.�y . � .Y _ _ � 1 �` . . . }y.�. ( .
<br /> �` . �L-c �� , � �:`=t d- . ". a _ �y�. ' ` `. U t T�. t' •,�7
<br /> �v 4. '�.. ' . '� '�� �, _� � �� ' . � � � . .4 t��.s-�'iF � � • r�� -
<br /> .. __ :_ •_,�_L .� .C �i{.. . �s Lt, rt, ` F. "
<br /> � " � � ' » f• . .- C �Q� _ �:Z (K_"a': - ' - i..--._'t — O� ` �_ _ ` - ` _t �
<br /> .F.�� }.jN A�� S _ ./�y t' ; - _ � ' 4' • ' '_ _ t ` . <. ' -- .' ..y� . • �
<br /> � �,T� -�� �-».���r"���� �:`� ,�' . 4 ' � • [ a t 4,. , , r .} a '
<br /> f . ' � . ` S 5 . � �}t�
<br /> 7s f � •;C='.�' � �c.. � ' ,.��[. - � �x � . . . ' . _'
<br /> c'[: �`i�''�� -ti� -i..a � £-� � . �' Ss, ' - . , ``a.. - .�- t%` e , i�-. . � . .
<br /> t��` ��4.� .t.. .`�' r,t� .ia E � c i::� _ ,. rt.< { -ti�` c.,
<br /> �fi_.. , . � . . . a a �c•;' -
<br /> .y�S"� , ' . . . ���� • , � . � � fy ` . ..
<br /> �t.,q` ,.
<br /> � , � . . �;�5_ , = �-«�:-
<br /> = � . . - , � :�t �� ,.
<br /> � � i7.Tes�nsfer of We Property or a E�et�s�ui[aties�t tt�Bte��s�If all or any part of tha ProRerty or azry interest in it . �
<br /> ��' �is sold or traasferre�(or if a beneficial interest in Borcower is soid os,transfernd artd Borrower i3 not a naturEl person)wIthout � ��' '
<br /> -�� 'Lender's prior wristcn consent. Lender may. at its csgtion. require iuunediate payment in fuli•of all sums secured 6y this �. � � -�:�`:t_`�;:
<br /> _'� ��� � �e¢urity Rnstturaeat.Ho�vever.this opdon shall not 6C.Qxercisc�!!by Lender if exercise is pmlv'6ited by Federal lativ as of the date , -�� ; �.�� `�
<br /> -�ti€�-.r� of dvs Security Instrument. , . �,_ ; �'"`
<br />_,;�-..�.. - <;s'> . [€Lender exerc9ses this option.Lender sha11 givr:Borrowcer maticrs of usceleration.The notice shall provide a period of not � ��` • ' `� `•
<br /> _;x.� ."` less ti�an �0�ys from the date the nodce is detivet�d or m^a,ito3lviJhin �vhiclr Bonawer must pay all sums serured by this �".�' .�ti�' , ,'
<br />__ r,€�'.
<br /> j 'J`.�"- � Security Instmresent.If Borrower fails to pay these swins.pcior ta the e�iraiion of this perinci.Lenaer may invoke atry remedies �: ` ;'~ , �
<br /> '��' permtii�!6Y this.SecureEy Inststtmetst�vithout f�utiier ntotice or d���qu Bottaw€r. ' ` , , .-
<br /> � •- �,�;;` t8. Borpawer's Rfght t� Reinc�rA_ � gormwer me�ts ezr�in conditians. 8ori-ower shall have the right �o have � ' _
<br /> .-:�"�'::�.'�. , e n fotcement o f t his Security,7 n s w ment d issontinu e d'at any time pritir to the e�rlier of: (a)5 riays(or a-uch other period as `h;, :..�...;°�.�_:
<br /> .,�j;`.��,M.., applicabte taw may specify far reinstatement)bgfore: snte of the Prrrperty gursuant to aay power of sale contaiaed in tbis �,••« • :,
<br /> -��s�. Sec�uity Iiuuument:or(by entry of a}udgment enforcaig this S�curity�;Instnunent Those conditions are that Borrawer.(a)pays �`�.�:•,-6,�;:;:;-
<br /> _�'�i�s�� txndes al!svms which tiien wauld 6e due under tlus 5ecurity Instntment and th�Note as if nn acceieration had occurred;(b} fi�`�,'``Y�•"
<br /> v���.��;x�+ �res defantt of an other covenants or a eeme�s:(c) ays afi�'. es iacurred in enforcin t6is Securi Lsstran�ent,. Tr'•n�_;t��z?.k�:
<br /> �3+ Y Sr P �� g $' i�'-� r
<br />--���'�?�L�'''.�._� incta�t n g,but aut liarited t o, r e a s a n a M l e-��o m e y s' f e e s;a n d(d}t�e�.s u�a c ri o n a s L B n d e r u r a y r�a s u ra b l y,r e q u i n e t o a s s u r e `' �°`�."`��`�
