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<br /> _r���-�� .. S. 1lsn�rd ur Pniporsy Inc+urance. iiarn.xvor c�hnll kccp tht�impn�vomantc�now oai;�ting ur h�reaftcr ereated un ,
<br /> �- tl�o 1'nc�perty insund ageinat las�s by Fire.haran�n includc�!�vithin tha tern� "eHtended covorng�" an�any u4Ae�hausrd9. ` __ _
<br /> � �`"���` inuluding tluud�ur 1lciuding,tor�vhich I.ondar re�yuirc.v insurone�.'I'hio insuranco r,hnfi Lo maintadnerl io the+amoimta � ��.,:•;� �
<br /> -�� ond far tho E►eriud�that l,onder ec�yui�es.'l'hu insuronco ca�rtes�n�vidinF tho insuronco c�hnil t�o chu�.en tiy 13nrrower .•., � �:_-.
<br /> - � ,�,.
<br /> - �°"^��7—� : eubjcct ta I.enxtor'A appr�val whivh ehell nut tx�uncra°a�nst�ly tvllhhold.IQ}3��m�wer faila to maintain raverage de�crib�xi - ;� _ _
<br /> � ►� abovo.I.ondoe moy,at l.under'n aption,ubtnit�cuvcrogo t�i ptotcit I.endcr'��rigt�tc�in the!'n�porty in accordnnre aith �v;;�,,._
<br /> ,�<',�..���;� �� paragraph 7. -- _
<br /> �r�^;�• All insucnnco poHcles and renowals nhnii bu ncceptnble ta l.endor nnd nAaU incl�ido o Atnndfud mort�ago etau.��e. , "e;��.• _ `
<br /> �_�',., � ' l.eoder ahell havo tha riaht to huld thw p��liaias nnd renoaalc�, It l.cudcr �cqE�ircs, Borrawer ehaU pmmptly givo to °r��� iy�,:�_
<br /> .�'�` �:x:��� l.endur e!1 receiptaat patd p�omiumo and renewAl noticcc�.in thfl evunt ot 1a�,13�rrawor ohnll givo prompt nottco ta tAa r ,, _ - -
<br /> � ' �ABUPAiiC9 Cliti'lCf AIId Londor.l.undor niny mokv proui a4lasa it nr�t mudo rrUmptly by porro�vcc. -
<br /> �����'� Un1ea9I.ender nnd Hnrrc��vcr athwrwico e�eeo in�vriting,insuranco pracee�ca nhntl bo epplied to eestaratian or rQpair � 'ti�
<br /> • �� af tho t'raparty damaged,iP the mstarntian ur eeQni�ie econamiootly tea:;ible nnd I.endar'e se4urity ia not leM ened,lt the � :;f y_
<br /> '� ��� �£ restorattan nr rep3 lr ie n��t econam ica l ly teas 3 b lo oc i.e n c t e A'e s c�u r i t y�v n u l d b o l e..s u n e d,t h c r i n s u r p n c o p r a c e e d s s h o l l b a ,,,. .�._A_v
<br /> �;;, ��" ".'�� op�Ned to tho suma secursd by thia Sccurity In�t�umnnt.tivhetltar or nat th�n duo,aith any esces9 paid to l�arrawar.If _______
<br /> �'.:�°, Doreawer abandanv the Pn�perty.nr dacs nat unn�vor tivithia 3Q�lnye o nutico trom l.end�r that tho inaurAnce currler has �� _ _
<br /> . .• w-�� �� ntfered ta settle e clriim,than l.ondor moy callect the insara�nca prucer.ds, l�en�ier moy uso the Qraceeda to repuir ar ,t � �° =�-
<br /> � - —
<br /> -, ; ,;,: ` restoro tha P�pE+rty or tu pay sume secured by thie 3e�urity lnsteument,whother o�not then due.'1 ho 30-dey periad�vill ��� _ -_
<br /> ' P'
<br /> , ''��� �� bogin ahen tha nntico ie�iven. -�� '
<br /> `,-=:+� - -�-Y'-' licatiun uf eueeecla ta rin�ti al shall not extend�r A=-
<br /> Unle:�I..ander and Hnrmwer ather�viso agreo in w�ittn�,a�ny app p P P '
<br /> ��� �� �r` � pastpone tha due date nt the manthly pnymont�roferred t� n pnragcaphs 1 nnd H��r chonge tho amount af tho paymanta. � ,����:���
<br /> -- �� It under parogrnph 21 tho Yroperty is� acquiresi by l.endes, Hoecotivar'a rigl�t W nny inaurnnce palicies ond pmceeda � ;�� _
<br /> .. resultin from damage to tha Proporty priar to tha acquisittan nholl p�.ss co Lender tu the extent ot tha aume secured by ����", ' �_,..
