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<br /> _-__� . ".. ,., 1} -r- = �'-._..-*�S'r.% '��.. . r��' . "'_ _ '' . ., . i :f�.� _+_ ' '-_ . -�1 i74U'i... � .. _'_' —_.
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<br /> = t ..� ' , .. c.,.'.. n• . C: �.� . . .. . ' . . .i - . . . ` - --
<br /> ��q,.�- .+.. �J�. �, .�`.-.. ' �. .rrr�lr,Fi�a.�.:.,•�.^... _lti__._.._._.._.__. .._...._.__._._.a_V,,..,._.�.. �• - -,- _._.���.....1�._�:�:..........W.......,...._,�,....�...._..,�,..�....,.,..�.-_�_. " � '� � � . • ' -
<br /> ... . . ���.1, ._ ... ,
<br />_ „"-4=`.�,G��' :� - �ay , . .. - -
<br /> '�''�_ ���"°' �����I� .. � --- -- -- .
<br /> �`� ` _, . 'i'Ut3li'1'NLtt �7ttTt{ ntl tho Itapenvt�emm �ar� ar fl�iter cra;tecl nn tlte pro Rr�f. ���t ell tw.�met�ts� °' :. °
<br /> ---- �v --� � - ��'r --.-
<br /> ` �.�';, , .. ,. ' eP�urt�naciee�,aix!1is�t��rt�s tus�or hnreatter n p�rt ot tho pro�crty.All roglacemente nrtd ad�!ttuna�,,F�s11 at�n M cnvcre� � ,. _
<br /> _ . ..
<br /> - b�r thio Security I�u�trumvnt,All ut the Porogoing ie eofoe�d tc►is�tMn Sccurity Inntr��mant�a th�"1'r��rr��.' ( _ ___
<br /> '-�"*""A"';` 1301tR()�Vlslt(:()VRN4NTS that IIarrotiver ia lawtulty saitxd c►t 1E�o estaca har�lay convoyc.�anfi hr..tho r�ght tu � ,; ,. --
<br /> ��_ 'i�''`'� ` grsnt and convey the 1't�porty and thnt thv Proparty i�unencamtx:tx�d�ar:r;ept tQr anuumbrend�r��i4 �or��rd. liormwrr � ° ,•
<br /> "'�`"`�r�'- wanante and cuil�de'tend goncraily tAe titlo ta the Prnperty ngainnt olt aN�i�cnc+nnd dumande.st�bj°c¢ta r�n�cncumbranccs �
<br /> .�.�.�� ni acurd. ." _,
<br /> _� T �; 'i'NIS&d'iCUR1TY INS'1'f�UASFiN'1 cnmbine�unitorm cnvononri�f�rr nntiranal u�o nod nnn•�miinTm c�venonta with " � _
<br /> • _�, . � , limited variAtians by'uricdiatiun ta canstituto e unifarm security inc►trvmant c�ve►r�na ceAl Pmpor�y'. , ,-___
<br /> � • UNll�O4tM Ct���:NAN'i'S.Harrativer nnd l.en dcr ca��enant nnd apt+�no Pm Uo��r�: . __
<br /> � = �'. �.Paymone at Ptlncipal md lnWroat;�'ropsyment md LaQa(;hacBa�.iic�rrawec sh311�.�mptly pay when due -_
<br /> - ��'-� ''` ," tl�o principal ot and intere.9t on tha debt evidonced by tt�e Note and uny g�wpaym�n�ond Into ct�st �cv duo under tho Noto. � __ ,;� �. =-_
<br /> ' �"'� "�,: � 2. Fuu�i a to r T�x e 9�r�d I n e u r a n c e. S u b}e c t t n e p p l i c u b l t�l n a�u r t c a n a r i t t e n�v a l v�c t�y�.e.n d�r�N o r r awoe nhall , . ,.
