to make a» �_°�.`���' —
<br /> award or settle a claim for dainages. Bormwer faits to respond to Lender wiihin 30 days after the date the'notice �s�iven, -i.'-�_�.�`
<br /> :`��r.:�—
<br /> �sder is authorized to collect artd apply the procexds,ax its op6on,either tcs mstaIIation or repair of the Property or m the sums. ";�'-�--
<br /> secezred by this Security�ment,whether or aot then due. ' '��
<br /> Unless lxader and Bnrrower otdecwise agcee in writing, any application of pmcceds eo principal shall not extend ar y :" ;;�
<br /> postpone tha due date of the monthiy payments referred to in paragraphs!and 2 orchange the a�r,uat of sucd payaieats.
<br /> 11.Borcower Not Released;Forbearaace By Lender Not a Waiver.Fatension of the time for paymeat or mbdificatian
<br /> of amortiration of the sums s�red by this Security Inswment grant�6y Ixnder to any successor in iuterest of Bo�wet shaU
<br /> not aperate to release the[ia�ST3iiy of the original Born►wer or Borrower's successors in interes�[�nder shall not be reqaired to
<br /> wmmenoe prqd�,ilings a�i:L�t��2►y succ�;.�in interest or refuse to eazend time for payment erritirr.rarise modify amarpxatIon
<br /> of the sums.s�xried by't�;s•.Security,t,ritlr��ment by reason of an}r ci�mand made by the a�i2ir,�1 Borrawer or Eort��ver's
<br /> suctessors in irrterest. Any Cc;�eaiane�1�.��nder in exereising any right or remedy shall not Gt a waiver of or prerlude tt�e
<br /> +��ise of uny right or re�e�3y�: '. ,..- � '
<br /> . •� IZ.Suoce�sors siad As�gns Ba�;�Yoint sind Severnl Liability;Co-si�nets. The m�e�nts and a�nenu of.this � `
<br /> Secvrity Inttrament shall bind and 6ene�r t�e succeuors and assigns of Lender and Borra�er,.yii6ject to the provision.s;ii�.
<br /> parngra�h 17. Borro�ver's covenanu and���„nteemanu sha16 be joint and several. My Barnawer who co-sigas this Secirtftq ,"��!•
<br /> lnswment but does nat execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to t^_o;i�age,grnnt and oonvey that ._�?�_..:.
<br /> Bomower s interzst in the Pcoperty under the te:ms of this Securiry Insirument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums -�.�
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument:and(c)agrees that Lender and aay other Borrower may aarect,o extend.modify.fo�bear or �%l�—
<br /> make any accommadations�vith regard to the tertns of this Security instrument or the Note w iih�l.l�at Borrowei s consent. `�°`�`�'
<br /> ��.�•
<br /> 13.Loaa,Cihmtges.lf the loan secured by this Security In�t�ment is subject to a law n•t�icSi sets ma�cimum toan charges, ��'
<br /> and that law�is•�sially interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coltected or to be oollected in connection with the -- -
<br /> (Qan eROeed the pemti�ted li�its,then:(a)any such[m,�3 charge shall be raduced by!!re amount necessary ta n�dace the charge =-==--
<br /> t{a t�ie pemuMed limit: and Fbf any sums alre,�dy co11u��.ri�from Sorrower which ex,ceerded permittod limits cvill be refunded to "�`"'�`�'��
<br /> ,.�-s:- —
<br /> �Sat�uwer. ixrrder may choase to make this refund by reduring tke principal ow•c-ci under the Nate or by enaking a di� .:�:�-
<br /> payment co Borrower, If a refund reduces principal. the reduction wiU be treated as a partial prepayment without'u}�
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note. - '� " � -----.�
<br /> •-�:�_;,�-v,----
<br /> . '�;:`;�W.j.,
<br /> • .. 14.NutIc,es.Any notice to$otrower pravided for in this Security Instrument s�a116e given by delivering it or by mailing � r=�s... ,••
<br /> ' • t ls first c1ass mail un1ess a l�cable taw �res use of artother method.The nniic�slta0 be directed to the Pro �`��'.�J���� ~ ,
<br /> } .`1 PP� ' �N pertY Address ' ���,' -•� .
<br /> or any othe�c,�ddress Borrower designates by notice to [.ender. Any notice to i�nder shall be given by first class mail to ; ,. ; a,� •
<br /> , l.ender's�drir�t:� stated herein or any otEtira siddress Lender desipiates by notice to Borro�ver. Amr notice provided for in ttii.s ;�� � • ':,�;;�5 ,
<br /> Sesurirf'iq:�trur�ent sha116e deemed to have becn giveo to Borrawer or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. , � • '�:j�$�� .
<br /> � : I3:�vc�iag Law; Severability. Ti�s Securiry Insnument shap be govemod by foderal law and the faw oFthe .
<br /> jutii��iictiara its u:uc6 the L�toperty is locuted. In the event that any provision or clause of this Sccurity Instroment or the Note • ' .' -
<br /> cb;�,flicts widc 3�licab2e tav�.such oonflict shall noi affect other provisions of this Security Insbument or the Note which ratt Be � • . , ,.!-;,;,,.
<br /> given effect witl�+out the conflieting provision. 7'o this enti the provlsfans of this 5ecurity Instw�ent artd the Nute are dectated � •- �R>"•''`
<br /> to be severabte. � "" �
<br /> 16.Borra�er's Copy.Borrower shali be given otte oonfortnad wpy of the Note and nf this 5ecurity Insuument.
<br /> • �a,m ao2a �rso � .
<br /> va9o.or o •
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