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` : ` g'.. <br /> .� . •----�s <br /> �R�►> <br /> r,111�Mur.a1, ; . " <br />� .,.� ��t-� � ° - ;.e��� � <br />- .. ,. " <br /> 1. - . . _'n4�' w:.�lli'�_..._n'�'_'__�'_"" ' - <br /> ..... .._ . ..._.' '_-'__'"".___�.�__._.. .". ._ _ . <br /> • ' • r,�g �!, � ` �A�'. <br /> �. Pra4eetimn o� 6ender•e Fil�hte!n the Prop�rty. «eor�ow.r n�s �o per►orrl�4�i��,xnc���� conuhed n � w• <br /> � • t7t� C::�esE,y t�nGvs�2�n1, cr lh�re t3 e Iry�' proce�d5lp that nsy ol�nlfkenty nHoat Lsnde�e rl�hte in Ihu Preperiy(such aa a procsedha in • <br /> bankruptoy,prob�tr,kr pondwmltbn vt farlekur�or to�ntac�Yws or ropui�ttvnf), ttion Lentlw nwy do and poy Por what:�:t u n:�ca::.rY , „ <br /> lo pra'ati t� w�cf f`a P7�:.:���tl LG.�C:fC rph:0 �f th� Pfe,�!lty. l.end�� actbns mry Ywlude ptyinp �ny �ums s�cured by� Ifen ; _ <br /> ; whtch ha p�kxlty ovw tfiN 8�curky In�Wmml, �ppwitip In court, paYhp nanonY�M�KameY���Md ont�rhfl on ths Property to msl:o ( �' <br /> . np�fra. AQhoupA Lendo�rtMy NI�� �c4bn urtdw thM panpr�ph 7,Lwsde�dan not haw to do �o. .0 <br />-, , My�ntotMb �fNburNd by I.�nd�r under thM pu�pnph 7 tMN b�com��dditbnsl d�bt ol 8orroY+�r�:ur�d by thM£�curity UtWmant. i ., ' ` <br /> UnNt� BortowK and Und�r opn� ro othe Mmtf o1 p�r�xm9, thsa�mount� sh�M bMr ht�t hom the dct�al dkbun�rtNnt et the Not� I � <br /> �, rsM and�hW b�paytbb,wkh ht�ewt, upan nati�kom Un6w to Borro�vaa raq�w�t:�p PaYcr��i. � ' , <br />- S. MO�tQi�� IfIM11M1C�. M l.�nda nquYrd nwrtp� inwr�nc� u � CondAlon ol m�kiny th� foan Ncund by thN S�curRy I . <br />� MYbummt,�orrowvM thaN poy tM pnmbms nquk�d to rrMMlain IM mortwpe Intur�na in MMot. if,for�ny rouon, lM mortpa�hturanct <br />- _ � oowr� ►puk�d by L�ndAr i�p1M or CNS� to be in �fhet, 8aroww �haN �uy th� pnmfum� nquind ta obteh covK�pa tubstnntiaiy � <br />' ' ` �quNaMnt ro tM matp�hsumc�prrviouiy h �tf�ct,�t�co�t oubstu�tMly�quNaMnt ro th�aost to Boerowu of th�moA�Ws hauranc� � <br /> pnvbuty b MNct, kom �n �Ihrt►�M morepep�Inrur,r�pprawd by L«sd�r. tI wbtt�ntkNy aquNR�anl murt�ep�hsuru�c�covwp� le not r.` � <br /> � � av�bM, Qarow�r �h�N Qay to L�ndM�aah manth • dum equil ta on�twoMth of th� Y�N �0+� htunr�ce prem��!^ !'!�MW p��d bY <br /> Barowrr wMn th� hturena cowrp� Up�ed or cMNd to b� In efNot. I.�nda wW acc�pt, ur��nd r�laln th� paym�nta to � bso <br />_� rw��rw h Au of mat9ap� Insunnc�. Losa ns�w �ym�ts may no IonpK b� nquksd, �t th� option of Undrr. M mortpap� Inwruic� . <br /> ccverN7�(h tM�mount �nd 6a t�e pwiod th�t I.MCfer nqufns)provfdW by m Int�r�tN npprowd by L�ndK�ptin b�cornn avtll�bl��nd b <br /> • obfah�d. Borrowor �haA p�y th� prsmlume roquYnd to mahutn moRpep� In�uPm�..