<br /> ''l . _ p�y t o l.o n d e r u s�t h e d u y m o n t h l y p a y m e n t a a r e dii a u ndoe thc+N+�ta,u�tcc!tEto Npt��iu p aid in tu11.e s��m�"t�undq")tor. . ;�� -�°� {"`'�
<br /> � , ;�ti }� . (a)yearly tnxes$ad esse�ments whtch may utwin pri�rity ovor thi�taai:ui�ixy l��stpu�aa�nt na o lien an the Pmperty:(b) ;�- __
<br /> ycarly lcasehold paymente or�taund rentA on the Prapc�rty,it anp; (�} Yu�rly hu;.�,,ru�,�ar pr�perly in.urenso prcmiuma; '4°�?�� .-
<br /> . � .��rt�. �,: , . ..•�„
<br /> �«`�� �, - (d)�yearly flaod in�uronco promiume,it any;(e)yearly martgaga in�u��nsc premirar.��,it c►ny;ancf(t)any sums payabto ,,,. ��
<br /> � by i�arm�ver t�I.ender.in accardnnco�vitA tho prc�vistan9 ot parapra�h 8.in Ileu a,v°th�payment ot martga�a in�umn�s � � ,� , _�.EY i4•.-�;__
<br /> ' " '� � premiume,These itome aro called°Fsccn�v ItomA."l.�snder may.At any a��nv.c�lt�zt nnd hold l�mda in en amount nn� �,,.� �� �,�
<br /> " n: to exceed tho maxlmum omount a lendar tnr n tederully relotad mc�rt�a�r� iwva c�ey r�uire tar Aarro�vet's cr�ruv, ;, - _
<br /> - aceount under the tesierul Real E�tnte Sottlement P�acedur�Ant af 1974 c�.v amc�ded irom timo to time, 12 U.S.C. ��., _��-
<br /> S Sectian 2601 et 8eq. ("R�SSAA"),unles�enother la�v Mnt appli�r�tc►thv Fundg srts u lesser amuunt.If s��l.ender mny� ,, - ___
<br /> ` � 7 �-� �= � at any ttmo,callcct ond Aold t?unds in en amaunt not ta exc�c*�tho le;�:r amount. l.ender map estimoto aho amnuntad �_ -
<br /> `� ���`� Fund.v due an tha basie of current data and ra�nnblo e.5timnta9 of cnp�nditu��►of 4uturo£uciurr•ltoma ar atherNir>e in _. - --
<br /> ' .� "�' accurdanco cvith appltcablo laN. - " ���
<br /> •� . � Tho�unds ahall be h�ld i�na institution�vhase dopafa�itu a�insunrd by s�fc��:rel egenoy.in9t�umvntalitgr,ur Gntity . �:.;=-�_
<br /> - �- �'' (includin�l.ender.if Le:nder ie Fuch an lnstitutionl ar in any�'c�t I�k.�rne I.t��s b�nk.Lend�r e�hall apply tP�:i�wed.v tn i.,,.;�=' , ` �__
<br /> "''"�� � � l�� pny tha F.�eraw �teme.L.onder mny n�t charge �liorro�vor inr hUld'netg�nd N*�yin�the Furtd.s. ennurilly analyzing ti►e •�H±j'���,'- -- -��
<br /> � e,scrc�w nccaunt,or verityin�tho Escto�v ltema,unles.v l.endur�ra���k�x!ruw�€�ntec�est an t h�Nun d a cin d opp l icn b lo l a c� 'ti{+�'-���---
<br /> _��„�,_ � n
<br /> �;;�, ., , � Qermite l.endor ta makd such a ehnrgo. Hawever, I.endor muy R�,eire L�arrc��ver ta pay A ono�timo charge tar un --;: ��:-
<br /> � _ :';'.� �ndependent real eatat�tax cePnrtung service used by Len�ten in cu»nection Nit.�t,�us laan,unic�applicabls la�v provid� �:,� �-
<br /> � _ "• atti�wise.Unl�a an agreecnE�ac ie mado ar applice��Io iam raquires intorsst tm��si�.t.c-�F fiafi �at tsa s�quirsd tu --;
<br /> c
<br /> ' thnt interest �y-r`�
<br /> 'n � ,� „��, _�.� pay l3orrowet nny interestas esrnings on tha Funds.Burra�mr and la�dor mey o;rae ic�writin�,howovor, ,;; ,
<br /> . ,L-� -:- a h u l l b a p a I d o n t b a F u n�'s,l�e n d e t A h a 1 1 g i��e t a fl a r r o c v e r,n I t h o u t c��r g o,n n a n n u n l n c c o u n t l n$o t t h o I?u n d s�e h n w i n�;
<br /> �'->; -. "°--' , ��ass3 s�:��she F�s s�i�����,�,[�c wt►ioh�ah dubit to tho runds�vas madct.'fUu Funds nrv Pledgcd ar� � :.
