, �_
<br /> �•� ,, '_
<br /> �
<br /> ,. _�
<br /> ���, . , �., •
<br />. .�ti, i �tni�^•'n'it�ya.—.. •' . '. ___„n1;WWMk+a°.'L`.�'_'!.`:.:!�..-_..._.._..----'-- •.:.tY_..�� .
<br /> .
<br /> o..ia •, .
<br /> . �•..- � �.. �
<br /> , ......'"""�' .. ' !..:,.�......_".._�...�..____'_"_'._..._...�..." '•"'. �' .�1 __._.... ' ._.
<br />,: • �. ���p i�J� � � � . .
<br /> n�l to �occst� tha rtwckrwm unaunt• Mnd�r Por � l�deraly reMteti mortpa9+ loar� rnaY r�q�i�ca�T��Crrowa'e sscrow account under the � ���
<br /> • f::"°r�t Re�l Ge!�M ��tt{emant Preceduraa AGt ot 1079 rs omendod kom t���to Ikn�, 13 U.9.C.2u01 02 ccrt�. ('�Si'A"), un�;�a cnoihcr L��v l
<br /> � thrt�ppYa to t1w Funds tst� � lat�►�naunl. 11 eo, Lendx rr�y,at rny thw,coliec! end tioW Fundy �i an cuaaunt not fo c;:�=:d lli� I
<br /> f�:t`iir drn�unt. LM1dM m11y Nthiat9 f�w er.wut4 oJ NnC7 du� o� tho baals o?current d!te end ra�eonAkb estYn�tsa ol e,xp�rtdRure� ot _
<br /> NAxs Ecccow Ipms a ottNrwk�in�ccwdrna wNh�pplfcabN kw. --
<br /> � Tha Fundi thaY b� hNd h an hatAulbn v�hoN d�potR� �n Imund by� Ndu�l ap�noy.InatrumK►tality, or �ntY.y(hcluclinp UncMr, M �--- ' .�
<br /> . tand�r N woh�n instkution)w in �ny F�nl Horn�I.oan Benk. I.�r,d�►�haM�ppy tPw Funda to p�y th�Escrow Itsma. l.�nd�r m�y not � � _
<br /> charg�Horrowu tor holdhg and sppyhp th�Fund9, �nnua!y �nny�nq the escrow acaount, or verMyinp tho F.scrow iteme, unless Lender � - •
<br /> ' pay� BorrowK BI�nMt on th�Fu�da�nd�pplfcabM �w pumib I.�ndr+to m�k� tuCh �ahvpe. Howev�r,I.�n4w�nay nqub Borroww to ,
<br /> • p�y� on�tYn�ch�fa an hdrpmd�nl nRl�ttat�Ux roporthp a�nrb�ua�d by I.ondlr M connsctbn wkh thb btn,unMt�appYCabM I�w . ,
<br /> provldN otMrwiN. UnMts �n �pnMrNnt is rtNd� or appAcabM Mw requkes interaat to be pefd, LendK oha8 not bo roqulrod to poy �
<br /> �� '� Bortow�r�ny hE�r�t or wninp�on th�Funds.Borrow�r u►d I.mdK may apres in wrkYp.howw�r,that ht�rost eh�N bs ptld on th�Fund�. , .
