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<br /> . tt���-�' 9,t:�.�`�'� �
<br /> uy�ti�;:�l+i� la+u�a�y���E;Fi�r r�i�;��;s€r��.:�tl lt,:t'asr��tr i�t'r�,i,i§rr�rly pit�ira�►t tn any �►�v�,[1 tiitl�«71ita{it� {fl t�tl,r �-
<br /> Scruriry Invtrumcm;ur(h)enn�y��t i►J��Iginent cnfun In�}thi»S�wuritp Inhtru�t�.r�u. Th��c cunditinny urr�htu�lurm�vrr. ln►
<br />- pnyR l.end►r cdi yumv �vhich thc� waulJ be �tui: u�uler thls S��u�it�� I�►htr��G�.�nt ui�J titc Natc uv if na ucrcicrntiun hnd "
<br /> c►ccurred;(h)cures nny defi�utt uf ar►v othc�cuvenants or aArcemont»;(u?pay��ulb e�{�enses inrarrcd!n c�sfi�rcing thiw Security _
<br />_ tnstrum�nt. Including. bue rtnt Ibnited t�. rens�mahte nttarneyx'fcc.r•: nnd ld1 takeg �uch ncNun ay Lender mnp rcusunably
<br />- ricqufro to a�suro�ha�tho Itcn nf thty Sccurity Inrtrutncnt,l.c�idcr y dgh�in ih�s l�u�erty und�larrc+�vcr'x obligatiun to pay tho
<br /> sums sccurcd Ay thie Sccori�y Inytnnncnt shnll cnnt[nuo unchnn�t►�d, ll�,� rcinvtutemcnt Gy B�►mnvcr, Ihis Srcurity —
<br /> Inswmeni und tho obligutiuny Recumd hen:by shall ren�al��fally effottiv�us if nu uccelen►d��n hnd��ccutred. Hotvever,this =-
<br /> Nght to rcinstato shull�ut appty in tho ra�c ai acccicrntic►n undcr p:ur�;raph 17.
<br /> 19. 5iak ot Notet Gh�g�qf l,�n Servker. 71tc Notc ae a piutlal Int�;rec:t In thc Nutc(tcn;ethcr wlth thiw Srcunry
<br /> [nst�umcnt)miiy t+c snld onc c�r moso 11mcti�wittk+ut priur nuticc tu Bom�wor. A �ulc may result in ii changc in Iho cntity
<br />- (kno�vn a9 tho"Lotu�Servicer")fhat collects month�y payments duo undnr tho Nate nnd this S.�c:udty Insuuinent. Ttrece uls�� --
<br /> may bo onc ar mnra ch:mgc9 oP�ho Lua�i Scwiccr unrclutcd to i►tia4o uf tha fYuse. Ii thcrc is u chun�:of thc Lov�Servicer,
<br /> 8oma�ver���iQ tx:t;iven written natice ui'thc chnngc in uccardimcc�vith pars�Gmph 14 iibovc.uni uppitr�btc taw. '1'hc natico
<br /> w111 stute tho na�ne cmd address of the ncw l.u;u�Serviccr and tho��dd�uss to�vhi�;h pay�ncnts r;hould be mudP. Tho ninic�wilt
<br /> ulxa contnin nny athcr infamn;►dnn requ�ru!by appllc��blc li►w. -
<br />- TA. Ha�ardaus fiubstaaces. Barm�ver Fhnll not cause ar pcnnit ihv prer�nre,use,dispa.oul,stamge,ar rcicasc of uny
<br /> HarnMou9 Substartccs on or in thc Prapccry. 8nrn�wc�shull not,d��, nor nlla�w unyane ciso to da,anythin��ffccNn�tha
<br /> Property thAt ls in violadon of any LnWmiunenwl Lu�v. Tho preccxling two senu;nce.r•�hall na1 r�pply to Ihe presenca,use.or --
<br /> Ftomgo on the Pcaperty of smw11 quuntities�f Hu•r.nniuus SuAstunce�s thm euc�artcrnlly recagnized ta be�ppmp��lnte tu normtd
<br /> residendnl ases and to ntaint�rts:�cc i�f the Piroperiy. _
<br /> 8orrowcr Ehnli prvur,ls�t1��glvc l.endcr writtcn naticc uf'any invcsti�atlon,claim,dem�nd,luwsuit ar other ucdan by any
<br /> governmenwl ur n�gulutory ii�;ency or privnte pcuty involvin�th�t'iopQrty;u��',uny Htutteclouy Substunce or�nvironmental
<br /> I.o�v af which I�ti�nower has actuAl knuwlcdgc. If Hurra�vor iR+Um,:, ar lA notificd hy any gavcrnmental or regulntory
<br /> autharlty.lhut r�ur.remavnl or nther remediation oC uny Hu�n�dou►•Suhsinrtcu�fccdng�hc Pmpeny iq�eces��uy,Homc�wcr
<br /> __
<br /> shall prompUy ta.�e a11 nere:i.cary remediul nctiano in nccn�dimcc wt�h f?n�imn�ttonlul Luw.