�e In NNot. or to Fro�:de n bsa ressrw, untN th� <br /> � nquYnment{at mortpep�YuuronC� mds h eccord�nc�wkfi eny wrNton�Ktr�nt betw�en Borrow��nd L�ndw or�pplicabY Mw. <br />-� �. Inopaction. Lwfdar a R�apa�t rtw1Y mek�rnaonabM�ntrN� upon �nd Nf�atbns of th�Proputy. I.�ndw�hal pAM Bartow�r � . ,. <br /> notic�at tM tkn�of a prbr to m „��tbn epmuMyinp naionabM cwa�fa th� In��otbn. <br /> �' � � 16. �ondemnaf�on. ih� prcr„oqdt of �ny awud or cklm for dernapa, diroot or con�oGtwr�941, �i CBJiTi"vCtLafl u�h cny ~ <br />�;i. cond�m��tlon or ottN►takinp of�ny paA of th� Prop�rty, or tw convsymc� In IMu of cond�rnnitbn,u�h�nAy uslpMd�nd eh�W b�patd ,., �. <br />��� to t.�ndu. � <br /> .' In thr wont of a total t�kYp of lt►�PropKty, th�prx�ds �haY ba apptkd to tha aums tpcund by thb Socurky InsVUm�nt,whMhw or � <br />_ not th�n dw,wth �ny�oa�s ald ta Barovwr. 1(1 t410 rVO(11 Of�paltltl t#kUIQ 0}fha P�OpMiy Y1 Whbh tll�fat rtWkM VtfW Of tIN FhO�ly �•• �r <br /> IrT.:..'_'�`i�!c:c the t�R!rt� Ns e�!u�i fo or gnater than tt»�mount oi tha sums socur�d by lhb SaCUrky Instrumont hxtwdktoly ba(ar�tha <br />' takirp,unba� Bo�ow�r and Laidr othMwis���s b wrkir►p, th�wmt acund by thM S�curity InsWmmt �ha1 b�nduc�d by th��mount � `�,' <br /> t .. . of tM procNdt muRbY�d by th�fobw�p kactbn:(a)th�toW unount of th�suma s�cund krxn�ditloy t�torr th�t�kinp,dlvfd�d by (b)th� <br /> hir rrwk�t w1�oi th�PropM3y Ytwn�dblNy bMors tha takiny. My balenc�RhaN b� ptld to Bortow�r. In th�w�nt of�p�rtitl hkhp of th� �'•�:' r <br />� Prop�rty h whbh tM kfr rtwkM val� of tl»Pro{�ty trxr►�fl�tNy bMon tFN tWc��y is 6ws than ttw onount af tha suma socurod hnrrrd�te`f j • „r. <br />� Mton th�f�kfng, ur.Ncs Borroxw �nd Urtd�r oth�wic��pn� h w�rking or unbst npplf�abls kw othwwit�provid�s,th�prxNd� shaN b� •� J <br />. �ppM�d to th�wms tecund by lhf�Securky Instruma�t wMth�r or not th�aums w tMn dw. ' , <br /> -----.---°- .-� M.�y r � r - --• n_�. .bn. .ur.rd r+►eM11� - � - <br /> it til� N W�noon�u o 8ortowR�or i �itir�oiiw u i.wiu'w w rw.�v:.�w 25:.?2 th:CCJi$.."'iStiC�l.��tL:C!!:_._.S!_.._._ _. — ' _ <br />? �okim for dun�,Borro►vK hNs to neepond to Under wkhin 30 d�ys ah�r th�dat�the not��is pivsn,l.�nd�r k authorir�d to coM�ct�nd �, , ' <br /> appy th�proCNds,�t Ib optfon, �Ithar to rottorYtion or npafr of th�Propsrty or to th� sums s�cund by thR f�acurky In�trum�nt, whNhw ���. , <br /> or not q»n dw. . . <br />. UnMst L�nd�r and Borrow�r othNwfse �pras h wrRhp, �ny�pplicat{on ot prxwds to prYatpal shaN not wcWnd or poslpona th� dua y�,� <br />' daU of tM monthy p�yenants �MKrYd to h pu�pnphs 1 ond 2 a chanq�tM amount of such paymrnta. ' •' "�� • � <br />'� � . 