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<br /> ��_;� . � � � � g g-�����g � � . , -- i---
<br /> _=t-` s. 1L�rra o:�eo � ' —
<br /> a,u,s.__.� � Iasaran,te. Borrower shal� keep the improvements now exi.tting or hereafiter erea� an the _�----
<br /> -_.;�;�`;- Ptogerty iasurgd against loss by fire. haxarGs incIuded within t[ie term°eater.ded cover.sge°and any other da7ards. iaelasling - --- _-_
<br /> �'-�����` � • RooBs or Raod'eng.for�v�uc[i Lendtr requires insuranrk.T�is iasvra�tce shaU be maintained in the amounu and for the periods - -_= --
<br /> .r��'�•�..- : ' , �---------
<br /> that Leader requires. The insuraace carries pmviding[he insuraaoe shall6e cfiosea by Eorrower subject to Lender's agprova�
<br />-���v���.` which shal! not Ge unm.asflnabl wit�ilield. if�arrower fails to maiatain cove�a described a6ove, l.�nder . m�a`�"��--
<br /> ' Y• � may,at LendEr's --_--- __----
<br />,�.:----�_ := aption,obtain coverage to protect Le�der's rights in the Property ia accordaace wish paragrap�t 7. " � , -------_ -
<br /> '��i� Ait ir�svr.�ce policies ami aene.wa3s shal! be arceptabie to 1.�IIder and s�all iaciude a stan6ard mnrtgage clauss. I.ender , --_—— --
<br />_�-rff:z shall have the right to:►otd the poticies and renewals.lf Lender fequires.Borro�ves sball prompdy give to Lender aiI receipts of ,
<br /> u�i�'=-. paid Preau�uas and renewai notices.Ln.ttie evena of toss.Bocrawer shail give prompt nntire to tbe insuraace rarrier ar,d LPnder. � _- _
<br /> ::=���� I.ender may make pnoof of toss if aot mad�p�mpfly 6y Borrower. � � _
<br /> __��; Uniess ixnder and Borrower otherwise agzee in writing,insuracce praoeeds shall be apjaiied w restoratian ar repair of tlie �
<br /> _ -____= F�operty damaged,if the t�estoration or repair is ecor�nmically feasible and,I.ender's security is not lessened.[f tDe r�ra��n or �
<br /> __���;;,-�� repair is not ecdnomicalSy.feasible or Lender's security would 6e Iesseaed,th�insurance pmc�ls shalt be a�plied W ths svms
<br />�=v�;�';;- s�by this Security iastrumeat, whet�er ar not then due.vrith any excess paid to Borrower. If Bomawer abaudons the
<br /> ,-� �;, Property,or does not a�swer within 30 days a notice fram I.ender that the iasnrance carrier i�as offered to s�ttte a claim,then
<br />=-M `�,.�
<br />-=-�T=-� �� Leader may eollect We in�uance proceeds. Ixnder may use the proceeds tu r.�a*:r ot re.store the Prape�ty or w pay su�s
<br /> �.�.°;,�.�.
<br />- ,�,;��,;,� , sesured by this Security Iastrumeat.whsther or not't�en due.The 3U day period wilg?��in wh�:ti��P'notice 6s�-em. .
<br /> -,�:�s,�•-u,,,a;� Untess Leader aIId Boriower otiie�sise in cvri a�pHpuon of�a�, s � �
<br /> 8gcee ting. anY t�.�r'�r�iPaf�.fQ,ent�i��•
<br /> f�'�F����� FastPone ehe c�date of t�e monthiy paymPnts nfe�sa sn�Ss i aad L t•�:t-���tT�;armnunt c�'�'gey�?�,i��� .
<br /> T.r z .
<br /> under paragrapii�l the�v�y is acqnired 6y I.endrr.:ff�:�r,raa�.s.a�to a.ay ua.�e policies arzd gmo����t�w,_�`�:-�'� .
<br /> ;L,� � �tage to the Propei�ty�a�rt-�the acquisidon sLall pass tc�i�,. ;���,extena cf�.�`i,.�tms secured by this 5a�:i"�r d� � + _--
<br /> �� im�diately praas ro th�ira��,ttsition. � . .
<br /> .��- � . : �..
