�i+ ' '�'-- .. ..` . _ - _ . -_. �z --a � .=��"� - tc'i».' . , .. .... : y� _ �.
<br /> it: . � ; . , r Yt I .E. � � � G�a^'. ..3 . � �L � . ' __}':- . .
<br /> - � }� � l, 8 z. �- � . � . �t ss - �
<br /> — t '..�..5';��F.' ..�, �s. V�TE- c . .� C , f . 4 �` _ .z�5..}?.a_'x. _ ss � i . .,y .. c.
<br /> �s.:..��3-�'�`�.�' �"� !�` +tcF,.t s-t° {c .�+�� yf- .;,.E �� �&�,_`c�-atar�_AC-��.� t` ,�hy�. , . i � ��.�.��:�, -.i.:.-.L3 --
<br /> -� � 'i�r� - ' - - r x _a- L '-< __ ._ s 1 °' �l'..s`
<br /> --� FT;'h^� . .�� �rt � -� y - :7 a�'
<br /> ._ ?j. '£ *.;cv - o �-r—T �- y ��tt � ,:' a��` � F � _-'--� — _
<br /> -h ��:. ;�� . * `e ���vi F{ " � �
<br /> - ��`�--�c`c {f�r'��x.�'c a .�75+ t' . � . a r r a.`'.. • -
<br /> V��, �t't� C lt- . l '. . _/. �� —� .;
<br /> -f � °:' ` � 4. i 'ti
<br /> ��-��' �k� ' .fi f. '�`f. 'R;" s . . � • � < � t " S.. � ` . y -
<br /> - -�-.��y�.� . '�' ` . e. . , . . . � . , . • . .ce . �F. . r �O . v�� ' , ' • � -ti� -
<br /> . _ _'!. ;} ... ..�•..,M.` . 1 . " �. t�'.��. � y' n -' ;_ : -- ' "--_' v -
<br /> �______� e� � — .i.� �s.' `:;c,, _ `� � t � �` � e.. '�r�c�f;� — :-�—_�-= '"� � -`-r�'�'�- -
<br /> _ ��.ir�w���� - -itlmrt..."y�Y�iL"'c���. �c� -�,m .� -
<br /> -�.a�- ---- . • . . " E���J' ,S' - _-
<br /> - � ' ' ���4�� .. �'� -
<br /> ��
<br /> _ _}� �9�.,, - :� � : � -
<br /> -- -- =;.� payments may no tonger be at th�opt'son of Lcader.if mortgage insw�tcs crncrage(in the ar.�.aunt z�d Por the�riod '"`_ `��*r _
<br /> ���„ _
<br /> -- - , t6at Ler.�.:r requires}pmvided by an insurer appro�ed by Lendar again be�mes�avuilabte und is o6tair.r�.tt��romcr shall pny �� -
<br /> ������.� the preminm4 required to m3intain mortga�e insamare in effea.or to prmvide a lbs�s�serve.until ths rn�uirc�s-.nt for issortga�e = . :� ��:
<br /> �,��: insn�eods in accordanre with any written agreement between Botrower a�d Lend�r or applicaUte law. . _ i =.�'��"':
<br />_ _:�-,,,�,,_� . 9.Ti�sp�cdon.Lender nr its agent may malce•masonable enuies upoa and�insftactians of the ProFerty. I.e�ndcr shail give ��s�'
<br /> °-'""'*�+;� . � Barmwer norice at the time of ar prior to an inspection s�erifying reasonabIo:cuase fiar the insprction. -� `
<br /> ��,.
