..:1 -4 " -. . . _ _ . .. _ .
<br /> . R'S . . . - . � . � . .. . �, �
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<br /> . 'w `''ir�k `...,��"�_-- :,� , �I �s. . , . . V r J � . ..�'.. �Sa;'�,.,. _ w._
<br /> >_a'."a'�t#T+[' s i r f t.: ,�` } ",�, , r-4 p� _ � f c 1, � . � �� '° r
<br /> ;� 1 .r r_• .� < - yi `�.' ^S
<br /> � �g. .1 � r ��� `'C.:� . .. �' x : � k. . . , t ' . - ;�� � .r .t:. � . ^ � y
<br /> �� a[s;' - �;4 � .4 .�,n,` • `' <4 � � �4.
<br /> � .'i j = . . , 4. . E i, c '� �:F l v .
<br /> _ �y a cy 0.` t^ t`t� �{ �q�._� � . � . . ,'�+- H t .. . . `L,t..tic .,y i� . C }T�
<br /> Y.� r . .�. . 4 t . . .. . , t�� 'c.� w ���. _ , ftt.
<br /> -u�,�L. T ,4` r �. _ _ � t o}
<br /> o��.�__ .. 1` _ . ., . � �'.��G -��'-��e -,;
<br /> -.�a�. � . � � ; g5- ��i�3 � _�.:, � ,� :�:r;.��
<br /> �,� . . ` �- , r r k ,;,
<br /> :�_� - , 5. Naz�rd ar Fq+o�ty (nsu�au�e Borco�ver shall &eep the imyrovecttents now exiscing or hem.�ftes erected o� the ' ;.: 4� .. _
<br /> � �.
<br /> _ `�'-'�' pra�er3y,,�nsured a�ainst toss[sy fire.haiards includ�within the term"extended caverage"and a�ny ot6er har.ards. inctuding 3 .'� ` ;��,
<br /> �• < ,. {�
<br /> ��4`` fIaosls or ftaodin�,for whieh Lender re4uues�nsurant°-Th�s��s�►�shal1 be maintained in the amounts and for tAe periuds �- r _
<br /> , . M.,` - ` � .•'
<br /> - ���e��ui�s,�'the insurane�carrier provtding the insutance shaU be chosen by�orroerer subject to Lendei s approval �: � ,';. +
<br />-T-'"'�" which shal!aot 6e unreasvnabiy withhetd. If Bosrower fuits co wain�ain co�emge dessribed above. l.ender may.ut i»ender's �'' } �. . �.;' .
<br /> op�on.ubtain ravecag�to pr�tat[�eader's rights iu t�e Fmperty in:iccordanse�vith paragr.�ph 7. : „:., __ _-
<br /> `--E�r. f4Ii i�ance policies aitd renetivals shall be a�c�tabte W Lender and shalt include a standard rt�ortgage clause. t�ender c -
<br /> „4I�.,$ promp ve w i.endet atl reoeipts of �
<br /> �:;k�:� shaU havc the c►ght to hold the poli�ies and reuewals.If i ercder�equices.$orrower shall tly gi .
<br /> ro t notice ta site insumnoe rarrier asul Lrnde:. � ." - .��,-- -
<br /> �`�`y: Q a i d p r e m i u m s a n d r zrtewal notiaes.inthe evem of loss..Boaawcr stxd!give p mp ��.. �, � ;'_-
<br /> e•._,'_'° �I1�Cl II18�TCk'1�C8(7IOA BOTIOWef. ` " �' ::.
<br /> •;� f of loss if c�t�de promptiY 6y �;=
<br />:'��:_�.;. , Unless Lender artd Borrower otherwise,agree in writing,iasurance proc�eds shall be upplied to restoradose or cep3ir of the .�:��,rstr c��''`._,�',_
<br /> `� pr�perty danpaged,if the restaration or tepair is ernnamicalty feasible and t.ender's seaulry is aot lessected_If ctte restoratian or ��,z,�_
<br /> ������ �_y
<br /> �r�jr:,�. repsir is not econamically feasible or I.ender s security woWd be l�ed.the in-�u�au�tu��ds�E��PP��to tAe sums �,,,�„�
<br /> -.;-� secured by tliis Security Tnstnunent. whether or not then d�e.with any excess Paid to Bnrrower. li Sarmwer a6andona th� �_� ,�s�u--.