<br /> � L�ndu ohaN plw to BoROwK,wRhout ohvps,an onnual accounting of Sho Funds,showhp crod�s and d�bRa to tha Funda u►d the purposa •�
<br /> /ar whbh NaM dWR to th�Fund= wu rn�4�. The Fundz�n pMdpsd as nddkfonwl securky lor�I sumt eocured by thb Sacurity Inatrurr�nt• . "
<br /> I} th� Fund� Mfd by L�ndK �acrMd th� �mounU pwmkt�d ta be hsM! by �ppYc�bN i�w, Lend�r ehpY account to Barrow�r lor lhe
<br /> • �xC�ss Fundf in�cCad�na wkh ttN roqutwnmb of opplfcnbis I�w. If the emount of the Funde held by I..ender at uiy tim�b nnt suHfciwit '
<br /> to pay th�Escrow lums whm dw,l.ender rtwy �o notlfy Borrovrar In wrklnq, and, In such cau Borrov�er shall p�y to Lendsr the unount
<br /> n�arsury to rtWk� up th� dNM:Nnay. Eln:rawer ehaN make up the de�okrwy In no mon than lwske monthry paymonta,�t l.ende�e aola ;' .T
<br /> . . .�-�
<br />� df�cnrilon. . .' ":�,r,
<br /> Upon paym�nt fn ful of �M sums eicund 6y thh Securky ImUumw�t, Lend�r eh�Y promply rofund to Borrower nny Fund� hofd by � ' , f"' '' '
<br /> ' Lenc�r, ►t,cs�dx�seLYeph 21,Lender aheN ecc,wke or ae�th�Proprty,LsndK,prior lo tM acqufskbn or eak o}tfis Propsrty,ahaN�pply _�?�v,ti�h
<br /> �.n •• ----
<br /> %$ any Funda hNd by Und�►tt the tin�a��cqubkion or stib as �cn+ilh apshat the suma secured by thls Securky In�trument. y,���*"�;;_=tr_
<br /> "� 3.App1lc�n of Payments. Unlus�WpNcabb f�w providos oth�wiso.�N paymK►tf rsc�+ed by Land�r und�r pvaprspY�a 1�nd • :�F.�j,.�.��::-
<br />;;,� • 2 �haN b�eppNW: Nrat, to ony ptepayment chuqea dua under the No;e; eacond, to amounts payabb under panpnph 2;thkd to (nterest � ��� : ,
<br /> dw; fourth,to pri�alpat dw;�nd hit,tn��y I�t�cha�s dua undK th�Note. �
<br /> �4,
<br /> 4. CIw�Q�a; ens. eoRO,k.r sna� � y'�`. . ��:�-:
<br /> L� pay �N fL'co�, 4ssitsmmta, Charp�s, fnw and imposRbC�iS 4Cu"sa ut�l: to th. .ttsp'�ty t�hhh � ..
<br /> }i� r'•,����.
<br />• „ . rtlay�tttin priorky ouilv thk S�.urity Insbum�nt,�nd Mtsahoid ptymants or pround ne�te, M�ny. BOrrOw6�ehtY p�y th�ObNQlt10►is b lhi �;••,�.-.
<br /> �'_' ,���:;.;�:
<br /> , � m�nn�r provid�d in panpraph 2, or M not pald in that ttwinw, Borrov+ar ahaN pty thom on tfmo dirocty to tha psrson owad �Ymont• �I;,_�,..�
<br /> Barow�r shaN prortpty hxnMh to Und�r aN notfces oi anounts to be pald undsr thla pvrapraph. If Borrowor makes thea� payments �•• ' r� �
<br /> dinaty,Borrowu sht�prompty fumbh to Lend��ecey�ta evldEnchp ths paymatits. ..,���� �!
<br /> f.
<br /> 8ortower thaN prompty dkcharpo ony Mm wh�h hns prbrNyr ovar thls Securky Instrumont unfesa Borrowa: (a)spreas b wrRhp tu the � �,{`.
<br /> ___ oavm.nt of th�obNa�tbn sacund bv the Ilan h �muiner�CC�ptable to Lender;(b) Conte�ta h paod f4Rh th� Ilon by, or ds�rocls �pnlnst � : �
<br /> �nfo��t of Uw Im In,Mp�l proc�pa wh�h h ths Lendere ophf�on opente to prw�nt Rh�eniorcement of th�Nw►;a(c)saouros Kom �.�
<br /> � tiH hotd�r of th� Mm �n�prwnNnt sttbtactory ta l.�nd�r subwdinatlnq th� Wn to thb Securiry InsWment. If L.a�dar dalom►haa thtt tny ' 4*;1:,;.