11. Borrower Not Relea�d:Fabe�nnee By Leo�der Not a Wetver. ��naan or cne �irne ror paymanr or ��� <br />��� ' modiffcatbn of�rtwrtiration oi tM aume acund by thM S�curity Instrurn�nt pnnt�d by I.�ndar ta�r►y succaaa�r h 6�ia�st of Borrowe shaq � <br /> � ���• not optndi to nMas�th�Nab�ty o�tt»orlphnl earower a Barow�a succeaaoro in �ntr.rosG lander shaY not bo requlrod to aormiaxe . ���� <br /> � prxNdhps aptlnst�ny succrsaoc h Intlrsst or rofuse to eoctond Ums!a pay�rant or oth�rwisa modiy unortiutbn of th�sums e�cund by " +•. <br /> � thk S�curMy in�trummt by rwfon of any d�ntnd mncM by tha or�qinel Dortower or Bonower'e sucaseora In hbrsst. My forbur�nc�by <br /> Und�r in�owok(nq�ny �ht a nm�dy ahaH not bs a walver nf or{x�olud�th�oxarois� of�ny ripht or rernedy. � �j� - <br /> t�. Succes�on�nd As�p�a Bound; Jolnt end Severel Llabiitty;Caalpner�. The co�nnanta and a�rsemencs o� i ; . <br /> � thM S�curky Inttrummt sh�Y bad �nd bmnlit the auccwsaon� and assipns of l.aidK u�d Bortower,sub�ct to the provfsbns of paropnph � �Y�� ' . <br /> , 17. �onowers cowmnte snd ��err�enla ahtY b� }oint and sw�nl. My BortowK who caslpns thfa Sacur4y lnaWment but dag not � <br />- wt�CUte th�Nob: (a)b Co-sfpnh� thFS S�curky Inntrument only to mbrtqap�,arant,and convey thitt Bonowers hterest h the Prape�ty undor i <br /> � th�t�rtns of thN Sacurlly Instrtr.nen�(b)Is not parsonaNy obl�at�d to pay tha sums secured by thts Sacurity InsVUmenh, end(o)apreas that ! � <br /> „ � Lendor u�d any other porrow�r may nyres to extend, modNy, torbear or maka eny accommodatbna wkh regud to terme ot this Securky ! • • <br /> InsUVmmt cr 11w Nob wthout lhat Bortowa's conswit. � � <br />� 13. ldlSll Cf1afQCi. It the b&n 6eCUred by thb SeCUrity InsWment IS SubJeCt to e Isw whbh sets mexlnum ben Chupes,end that ' `w. <br />_ .. � I�w le Hntly int�rprsNd so ttut aho �nterest or other ban charpos coNactod or to be coiloclod In connectfon wRh the ben exceod the i <br />-� � ' " pamkted Iimk�,th�n;(a)my auoh ban charp�s shaN W nducod by the unaunt neceasary to roduce th� chug�to the partnktad IImN;and i 'l: ' <br /> i (b)any suma ahady cnM�ctsd kam Barovwr whbh excesded psrtnkted Nmka wNl be refunded to 8orrower. Lender may choose to make � <br /> __ thb rNund by nduClnp th� p�lncipU ow�d undor th� NoU or by mtichp a direct p�yment to Bortower. It p raiund reduces