<br /> s�F�`�.� 6.Oocup�cy,I're's�s�rs��a,Mainteaance an�P�tecLian of the P►�oper�:B�rrower's Laan Apg�i�c�pu.Lease�oi�ds. .� _
<br /> �� Bs„rrovrer shalt occupy.e�a7i�i�s,�d cse.at�Froger�ty as Bdrrower's principal residar�e within sixty days after.."tt�e execation of
<br />.--l�i 1iuu�t�4�f6 �-
<br /> -��`""�""•�`''�° e�is 3ecurity Instrument ar�stsa�;ao�.e to ac�apy the Propecty as Eorrower's priucipal residence for az ledsc one year after
<br />�_;;.-;. .° the date of occupancy.un[ess Lr.nder otherwise agreea in writing.which consent shall not 6e unreasonabty witAhe�d.or ariless
<br /> _ �:;_'�M:��- eactenuating circumstances exut �vhich are 6eyond Borrower's control. Bonower shaSl rtot desuoy, damage or Impalr the —
<br /> v�: Property.allow the Property to deteriorate.or co�mit waste vn tl�c Property_ Borrower shall b�in default if any forfeiture
<br /> � ` '�`�` action or r g egun thas in Lender's ood faiti� 'ud
<br />-,,�.,:, ��- • p oceedin . whether civil or criminal, is b g � gment could rtsult in forfe[ture of the
<br /> ='�`.��.� ; Froperty or othenvise tnaterially impair the lien created 6y this Security Instrument or Lrnder.'s security interest:Barmwer may
<br />"��'�`'��• cure sach a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18.by c�using the uction c�r proceeding to be dismissed with a�ufing
<br /> ��:�:�� that. in i.ertder's good faith determinaaon, precludes forfeiture of the Bnrrowcr's interest_in the PropeAy ot othcr material,
<br /> � impaimtent o�ihe lien crcatrd by this Securiry Instrument or Lcnder's security interest. Borro�ver shall ulso 6e in defAUlt if �
<br /> �� Borrower.durins the loan application process,gave materially false or inaccurate infam�ation or swtements to 6ender(or failod �
<br /> `� to provide Lcrtder with any�naterial informatian)in wnnection with the loan evidenced by the Note.including.but not limite0
<br />'''��''� '� to.representations ranceming Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny as a principa!msidence.if tAis Securiry Instrument is on a
<br /> •.._�xF� '.
<br /> '��>����., leasehold. Borrower shall wmply with a!1 the provisions of the lease. If Bosrower acquisea fee tide to the Property. ttie �-`y�
<br /> �_:
<br /> ��� lease8old and the fee title shall not merge unlas Lender agrees ro the merger in writing. --
<br /> '�''`` T.Prot2�tlon of Lender's Rtghts in tfle Arope�ty.If Borrower fails to perform the coveaants and agreements contained in -- v
<br />-'=�. this Securiry I�.strument.or there is a tegal proceeding that may signifxcantly affect Lender's ri�ts in the Property(sueh as a
<br />__==-' proceeding in 6aakruptcy.probate. for condemnation or forfeitute or to enforce laws or regulaaons).then Lender may do aad -
<br />-;;;r:� pay for whatever is rtecessary to protect the value of the Properry and Lender's dgf�ts in the Froperty. Lender's actions may ----
<br />;��µ_:7 include paying any sums seaued by a lien which has priarity ov�a [his Securiry I�strument. appearing in murt. payiag � �_
<br /> ,�r,� reasonable attom�ys' fees and entering on the Pro�erty to make repaizs.Aithough I.endet may take action under this paragraph ,�,:'
<br /> A� .,; 7,Lender does not have to�so. }�,�i��1 �
<br /> -v,�' �:-�.��.,:._-.
<br />`-.��;_�. Aay amounts disbursed by L.ender under this paragraph 7 sha11 become ad�3isional debt of Borrower secured by this .?,�ti f.,{,��`�,,�'-�
<br /> =^;;;,,��,.__ 8ecurity Instrument. Unless�orrower and Lender agree to other terms of payme+n,these amounts shall 6ear interest from the :?,i�';1�t,•�� �•.,.,. .
<br /> „ °;: ;" date af disbursement at the Notc rate and shall be payable, with interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting ,i-' "
<br /> �� t�,�a4�� paym_nt, . :•.
<br />�:�'�-�' rt�e Insur�ms� 9�Lender required mortgage insurance as a condision of making the loan secured by this Security '�`�� '� '
<br /> S.Mo ,=.; .,.._,.-
<br /> -;y;�� Instrument. Borrower shald p�� the premiums required to maintain the mortgage lnsurance in effect. If. for any reason. the� ��� � �
<br /> _�;s�.-�:� mortgage insurance wverage required by Lender lapsas or seases to be in effect.Borrower shall a the remiums r uired�to� •
<br /> -- �a-� obtain covera e substantiall e uivulent to the mort p y p � � � �
<br /> __�r��_� � Y 9 gage insurance pn,viously in effect,at a cost substantialty equivafent to tre 'i'-
<br /> •-----�- , cost ta Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, ftont an �Itcrnate mortgage insurer approveti by Lender. If � '
<br />_��� substantially equivalent martgage insurance coverage is not availabte.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum eqnal to • ,,;j �
<br /> __ ono-twetfth of the yearly mortgage.insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage tapsed or ceased to
<br />_'�`..==�� be 1n effect.Lender will ncoept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insuranre. Loss reseive � � •
<br />_- �,:�� . .
<br /> _ `� • iorm 3028 9/90 �. � . � �
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