<br /> • ' �:t,�.-= 'r,. , g .._�..
<br /> � _ ..,_,._._._. . . ', •°�;.•,�:..
<br /> .,-� thifl Security Instrument immediatoly priar to tho acquisitia�. ,
<br /> �'.��' 6.Occup�nay.Presarv�tinn,Maintonence e�d Pcntauti�n at tho Prupoely; 8arrncvor's Losn Applicotion; .. _� '� _�n.
<br /> '�^�-.�•x � ;• : l.oasohalde. Horrocvcr ehull nccu y�establieh,ond u.5�tha Ptr�potty u,9 I,ionawer'�princippl r�sldence within�xty doye �y"`= -.�
<br /> .��.. ., , _���
<br /> ,; �� ' i� utwr thr+ oxecutian af this Secu�ty lnstrument ond eh�p 4a►ncinuo ta occupy tho Pra�riy aa Horrower's princlpal �. :�,
<br /> ,_� residencro tar at t�a�ra yea�sftse tha�ate a!s�ceu�stu:;.us3lt�lN.�_r nthc�wisa ugre�s in�vritin�.tvhich cnnsent ehtui � . �'�
<br /> ` I not ba unreasonably withhold�ar unless oxtenuating clrcumet�ncc9 cri�t�vhich aro beyond Hormwer's cantrol.Boccawer '�
<br /> �;�,,��,�"',,..�'"'�+��_ ehall nat deatray.dam�o a�impair ths Property�nllaw the+Prapetty to det�riarate,ar cummit waste an tho Property. .� .?,
<br /> �-�•-�"-�•� " � A�,Frnwer eha11 ba in dolault it ony YarPoituro action ar proc�ding,�hother civil ar crIminal,te bagun that in I.endar'a .,: ,
<br /> �� ��. �csod taith Judgment cauld reault ia forte�it�re uf the�Peopasty or otherwisa mtneriaiiy impsiT ��o iim����at�3 h;ttsio �� _ � __.�
<br /> ..�� .��, .,_ �. Sccur�ty Instrument or I..ender'� securlty intorest. �arrowcne may cuca euch a d�fault nnd rainatuta� as provided in
<br /> paragtaph 18, by cnusin�; the octivn ar procecding to b� diemi�sed with o ruling thnt, in I.cmdor's gaod faith ;,�`
<br /> � - - '��� doterminutinn,precludes farPoiture�P th� Aarrower's interaat in tha Property or ather material impairm�nt of the lien �,'�_ .
<br /> � �:N.�,.�_ .��.��: .
<br /> ,.,,. ..
