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<br /> _ . .t. . ya- r. °a . . . ,. � f._ ��c . _�. �S_ _ . . _
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<br /> -� '�"� � .'r �.� rt•, .�` ��.� • •F � � �" . t r .. .4 t - " ,_
<br /> - .. �,.�t _�y`, ,/ `� � '- . . `a r. 1- '��GS. < .� F'
<br /> `�'SF"�i�', " _�� Ls.���,-�� ' ' �.'c t •_ � ~ ' - c _ (µ`_< �.. , � < '���� ( .� �-� t e. -.
<br /> . f�Fi:Y� .�''Pf-i� L l.^ . . `' . .. i
<br /> - . +T -,+Y� ±� �� . . - :V- T �
<br /> .'ic- ._ t__ . c.
<br /> 3�.Z'y�,��4�-'`G ���� �. ;- --�_ . . ,� i:. -`—T . , ,. . t � - -a` � � � . . '
<br />- �x��-� �`��j . � ;�,``- > � tl<` `.� 4 � ' . �C� �> . , a ` _ . • . . i�'�,' '��. . �+ . .. _ ..
<br /> �.c� p c�o, .�k �r • f. .. . � � , c . ' . 4 .
<br /> -r mr:/.•����`1'�n L.�t. "r..-.c..... _ S�, s''- �S F E�.41 i :< •`� _ .a. .�� �L.-.: :rr• c r.
<br /> - �v��. _ - ..na� r+7' .
<br /> _ -�.� . . _ _-___-- _ ' -- . .. i _ � 'qE y .
<br /> .:r,= �.�� . � �5�-� �i��l� `o. �., z -
<br /> -_-__�_��,'`, • 17.TrensYer of the Property or a Een�dat Iiatet�t in BormR�If all or any part of the Pro�erty or any interest in it � ,, �: �_ ;
<br /> -- ;.,_ is sold�r uansfetred(or if a beaeficia!interest ia Borrower is so2d os ttansfErred and Bormwer is nut a nateiM person)withont . _
<br /> :<}� , I ender's prior written consem. t�uder may. at its option. require imznediate payiaent in fufl of all sums secured by this
<br /> ,� IIdE
<br /> �,;.:�3,;"-,-r •�:;�', . Sesurity In�trument.H�wever,this option shall not be exercised by Leader if e�iercise is prohi6ited 6y federa!law as of the date_ , ';�` , . "
<br /> __=��,�r.�'=<: �.r of this Sesvrity Iastrument. . , .
<br /> ,�,�...;'��:<3�,' If Lsader exerrisss thls option.L.ender shall give Borrower n�tice of acceleration.The rtotice shall provide a period uf�ot . '
<br /> ""--'� ����_�= Iess than 30 days from the dazz the r,utiae is deiiverai or mazled within which Hurrower must}+ay all swns��ured �y this �
<br /> � �
<br />-������„����� SQCnrity Insuument.If Barrower fails to pap these suats prior to the expiration of tpis periad. E.ender may invoke any remedies >`:��
<br /> -.--_=: �:. � permitted by tlus Securiry[nstrument w�hout further notioe_or demand on Borro�ver. � ,�4^
<br /> •:z`� • . . ;,:,�r 1 8. Bosrower's R i g�t to R e i a s t a L e. i f B n m awer m e e t s r e r t a m ca u d i tioas. Borrawer s h a i J have the ri g ht to have � . '
<br /> ` � eaforcement of this Security Instnunent disoontinued at any time prior cn the earlier of: (a)S days(or such other period as • � ' �
<br /> ;�^;,`�.�=� �` ; . . . .: ,
<br /> -" - �' ' applicable 1aw may sperify for reirestatement) before sale of the Propeety pussuant to any power of sale contained m tRis ' '; .; ��,.�:��� ; . '
<br /> �`���:-.�t;,;,;,,._�., 5ecuriry Insmiment:or(t?)enay of a�udgment enforcing this S�arity InstnunenG 7'hase condirions are that Bm�vwer:(a)pays `= �- '
<br /> '� �:� • ., L�der all sams wtrich then wo�'s�e due undec this Secarity Insuu�nt aad the Nnte as if no aa�eleration had accsu�d:(b) ;;�.-��^_'_ .i,. -
<br /> .=�•. r'•: . ' cures any defautt of any ather cm-.-e�a�'s or agreements:(e�Pays all eape�ses incomed in enfercing this Sr�urity Insm�ment, � :-��`���"�'
<br /> '.J�,_• "�:rUJ•, . ..
