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It All or any part af the Prapnrty ar any <br /> -• � • in it is e.�ld nr trnneferre.d jor it u benoPicinl intorest in 13orrawor ie sald or t�nnsforrecl ond Harcuwar is nnt a ".�• ,.;�� � �� <br /> �.���.�:�„�' noturnl perc�an)withput l.ender'e prior arltten cc�ns�nt,i.onder may,nt iteoption,rcyuiro immedinto pnymcnt i�tull at _ <br />___ oll sume��ecured by this Security lnatrunlent, kiowavcr, thie opttan ehell not ba oxorcised by 1,ondc�r ii oxercie,a ie ,� <br /> , ' . prohibited by tedoral law n3 nt the detv oY this Security Instrumpnt. "3�•' <br /> � IP Lender exercls�.9 thiF Qptlan,�.onder shnll givo Harra�ver nottae nf t�ccaloratian.'xhe nati�a Nha11 pmvldo o pvrtod . '� "__ <br /> � • ot not tesa than 30 daya 4rom tha dAto tha nntice io delivored ar mailod within�vhich I3���war muat pay otl aumn�a:ured ,,;.�. ., ,;,=�� <br /> - �� � by thte Security Instrumant.lf Hurra�var tnila co pay tA�a sumfl priur tr�thp uxpiratlan ot thln��dad,I.endcs mny invako � � <br /> any remedies permitted by thie,g ecurity Instsumunt withput furcAer nati�g��r dama d an Harcowor. ;'.� ,,;: . <br /> '` ,.� , 18. Rorro�vor's Rig4t ta btel�tatatr�,!P Ff�nrrowor mceu�aortain conditi�ann �nrcawct ahatl hevo thu right tU huve ',� .' : ` �;� <br /> aniarcement af thia Security Inntcument dir,�:�ntinued nt nny timo p��ia�ta th�aar�ier at:(a)S doya(ar such ather perind . • � �... <br /> e <br /> .:'�,.•��,.. - <br /> , . os applicnblo ln�v moy specily tnr reinewtament)bctord snlo af tho Pru rty pura�►n�t►n. �ny�?oaor�t Rul�cnntnirted in �,,.. <br /> � • ..� thiH l�ecurity Inatrumont;ar (b) entry uf o 'udgment enfat+Cin� thia�enurity Inatcum�nt.Thasa canc�itt�me are thot .���,•�� <br /> ` -- <br /> • �n�w�awo�: to) �ays I.endor all sumfl which t�vn�,vould bo duo undor thir�ecurity In�2rumant o�d tho Note as iI nu _ <br /> acanlacnti�n had occurred; (b)cuce�any defe.ul��1 nny athor cavenantA vr agreementa;(c)pays pll�9Zpenses incuned in �� �� •= <br /> ± � entat�v�ng thia Securlty lnstrument,inctuding,but n�t limtted to,reasoneblo ettarnoyA'teest ond(d)t�k�Buoh natian c� � �""��;�'�` <br /> . • L.under may�eusonnbly require ta ar,:wra t hat t he l ien a t t h ia Sccur ity lnstrumon t,l.en dar n r ig hts in ti�o Pro p urt y ond . T..;?:;^--;` <br /> '. I3orro�ver'a abligAtt�n to pay tha oume secured by thie Security Insteumont e1�a11 cantinuo unchnnged.Upon relnatotemen! � � � = <br /> . ' by Borra�vor,thie�ecurity Inat�unn�nt end the ablig�tiane secuced hsroby ahnll remoln tu11y utieotivoas iP no orcelerntlan • , �`' -•���`'.. <br /> ' � h�►d ac►:urred.No�vever�t hie ri�ht to reinatuto ehnil not npply in tha case af uccdlc�rntian unde�r para��Aph l7. �.