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<br /> :..,.._�..a,rt�vy�1414J -��7 r..��,�.+wr!'+`,fil'R�!•�►'• - :� . . . . '-t-
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<br />:. ,1',. "--.-,. ,....�—..`__�_cn.n . .1 ,,...�.. .. ..._.. ..... .......t ..."'_—".. 4.._....... __......_........... .. . _ __"' _..
<br /> nr-�:;��:� �-�;��� . .. ��"��2''�0 �� „ � , •
<br /> _-_::,:::,:.,d,� . . .
<br /> �±- '�L°+ ti ` 17.'f'rnnsPcr oP thc Pro�xriy or n llencf iclul Intc�•est he Ila►i•r�iw•���'. li':dl��r any part uf thc Propc�ty or any interest in it 5 ,; . .�.Y..:: r,
<br /> irv y".iM. •�`. .
<br /> is sald or transfcrrcJ(or if a hcncticial intcre+t in E3iirrowcr i� +uld �u trit.nsfCrrcd�mJ Flurrowcr is not a natur.il person)without '-'�;r���-••�-
<br /> mj�_�;:.;.•:: -,•- � , -
<br /> _—_,;�,�.:�,. • I.cnder's priur wriucn can,rnt. (.cnJcr �nay. a, it, up�.i.m. r�quir: f�rmicdiatc p,iyment in full ��f all ,ums .ccurcd by this ,.. ;��.
<br /> `°"� '• • �`• Sccuri�y in+trumcnt.Huwcvcr,thiti upti�m shall m�t hc c.rcrci�cd bv la:nitcr if excrci�c iti ruhibitcd U fcdcral law as uf thc datc
<br /> , P Y .; .,� w�r�
<br /> '' • - � '� . of tlii�Sccuriry Inntrumcnt. `�':
<br />_:- ` �''`. _ If[.cnJcr cxcrci,cs thi,opti�m. L.cndcr•ball givc f3orrowcr no�icc��f.ic�cicratiim.'f'thc notire sh,ill providc a period of not
<br /> ;f; A , �._+„-
<br /> �� r � ICSS II181`; 70 day� from Ihc datc thc nuticc iti dclivcraJ ��r mailr.d witl:,in which [lorrowcr mutit pay ;dl suenti sccurcd by �his .. , :�,_.
<br /> '��,�� Sccurity Intitrumcnt.If Hormwcr fail� to pay thetic tiunt�prior to�hu cxpiratiun uf'this periud. L.tndcr nr.ry invokc any remedics -',''„�: :
<br /> � . permittcd by lhis Security Instrumcnt withuut furthcr nuticc or demand im Borrowcr. _-,};..•s•:--
<br /> °, • , � :: 18. Borrow�r', RI{;ht tt► Rcinsluie. if [iurrow•c: mccts ccn�i�� c��nditions. 8�►rrmvcr +hall havc thc right to havc ` .; _
<br /> '� `{ j• • cnforccmcnt of this S�ruriry Intitrununt discontinucd ut uny tima priti,r to thc uirlicr of� (al S �layti (or such othcr period as �::....,-.°�:a�,�.
<br /> � � � • upplicable law may specify for reinstatement) befc,re aale oC th�: Prc�perty punuant to any power of sale contained in this '-��f�'',;'`aM��*`•'�� '�=
<br /> , e �, .
<br />-.ti �� •�. :�' Security Instrutncnt or Ibl rntrv of a iudgmcnt cnforci+ib this Sc�:uriry Jnstrumcnt-Thc�sc conditions arc that Borro�vcr:(a)pays �h}•-1.: ; �,.