pnc�fpal, the ; <br />;q - nduction w{M M trwt�d af a putial pnptymmt wflhout�ny pr�pnymmt aharpa under th� Note. � <br /> ;� �4. NOUCQ3. My notia to Borrow�r provldsd tor In tt�b Seaurity InsUument shaY be phren by dalN�erinp R or by rtwll7nq R by fist <br /> `` oksa rnaU unbnt�ppicabM!aw requtros us�ot anothsr method. The notM:e shaN b�directod to the Property Address or pny other nddross � <br />',�9t BorrowK d�sfpnat�by notico to Und1r. My nOtlC� t0 Lender 6htN be plvsn by itret ciass muH to LendePa eddrese stated hersh or any <br />� ottfK addnss Und�d�elpnat�a by notics to Bortowsr. My notfce provlded for In thla Security Instrument shaN be deemed to have bean <br /> T ; . „ yM�n to Dararwr or Ler�dK whln pM�en aa providad In thls parapnph. <br />� ;.s�.� , 1$. G�varnlnp 4w; SOVOP�bllily. Thla Socurky Instrua�nnt chaU bo Qovomod by fadaral law nntl the lew ot the JurkdL'tlon h <br />:� ;%:�° whSOh t1�Proptrty k bcat�d. In the ww�t thnt �ny (xovbbn a aluut� ot thb SecurRyr Instrumont or tho Nota contNOts wkh appllcnbb Isw, <br /> — �• such con}Nct eha9 not efNot olh�r provisbn� of thfa 3�curityr InsWm�nt or H» Nota whfch can bo gNen effect without th� con(Ifcthq <br /> provitlon. To this end thA pravkbnt of thb Socurky Insuunbnt end the Nota ars docWrad to ba severabl�. . <br /> -.-, � 18. BOfI'OwOf'� C0�1y. Borowr ahtN D�phron ono contomwd copy of ths NoU ond o}thb Securtty Inatrum�nt. <br />� __ .________ 17. TP�nster o!tha Prep�rty or• Beneticl�l IntQrcat In eorrow�r. I}aq ot dny p8R Of th6 PtOperty or 9ny hterest h <br /> - - - - <br />,�- - �— <br /> _ „ � R k sotd or tanstKr�d (or R �b�neticid interdat h eorrower is uo�al or mmaferted �nd Bormwer b not a netural per&on)wR�out �an s <br />-� prbr wrNt�n con�nt,L�nder my. �t k�optlon, requlro knrtwdlat� p�ymsnt In fuN of aR sums eacured by th�s Soc:urity InsWmonG Hnwever, <br />`-�..- ._ . thb option shaN nat b� �unaiwd by L�ndsr M ax�raise Ia prohbRsd by kdenl 4►w as of the d�te ot thM Security Instrumqnt. ` <br />--= It L�nd�r a�rok�s tha optien,LenrNr ehaN pive Bormwor notico ot�ccetentbn.Ths notice shall provide n perbd o}not less than 30 <br /> �f days from th� dat�tha noHc�fs dilhror�d or mailed MRhin wh�h th� 8ortowor must pay aN nums seCUred Gy this Security IneWment. If <br /> l "� Barowx hiM to p�y th�ao sums prbr to th�u�iretbn of thts p�ripd,Le�der mey hvoke�ny remedba ponnRted by thfs Security InsWment <br /> � wRhout IUrtI►w notbs or d�rt�nd on Borrorwr. <br /> �l � <br /> � <br /> ` <br /> � • Pap�9 of 6 Form 907!o/DO <br /> .. F1020.LMA(1/M) <br /> l� <br /> � 10� <br />