�`-_--. <br /> � _ 19.Salo oi Nato;4h�ago ut Laan Servicer.The N�te or a pa�tlnl interest in tha Nnta(tagether with thte Securlty ,- '��._ <br /> � lnatrument)may be sold anv or mare times tivithaut priur nuticu tu Aorra�ver. A nole mny reauitin u chan�Go in thoentity =- � <br />_ � � ({cnown nfl the"l.c�an Sorv;em")that ealleeto manthly pnyments due under the Nc�to and thia Seeurlty lnatrument.Tho:o _�:`�-° <br /> i � nls�o mny be ono or moro changea af tho l.aen Sarvicor unrelatcd ta n aAle af the Nnte,If tiiere ie a change af thv I.oan ,- �"— <br /> " Sorvicer,HorroNer will bn givdn written notico oP tha chnn�a in nccardence with paraBtoph 14 Abovo ond oppilcablo locv. ♦���`;- - <br /> �"""'¢ The notica will etato tho namo and mddr�at tho new I.oAn 5ervlcer ond the address to which paymvnte should ba mada. � <br /> M'. . <br /> `, �- � ._ � ; Tho notice will alsa c�ntnin nny other informatian required by epplicoble la�v. , •�. <br /> ° 20. HaaardouA SubatancaA, Horrawer shakLnot caa�e arparmit tDa presonce, use,dieposal.etoraFe or release af �, <br /> ` � ,. � � nny Hnr.ardauv Substonr.c,y on or in th�Pm�cn�.fi�arroNar ehaii nat da,nar oitow onyot�o ol�o i��#t�,enyi�ing aff+:c�ng '-� . � . - '. <br /> � �� tho prnporty thnt is in vtolutian ai any Hnv�ra�imental I.a�v.Tho preceding twp sontonc�ehall nat apply to tho presence, • ,�s <br /> ' , '. �,,�:� uss, ur atore�d on the Praperty oP emnil qtu�ntit�� of 11ar,ardaus Subatances that aro �,wnerally recngni•r.ed ta ba � � ., <br /> ___ eppro,pr�Iate to normnl rosldontial uses ond to mainwnanco af tho Praperty. `� <br /> '. � .�'�'?* , �. Ylot�ever ahall pr�mpily glve Lender writt�n n�ti�a af any tav�tigation,olaina,domano,laNauit or�thor oation bY �_�,� � <br /> �� nny,Qove�rnmental at re ulRtacy o�ency ar privnW party invalvinA thv Praperty and ony Hazerdous Sub:ittanco or �� � <br /> a <br /> Lnvimnr�onwl Low af w��Cll HOry'OW�f h(fA AOIUBI ICtIQIVI@d�0.I�HOPPpWBP IOlIt'DA�Of�A flptl��Cd by a0}i�'(1VCifliYl�J1tUI OT � ' <br /> • .�� ` rogulatacy Autha�ity, thnt nny remavnl ar ather romedintian af eny Ho•r.ardous Substance atfeetin� tha Praporty ia �' ' ,� `, <br /> � ' � :e�.:,,;. n�,•�ys�ry,}jp��•��vvr shall prampt1�r tako nU neeessary remedial actiana in accurdanco with�3nviranmentnl l.nw. � • � <br /> A�tivted in this(u�rnbroph?A, ��azardaus Suhvtunc�v"nre thaso Aubatuncea datiacd aA taxio or ho•r.ardaua�ubatences ,'� <br /> .; � by�Snvircmmontal ond eho 4at(owing subswnces:gcu:oline,kerasena,othor flammablo ar taxia petroloum productt�, " .�: t,_. <br /> A;. ' . ' taxiv 9ticides and horbicide.�, volotilp solvc�nta, matprials cantalnlng 6N�.9t09 nr Pormeldohyde, Afld PAa�t1A0tIV0 „. � , �� <br /> mato nls.Ae a5ed i�this pacAgraph 20,"I?nvironmentAl l,ativ" meana�edoral lawe and lawa af the jurisdlction�vhere tha �• � , <br /> • Prapert ie located that rolate ta hoalth,aatdty ar onviranmental protecti�n, - • _ <br /> ' '° " N�N-UNIPORM COiIF.NANTS.Horrower an d I.en dar Purt hor eavenant en d ogree as fa l lowA: � ' <br /> � � `���h Z1. Accoloratipn; Remodios, Lender eddl give natica ta t�arro�cer pricrr tc� acceleratian tolta�ving � � <br /> � - '�' 8areawar's breech af eny anvenmt ar agreemont in thia Seo�ority lr�etrument(but nM prior to accelorAtlon , . � ��" <br /> uador paraQraph 17 unleas appliceblo I�w pr�vidoa athar�vise).Thc notice ahell epeclty:(a)tho dofault;(b)the ; �'� <br /> •� �•� aotian rac�u��ed to cura the dot�ult; (o) a d�te. aat leae than 30 deye tram the dete the nutice ie givan to � „ , • r' <br /> � � � ti��•4� wdich tho deteule mu�t bo oured; and(d1 thet teilure ta ourv t�e det�ult�n ar betare tho date f �.