<br /> � • L.endcr all yums which tl�cn wnulJ bc duc undcr this ticcunry Ui��trun:ent anu tnc ivutc us ii nu acccicration had occumccl: (b) �rQ
<br /> i' : ^ � ' �1• cureti any defuult of any othcr covenants ur agreemer+ts; (c) pays all expens�:s incurred in enfarcin�z this Security Instrument, __ _ �_
<br />� '4.:1 �t� � � -- --
<br /> - ��•-u�- � including.but not IimitcJ tu,rca�onat�lc attarncyti' Fa:s and (d)taku� such .iction as I.ciidcr may rcawnably rcquirc to assure _ _
<br /> '-'�"� '�'�'.:�� that the lien of this Security Intitrument. L.cnJcr'ti rig�us in thc Pruperiy anJ �ortowcr's obligation to pay the sums sccured by
<br /> � �• ��•�" this Security Instrumcnt shaU cnn[inuc unrhangcd. Upon rcinsiaa:mcn� b�• Borrowcr, this Sccunty lnstrument and �hc �_____
<br /> - • :.�. obligations secured hcreby +hall remuin fully ef(cctire us if�tc�xr.cc:leiation had urcurred. However, this right to reinst3te shal! �--
<br />_ � not apply in thc casc of acccicration unJer parugraph 17. -
<br />- 19. 5ale of Note; Chunfic of 1.�s3c� Scrviccr. Ttie Nut� ur a panial intcrcst in thc Note (to�cther with this Sccurity v-:.___
<br /> � . �; Instrumcnt)may bc+old cmc or morc times without prior noticc to Ho::rrnver. A sale may result in a r.hsnge in the cntity(known -
<br /> as thc"Loac: S:^�it��",!hat c„!!cc�� �»��nthla naymcr±ts due►uiJr.r thc,Notc and this Sccurity Instrument. There also n�ay bc one
<br /> ' ' •• :.`� or more changes of the L,oan Servicer unrel;tted tu a•+ale al th.c Nutc II therc is c�change of the Loan Servicer.9oreovrer will be -
<br /> �• given written notice of the change in aca�rdanre witii psraFraph la :�buvc anJ applicable law.The notice�viU state thc name and _o
<br /> address of the new Lo.m Serviccr and the ad�lress iu wl�ich p,rymcn+s yhould be made. The notice�vill also contain any other
<br /> - � information rcyuired by applicablc law.
<br /> �.;a, Z0. Hazardous Substauc�. E3orruwer shall not raux or pr.rmit the prr+enc�. usc, disposal. Storage, or releuse of any — -
<br /> •.'�� ,. Hazardous Substances on ur in �hc Propeny. Hi�rrower shnll n�t do. nur ,dlow anyonc elsc to do, anything affecting the — —
<br /> � � - . -- Property thnt is in violalion of any Lnviri�nmcntaE I_a�v. Thc prcce�ling two �cntences slt�ll not apply to the presence, use,or -
<br /> '�� {� storagc on thc Property of small yuuntitics of'Hi17(11'lIOUti$l1�lSlAllliL9 lllill:liC�,'l'IIC�iUI)' R'CVOiiiZ�;u iG v�=u�ij.iu�t2«:C :n nn�nal -- .
<br /> , `'� res:dential uses and to maintenance of the Propeny.
<br /> -��'�t' " $orrower shall promptly �ive l.ender writtcn nutice nf ana investigation, claim, dcmand. la��•suii ur other actian by sny
<br /> ,°"" goveminental or rcgulatory agency or privatc parh:im�olvin��thc Propcny and any Haz:irduus Sub+tsnce or Environmcntal Law
<br /> < � ° of which Borrower has acwal hno�vlulge. If Bon•��a•cr Ienrc>.s.ar i.notificd by any goccnnnental or regulatory authority,that
<br /> . . ,,�,:;,,��, , any removal or other remediatiun of any H�uardora tiubstyice xfi.cting the Propeny ts nc�.ssary. Borrower shall�rcbn:,Qdy take '•�
<br /> � � n.; . all necess.�ry remedial actions in accordance widi Fnvir��nmL�ctal P�:nv.
