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;..�.,,,yy;,.,„waa, ' ,. , .. . . .. , . . .. ..:` ',i�:- <br /> i r..,.,.. . ...:;�,��-. . <br /> .. °�� <br /> ' _y. o-..�^♦ • .. �� � .. � EI . --. <br /> vi:�,3�._ . . � . � . <br /> ..t . .. � . .n?.fra.Y7Wrt.u'�R:.�F. � , . ..�i(.� �I <br /> . <br /> . <br /> _ .. <br /> . <br /> �.� TA:Py•M�}qyg . .t.. w. -. •�., .e. �!r aJr;•.11��y. (a), � _ ..�.ti . ;:.�,y�!!SVIf•. <br /> .�...L:�`__ ' c.ib. - � _ . •Rll��ih�MT� ' � . ;. . ' _ <br /> � - --@Si' • 'i;�"r, . . ' �� n?,y'�'�'AT��!'.'dpH N3�9['?�7<.. .. , .. -.�4,�•n�FM}�� , 1.�-,.- <br /> .. :.-C JL�7n7'£!rS �-i - .1� � -I <br /> __ ..� . .. � i <br /> .a� <br /> r <br /> . ��rcn�9�'1'�_{R'"r�.'. '��~ !�� . ._�i'1l"1l���. , .. " . � ' � . . . .. � . <br /> . � ' • , '� . � .. „ - - . ;i wr, <br /> .. . . .� " - .. � . �. .. <br />�`;:31�5LNr;.E�7f.�f,,, r+er�rw.�wwvn�-.,+ew..a-,....w..v...n...e��.....,.':,u.�...,._;��,.�...._,_.__.......��....._..�...�...........�........---' ..__ ........___.._........ .._ .. ,.' .-'- . . .t '_ <br /> W-'�?.�1ar.7�;�-�. . _-'_...., --' _- ,. <br /> i { :? <br /> 'd�%i.L.:j:—;:- (��� ����0 , lS. <br />- � �.+_�;im.<< � . . <br /> - —"'�:+ I ° _ <br /> . ��'".�'�4'� paymcrdti may eiu longcr bc rcquircd, at thc option af[.cndcr. if mortgagc in.rurauire a�vcragc lin the amount und for thc period ' �� n <br /> �___;,'�;;-•'A'=� that I.cndcr rcyuires)prnvidcd by un insurer approvcd by I.endcr again bccomcs av,ulablc and is obtaen:�l. 8onoarr +hall pay � �j .. <br /> -— �• I ti- <br />.a�� i°-.-�W thc prcmiumv required t�maintain mortgage insurancc in cffcct,or to providc a lo�;s rc�en�c,un[il�hc n�quire�ment for mt�rtgugc - <br /> s';';t,� ,� insurance ends in ucrurdance with any�vritten a�reement between Dorro�ver and l.ender or applicablc I;:���. � ,J� <br />`;�„�. �i 9. I�s�xv�Nan. Lcndcr or its agent n'�ay makc rc�asonuble cntrics upon and inspcctions of' thc Prc�Fcny. l.c�ider tihall givc ` : _ <br /> ___ "i`��'`' Dorrotivcr nnticc at thc timc of or priar to an inspcction spccifying rcasonablc cau+c fnr the inspcctinn, ! -j <br /> .:=�_�, <br />';�;:�:T�;�;�;s.�;• 10. Cm�demnatlon. The proceeds of any a�vard or clai�n for damages, direct or cnnsequenticl, in ronne�tion �vith any � ;f'. ?I <br /> ;'� "�:•�:; �, condcmnation or othcr taking of any part of thc Property, or I'or convcyancc in lieu ot'condcmnation, arc hcmby atisigncd anJ f �-, �� ° <br />�-�':si�f%i.�1��� ' " � `� 'i ri <br />�_�;�,,�''�,�;,,�._, shall bc paid to L.cndcr. � :,� <br /> ;:�:S!'f�,. •, In thc cvent of a total taking of thc Properry,the procccds shall be applicd to thc sum, ,ecurcd t,}�this Sccurity Instrument, 1 :; <br /> ,,... . L_.t���,�. <br />'' �v �� �� whMhcr or not thcn duc, with an CXC�SS aid to Borro�vcr. In thc evcnt of a artial takin of th. Pro °rt in �ti•hich th� I'air "�I <br /> ��"�" , ,, y , p. P. � .. F, Y . :�; --- - _ <br /> 1:,; •. :,r,: " ,:; <br />:IX�.rf�r c�, ���' <br /> _:,��,� ,��i i� market value of thc Prupcny immediately beforc thc taking is cyu.d to or grcatcr than the amount of th;+ums securcd by this �,,; +;.' <br />""';�'��.'