<br /> ".- °�,� r��,� addidonal secutiiy for a11 sume securcrl by thia fiecuFity Jn�tr�mant. �.r ,'`-'
<br /> �;••;�;.�,. � � It the Funds held by I..ender axceod tho amounw pctrmittad ta ba hold by epplicnble la�v� I.ender ehol�eccaunt ta k� r t�<<�''
<br /> u±�"'" �� � � Bnrrower!or th�oxcesq Funda in occordartca with the re�uiromanta af npplicoblo law. IP tho amount of tho Iiunds hoid �
<br /> ...=..::r-...�_y,• „�_� ` .
<br /> �t,t, �.��- : . �: by Lendar ae nny tima ia not aufficient ta pay tho H'scrow Itumn�vhvn duo,Lc.�tder may so n9tify aorrowo�in�vritin�,
<br /> ����`:r`-�.�`+ °�`��� wnd�in auch casr�vrrawer oholl pay ta I.,endec the emount nucassury tp muko up tha deficivney.Horrowcr ehnll moko '� ' « _
<br /> ", :.,�.� _ : ` urp the daticioncy i.�a ra maro than twelvo manthly paymonte,at l.cmdar'c�sala diccretion. �L
<br /> - • 't: � ,�� Upon paymrzt in Puli�ri eU eume secured by thia Secu�ity l►iatrument,I.�nder ehall promptly refund to B�rroaer f��----
<br /> ' � '�3"''��t � ".' eo Funds held b l.�ndc�. 1!� undes puro$raph 21, I.endor ehAll acquiro ar e�sll tho Yro�rty. l.ender. prior ta tho .,.,,.� ��
<br /> .:�,.�
<br /> -:� { Y Y
<br /> acquieitiAn ar enla ot the!'tvporty.ehall apply any�und9 hvld by Londer ot tha tlme af noquisition ar sale na u aeedi� ' ���
<br /> �� ,: :
<br /> -r� . *, egainst tho sums secured by this Security Instrumant. � ,'`�' � -
<br /> �,ih,.•,.,.- _, ,r._i�J�.-_ .�
<br /> ,y�•�;� �;.•�� 3. Appliostion o!Paymoate. Unl�s applicable lua pmv:d�athorwiao,all payments recoived by l.ortder under .,�;�;x.;;;,
<br /> - , fi�l8fnmxe��..:,_
<br />= .,.,� .�� �." ", , p:u�egrephs 1 and 2 ahall ba applied first,t0 At1y prapa��mont char6es duo undor tho Natv;�nd,to nmaunta payabl� . ,.�;,M-
<br /> �y� .;,,a:` �-
<br /> ��'•'r.�r`:�,:;;,,,� undes paragraph 2;third,to intorest due;fourth.to prdn�:i}�al due;and lust,ta any loto charge�dua undar tho Nnt�. ;,�, ,,.,�
<br /> � ,� . �. Cd�rges; l.leAS. AOCfONCT QhAU QAy AII taY8.9,ass�smente,oharges, f�t1C9 Ait�I1ri�1.glt�Ot1A atjflbllffa�+�0 LO t�10 , �•'•�"�_-
<br /> 1„, .�,� �,�tti� ;.`s ; Proporty which �!any nttain prtarity avor thls Security Instrumeat.and Isasehald payments or graund renta, if any. • ;��,._ ��_-
<br />-ii,,;' �, � t,.. .