<br /> =:���i�•:�+:r ,r• . As used in this paragraph 20, "H:vanlow Sub�tunces" are tl:use tiubstnnces defined as toxic or t�:�zardous substances by _
<br /> �=•vs-,: - Fnvironmental L:iw und thc tollowing substana:ti: ga�oline, kerosenL, other flummable or toxic �ec:vleum products, tox�c _
<br /> -.�:�=-,�•. • A pesticides anJ herbicides,volstile.ulvent,,materuds c�mtaining u�bestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materiais. As used in
<br /> - °^ � '��'?� this paragraph 2Q. "Environmental Law" mcans fcdcral laws and la�vs of thc juri�diction where thc Property is locuted that ,_
<br /> � r�° ' �_.:� ." rclateto hc:dth, safety orenvironmcntal protcrtion. ��
<br /> ;;- ., . _,�.,,K NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bormacr unci L.�:ndcr furcltcrcovcnant anJ agrcc as foUows:
<br /> .�� > : • �•�� 21. Acceleratlon;Remedies. I.ender shull �;ive notice t�Ifborrower prior to accelerntfon following Borrower's breach
<br /> }` ���• �'�r�!� of any covenant or aFreement In tliis Secw•ih� Insh•uiucnt (6�ut not priur to accclerntLon under puragraph 17 unless __�
<br /> r�'••Y•�^-��*"'°�f applicnble law provid�v utl�erwlse).The notice sl�i�ll specifr: (a1 the de�'ault; (b)ttte action required to cure the defuult; i _
<br />"_`":�� �� '�;�;: ' (c) a�'te, not I�s thun 30 duvs Frotn dtr dute the.nott:e L��;cven to Borru�r•cr. by �shich the defuult must be cured;and _
<br /> - `'��'��'� �� � ' (d) tl�t�t fuilure to cure the defn�U on or bef��rr. the dat.�:,�x:ci8ed in the nottce�mF� res-ult in ucceleratton o£¢he sums
<br /> �'�y secured by thfs Security Instryment i�nd xale ot the Prn�xmM�. The notice shall Ibo•c±hrr inform Borrawer of u�h.P right to
<br />- � ee[nstute nfter ssccelerutton aud the riuht to�ariii� u cuuE�t t�ctlon to i�tisert the nvn-existence �if a defuult or any otlier _ �
<br /> ':. �. defense of Borro�tirr to uccelei�tion u�id s:�le. If the def.3i�1C is not cured on or bePore the daSe sperified in tlte nutice, �_:__�
<br /> Lender, at itc option,may reyuire fmm�*diate pnyment in full nP ull sums secume]by this Secaa�ty Instrument withaut
<br />_ .. ��- further demand and nu�y invokc tlic�w�ti•er oP si�1c and uno uther remedi�per�nettm�l by appl[cabEe law. Lender shull Ise ��`�"�
<br /> 1 �
<br /> Y �`�' ' ' ent6tled to collc�t nll expens�.w incurmd hi pursuin�;tlac rcmr.d���s��rovided in thls F;�c�agrnph 21,incfuding,but not lim(ted �`T'�'==="'`°
<br /> �,� �•;��_—_._
<br /> ' to, rcasonablc attorncys•' faw :md costti nf titic evialcnrc. �•':��'�,:�'�`
<br />- -;���,.�° � [f the power of sale is invuked, '1'rust�ti slu�ll rnord n noticc of default in each county in �vh(ch aa�y part af'the r,. �.,;�
<br /> t;;'..r.:,.,, �
<br /> • - • property Is loc�ted atid shall mail copiKti of such notice in ehr man�e�prescribed by �ppltc:�ble law to IIorro�ver and tu �• ���-•
<br /> •• - tlie other person5�rescribed bp upplicuble Ina�. After the timae ra�u9red�►y applicnble law,Trustee sl�all�ive publlc not[ce .
<br /> � � of sale to tlie persons nnd In the rnanncr pmscribetl �y ap�nfici�ble la�v. Trustce,waihout demand un Borrower,shall sell :
<br /> � �� thP Propecty ut public nu�tiue�to tl►e Nighest biddrr�t tlti�t�me und pluce and un@_e¢he tern�s d�i�natevl in t�nP nutice of , ., .
<br /> = sale in one or more p�rcels und in any order 'I'ru�tee dr.termines. Trustee mav perafpone sale of all or any parccl of the
<br /> ' i° Propeirty� by pubtir annauncemcnt nt the tlme �w�d pluce vf uny pre�io�sly scheduled sale. Lender or its desi�nee may
<br /> . � .. � purchase thc Property ut any salc.
<br /> , � , �.
<br /> :..;,.,:� .
<br /> Form 3028 9l90
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