<br /> �;4: � t0. CoIIdemnation.The proceeds of azry award or ctaim for damagas..direct or consequential. in conn�ion�vith any ' ,,,,�;;,,. �
<br /> ;- ' condemnasion or otHer taking of any part of the Propeny.or far comeyunce in:ifcu of condemnntion,are besc�►y assig�and �i'�`�-'��---_
<br /> - Hl �S'
<br /> ^'°`�= shall t�e paid to i.eader. " ' ��,�� �
<br />� I' - In the event of a total ta�ng of the Pro appft'ed'to•the sums secured by this S�rity Instrument, � =
<br /> perty,the praceeds shalt be �,���v_=
<br /> 'J•�": .; .-_�_,��.-
<br /> whei�es ar not then due.with aay exress paid to Borrawer.In the event d�a partial taking of the Property in v�hich the fair �:,:..._--_�_�,
<br /> market value af the Property irnmediatety 6efore the taking is equal to an gtmter•than the am�um of th�ssma�secured by this "�°n•__—
<br /> - �
<br /> Secariry Insuumeat imm�ately t�efore the tu�ing,unless Borrower'and L.und�r.oWerwise agree ia v�riting,:the sutns secure�by -- _ -.---.—_-
<br /> this�ecuriry Instraanent s�aa[I be reduced b} e�e amnunt of ths praceede.meiltaplied by t6e foU�wing fia�tinA: (a)ths tota! __---- ----
<br /> amouecct o�the sums setared i�iatety be�sra the taking,divided by�(6ij�ttie faic market value of tTae 1'�rty i�tadiatcIy ---
<br /> ut
<br /> - ,`�. 6efa�c dt�ta�ag.,Arry 6atar.oe�Il 6e paid,to Sorrower. In the evefif;af a pmtial taidng of tha Pna�[ty, iq:}��u3�tl�e fa'sr —�
<br /> `t., :`°,'` r�:;z�u�uf t�:a��roperty i_u.:��ediately€*ef'u�e the ta�ing is less thait�4�le amnunt of the sums serumd..�lai�#,y'�_t�fa�the_ --
<br /> - � .r � '...-� f�y � �' �f ��.-T�e in writin or unl� lira6le law otherwise p'��3ws,�� sftsl� --
<br /> r c ��i.ra'��r �p.?�at�"�� '.'�`�-+ -�, S � �+�' .,
<br /> f E` �,��'�,�:.•�.,���`�k�v�f�;�,;�!tas,a�..-�+�rs tis�-re„m�t whether ar nc.�sums an��u dae. .� , �, —
<br />��.6 b - . ._ . . � . . _ .
<br /> � '-.�.f���L�,�g:��.�a��'�141�:�r�s�E,..k sx'��`�..���ce Uv LPUder•ta Barcu�s t�t the cam�r��s t��alce an .
<br /> ' •f9 � ��x: r{` . a��.G~ s�t���m for d3:c[3�g5.$ucTCa�J-:wx.r��-��td ta�t;.endse within 30 days aRer��.it�'u�u�is givbn. �-_
<br /> -- ,� �Y ; � Lc�:,�r��ta eollect and appiy ti�e�� �:._:,��,Qpttun.'sitticr to restorarion or rnpair of�e 49ro�ty or to the sums �� - -
<br /> '. �s#.:, �� -`� sewre�d by Ihis Security Instrumen�whether o.~not theri rte�., • " °"'""�
<br /> �'`•"`=',;�i'� Qlnless lxnder and Borrower otherwise agnee in avriffitg;;any��application of pmcecd� to gsincipal'sfiall nnt extend or �`_
<br /> �;:.°'"�•"''' postpane the due date of the monthly payments'refeaed to ini�uu�►h�U and'2 or cfiange the amount of surh paytmenu.
<br /> x.,�,, �; —
<br /> ::=P`'+.'•�'^"=� • 11.Borrower ldiot lieteased;Forbeseance By Lende�'1Vut�t'�Vatver.-Extension af the time for payn�eni or modi�cation _��
<br />-�� ';"' 'r � �' of amonization of the sums secured by this Seeurity fnstrument grunted by Leitd�r to any suecessor in iaterest of Borrower shalI _
<br /> : � ... . ces —
<br /> .�,;; .
