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RaY�t�;�tee'� FCl(�h4 E� R�lat�,�,20. ��eorvoe:cr m�°ts c�tnti condRS�ns, BoROwer�ti��`''lb�r�'ii ro ova�n orcernent�I � <br /> � ' lhl9 E°_�UPTiy �n8UU0iotil d:iCOSll�luCd Gl fi11y i��19 DflOf t0 1i1�C=�I'�r of: (n) G d�yo (or cuah othcr pa�bd aa eppYanGfe k►w mc�y opecHy loo <br /> rahsqtWnont) bMon uM af th� Proparty punYQn! to any powM of aaM� con8n s¢Lend�r aM am9 whbh tNen'� wouki bet du� unldx 'ht b, _` <br /> mfomhq this S�curky Inttrum�nt Ti�osa conURWns cro tfint @orraxEr: (el P Y <br /> F,�curky Insaum�nt �nd tM Not�as M no sccNentbn had occurncl; (b)cursf�ny dof�uR o!�ny othw covw��nt or�prwrnMte; (a)p�ye <br /> a11��p Incurnd in �ntona4ip this£�curlty Instrum�nt, Includbo.M+t not 1'mk�d to, na�onabM �ltom�y�' fNa; �nd (d)t�k�s �uch actbn � <br /> as L.�nd�r may retson�bty r�quln to asauro th�t th�N�n of this S�curity Inatniment�I-K►d�� rlphts h tM PropKty�nd Boncwar�abNp�tbn � <br /> I tp pay th��um� eseurici by fhk� ±:curN'y In�lni�nt �hc!f cont�w urtch!nped• Upon rotnsutorr+mt by Bortow�, lhls SocurRy InoWnHnt - <br /> Nd th�aplpattons pcund h�nby shaN ncn�in NNy ML�ctM� ��it no �ca�Mntbn htd xcurtsd. Howw�r, Ihls ripht to rehstat� thtN not <br /> ' �PPH h fh�cat�o}�cc�Mntlon und�r pu�pnPh 17. ; <br /> ' . 1�. Sale of Note; Ch�np� 04 Loan Servicer. Th� Not� or � putit� kit�rast h th• Nots (toQ�IhK wNh thb B�CUrky <br /> Inatrum�nt)may b� wid on� a mon thks wNhout prbr notic�to Borrow�r• I► eaM maY nsuR h a chtnp� in the entily(known as the ; <br /> •Loan S�rv��')tMt colt�cts monthy payrnK►ta du�unc�th� Note and thb S�curicy Instrument. There�I�a rtwy be on� ar mon cAanpe9 i <br /> of l�Loon�rvicar unrahted to n aale o}tM NoN. It th�re {s� ch�np� o}tho Lwn Swvfc�r,@orrower wiM t►� pkwn wrktM notic�of tha � <br /> Iahan�h �cCprcl�nC�wRh p�nipraph 14 ebovo ond npPOcsbb kw. The notfce wW state tho nama end address of th� new Lan Sa�vicK i <br /> ' �nd tM atJd�e�c to tvhbhµtyrnWits should be mnde. 'fh0 notfCe wiN abo contnh eny other Infomulbn requted by�ppllQabN kw. � <br /> �0. H�ardauo Substsa�.�:. BoROwer shaY not causo or permit tho Fr,�3nco, usa, d�po�:.l stor�pa, or nMasa of any � <br /> H�rerdous Subst�nces on or h th�Propsrty. Bortower shtN not do, nor aNOw�tnyono etse to do,anythhp tlt�alinp lha Propaty thit Is In <br /> ,� vbktbn of�ny Environmental law. The precadhp two sentenc�eBSd toa w oapProA t t�ormal r�a�ldsntlnlr us�t ancl to hmaht�nuic� ot t�ho I <br />.� , quantRi�s of Hanudoud Substtncss th�t an p�nKaMY rocop� i <br /> . ��Y� � <br /> Bartow�r sMN prompty ylve L.ender wrKte� not�e o!eny hvestipstbn, claim, dema�d, lawsuit or other nctbn by any povemmer►tal or � <br /> repulatory epsiMY �p�'�to party hvolvNp the Prog�rty and any Hara►douo Substanca or Environmsnul liw of whbh Dortow�r hae actu�l <br /> knowMdp�. If Borrower Irams, or b notiHnd by any Oo`bmrt»ntal or rogulatory cuthorky, that any remaval or other rort�ed�tbn of eny � <br /> Ha�rdous Subst�nc� a}Nctinp th� Proparty b nac�asary, Bortower shaU prompty Uke aB necasca�y rerr�sd�l actbns in occardance wkh � <br /> Envlronmanttl lxw. � <br /> As us�d in thk pan�pnAh 20. �Hszardous Substancos' are those substsnces detinsd ns toxb or herudous substancas by � <br /> 1 Envkonm�ntal Law and tha (olbwinp nubstances: yesolk►o� kerosene, othw fl�mrtwblo or toxi� peiroleum produota, toxb pastfcidas and • <br /> . • hwbicldn, voictil� soN�nts, matarfale contaEnhp asbestoa or fortnaldehyde, nnd ►BdbactNe materieb. Ae usYd in thfs putpteph 20� 'I 7�� <br /> ^�nvYonmmtal law" mwns Hdwal Itwe and lawa of the Jurlsdiaibn where tho Propc�ty � laaatod that reste to heekh, sabty or , yp_ <br /> environrrNntal protection. I• .�..���'` <br /> ��,u_���� �nvFNaNTS. eorvowae and Lender tudher covenant and a�ae as(oHowe: <br /> 21. AccetereUon; Remedtes. Lender al�all �ive noUce to Qorrower prior so a�aoicre�ivi. ��i��i�:y '`� - ---'�—� - <br /> ��; -- <br /> � , I Borrower's Ixoech of �ny covenan4 or s�reement in thta Security In�trument (but not prl�r to ecceler�tlon <br /> under psriproph 17 unless eppliceble Isw provldes otherwtae). The notice aJhall apeaify: (a) the detault; , . ;� <br /> ; . i (b) the �ctlon required to curo 4he defeult; (c) e dr�te� not leas th�n 30 dn�ra fr�m tho date the noUce Is � _;;:;,,. ��. <br /> ylven to BQrrower� by whlch the defeult mu�t be cur�d; end (d) that ttdlure to cure the detault on or �, � l ; � <br /> �bre the date epe�911ed ir► thQ ootfce mey result tn acceleretion of tt►� sumo ascured by thls Security ;: � <br /> � instrument and a�le of the R�oparty. The noUce shall f u rt her In form B u r r�t v e r o f t�e r l�h t t o r e t n a t a t e aiter ;;; � � <br /> eccetentlon �nd the rl�ht ta brtn� e court ecUon to nsaert the non-ext�tence of s deTault or any other � � .