�, 7' <br /> " ��'' , •�''.;� epcoltled in tho natice m�y reAUlt lp accelerat�an at tho eume securod by this 5e�uril�1nAtrument and eate of I . " <br /> "��Y..,�� . - :,. thv Yrvpatty. Tdo natice ehall iurther infarm Hnrcn�ver af the rlght ta reinstato after accaloratian and the �'� <br /> ' �` ,� � rlght ta briag a caurt ectian ta aeROrt the n�n-exiatence a!a dotault or any athor detenae af Aarrower ta � _ <br /> �`' acceler+�tian and eale. It tho default iA aot rurad on or bofara thc date apeoliled in the not�ce, LoAdor� at ite <br /> 's,..�:;: � � <br /> �. �,�• optlon� m�y requlro immedieta payment in fuU af all auma socured I�y thiA Security lusuumant without . <br /> � .,. � furthor domand and mey invake the pawer ot aetv end any athCr remedies permitted by applicabla taw. � � � <br /> . � � I.ondor ehall b�entitled to caliect oll axpenAOA inaurred in purAUing tbe rertnediev provided in this paragraph � <br /> �''' '�� 21�including,but n�t limlted to,�caeanable ettarneys'r�oa ena�neta ar�it�e c��aen�e. . <br /> ` � � "°''�`�'�� lt tho powe�oi salo is invokvd,Trueteo aball record A u�tico at detault in e�cA caunty in whieh aa pert ai , .� � � <br /> ��� � : � +► tho Prpporty ie loeated aad ehall mail cap�ea of suoh aotico ln tlae manaer proscrfbed by appHcab�e law 10 ` <br /> � Harrower�nd to the at6or persane presoribad by opplicablo la�v. APtas tha time res�u�red by applicable l��v� <br /> ' �` � s TruAteo ahal!fllve u61ic notice ot eale ta tho porsar�e nad in tha m�nner pr�scr�b�d by appHceble law.Trustee <br /> ..�___ �, . ._. - <br /> :' �- . •�' - withou3 dantend ou l�arrowcr,shvil soji thu Proparty at pubi�c auctian to the�ighest bidder et tho timo an� � _�-_ --_- <br /> . �'` �. . placo and.u�►der the torme designated in t6e aot�ce mI sala in one ar mare parcele and jn any ordor Truetee � . <br /> �� dotarminos.Truatee may pnatpone sale oi aU ar any parcel af tho Property by publlc ennnuncomvnt at the � • <br /> ��_,. � � ���� tima and pinae ot any previausly AchcduGed eale. l.endor or its des�gneo may purabasa the Property at aay ' <br /> eata. <br /> "�� I <br /> .. � ' Form 30Y8�� { <br /> � ' �—aR(NE)�oa»� a�a o o�o mn�etr. I <br /> � 'Q�. . � ti <br /> �- • � .• <br /> � . ,. � <br /> ., ,. _,�•.•,. ,.�`3. ' ' � <br /> .� �,,... .�+ . <br /> • ,� . . _ _ . <br /> _ ; ' �. . _..... , . .. , ,,, '�� � ,. , . . <br /> �. <br /> a,. ,. , . <br /> '�F �i .F•' :+�i� f,1 '' . ` . . .. '.' .1 . , '�. ' • . .. <br /> i - C/ <br /> t.:'. .'iS�.'l1�S','n-!� ' • <br /> ' wR dR''tGj .4�f . _'�" _'"' " ' ' ' ' ' _ '_ '_ '_. .,.- ,. <br /> f,�, . • . .. . . �. . ' <br /> .� :�� n . ' , , , . � .. .. . `. . . .. . <br /> .� - ' . <br /> . , . <br /> . _. .. .. . , � ' � <br /> � , . . . � � . - ,. <br /> �, ,: • ., .. .�, .. r: . <br /> � - -� � <br />