<br /> ?��� = --
<br /> .�.,,��,� pnopesty.or.does not anssver within 30 days a notice fr+ora l�ender thaE the iasuran�ca�Q�h�°�ered ta seute a cts�im.th�a ��
<br /> -,�i"�=�� L.eader may coliect�he insw�aucs procceds. Lender may ase the proceeds W re�air or restom the PrupettY or,to�pay sums �y�__
<br /> ���°_=� no3 will 6e Nhen the aotice is given.
<br /> =-�..°=�-�'=±�� secuted Iry this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 3Q-day pe ' � �----
<br />=.�s�.��,�� licntion of roceeds to rin al shall aot eatead ar
<br />�.�-..;��"�.� Unless L.endec amd Bflrmcver otherwise agree:in w�iting. anY aPA P P � �neats If �.y-.'~`-��_
<br />.._r. ','..� Pa�ne the due date of the monthly payments referred to en pa�u�aphs 1 and 2 or chunge the amaunt of the paY - _
<br /> ��'�.�i�`�, —
<br /> �, under paragraph 2I thc PropertY is acquired by Lender.8orrower's rigiit to anY insurance policies and pr°�ds�a°g froia —
<br />°`o�:.,•�,_ damage to the Pmperty prior to th�acquisidon shall pass to I.ende�to the eatent of the sums s�cur e d 6y this Seivrit y Insonmment _
<br />=��:: immediately prior to tlie acquisiuon. _-_
<br /> ` 6.Qr�pauey,Pkeservation,b?aintenance arsd Peotedion of the Qropert}':BorroRa's Laan Applicatton;l.eacehotds. �-__ --
<br /> ,. ,,y''� • g��•x;,��:a1�ne�upy.establish.and use the Propecty as Bormwei s principal msidence within sixty days after the executian of _ _
<br /> .- -- �•, this�ecuc2y Instrument and shali coadnue to occapy the P�vperty as Borrawet�s Princ�Pal r�sidence for ai teast one year after �rr�_
<br /> •�3�:e date of occupancy.untess Lender othenvire�es in writing.which consent shall nat be unreasonabty wittthetd.ar uniess
<br /> ,.,�;; �- �'. e��+�g �irc�;mstances eaist wiuch are (seyor.� Borrower's cantrol. Borrower shall not destroy. dumage ar i�air thz _
<br /> ' allow the Praperty to deteriorate, or commit waste on the PcopertY. Boaower shall be in ds�s if anY fuzfeiwre
<br /> �.*: .
<br /> . �;�r-��. actictr r:r Fzaceedin8, whether civil or criminal. is begun that in Lender s gaod faith judgmeat cautd reseIE in forfeitur�of the
<br /> .�::_��.��� propetty.or otherwise materealty im��r the lien created by this Security Inst�um�nt ar l.ercder's securiry interest.Borrower may
<br /> cure such a default aad s�instate.as pnsvided in paragaph 18,by causing the ustion or procceding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> � :��;,,•' or other material
<br />-b`�'�"��`°�= � that. in I.eader's �� ��deterrninution. p�cceies farfeiture of the Bocm.v,rer's intecest in the Proiserty
<br /> -�',�.r,:�,. .;mp��of the l.i�s�ted by tlus Securiry L�as�-trmnent or I.ender's s�curii�interest. Borrawer sltalL also he in defavlt if
<br /> _-:::;;�;,•,,: �o�;�,�����z IQ�is application process.gsve matcrially false or inaccz:o�inf'ormation or statements to Leader(or fai2ed
<br /> g'd
<br /> ;i' 3` W pr�v�,�.endes wittk any material information)in connection with the loan evidencerl by the Note.inciuding.but not limited
<br /> .�.�'-��'-'�'. , !" :� to.representations cans�ming Borrvwer s occupac�of the Property�s a paictcipal residence.If tbis Secariry Insuumeat�s on a
<br /> ''�.".`-:;`f�'.;, � leasehold. Barrower ��tt compiy with a11 the �*��i.�ns of the lease. Ii'A{:aower acquires fee titic:`to the Property. the
<br /> `*-="`i�'��'`-�` � le3sehold and the fee title shall not merge unless I.ender agrees to the merger+iJ:"�riitin�. �• �
<br /> �-�.�'�s.�. 7.Protection of Lender's Rig1►ts in the Pmpert3+•If Barrower fails to�rform the covenanu and a�ee�lents conuaned in ��
<br />__�.�--� __
<br /> ___ __.�_� this Security InstNment.or there is a legal proceeding that may significantt�affect Lend�'s righu in the Pcoperty (sueh as a
<br /> ----_ , . proce�din�in ba�kreiptcy.probafe;far condemnation or forfeiture or to enfa�e taws or r�atations?.the��nies�i d�a�y
<br /> '_`�� pay for ahatever is�t�a�ssary to protect the value of the Property and LeLi3�:r's rights in the Property.