<br /> . k`°':
<br /> part of ttN Prop�rty is Eub}ect to s Ysn whiCh rtwy attah prbrity owr thia Sxurity InsWmint. Lendet may gNs BortowK a notb�IdaitNylnp ,: �
<br /> th�If�n. BarcrvK shaN satis4y IM Ym or tak�on�or more af th�actbns sot forth abova wRhin 10 days of the 9Nhp of notfce. ,�i��• '�'� }
<br /> :}{F:�.
<br /> . �j r�r`t}:+�1'.
<br /> . . b. H�ard a Propeery In�uran�e. eonows� sn.M ks� tno �prowrt►enn �ow e�sth9 or hetenRer ereCted on the Property i ,,�,;t,�
<br /> . ��..4.J .
<br /> intund ap�inst bss by Iln, h�ards fnCbt3�d v�khh the term 'eoct�ndntl covanp�' and�ny oth�r hnznrda, haiudfnq floods or fbadhQ,tor •:;.:�•
<br /> whbh Und1r rpuin�insuqnc�. This Ins�crarv:e ehsl be rrwhulned In the unounto and for the perioda that Lender requMee. The hsurtnce '�°,�r:'�
<br /> c�rtMt providinp tFN hsurmCa shal b� Ch�tw� by Bortower sub}ect to I.endera approvel wh�h shall not be unreasonQbly wRhheld. It
<br /> BorrowK hNs to m�htaln covrnpe d�ccrbed abow. Undv rr�y, at lend�e optbn,obuh coverape to protoc4 Lenderx rtpht� In the � „ •��'
<br /> ?rop«ty In scCadance wkh penpr�ph 7. i ,+� �'�
<br /> AA hsurana poAaiK�nd nnewals ehaM b� eCCeptabN to UndK and shaM Inaluoi�4 etutdud mortp�pa at�uE9. Lendor shaA have the .,�. , _ "
<br /> ripht to bold the polbba md nnowafa. If L�ndK requina,Borrow�r ehaH prompty yhre to Le�der all recelpts ot patd premlums and renewal � ".�.�;�'�� °
<br /> . - „ noliCM. In tM�nnt o1 bs�, BortowW thaM plw prompt notic�to tBr fnaur:nce carr� snd Lcn�r. Lender may meko proof o} bse k not i
<br /> m�d�prompily by Borrower.
<br /> '� Un M ss U n e M r m d BomowK o t h m r w k� �y r M I n w r R i n O� I n a u r i n c a p r o c w d s s h a l b e a p p Y e d t o re s t o r a t b n o r r o p t l r o} t h� P r o p e rt y .,
<br /> " ' d�d, Y tiN rwtontbn or np4t 15 econom�tly baebN u�d Unders securky k not kas�rtad. If th� rostoratWn or repni► la not i �
<br /> � ` sconomically hnsbM or L�nd�s sacurity wouid M Ntsaiad, th� Inauronca procaeds shal bs appHed to the sume secured by this SecurRy i � . '
<br />: ' +• Instrum�nf.wh�thM ot not th�n dw, wNh �ny�wasa pald to BomowK. If Borrow�r �bandonf tha Prnperty, or do»s not enswer wkhln 30 , ���,,,
<br /> . �� days a not��Rom Unde that th�Insumc�cartix has ofWred to sotffe�cl�{m,thsn Lsnd�.:may colbct the Ina�+rence proceeds. i.ender '
<br /> may u�th� procs�ds 4o repalr or reston th�Property or to pay sums secured by th� Socurky Instrument,whether or not then due. The i
<br />,- �Y P�d wIN bph when th�not��b plwn. i
<br />' • Unlas l.�ndw u�d Bonow�► otherwis� ayres In writhp,uny appucatlon o! proceeds to pr�cfpnt shaN not exlend or postpone the due �
<br />�;� dat�of th�monthly payrr�er�b r�lort�d to In ptreyraAha 1 and 2 or chpnpe th�emount of tho p�yments. if under parapraph 21 the Property
<br /> , fa�cquM�d by Und�r, 8ottow�s rlpht to eny heunnce poll�ka and procs�ds rosukinp irom damape to ths Ptoperty prbr to the acqulskbn
<br /> ;;• sMN plss to Under to tM�octM�t of tta eun:s soCUrod by thls Securfty InsWment tmmedktey prbr to the aCqsdsNbn. .
