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<br />- �A89iQNMENT.t9F iIENTa R1Al��, ' _
<br /> . .
<br /> , 1'Nla AS.'�ltiNMENT(�F F��N1 fi filC�liFi In ma�te pnd cttea��tec!thlA.. 9[�)FI____ciay oi.....P1�1RCt i .. .. ..,10�a . .. .�ancl la ---
<br /> � Incorp�r�ttsd Intt��nd sh�ll b�drt�m�tl!R����nti�nd e��p�t�mani th�Morip���o+QBeti c�i Tc ut�!;nerel�e9tar reter�e�i ta�e the
<br /> �.�►e�Kity InrN��+iu+nt", �1 1he�±�ma e�dte�Ivrn by tho urtdorotQnod,narsina�tor ratorre� to na �Ra ��Cer�ow�r��, ta� e�c�ure
<br /> Brsft��'n I�tti�rbt�ctt�►�r�r.R9t�f�18ft�t retdrrad tQ ae�•'Nate".tt�Hd�lG F��f�l3�L�AVIlVC�9 AtVS 64}AN R���1�►�tt]A1 tl�
<br />- ati�lN�!�L-ANp.t+���ln�tt�t tpt�!red to e�tt����ander",HI fh@'�4ltlt��t�AR41 GCY@i11t(�ih@ 9)��}@►1Y d�5fif1��ft fh�a�@!li11�i =
<br /> I��strum�r�t�nd tt�n�trtf�t:
<br /> 91q8 9. Ijl.�AaANT UYEW. GHANp YSI.AND N� GqE�tI1 =_
<br /> WITNFt9S�1'N: __ .. -- • .. __. �Propsrty AdAro�ol . .� ..,~ _—�+.�. • _
<br /> f="
<br /> WH�R�AB, Bonawet�nd Le��e�heve apreed that an�+tenta and pruflts alt:ibut�Aln.to IAn proporly should aonstl4ute
<br /> addlllqnAl noatufty to tho Lendor tor fho peyment of iho Nate; t:
<br /> �.
<br /> NOW,TMEfi�FQRI�,it it►-pgread thut ihd i3eourit�In�trument ehall bo amended horeby�end dt�ttmnA ttrinqlude Ihe followlnp
<br /> pra�leta�H:
<br /> �• AO.tl�4tiAlft[tt.il�..I�.R11tSt8S1l�.Lal1d�.K f�enleLCatlaqt(�p,�JA��Borrowot.hnt►�Ai+b�t�naluta{y and unaondltionelly asel�ne all
<br /> rente. �o�uas ancf..p�r�flta ot the pro���ny to eenAftalary, 4.ondar shAQ��hat�•th� rl�ht, powor and authorlty during !ho
<br /> contlnuancu a}thW ReuutRy Inatru�nent to r.nitACrt thn rAM�,loauu�anA nrntfta of the property artd of any personnl proparty `-
<br /> locatdcl thsreon eulth�r,wlthouY takln�y po4�i+;anton pf 1h��prppqtty tllfooted h9reby. Londo►,howover, hereby Conaente to
<br /> aorrower'e oollectlun a►ttd�etentlon ot euoh epnio,l5�uflt1�nd profite ea thoy oaoruo end bacomo poyable,sa tonp ae Borrower —
<br /> la not,s!euoh tlme, In deiault wlth rpepoet to puyment of any Indebtadnos�eeaueed hereby,or In the peMormance of sny
<br /> aproament h6reundRr. —
<br /> 2. Aooalntment of RflCelg�, �f any orenl 04 detault In rospoot to the 800urity Inetrument ehall hava oaaurred and be
<br /> aontintiinfl, I,ondar,as a matter of►Ipht end without �otico to Harrowor or anyone olAlming unde� Borrower.and w{ihout ���
<br /> regar�l ta fhe value of th�t�uat oateto or Iho InlAroat of the 8orrower therelo,ahnll hnva tho NgM to sipply to any court having =
<br /> �wladlptlon to eppatnt a roceiver ot the proporty. _"
<br /> 3. g,�p�,,,�g p�,ssea�on•In case of defautt In the paymenf ot the sald prinalpal Noto or I�taroat,or any part theraol,as It