+�� , <br /> defense of Borrower to accelersUon end sale. If the default Is not cured on or �efore tl�e dete epecifled ° <br /> In the notice� Lender et tb option may require immedfate payment in fuli of all sums aecured by this ,. <br /> Sect�rlty Instrument without turther demand and mey invoke the power ot eale end eny other remedles *, , <br /> permitted by spplicable law. Lender shall be enUUed to cotiect eti oxpenaes incurr�d in purwtn{� the <br /> remedtes provided In thls paregraph 21� ineludin�, but not Nmlted 40, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs `, <br /> oi Utlm svidence. `�� �' <br /> Ii 4he power nt ssle I� invoked, Treatee sha�� record s notice of dofeult In each county in whic�: sny � :,:',. , <br /> p�rt of tho Prope�ty Is located and shell msil coples oi suah notice in the menne� prescribed by eppllceble � <br /> law to Bor�ower and W the other peraona prescribed by appllcabfe lew. After the timo requlred by � <br />; appllcabte law. T�ustee ahall pive publlc noUce of aale to the peraons snd In the menner preacsibed by <br /> e�ppticable Isw. Truatee, without demand on Borrower, shall tRell the Proper�y et public auation ��o the ,� <br /> � � � hiphest btdder �t the time and place end under the Ferms designated in 4he noUce of sele in ona or more <br /> � ��., parcel� end in any order Truatee determines. Truatee mey poatponA sale of ell or any parcel ot the <br /> � : � Property by public ennouncement et the tlme and piece of any prevloualy acheduled aale. L�nder or its <br /> "`•�;:��' � deslyrtes m�yl pu�aha�e the Property et eny asle. <br /> Upon receipt of payment oB the price bld, TruBtee ahall deliver to the purchaser Truatee'i deed <br /> c9nveylnp the Property. The recitsls in the Yrustee'a deed ahall be prirna iecie evidence of the truth of <br /> the otetements made theretn. Trustee shall eppty the proceeda of tha sale In the followtnq ordcr: (a) to ali <br />: �,.;. coaU �nd exponsea of exercislrea the power ot eale, end the sa{e, inctudtn�the peyment of the Truatee's <br /> ,;�,:.;, tees actualty incurred, not to exceed 3 _46 of the principel emount ot the note et the tlme vf the <br /> dec{eraUon of default, a�d ressonabOe ettarney's teee ae permit4ed by law; (b)to elt aums secu�c¢I by thia <br /> Security Insdrument; end (c) any excess to the perscm or peraons Icgaily entitled to 14. <br /> 22. Raconveyanee. URon payrtNnt of aN sums saCUrod by thls Sxurky InsWment,Landet shall reguest Trustee to recon�oy the <br /> ;,,�`, Pro�erty u►d 64��1 eurr�ncl�r Ih1e S�curity IniWment end tN notes svidencing debt secured by thls SocurRy Instrument to Tnisteo. Trustae <br /> �� BhaN nconwy ths PropNty wkhout warcAnty�nd wRhout chnrqe to the person or persons lepaly entkled to k. Such peraon or persons shall <br /> ,y ' pay Ny f�CQfdltl0fi COSt3. <br /> -__ -- �_� 23.SUbit1WL0 IrUli[CO. unOiK. �t ite apiion,�n:r ��++�. :.:�. � �=�= •�M='= r��.�o. a.,g a,nnnht a succnssor wsteo to anv <br /> � - . .' , <br /> Tnrst�e �ppolnNd MnundM by an hetrumant recorded in the county h wh�h this Securky InsWment Is rer.orded. �:nhout ConveyanCe of <br /> th�Pr��ty,suc!y!aso►G'ustw ehaN succMd to aN the titq, Fow�and dutles conterred!�pon Trustse hgreh nnd by applicnbb 4�W <br />_� 24. Rsquest tar NoUces. Bortow�r nqu�ats that copf�s of the�oticea of dotauk tnd sab be amt to Borrowera addresc wh�h <br /> ls tha Prop�ty Addresa. <br /> � �b. Rtders to this Security InsUument il ono or more rldars Yro exocuted by Bortower end recorded topether wkh th{s <br /> 3ecurity InsWmW►t, ths oov+enants and spn�nta ot woh euch rld�r shnA bs Incorporated hto and shaN amend and suppiement the <br /> I cownanb�nd�prrertienM o}thb S�aurky InaWmnnt as M ths rfdK(e)wers e part of thb Secur'�ty Inswrt�t. <br />�I ' � <br />�I� ,� ., Pap�i ol 6 Form 90J�VlYO <br /> I� F102Y.LM0(1l�) <br /> L <br />�i' , <br /> �, <br /> ,,� ,oe <br />