<br /> Ae used in thiy pnrq�r.yph 20."Hnri�nlous Subvtnnccy"uro thur��ubsamccs dcfincd us taaic�r huzard�us a�:L�stunccy by
<br /> Envimnmeatal !a►v ai�d ths,•fotluwing s.ubstnnrcr: gu�oNno,keror+rnc�,othur flwnmablc or taxic�cualewn p�vducty, t��xlc
<br /> pesticidea uud tnafiicides, valcuUe solv�ni•. matericils contciining nst�:seos or farnwldehydc, und mdivactivo mntaduts. As
<br /> uscd in this p,;.r.,�,yrn�h 2Q"6nviranmeiir,l l.a���"mcans Pederd luw�c a►nd laws of the JurisdicUan whcn thc prapeny ix tnccuccl ��
<br /> th�t�iat�t4 trsfi^�,r.nfcry�c�r�nvirunment�"pratcrtion. �
<br /> NQN-UN1�RNi C(3VZ.ryAN'fS. Hnrr�wcr nnd Lcndcr furthcr coven�u�t nnd aQrcc a�f't�llawN: —
<br /> 21. Ac�eclerallonj Lterrn�rQles. I.endcr xhnll givc noilcc to Nar•mwer prior to Aceclerallon folla'w1n�Boreowe�'s �_��
<br /> bre�D of anr abvPnant or uQrcemc�t In ihlv Secur[ty Instruu�ent�6�p Q�nrt�r ti.nn�plar�� � pr n�.�.0 ,��?
<br /> e�ap�e 3aw provts�W!rrsyl�r?. The eatirc�lsa!!spe:i�}: ta)tAe dcfaultt tbl tbe actlaa c�guired to cura ii�e
<br /> defaulti(c)u r��¢e.not Ics�th�30 dayx At+nm thc dnto iho nattcc!s�i�•on ta I�arroavcr�Dy�vhlch tho dcfiult muai be �
<br /> cure�l;and td)s9t�t Ihflure to cure the defi�ult on o�he[uru th�duta spect(ierl lo the nullce may�+esult Ip ucceleratlnn ot ==
<br /> !he sums secured by thl9 Security I��.virnmrnt and�lo of tho Pr�perty. Titr nullce ehuQ fLrther Infarm @urrower uf - --
<br /> the rl}�„6t to reinstato�►lter u��kr��ttuu u�id tlie rigt�t tu brinp u cuu.rt ecltu�.n to as.snrt Ihu non-ex4vtcncc af u dofault or --
<br /> pny other dc�ieauo aP Bore�owc�to uccclerutton und snle. !t tho ticf�rrlt ia nat curc�cl on or beforo tho duto specUied In =
<br /> tho natioe.Ienn�er at it�optlon may reguiro Immcdtwto pAyment in tL:�l o!ull sum9�secured by thl�Security InslrumeN -_
<br /> wUhout f1utP�r demAnd Wrtd mny im�ok�the potivc�oP nale and{ e.�� olltP�ecmcdl�w perr•.,.ECCmd by applicuble It►w. =--
<br /> i.ende�ehall be entitied to callect �dl ca;pr�.4cs Incurrcd In punvuln� the rerncdics provlded in thL�paragruph 2l, =-
<br /> [ncludiug,but not limited ta,reasoiu�blo nttorncys'fecw m�d cast�af titto evldertcc. °=_
<br /> it tt�e�ower ot sAle fs(nvakcd,71�u.gtco elwll necenc�a nati��e oP d�taull ln cACh county In whtch uay�u�u�t of tha �u:�'
<br /> t�topert,y Lv lucs�IIcd arld ehall mall copies af euch natice tn tho mimnor pmc+cHbed by appltcahlu Inw to Aorr�a��r and ta .. ,
<br /> the alher peie�onv presc�ibcd Dy opplicuble!aw Alter the timv rcryuln�d by nppticublo tuw�7t�u9te�xhbp givo public �;^'�
<br /> naHce of sWe E�th�pensc�n9 and In the manncr prescribed by�ppIlcn6lc law 7tustce.withou!demnn�un 8orruwet, �=::
<br /> �hali+se�l!!ra t�ancrty cl puhlte c�uctlan to the hlghcwt bldd�r nt Ihu tlmv an�pluce and under tho terms d¢�,�nated i�
<br /> the notko of�lo In one or moro parccla and tn uny ordcr 7YuKtcr dete�•in{nes. 71�tt9tee muy povtpone�sul�c�E'a�ll or nny
<br /> parce!oP tha PropeMy by publ±c unnounccmcnt M tho timo ottd pince aP any pr�viottely srheduted sate. Lander or it� .�
<br /> deslRnce m�y�urchxs�e the PropeMy at any sate. �=�-
<br /> Upon �+e�;m9pt ot ps�yment of the prl�cc h1d,7lrusteo Rhuli d�iixcr to the purchaser'ilrati�erla deed conveying tho T
<br /> Pmperty. The rccitels in tho 11�uRtcw'�ciced Hhali be pMmn Puclo c�klcuco of the truth af the b.,arGnments mnde thercin. `��;-,
<br /> 7rusteo at�Wl apply thc p�tcd.n ut the r�ute In Ihe follo�ving onters (o)tu nll�wste and expcnscv�Yex�rc[s?q;tho{x►wer ' -
<br /> ,,,:,
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