<br /> ehpll mature,ar In Ihe oaaR o}fallura to keAp or portorm any of tho covnnante Or npraem�nte contelned In tAQ&eautity I�atrtr �
<br /> ment, ihun the lertder, Ita euoceasors or as��ane, shall be and ta horeby uutho�izad and empo►voroQ to tako Immedlate -
<br /> poseeaa�on of the eaid premlaea theretn ausa�iDad and to colleot tho ronta thorvlrom,and to apply tha procooda thorcof to the -
<br /> psymeM of the Nota. W-
<br />_ �. MDII�tIQ�O}Ret1tB.le8ues and PrnlltA._q!!iiu!!9�!l9IIIS£4 t!y l.8!!�3!Qi!t!8 t���li�!!!i8�pp118i!lli�i tii�i.i�►iiii�'ii
<br /> af lho custe of mana�ament ot tho proporty a�d colluotlan at rente,lnaludinp,but not Itmftod to,roaoiv�r'A foes,prdmluma on �
<br /> . rece{ver'e bonda and reasonabia attorney's fe+�.R.p�d fhan to tho aume securod by tho Snourity Instoumsnl.Lender and tho
<br /> receiver ahell be Itabte toaccount onty Mr thna��onte aotually rACelved. __-
<br />_ �. �on�frunQo�� rQwl�lc+ e,Eaah o!Ihe pro�lslonfl conlainxtd In!h!s Acslgnmsnt af E�ants Rltler and the 6eaurity tnetru•
<br /> , ment ff�tr�ll, unleae atharwlse ppealfioaily requlrcd, ba congtraAd in nacordunoo vrith Nabrpoko IAw,And in tho ov�nt any �•-
<br /> provls4c��z horoln or thoraln cantalned shall be doterminod by�caurt of oompe�tant Ju�ladlation to tro unontorooablQ,tha eumo = -
<br /> ehall t���onstrued as thauph euah unonlorcoable pravlelon�vo�o not w pa►t haraot or t�orooL k'--
<br /> 6. �ftao oj 1 r Excopt afl speolflaaliy mc�:01Qd by or Inaonelstont v�tCh ehle Aesip�mant af RontA Ridor or by c�ny otho� f."�
<br /> applloable rider,all af tho tormo and provislons aontalnod In tho a�;st�rtCy�tn:�trumont ehAil aontinu�M full forao�ad offaal. '''-
<br /> F===
<br /> IN�Y�pNE98 WHEFi�O�.BorrQn�r h�o oxeautod thlo Aosipnmon!ot R�nts Rtdor n 4ht�dato flydt notAd Abovo.
<br /> � �� rn,�,�,/�,� *'_-.
<br /> „�.j�LX�'ll�'„•-`� c�r
<br /> r;,a�r J.—C��i mA n1��aWO► �_..
<br /> �:;
<br /> T���y�,Borrawo► ^�
<br /> BTATE OF NE8RA8KA) .��
<br /> (A8:
<br /> coutirv o�Ha�� �
<br /> Qn thl� �0 day of ��+�� _ 19_95_,datore me tha undorel ed o N te�ry Publio duly aommloolonod and
<br /> quallflad far eald county,parsonallX oamo��RY 7. LUa�mAN�I, A SING�� (�ERS�1N __
<br /> ___.____,to be the identloal person(e)whoae nt�me(s)IaJare aubsonbed �
<br /> to th�forepoln�Inetrument,and helshelthey aaknowledge the oxeoutlan the�eof to ba hltUharlthoir voluntAry act and deed. -
<br /> Witna�s my hand and Notar1a19Aa1 at GRAND ISLA(Vp N�BRASKA
<br /> ---..____...._... in eaid caunty,the ctate afore Id. .
<br /> ���NN�Orqq __ � __��
<br /> 11N Il Ar0U8 Notar �bllo
<br /> �1A�A►Ot�1rAr 11.1�D1 '
<br /> My Commleslon explres: . ._._,..,
<br /> /IP fOJO p1p21
<br /> _ _ -----...—._------- - � a
<br />