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<br /> at.tlie c�tIDfl OE �Ritt�Cl', if mc:rtgsga insurance caversge (in the entouat artd tor tfie�is�d that I.cnskr requir�) �-
<br /> �;` .. ��
<br /> ' •� ' prnviitrd 6y nn in.nus+er pppruvrsi by Leu►der a,,rain Ixsomc�avallable and Ie obtalned.11vrrowec ahell pay the gremiurna �� ` -
<br /> .�"�-� ;�� �cqu3rcd to ma{ntnin martgega inauranco in etTect,�r to pravtdo o lass reservo, untfl tho requieement Par mast�o�;a '� �' : t„ - -
<br /> �� �.... + , .� .
<br /> i�� inauron��e en+da in aec�rdansc�with ony rvritten ngree�nent between llarmtivee a�nd I.ender ae nppltcnble ln�i. + � - �
<br /> ���� 9. luepcction.i.cndor ar ita agvnt mny meka reasonnblo ontriea upan and inspectionn of tho Froporty,C.endpr ehnll {�� ��;�����
<br /> � _ • givo tinceower notica ut tho tlmo at or pr�ar tp nn inspecti��speciEying rcu.onabl�cnusv tar tho in�;pection. � i „� _
<br /> � EQ.Candemn�tlun.'I'he proceeds n4 any award or cl�im Pur damugeA,cfirect ar cunseyuentlel�!n conncotion wit,h ' -� - -
<br /> �t ����� any condamnnti�n or other wking a!any part�4 the Nropecty,ar Ior convayance in liou caf cartdpmnntion, nro herc+by 1+`i` � `� �,� -_
<br /> ,_ � = n�algned und ehell bo patd ta I.ondor. �� n_r `�r; -`_
<br /> = ln tha ovunt uf e tatnl t�king of tho Property,tha proceed,9 ehall b�applied ta tha�umo�eau�ed by thin Seaurity -�.!�� _
<br /> Inatrument�whocher ar not thon duo,�vith any�xcess pAid ta Barrativer.In tha avent at o pa�tiAl tnking at tha Pragscrty i� � -- -_ _-
<br />__ ��_',,•,. - which tho Iair mnrkot��aluo of tho Praperty immediatoly b3t�re tho tnking ie equnl ta or greutor than tha amnunt�4 the ,,�����,_._ _
<br /> :� nume seoured by thie Security Inetrume�it irnmediatviy botare tha takio�,unless Hnna�ror and l.endvr atherwiFO ogrce � � ,-:.-.=
<br /> ;!�� �� in writin�,the sumt+seoured by thie Secur3ty Instrument ehall bo reduced by thv omuunt oi tho prc�cecde multiplied by � =�
<br /> �- •,:,,:,.;,�� tho tnllowing Pr�cttun:(u�tho tatal omourtt of the aume secured imraediat�ly bofore tho Wkin6,divided by (b)the tr�ir -'"'-�='`--
<br /> '� mnrkct vnluo af tho Pcapvrry immedlat�ly botoro tho takin�. Any bnlunca shall be paid ta Horrower. In tho ovcnt af a ��'•�°��;�=
<br />