<br /> --=:�=��.'.—,,. � � iAClude paying a�ry �..ns secured by a lien v��i�rh has priority over tJi:��rity Insuument, aPP�ui?� in court, PaY�ng --
<br /> ; reasonabie attomeys'fees and ent��on the Prnperty to make re{raics.Althc�:gh Lender may take acti�,i�:der ttds paragaaph _
<br /> �`'t'�'��� 7.Lend..�r does not kave to do so. � -
<br />� 'l.��5...' - � . _-_
<br />._��7ft��;J. �.. . . Aisy amau�us �:s�bursed by I.ender uusG:.�:this paragraph 7 shall became additional debt of Eorrower securc�d:�y this __ -_
<br /> � ,u
<br /> � , Security Instrument.. �xiless Borrower and I.en�tr agree to other tera�s of payment, these amounts sh212.bear interest from the . __ �
<br /> `'���� date of disbursemecsa.��the Note rate und sha11 be payable, with irterest,tr,�an notice from Lender 1i�'•'Borro�ver requesting _ ,�,,
<br /> rsc, �i��rt , <r� ;.
<br /> payment. ��
<br /> � ¢r ' 8:Morigage It�svrsmce.If L�nder required mortgage insurance�a cattdidon of making the loan secvred by ihis Secutity ,����s x ��
<br /> -- -�.:�.� t��
<br />'��°s`_`-"-,��� :n�•f�Y'��x'y'..'
<br /> lnstrument. Borcower shall pay the premiums required to maiatain the mart.r,,age insurance in effect. If, for acry teason. the .� � r. :..
<br /> -- —'� � mortgage insttrance coverage requiretl by Lender lapses or ceases to be in�t�;�:ft.Borrower shall pay the premiams reqnired to :�ti�=�'j:�::_••�:..�
<br /> - -_��y.� .. .�.. �. , . :..,,.
<br />--�� ���-� obtain coverage substandally equivalert to the martgage insurance previm�s3�ea effect.at a cost sub��t'.aliy equivaient ta the ; ,
<br /> ��T�-.� - ;
<br /> •=,� '� oost to$orrower of the mortguge insutance previously in effect. from an a?temate mortgage insurc�.�proved by Lender. 1f �c , �
<br /> t�,�,�:is�—r substanUUpy equiv,ulent mortge�e insurance coverage is ndt available.Borrower shalt pay to Lender each month a sum equal to � ' ,,';,� ,;
<br /> -- ,�:,.��'---�'� �� one-twe{ftt�of tlie yearly mortg�e insurance premium being paid by Borrower�vhen the insurance coverage lapsed oc ceassd to �' ,r;-;, ' `J j,_.
<br /> '-'e�:��. be in effect.Lcn3er wii)ac�pt,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortg�ge �r�surance. Loss reserve
<br /> _��<:-�?: �aoaa s�so ..
<br /> �i������,��,� Va 3of6
<br />. '^.'L"r�� _ 0° ' . .'
<br /> =- :i`.ti1L'� i . .. . . . .. .
<br /> ��'` .. .. _. . . . , � .._.. . . . . . � j_ ..
<br /> ��► a • a. • . . ' .,�.�� . ..•r.. , , , .
<br /> � -,'` •, , .. � . . •'� . . . . , �' .. . . ' � � •` . , .
<br /> -�-:s_s 4-s'r�_x�r�- . . . . � . � - . � . •- . - -- - - � , • , . . . . . - . -
<br /> . . �.
<br />�'_.�^�'-iv�,s=�. , . . . _ . . .. • . -
<br /> y,'� i,. �. - ' � . .t. '+� . . ' . " � . . . . ' ' ��-..- •• ql . ' . .' ' • ' .
<br />.. ... !'ii!""r r � .. � ' - . . . . . - - � , ' � � � . . � ' - -. .. � . � . � � � • . , � .
<br /> . . . . .
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<br /> . . .. � � .
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<br />