��y a Security Instrumcnt immediatcly bcfore thc taking, unless Borrower and Lcndcr othenvisc agree in�s•riting, the sumy sccurcd by i.r•• ..j; •• <br /> ":-'�.�-'�'•°•`:��•• •.• this Scxu�ity Instrument sh�ll 6c rcduced by thc amount of the procecds multiplied by the fnlln���in� frnction: (n) thc total E� ; ; . •_,�_ _ <br /> -t r:;. •s� %�� - <br /> s n amount of thc sums securui immediately bcforc thc taking, divided by (b) thc fair market vaEu:of the Property immeciiatcly !�� _�„ �- <br /> `,`.���i:F+� before the taking. Any balance shall be paid ro Borrower. In the event uf a partial takm�of th-: Prop;rty in which the fair n ` ,+,'.:.. '�°' <br /> �• �- ' • market value of the Property immediatcly 6efore the taking is Icss than thc amaunt of th: cum., s�r:ured immcdiatelp bef'orc thc � <br />'•:tir,`.=._e.,�. '' . , <br /> -,;!,,�r�; .j � taking, unless Borrower and [.endc�othenvise agree in writing or unle,s;�pplicable la.�ti oth;rur6se provid�, the pror;t�ls shall {;- -�-�-°- <br /> '�j;; � �i._>;._�'t",- <br /> ` � -' - Lc applicd lu th�,un„secured by this Sccurity Instrumeiit whcthcr i�r not the su;r.:;are;h;^�!e:. ;;•�� � =:—; . <br />',;;;rf;i,;.'�� T� � (f thc Pro ert is abandoncd b Borrower, or if,after noticc b•Lendcr to Burn�titiar th�[thc condemnor oftcr;to makc an �i,:::�;' :'�;9•s�'"'`�""```•• <br />;'.;� ;.,. .; P Y Y Y �.t,:.":- � ,,n�r��: <br /> •��+-:�� �- i award or tietde a claim for daroages, Borro�ver fails to respond to Lender �viUsin 30 day s nfter thc date the rtutice is Fivcn. ��t•�•'.. ;: >>��_— <br />:i;..�a. �t <br /> • ,y L.cndcr is authorir�:d ro coUcct and apply the�:�coceeds,at its option,either to restnnitiora or repa'sr nt'thc Properry or to�he smi.0 �_ .:� ,�.� _'�� <br />;,.�,�;,.. ..,�. <br /> • y securcd by this Sccurity lnstrument, whcther or nat then duc. , <br /> "'y'•'•�� a Unless I.endcr and Borrowcr othcrwisc agrcc in writing, any upplicatior. of procculs to principal sl�all not cxtcnd or .,�_ <br /> '-.''•' <br /> "`%`L'- '-.:,� postnone thc duc date oF thc monthlv pav�nents rcfcrred tu i►i paru�raphs I and 2 or change thc a�no�ern�f su�:Si p_iyments. �.:.,':� '��� <br /> ;r+� �"��,� l l.Dorrower Not Released;Forbearunce By Ixnder Nnt u�Vaiver. Extec�sior� of thr time fur payment v�r modif►cation ���•, <br /> , �. ;•� '�.• � of amoni�ation af the sums secured by this Security Instrument gr�n[ecf b� Lendtr to ac3p�ur.ces�or en interest of Borrowc�shall � i <br />,'.•r;�,� ` not operatc to rcic:is;c thc liability oF thc uri�inal Borrawer or Borrawcr's successors in inicre�t. Le�Aer shall not be requircd to � �r�� <br /> " commcnce proceedings against:my wccr;sar in int�:rest or refuse ro extcnd tim.e fur p�ymcnt or oiherwisc modify amortization ��-;y,,.' <br /> ".