<br /> :tF.:.��'::" including.bat noc limired to.�o��•�:::;e attor�fees;and(d)takes such action as Lender may rzasorably reQuire to ass�re : •.�
<br /> -�s�.=:�""�"`�;� that the iien of this Sea�rity Instr�meru. [.ertder s c,�is+a the Progerty ara�Borrovrer's obiigaiion to Ray the sums secu�by -�'�:-����
<br /> • ra
<br /> ,�;s•��„�.�;.. . . -. <�.�
<br /> ,�"-,,,,�� ;••.. this Security Inssrument shall continue uncha���. Upon �statemeni 6y Borrovrer. this Se�uity Ins[rument and the .. ��i�-,--�
<br /> - ._.�...� , •; t...,:�:,�.�w�
<br /> ,.� obligataons sea�red hereby shall nea�ain fully effecave as if nd an�eleratlon had aavrred.}�aw�e�er.this right to reinstate shall :.,r.z���r.,
<br /> ` �.���`y;: � nat apply in the case of a�:celeratiaa u�der paragcaph I7_ • •. -
<br /> �� : ��;
<br />-� �7"-;:• �.-:��,� 19 5ate af Not� C6ang�a�E.oan Sers�icer. 'Ihe Note or a parteal interest in che;Vote[together svirh this Se.curiry .:,�,,,i;. -=r:
<br />_-���i�`'�"`.'�' Instrument)may 6e sotd one or m�re t�nes�vithont priar notice to Borrotiver.A sale may resu}t in a c6ange in the entity(&nowa ��'�':"''��
<br /> ��
<br /> `"'��':^ as the"l.�an Servicer"1 ti�at coltects manthly payments due iu►der the Note and this Sewrity Inswmem. There also may be one ° `��'�- -
<br /> - � . +.--,!� or more changes of ttle 3�oan Servic�unnela[ed to a sale of tlie Note.if there is a change af the Loan Servicer.Bormwer will 6e �T.��s �.
<br /> _�.`.:,�.�. giveq�vritteu notice of tite cR.��ax accordance with paragraph 14 a6ove and applicable la�v.The notice will state the name and • �
<br /> •i�='" -`��"Y address of the new Loan Servicer arxf the adslress to which ems should be made.TT[rte notice wilt also contain an other ''<<>"���i:�as
<br /> � :.,.�,��r , . P� Y ;.,,��x.° , ;
<br /> inform3tion reqoired bY�PPlicabie LzvJ. :'•;,f,� .;�_.
<br /> �`�. � • �;� • 20. Hamrdous 5abstances.Horro�ver st�L{ not cause or peimit tRe presence, use, disposal. stac,t�,�,ar reJcase af any �� -,��x
<br /> .. � . _� _ ��..f� x::��:::
<br /> - ��-,=— Ha�ardous Su6stances on or in the Property. IIorrotiver shall not do. iaor aliotv anyone else ta dv.. azything affecting t}ie : �.;.t.; ��
<br />_�:_`�..-���� � '- • Pr+operry thai is in violation of any Envimnm�taw.The preceding two sentences shalt not apply z��:i presence, use,ar
<br /> ` storage on the Property of smal! quamities of K�z:irdous Substances that are generaliy reco�nizzd ca C+�.s�ropriate co�.armal <.'•���
<br /> _ '., >. residentia!uses and to maintenance of the Ptnperty. . . . ; ,:�:�,• r
<br /> ' • �'?' �� Borrawer shall pmmpdy give Lender writt�n notice of any iavestigation.claim,demand.[awsu�;,r_�.her ace�y�ay any �•'��'• ' �
<br /> � �'' govemmental or regulatory agency or private parry involving the Property and any HaTardoas Substarix�:r�nvironmetnal Law t �`�..,,�_�.
<br /> � ' ~ of which Baao�ver has actual knowledge. ff Borrotiver leams,or is natifieA by any govemraeatal as�.3.story authority.that " �� '�{'��
<br /> '' �' ` . '� '"'��• any removal ar other remediation of any Nazardous Substance affecting the Property is nececsa..�.Barnc:�:+.�shal!'pro�vtly take �r";r.
<br /> :���-k_��."�;,�►,f . al!necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmenta!law. � �'�'�`�<r •.t .
<br /> ,, .Y(, _. i`. , As used in this paragraph 2Q� "Hazardous Substances°are those substances defined�toxic or hazardous r.a�:���s°s by � `cl �;:
<br /> Enviromaentai law and the folLov�ing substances: gacolinc. kerosene, o2her flarmnable or toxic peuoleum prock�...�, toxic + "'�
<br /> °'.:��'� ��: ''-� pesticides aad herbicides,voladte solvents,materials comaining asbestos or fom�atdehyde,aad radioacrive materiats.As used in , ''"_��`
<br /> - ';�.,��,;�.::_:t �': this para�raph 2Q. "Environmental l.aw" means federa!laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Properry is located that �
<br /> �',�x:y�,;.,� .._.�;�,,, reEat�to�alth.safety or environmental protection. ' , _ __ _
<br /> - `�F"'`'f'��`��.� ._ NON-UNIFORM COV6�ANTS.Borrotiver and L.ertder furtAer covenant arni agee as follows: � �
<br /> -�fi�.,_ ..••.....,...