<br />� . 8. �ccu�ancy� Preaerve3t�r�� MsinB�cnsnce end Proteetlon of the Prop�rty; Borrower's Loen �
<br />� Applicetl�s�;L�s�ehold�t.eorrowdr snre occupy, est�bNah, end use th� PropaAy as Borrow�'a p�inC�pa� c�esWence wRhin abcty days
<br /> �?`�, albr 1M eoo�eutbn ol thls S�carky Ins6ument�nd shsx conihw to occupy ths Propaty�s Borrowors prMicipai rosWance tor at leaet one
<br /> �'�• yw �fOK tM daM o} 0o�up�noy, unMtt Laldlit othNwNo a�os h wrXinp, wh�h consent stwll not be untoeaonaby wNhhald, or unkss �
<br />-- �xhnuatiq CYaxnat�neaa adtt which �n b�yond Borrow�r'� Control. BorrowK�haN not d�stroy, da�� or Impiir tM Prop�rty,nNow tho _
<br /> Ptop«ty to dadMSona, or commk wab on tM Pcop�rty. Borroww stia9 bs In dotauk k u�y torbituro nct►on or proaeedlnp, whethor ckfi or
<br /> — ' crimin�t, b bepun M�C In Undws qood IakA Judpm�nt could ntuk in toA�itun o1 tl►� Propwty or oihmwlee matorftky Ynp�P tlw lien croflted
<br /> -= by thb S�curky Intbummt or L�nd�e acu�ity �t�nst. Bomow�r m�y cun auoh • dolauk and reMatate, es provlded In parQyraph t8, by
<br /> • .
<br /> � __ .___ ' �'r. ��.��a��u�� ����.J�� VJ�L..r J ��.r �
<br /> i;. =- - • - - C�UEYIQ LflE iCt'Afl Q� pfOCMO� SO Oe OISff`.I�beO WRO ■ NInO tna[� n i.evow b yoou wen uvia�on��em. p�w�uwa �v..v�.�..o ... ...o
<br /> �= Barow�r'� hfuest In tM PropKty or olhs�mataci�l MnntMm�nt of th• lien created by thb Security InaWment or Lendere sac:urity Nterest.
<br /> � „ 8arow�r�h�A alto b�In d�uk M Bonuxw�dur'.�y the la:�i app�:tbn pro,'�s�Ga='=r���Ny�9ke or Ins4cur�te hfortnetbn or dtAternents
<br /> , to L�ndK(or hM�d to provid� l.aider wkh �ny mate�fal htonnetlon)In conneatbn w�h the ioui evldenced by the Note,Includhq, but not
<br /> �. ' � Ymlt�d to, nprtantations conc�minq Borroiwera occuR�Y of the Property as a prinatpil rssld�nce. U thls S�curityr Inswmont Is on e
<br /> �' • foawhold, Barow�r�htN compy wNh iN th�provisbns ot ths loae�. If Borrowx ncquina ie�tkw to th� Property, ths basehold end the
<br /> ' tN tMk shlN nOt m�rQ�unMu tM LendK�yny lo tHS mxper h wrkhg.
<br /> �.,
<br /> �i.
<br /> -�� . Pap�9 01 6 Form 30Ya%GO
<br /> � Ft0II0.LM0(1/I6)
<br /> Si?
<br /> i
<br /> , toe
<br /> .
<br /> _1."_ __. . .
<br />