•.,,i,..,.,.�.� r�i <br /> of the sums secured by this Serurity In,trument �y reasnn of any demand m.idc by the original Botro��•.�r a�r Eorrower's ,�',li�.,. <br /> ,.,E�:€: Y,w.., f��t:i <br /> r�'�%., ,.s • successors in interest. Any forbe;►rance by Lender in exercising any right or re:nr.d}� shall not be ai�vaiver of e�r preclude tb�: �1 <br />".s4��'�� ,� <br />;;;,,�:,..� � exercise of any right or remedy. <br />,._r,...,; <br />�f�•,• '�'� '"� 12. Successon und Assi�ns Bou�cl; .�mint nnd Several I.Ial�i�i4p•; Co�si�.;n�rr. Tlu covenants and agreements of thi� - <br /> .�,;�.T�a <br />;,;;;L:�;;,•;,�. r Securiry Instrument rhall bind and benetit the successors and assigns of Lend:e and Bormwur, subject to the provisiuns of <br />����f�y y,?;��;�c. � paragraph 17. Borrower's co��enants and agreements shall be joint and severnl. Any Eiarrower who �n-signs this Security <br /> ".'"lti�'-��'" Instrument but does not execute the Note: (xl is co-signing this Security� Instrum�_nt anly to mongage, grant and co»vey thut • <br />,.�'.K i�•u*�c•�:s�c ------ <br />;'��,.r;:�:="a� � Borrower's intcrest in the Property undcr the tcrn�s af[his Securi�y Instrument:(b)is not persona{Iy obligatcd to pay the sums . - <br />,;.��t.:��'"•"�' securcd by this Security Instrument:3nd(:�.aiFrces that Lcndcr und any othcr Bt�rmv,cr n�ay agre.e to extend, modify, forbear or � �_% <br />:;�'"'�T"'�' � rriake any accommodutiom�vith regard to the tcrnis of this Sewrity Instrumr.nt or ttu:Note�vithuw tl�at Borrower's canscnt. �_.___ --�-- <br />:�;.�"�� 13.I.oan Chnrges.If the loan sccured by this Secucity Instrument is subj:ct to a law which sets maximum luan charges, _ __ <br /> •-'x;=^n"� and that law is finally interpreted so th�t the interest or other I�:m rharges c��llectecl or to tx: collExteci in connection with the —__ <br />:;�..,..;,. �•; . _ - <br />=_t�:". ,. lo;ut exceed the permitt�i limits, then: (a)an} surh luan rharge shall C�r reduced by th4;un�ounG necessary to reduce the char�e -�� ___ <br />�,`rt,. .. .�y to the permittcd limit; and(b)any sums aln;ady r��llcctcd from Bono«�cr which rxrecded permiu�d limits �vill be refundcd a� � <br /> -"'•-� •• Borrowcr. Lender may chuosc to make this refunJ by rccluci�ir th: princip�l uwui undLr the Note ur by ntakins a direct � -- <br /> ,� . <br /> '"t•j ''• ;� payment to Borrowcr. If a refund redures principal, thc rcduction will be trest��d as u panial prepaymcut withuut any "r" _`—'-------- <br /> '_��: r���°�•^•�•• prcpayment chargc undcr the Note. .��-� <br /> '.;�.., _. �. ._ <br /> � •'�!'�`��'��!9"` 14.Nntices.Any notice ta Burro�+�er�+ro�•idcJ for in this S�curit}•lnstru►r.a[s<<haU bc gi�•�n by delivering it or by mailing --- <br />-.�;r+;ler .�,,,:,._'��. i�wri��nu:�.--- <br /> :L;J��°�;�».���• it by first class mail unlc,s applicablc la�+ raquires osc of anothcr mcthud. The n�:aice shall be direczed to tl�c Property Address '-�- <br />