<br /> .�; ��.� , ,., ,, ;.. ;
<br /> - -.�.,:..._,::�r . 21. AcceteratIon;Retnedtes.l.endec sh�ll gi�•e aottce to Eozrov�er prfur to acce►eration foltowing Borrower's 6reacb ' �'�rs'
<br /> _ , _��r��� of any coseaa�t or ugreement tn this Sec¢rity Inslrument (bn0 rto! psior to aoceterutton onder paragrapb 17 untess _ , >''�z�.
<br /> ��-� • appllcaWe taw provrdes oiherw�ise).The notice sdall specisy: (a)the detaalt:(b)the actlon reqaired to cu�the defa�lt; t. '
<br /> -_ ____- - (c)a date,not feSS t6as 30 days irom the date ttte aotice Ls given to Borro�Ver.by cvhic6 the defautt mnst be cured;and �'•
<br /> -- -_=_=�-�-� ¢ td)tt�nt fei[urc to c�e tfl0 defautt on or hefore the date speciile�i in the notice may resutt ln sooeleratQo»ot tAe sums � �.` �� ��'._
<br /> - � �.,-- •� • t' �-_='`u.
<br />- . ,._�• s�m�di E�v t6fs Security Instntraent aad sale of the Property.The not�ce shafl furttrs inform Bosrotiver of the right to . �,:, r, .,.
<br /> ----,��.��.�-�..f�. re➢n..�r:r,�: aftr�accelernttnn and the right to Dring a eourt action ta assert the norn�stence of ss dei'ualt or t�ny other �����s���,�i
<br /> -� ' j- defense�ri[�a�vro�er to aaelcr.ntIon and sale.If the default�S aot cnred on or bef¢ae the date speciiied in the notfce,
<br /> Lender, a�its�a�stime�,m�y r�q�ire Qmmedinte paymeut in fall of all s�ms secured by this Secur�ty Instraament�vithout �" "�
<br /> ed
<br />���''� . � fustherden,:�n:l.am�:moay invoi:e the poner of sale aad s�ny other remYdi�permitted by appttca62e laN.Lender s5all be ' �
<br /> t': ��>-. ;, a . � :.,a... .
<br />_� � � , emtitled to cofleci ai�expen5es t�cnrr�in pu�suing the remedies provided in thls paragraph 21,inctuding.bat nat Ilmited • ' � � ,
<br /> �-�'• ``'=��;:�� � to.rcaso�ubie uttorncry•s'fees and costs oY titie evtdence. , '
<br />���a .:. -��:' Ii thepo►�er of saie is tnvoked.Tntstee sha11 record a notice of dePault in eacb cowity in�hich any part of the � � • '
<br /> -�(�'•;.�'.`_.�':� Pt+nperty is[�rate�aad shall maU mpies of sucb rtotice in the manner prescribed 6y apnlicabie law to Borro�ser and to � �
<br />_ '° � � • the other peisans prescribed 6y�pplleable taw.Aite�the ttme reqatred by appiicabie[aw,Tn�stee s6at1�re public nottce � . � � �
<br /> ,..�i����,
<br /> �,:.;.,;..�,,� ot s�ie,tcr the persoas and in t�e ma�er presc�+'6ed by eppNcabie taw.'Feustee.�vithout demaQd em Bosrowcr,shatl sell � � ,,
<br />_ .y+,�y�;_.,-•�'�� . the Ptoperty at pnbfic anetIun to the htghest bidder ni ttie time smd plas�e and ander t6e terms desi�uted 1n t�e notice oP , ` �
<br /> -`���. sale in osie or morn paneis aad ia any order T�ustee deterc�Snes.Trtcstee may postpone snte of al!or uny panel of the ' � � '
<br />_�r�::.;,� •r:�� .:'Q��,�� , '
<br /> . P Y P�vta¢�tY s�lledu:'�d sale. Leader or its designee may ���.;;+�
<br /> ��y�-ra��•' Plvperty by pa6tfe announceatea! at t�te time smd tace a�'am
<br />-;�)a?cz;,� satc. �
<br /> �.�r.w'�= Pm'cls�.`,e tM Pt�npe'ty at anq , � ..r,
<br /> r::,`.�.�� ..
<br /> �M� . � '� '
<br />�y.r��sr:' � - ; .
<br /> � � - L j z�, . � '
<br /> � -,�;.�:.:.�,,y r, Fortn 3028 9/80 , , .
<br /> _�rti:,, ..•:r. Paaasote .
<br /> `_..w - ' �
<br /> ��d-'.'s.� - .. : � x
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