<br /> -� :.+�,� not opera3e ta release the liability of the ariginal Borrower or Borrower's successars in interesi.Lender ehall nnt!s�required to
<br /> �"_:'-s�,��-•
<br /> �,�;��-:; Ft;..,� wmmrnce proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend timc for puyment or otherwise rtnndi[y amorti7ation
<br />- •.'� •�;,•:��1'- � ' ----
<br /> r of the sams secured,by this Sccurity Instrument by reason of any demand�mude by the original Sorrativer or Borrower s -
<br /> '��` �,' ``- --_-
<br /> - 3��„�:� � successors irt interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any risht�on aemedy shall not be a�vaiver of or preclude the __
<br /> �� eaercisa c�f any right or remeAy. ' w�v� _
<br /> '�`'"s�� � la. Successo�s aad Assfgns Saun�;Joint nnd Several Liahility; Co�si�ne�. The cavenants an�ag�eements of this
<br /> _ ;� �, Securiry In�trument shall bind and benefit the successars and assigne of Lender and Borrower. sublect ro the provisions of —__ —
<br /> -:: ��:_:�'�. -
<br /> '� � paragraph I7. Borrower s covenants and agreements shall be jaiiit�and sevc�al. Any Borrower who casigns this Sewriry _�
<br /> � Instrument but does not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing thie.3�curity Instrument only to mortgage.grar►t and convey that
<br /> � ,:�?�'=` :;
<br /> �j�••:. '�' Horrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Se%��3ty;[aattument: (b)is rAt pe�sonally obligatod to p3y the sums __-�_
<br /> ,t' . .'ti ___-
<br /> seeured by thls Security Iusuumen�:and(c)a?rees that Lenden und�any other Burrower may agree ta e.Qtend.modify.forb�ar oc , _____ --
<br /> - make any axommodations with regard to the�tms of tt±is Sea�r3t�r�Ins3rument�or the Note�vithout tY.:.R$.�n��e•er's consent. __=—
<br /> --._�- �� ' 13. '.oan Chatges.if the loan secured�y this Securiry Insuuntent is subject to alaw which s�ts ma�itmum lvan fharges, ' -�_-
<br />— — ° and that taw is finally interprete�sa trsr,i the interest ar other loan charIIes callected or to be wflected in Oomu�:it�n with the =— -
<br />���_���' taan exoe�d the permiaed limiu, then:�a,�an�!such loan charge shalUbe teditced by the amount ne�sary to rede»e the char� ��^-�� ---
<br /> � '*;'�'�� eu the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already coltected from Bnrmuwer wliich excxeded permitt�L Ii;nits dvip be refunded�3� !�=__.--�---:.
<br /> �uH� Borrawer. Lender may chaose to make this refund by reducing•.th�s princip�i owed undcr the �ote or by making a dir� .. ��
<br /> ��,`
<br /> �� � paymem to Bosrower. IF a refund reduces principal, the teductian�wlll� 6e treated as a partial pmpaym�¢ without 2sry ��'-:��'°`'
<br /> - ' ��� *`. prepayment charge under[he Note. ' • %�r'�� ;
<br />��?���� �� 14. Nottces.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Secut3ty�inbtrument shull he given by delivering it or by mailir.;, �r..';`'.��,:�'
<br /> r 2r..., .
<br />��,�;'�""�" it by fitst class mail unless applicable law requires use of another metfladl Tha natice shull be directed to th�Proprrty Addr�s �• . � :�;�_
<br /> J. +7�it�`:t. .�.� .
<br />����-,��,�_�� or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any nuticce tn Lender shall be given by first class mail to ;: _ . . �
<br />_�n�v�as.:.-,...^ . p �::.';:; �,.��.�.:;•','.
<br /> , Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designatvs tiy ttatfce ro Horrower. Any notice provid.d for in this . ,;.,. :�,_ . __
<br /> �� ' � Security Instrument shall be deemed to have treen given to Borrower ar I:end�r when given as provided in tlua patagraph. '.': .
