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<br /> o�wic�:t�i��',��+h,�•�'�ir��f#����i c�!!��+x?�'?�ers neU,ally Isicurred.aat W cxc�Ed 3;t1 Sa af =
<br /> thre pRincip�l nmannE ot Ihe note wt t�e 1�ti1d Ot IhU ltP.dlAl'A1Q(pt Ci�attAtll�Wtd MaSRllAblt'9�n 01'��Iy'B01(l� all�n11Un1
<br /> by hK;(b)tn Nll nu�securad by tht��u�ity In.�imenl;and(cl an,y exces�to!h�po t►c FI Y _-
<br /> to It�
<br /> 2�. Recc►avcyance. U�xm pnymcnt uf►dl aumy sccurcd by thiy Sccurity Ingtnnncnt, L.cndcr tih�ii rcqucst'Rustce t�
<br /> re�:onvey tiu 1'raperty nnd eha��aurren�ic+r thlK Securlty Instniment wid Wl nate4 ovidencing debt�ecur�d by this Secu�ity _�
<br /> lnstniment tn 7tustco. 7h�stce hhnll reconvoy the Pro��crty without�v�uranty and withnut chnrge to�he per�on nr per�onx
<br /> lagally cn1(ticit tu il. Such per�an ur per�ony shull pny c�ny recurdntiun costs.
<br /> 2�3. Sut►atltute'[ta�tea Lcndcr,ut ita optic►n,muy fmm timo ta time�emuve 7tuatro and ciproi�it u�;uccessur tcuytca ta
<br /> uny 7tustee appointed hereuncicr hy nn Instrument cec�rctcd in�ho cnunty in which tl�is Sccurity Instrument is rt�curded.
<br /> Withow caeivcynnco of tho Property.lh0 hQCCC9F0�l�p5tC0 AIIfiII 6UCl'CC(I IO UII (IIO (IIIC,puwcr and dutics conPce�cd u{mn
<br /> '[tsuatcc hcrcin mid hy appltcablo In�v. -
<br /> 24. Request top NoUce!�. Uurrower rcquesu�lhat cnpicy uF the noticcv nl'd.ol'uult cind sc�iv be srnt to Banowcr'�uddress
<br /> which is thv Properly Addres�.
<br /> ZS. Rkl�rs to thlr ttieiwrity In.ctx�nnenA t(unc ur morc ddi�rs cvo caccutcd hy l�urrowcr c�nd recarded toIIcthcr�Yir.h
<br /> thi5 Sec�ulty Insuument.tho covenantt+und ugreements oF cach huch ridcr shnll tx: incorpuratcd into und shulf umend i�nrl .
<br /> Rupplemcnt tho caveiiunis cuid ug�cements uF this Security Instrument ns if th�rider(s)�vero a pi►rt of thiy Sccurity lavuuni�:ir:.
<br /> (�hcck n{�plicnblo bax(cv))
<br /> ��AdJustublu Rntc Rider �Condaminium Ridcr �1-4 F.-�mily Ridcr
<br /> �arurivateci Puym:nt Ridcr �Planned Ilnit iJcvctapmcnt itidcr �l�twcekty i�iymcnt ltidt^�
<br /> aBnl(oan Rider �Rute l�npraeem�nt Ridcr �Sccand Homo[tider
<br /> �Otlur(�1(sperify) ���I�NmENT OF RENTSy ACKNOWLEAGmENT
<br /> RY SI(lNWO BH40W, 8ormwcr acrepts�md��►�rcev ta the tcrms and cnvcn:mts contsuncd in ttdti Sccurity[nsL.z�E�t
<br /> und ln nn�r ridcttal t:xssutcd bY Harn�wcr and necnrdcd with it.
<br /> Witnrss:f Witnetis:
<br /> . L�!� �-��v?.�..-��
<br /> mRRY J. l E(�ANN
<br /> ........._. (Seall - (Sud)
<br /> �"�"��� •Huuuµcr •&�m�wcr
<br /> _, _� — (Scal) _._._. (Souq
<br /> •Hunuwcr •flort»wcr
<br /> srnT�a�Naaka►s�, HAI.I. Caunty�sa:
<br /> On this 10TF1 day t�'f mARCH 1995 .bcforo mo,thc undcrslgncd,u Notury.PuDNa
<br /> duly ccunmissiancd and quali�cd far xaid caunty,�x:mottAlly rnmc mARY J. LUOEmANN, A SINGLE PENSON
<br /> . .ta mc kna�vn ta bc tho
<br /> identical per�ons(r) wlwsa nume(s1 ara subscribcd to Q�e faregoin�insuumrnt imd ncknnwlcdged the execution thercaP to
<br /> tw M�R voluntcuy 1ct nnd ciccd.
<br /> Witnesy my hand and m�taria�x���l i►t GRANO ISLANp, N�BRASKA in snid caumy,thc
<br /> duto t�foresnid.
<br /> Mfy C�nunissian oxptne+:
<br /> �II ������� � � Nota►y poblio
<br /> °'=�+�� �� �UitIZ��'UNVF.YANCH
<br /> 'I'U 7`�IlVSST�E:
<br /> 7ho undcrsigncd iH tho hoi�^:�Ot(I10 tt0lt3 OT Y10tC'1 tiCCUCCti Iyy lI1�B DQCtI Q`�YU6�. SA�d IIf1l@l1t ROt,.s,taFet�¢n with�tdl,�i
<br /> ather indcbtedness sc�cured by thts Il�eed af'ltusG have bcon p.ild ln full. Yau�rv heTeby dircctcd to can��f snida�c�t�+Qr not�e:t
<br /> nnd this I?t'.�x!��f Trur�t,whlch sua.drilivc�d hcreby.tu�d ta rcronvcy,withaut wacrunty.nll the estute no�K heid by�Xou uncts.n �
<br /> 1`tt�5�'�cr(�O�i`�tibi iil t�L�"vfSttfi i6••�S`otJiiR�C����'°.'1l41�l�Sf�4�
<br /> DAt01 — -—----
<br /> Fbrtu;W28 919Y Iprigebnj6pugcal
<br /> -- --- - --- �cr:-�_c°.—.��---:�_-___.
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