<br /> � created by this Seaurity lnstrumvnt ar l�:ndor a eecurity inture.gt.Harca�vor ehnil nlsa be�n defauit i4 Horrawor,dunng �
<br /> ..ty:��';:.� '' ���—
<br /> tho lnan applicntian prace..9. gava mutoriAlly talso ar innr+�uratc ineormot ian oc etntomenta ta Lendor (or tailed to " ' _•.--
<br /> , �-�
<br /> ,� _ � pravida I.emder with any mutoriul intormntipn)in connecti�n with tha laan evidertced by tho Noto,lnclud�ng, but not �, ,
<br /> �'� Umltfsd w�repre:rentutinns c�ncerning Horrawor'�occupsn:y aP thv Yroporty aA u principal resIdence. If thls Security . "��`,'�_
<br /> Inatrurt�ent ie on a teasohold�Harrowor ehn11 camply with et1 tt�e pravieiane af thv lease.Ii Barroaer acquires 4eo titla ta . �•:�;��� �
<br /> = - . tha Praperty�tha laasehald and tha fao titlo ahnl!not mergo unlesa lAndor a�reea ta tho marges in writing. • •���•, �,
<br /> 7, Protection o��.andar's Rigbte in tha 1'taporty: If BanrnYOC[nlls ta perfarm tha covenonta and agreementa :- . -
<br /> ..� .��.n. . ,
<br /> ;;.. ,�.i, cantained In this Security Inntrumant,ar thare in a legvl pnueciding that may Aigntficantly affect l.ender's cl�hts in the • . ,�-
<br /> • e
<br /> ���., ;-,.,'� ��. Praperty (auch oA n pra:eeding tie bankruptcy, prUbat�, far rnndomnatian nr fartvitura ar to onforce taNa ar � y,� °• �:
<br /> re�ulatluu�)�tt«,n I.�:nciar may do and pay tor whatovor is nccessary ta prntect thp valuo af tha Property and I.eador's ,,yy�""" ��
<br /> u�
<br /> '�` �'-' " ri�t►ta in tho Property.IAndor'8 actiona may ino lu do p�y�ing a n y�s u m e s e c u c e d b y a l i e n �v h i c h h e s p r I a r i t y a v c r t his ,�_
<br /> _ ';�i�,':�,,,`"�,;.� . Security Instrumant.appearing in court,pnyin�reusonnbla nttarnoys'[eeH end entaring on the Praperty ta make ropalre. , ,
<br /> Although I.tmder may tako actian undar thie para�ruph 7,l.end�r daes not hnve to da sn. . �; �.
<br /> Y c ,-�� yyvf�''� Any smaunto disburFCd by IAnder undor this pnru�raph 7 ehnU t�ecamc+additt�mnl debt of Borrowe�c se�ured by thie =
<br /> ��_ . Sccurlty Instrument. Unlesa Aorruwcr and I.ender agrc�i to c�siior torme of paymet�t, thesa amaunte ahall bear interest ;�
<br /> -� �a �_�� 4rom eho datoaf disbursamont ot tha Not�cato and Ahull b�3��}ablo,with intereat,upnn notice 4rom l,ander to Avnowar . �_
<br /> �°,�"" •"� . eequestin&payment. -
<br /> ,,�..'� 8. Murt�a�o Insuranco.lf landor required mort�ngo ineurunce�a cvnditiun ni moking the loan secured by thla s
<br /> - Scxurity inytrument�Barrrnver Ahall pay tho prernlume reyuired ta meintGin tho martgaso ineurunae in offeet.I4.far any �,
<br /> �' rcnr,on, tha martgoge inauranco covcrngo required by I.ondor Inpses pr ceases to bo in dffect, Hano�vor ehall pay tha ,
<br /> _- ---`�� promiumA required to obtain coverm�v�ubstantiolly equlvnlont ta the mortAaga inaurenca praviausly in af�ect,at a cast ,,
<br /> - __ - 6v�tlally cquivalent to the ca�* ta Harcnwor �f tiv� mart�e�e lnsuranct� previoi�aly in affect, 4rom en alt:rnato .
<br /> ����:�� '•' mortgagv insuror uppraved by U:ndor. If aub�tuntiatiy equivnient mortga�a i���ifeanca covura�� is nat available. -- :--.-
<br /> � Borrower ehall pay tn I.ander each month u sum equal to ano-twolfth nf thfl yearly mort�age insuronce premium bcing ` ,�;
<br /> ; �
<br /> �_;_;--��;. pald by Aarrowar when tha ineurus►ce covero�o lup:��ed a�r censed t.a bo In offect.l.ender w1U accopt,usa and retoin thesa .. ._
<br /> :�,�r-,�n�, paymcnts un n los� roservo (n ilau af mnrtgogo inaurance. l.aa9 resorvo paymante msy no 1on�ar bc+ requtred� i R>. • �
<br /> .�.�wP�. r . .
<br /> -�idfl:1II70Yf�� -
<br />. ��zi.i.� . I .
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