<br />� " � l$. CoverNng Lp�v; Severability. This 5ecurity Instrument•s8ull�t}u govcmcd by fedcra! taw arrJ the law of the
<br />",'l��� �
<br /> - jurisdiction in�vhich the Property is located. ln the event that any provieiomon cluuse of this Security[nsaturnznt or the Note • � •
<br />�� wnflicts with applicable law,sech wafliet shali not affect other provit;iai�ofi tHis Security Inst�ument or th:;�ote�vhich can be
<br /> -----__�� �,rlven effect without the conflictin�provision.To this end the provisions ofi tNis Security Instntment and th2 Note are declared �
<br /> _--��;.',,s�� to be severeble. � . �
<br /> -__�:_��,�-�� 16. Boreower'a Co�y.Borcower shall be given one confortned copy of the Note and af this Security Inslrument. � : � :
<br /> — --_-—— -- � � form 3028 9190 � , �.
<br /> _=;�=-o-�t�� v,q000ts .
<br /> -----'�~sir� . _ ..
<br /> _ ___:=k'��:� '
<br /> x •L6,� ti 1� • y _ . . . � . . � . � r.�. _ _ , ;- �r.r�+l� . - ��!}.;���_� . �S - • ��,
<br /> . `!� � .�. � . 1 t � �y�I . :.;�.
<br /> M r %����-� 1, . ; , . . ,4T .- '- ' • ' � .
<br /> ���.�.rcr!t:a�r s�' ,I� _t � . ' ' ,_ il �4�51}���1� . .-� � �A, �';.,�i. . .
<br /> ` ����.,& �;�`4� y�; r+lri', ff, ' , . - . . ,��� �1` i . ..�.}7��r���i �i �.: r y .t.. • 'i��f�;4 i(� � .•'•Sl [ .`�'� , -r.
<br />-l3'����rZ% '�L ��-� . ! �j1i.��. ( ii ��_� � 1� . � � : � �i\� -! �� �� s ���'�,•� �)!< <' .s - � .
<br /> � �..i�+t' � t 1! . ,''.�v,J. �1lj .
<br /> � RN• � { � d � i� i o� \ < <v . . - . (i' . YI v%�ti/i . � � - �':�a-
<br /> > ... .. . . . �.�� �
<br /> �wvr�;� �?�;+L��'i? ��, '; - t�_�W' } '. �-.��i ��. .'.' I- . . • 8 �q S+i-�1�5. � :i� �..` .
<br /> �tl� �'�� ,r� � f t , . � ^` �v t + � V� , 'i. o,�' 'i�'�Ft'i�F�!' . 5r f . . . .� r
<br /> t .'" 1
<br /> S.0 ij' Y. ' ._ ' . ��I:�•� ' ' �� � • - h I. .�;�,.�'., .,�yi:� 1 . - - �ff�(�r�`i� (�,'���} 'S„'�, �� �t� �i . � i l � • -
<br /> — .��s., }y.�. }. . "�i�`;1i .�u � r 14...�-...- i' V � _ ._.._...._..:.�:'i5.y. Y�:�.Ytti ��hii�:�_� i� �, �. . -.
<br /> - ..u.��aF'.-.:_.�_ _.._:.r...t.y�lL..`�_.�w ..��5- - �— _l.r. �..• - �t...._ __
<br /> ��---,.;:�., , .s�": TT j . . .r. � . , �;.�.Ti.:,.--+-,�.,�:1 ,, � — —
<br />�:� T -� i � r`,�' . ' . �. . ����:.� '�� �i;� ' � • - iY' ���5 S`S., ',(�'�'•�'�..1 y- J�'. ' y
<br /> �q . . �i. . .� _i.t: , :
<br /> �s�t '� �'' • • '' . . ' ' � �! ` . � ;�'1,�: f t i',. . : '
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<br /> —.. . • t)��:JC, . . � . ' . . ' • '1y< . . , • d� ' . � 1 :s, � . ' • .
<br />� . . . . _ • f�U;3n � . ' .� _ . . "r.. f 1. . • _ • .� .. -. ' . f.��__. _ __—_.- ._ . . __._---.. - _. ... •
<br />