<br /> �`` that tbe lien of this Security Insfmm+�,��,•�der's righ�s in the PmpecEy aztd Homcrer's obligation to�;tin:s�ms secured b}r ���.�F_-
<br /> ��r.'. - . this Security Inslniment �-�il':�r,���;achangee�.�;�pon reiastsiii�ent by Eacaower, 'this �aet:2:,x��-tb�rument and the � . -
<br /> ss;:s•;� u -
<br /> r �,�;�,• abli�aYions s�her�tv��s�`-.a;�--.����effec�ce�if au a�,*�:•,t1an had acc�rre�_I�uA..>>.���a c:��,o reinstate shall ,� �- `�°s- _ -
<br /> ? �''t' aat apply,in t�ra�e of��s?,��e�^1����5 L?:� : . ` .�
<br /> � .fs�� ;. _ . . � .,. - -
<br /> s�.� � H4.°�lie��?1�F¢t��=e��,nre� Serv�cea:�I�a*.�ara��aztial inte�t i�� rls,.:`���,ct.,-�aher with this�.' t:. z ,` - -
<br /> � `m;'- �, � T.rit:,.'�enf}eay 6e sold e���-snn:eii�s w-ithaut��:�i,�tn�arinwar.t1�t�m.�y-ies�.tt ius i�-T�i�the entiry(tmv:�-� � -----
<br /> °a,� � . , .�.'!Ke"Loan Servioer"y t����sz?tects morrthty payment�:c%ar cmd�ertfie Niate and d�:4�i-mrity�nstmmeiu.'fh�atso may tie'ame '°-� .
<br /> ��m�more c6auges of the I.�5ervicer unrelated to a sa[�af the Nare.If there is a d�nge of the Loan Servioec,�dor�+uwer aa116e ` ����,,��= ---
<br /> _�_�;:�': ' givea written notice of the change in accordance with p'aragraph lA at►ave and appticable law.The notice wiU state the name and 4-_
<br /> :�;�: ;;ti� , • address of tfre new Loan Servicer and the ar.ldress to which p�yment�..shauld be made.The notice m'il also contain any other �;°��--
<br /> � infotmation nequired by applicabie law. . � _
<br /> �t�,s Z0. H�rdous Substartces.Barrower shall not cause os pemrit the presen_ce. �ase,disposat, storage, ar release of any � _
<br /> _ � , '� Hazardous.Snbuanaes on or in the Pruperty. Borrovrer shali nai do, nor allow anyane eise to do, anything affecting the �-`�
<br /> �'• ::;; :, ' Property that is in violation of any Environmental law. T{�e prec�ding two sentences shall not apply to ti�e presenee,usr,or
<br /> -- _ -- stora e on the Pro of smali uAntities af Hazatdous Substunor!,that are crtera!! reca ����^'
<br /> _ � .:�:, 8 Pe�3' 9 g Y gnizal to be appmpriate to nom�al
<br /> ; residetitia!uses and to maintcnance of the Property. • �
<br />, ' ` ' Borsower shall promptly givc L.crtdcr written�olice of u�sy invustigntion,ctaim,dcmand, lawsuit ar ather action by any =---
<br /> •� �"�':;u g�vemmentai or mgutatory agency ar private party idvulving tha Pn�pPrty uad:uiy Nazardous Substartcc or.Envitonmenta!Law -.��
<br /> • •' ' of whicb Borruwer has a�Kual knosvledge. If Borrower tc�rns, ar ir natifed by any govemmcntal or re�utatary suthurity.that -_—
<br /> • • . -. any removal or other remediation of cany Hazardous 5ubstance affocling the Properey is nece:;sary.Borrowrer shall pro�ptly takc:
<br /> ' ..:�.;� aID neces.5ary rcmedial actions in accardance with Enrironmentul I.aw. . ��__
<br /> . As used in this pamgraph 20. "Hazardous SuGstances"ara+tho�s substartces defined as toxic ar hazardous su6stances by �._�--.—
<br /> � ar
<br />_ �•'�__ Envtmnmenta! La�v and the followMg substances:��gasoline, kvm�cne, other ilammabte or toxio petraleum products. toxic•
<br /> - ��:<•:� pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materiatd cantaining ac5estas or formatdehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in =��
<br />,��:;;-'�;�r; tlus paragraph 20. "Envimnmeatnl Law^means lederat laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Pro�serty is located that =-
<br /> �.��� �• relate to hea[th,safety or environmental prntection. =� --
<br /> � �� : ,•: NON-UIVIFORM COVENANT5.Bomower and I.ender fuqthercovenant and agree as follows: ���'� - _
<br /> .� Z�.Acceteratlon;pteme�les,Lender sha11 g�e ao3tce to 8orru�rer prtor to acceleration folMwing Borrower's breacfi � -
<br /> � :` °,� of any covenant or agre�ement in tMs Secm�itT Iagtrument (6at not prlor to acceleration ander paragraph 17 �less + , , '•�-:
<br /> ��; , apylicable!aw pivovides otherwise).The notice slra9l specify: (o)tPte defa�t;(A�)the action requtred ta cas�the�defaolt; ' �'-�=-
<br /> ��—�,�--
<br />_-,w;�,�; (c)a date,aot less than 30 days Prom tde date 46�a�fiice is given to Borroc�err by which the deYau(t ut¢�be cured;and ---�-•---- --
<br />:-s�'.���;, •.'. �����'=�
<br />- ('di) that faliure to c�e GCr�alQPaatt on or 6efos�.t6r�c4ate sper3ffad in the Qabi:�may resWt in uacele�;pt3no of the sums ���;,,_.�.�„
<br /> M--'��`� � �ured by thEv Secae�4y �..�-�nment and sale oQ`fire Y'roper�l.Tlte not[ce sha11 Purthee inform Borrowe�a.�the
<br /> - rig6t to -"
<br /> _^�"�'� ��nstate afi��,rn and the right to b�in�a court�cfinn to asseet the non-existertce of o detaa�.or any offier �=
<br /> �.-_,�.
<br /> _:4�-•_ -�. �.fiefense of lfiarr�ower to�rcetera8on and sale. Ii�the defauft 1s not cured on or 6efore the date specifie�in the aotIce, �r�_�
<br /> ; �':,`.. �1Leader,at it�optton,r��y requlre immediate paymen3 in fall ot all sums secured by this Seeurity I�ent withont �':;..�r�
<br /> . ea
<br /> � �•" i5�rt6er dewand and maq iavoke the power oi�aGe an8 any othcrr rernerfies permitted by appf[rahle Ia�c.6.ender shall be $`:��.��_='�'�
<br />_ �, ,y..�.s�,� �e n t l t l e 8 t o c o llect a 1 1 expenses incurred in urstt p p graPh zl,inctudIng,but not limrited �•..-�``�"_�'—"'�
<br /> p r �g the re�nedlcs rov�deti in this aro ��.
<br /> ;•,�r,:��,�?, to,reasonab{e attarneys'fecs and costs mY tifte evtmence. ` ��
<br /> �+,:��t�^�?, IP t6e power of sale is wvoked,'IYustee�hall re�ord a noitce of defau(t In eash coan m whlch an - °'
<br /> -:� .� �a��..z"' tY � Y Dart of the �,;,,:���,:
<br /> :r. � . . Property is locuted and shull mflil copie4 of sw:W.aotuce in tFee maoner prescrlbetl by applicabYe ta�v to Borrower aand to �-�.•,:� ���:""':•.
<br />"''�`"'�'��'� persons prescribed by appllcable lav�.AEe�s the itme n.�quired by aypl�ra6le la�v,TrusleP shall give publIc uotice � - - "-��
<br /> r�:` the other
<br /> ;L._y; ._.
<br /> �;..,:,: � .� oY sale to the pe�sons and in the munner pnscri3�by appllrabte law.Trustee,witdout demaiad on Borro�ver,sha�i•sell �
<br /> w ,
<br />- ' the Property at public aucUon to t6e high�s!bEdder a�tde time and place aad urtd�r the terms destgnated in the notQce of
<br /> �--�'`�:�`�:':;�'` sate ln one ar more parcets and in any arder Trustee determine9.Trnstec may postpone sale ot all or apy parce{of the �� -
<br />-�•={,'�`». Property 6y pu6lic anrtouncement ai t� time•��plsece of any previously sc�►eduled sale. Leader or its designee may � • �
<br /> "�Y,�.';� .;, pur,ciiase the Property at any sale. . �� .,
<br /> __1.1"._��ar�� ' - .
<br /> —.u.:YL'V�T-� . • .
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