<br /> �:�� . �,a .� �; Harraaer s!►a)1�+�;�thesa obligations in tha mann�r pravidod in Fsuagraph 2,ar if nat pnic�in thnt menncr, H�irrutiscr , `'=��,h.i._-r
<br />;:�`r`y�, , ,��� ,"�,...,, ' ' shal)pay thcr%�r�time directly to the pe+rr,an oNed payment.l�urr��v4r ah�tl promptly tuen�sh tp[.cjnder ell noticcs af . ..� j�V,.-
<br /> • �:. �'�����;� ;'�*;4;:� emaunts to be paid under thie parngraph.It Horrawer makes thesa paymanta dlceotly, Bortawer eha11 pr�mptly furnie,h . �
<br /> - ;�,�}`'`t""' '��f��,,' �' to�.r:nder receipte ovidancing the paymentn. ' ". �
<br /> . tt�k r��+.++
<br /> �: (.;.
<br /> ',r�;`��.;'�;':��`�"�• Bunatvor ahall pramptly dir,chnrgo nny Nen�vhich hns prlorlty ovor thie Aecurity lnateument unless Horrawer: (o) _
<br /> �• " ` `� '�'� '"�` agreea in�vritin�to tho payment of the obligutian secured by tho lie�n in a mannor uccoptabto to Lendor; (b)cantest�ia ' �
<br /> ����;1. ;.�;.`�..�_ good taith tho liet�by,or defands agalnst entarccment o4 the llon in, 1c� ai praceedia�s �vhich in tho Lc+ndar's�pininn
<br /> operate to prevont the entorcement of the llen;ar(o)securca[rom ttiv�alder at the lton an agreement satistnctory tc�
<br /> _ l.ender subardinating the lien to this Security Inatrumv�nt.lt I.ondor dotermines that ooy pnrt af tho Property iA aubjcot ,
<br /> '�� ta a lien wh�ch may attein psiarity over thie Sucurity In�,trument,I.eridar may glvo Horrawer a notice idxntifS3ng tho . . � ,
<br /> :%-_ __— -"- -_ l�Ap, g����h�1!aatisfy thn lien uti�tako une or mui�a of the ac�or.�sat forth abnva within 10 daya af tl►e givin�of
<br /> , - =� _w �
<br /> -- - notica. f------ -
<br />:� � _ . `::
<br /> i: �� ;;;. .,.•. ..� -�
<br /> t �'���,,}� Fam 9QT! 9/90 -Y
<br /> �—aRiNEl�oa»i vn��o►e ini��N4 r)n•/A' �
<br /> ,�,,,' �.w►r-
<br /> , .
<br /> �
<br /> . ., .
<br /> � �� . ..__. _ . . .
<br />, •� . . .. --..._. _._�__..__� , r�. . .
<br /> ._ _ ._ ,�_ .. -- . .. , . . ' (ji,
<br /> i,'rP='-,��.. , . • • . , .. . , , y
<br /> "�j';4 '�' • • '. `, „ ,. , • ,
<br /> r. �f��'Fd`���� � . � �_ ' o . .. � �� ' . ''1 • � ..
<br /> .,�r'�.��.. . n . . . ' . . � �' �{. .. , ..
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<br /> �,- .yF;-r4-_� � .. . � . . , . _ _�t'.:. . ..� - .
<br /> f: __.._a�'•� __ ._.� .� ... . . .. . . f� �. `�... . .. _ _ . . . . r. .. '. : . �.; . .. :. �..__ .�1 •`-`'.._ _. . . . . ' .. -i i� .
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<br /> . . .. ..._...ra___.... . � ___ . _...._. ___...
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