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<br /> i�93� 1��'4 . �ooa.raz�
<br /> _ Upon rcccipt aY pAytnent oY the prlcc btd� 'Prustee ehAll dcflvcr to thc purcha�cr "1'n�stcy:'s ci�Yd conveying ti�r _ - -
<br /> Pr�perty,7'he recitals �n Ihe 7'rustKe'e dectl xhwtl be prlmA tacle cvldencc nf the lruth nfi the stAtements mAde thercln.
<br /> Truste�shQli app{y Ihe pr�xeecls of the sMb:in Ihr Collowing ur�er:(u)tn ull cost5 und cx��ens�.y uP exerdsing the puwer ot
<br /> sale,und the salr,Includlnw the p�ymenY nP tne Trustt�e's fecw Wctually Incurrecl,not to exceed 'X�
<br /> ot thc nrincipnl amount of thc notc i�t thc ttnie oP the dcclwraUvn nt dcfuuit,und rutwmAble uttorneys' fces as pem�(t�ed
<br /> hy is�w; (b) to�il sunn s��cnrMi by thiy S��curity Instrument;and(c)uny excess tc�the{xr�+��n or persnnc Ie�;aily entitMed to
<br /> it. �.
<br /> 22. Recunveyance. U�n payment of all stuns sccurcd by this Sccurity Insinimcnt, Lcndcr shall n:quast Trustot: to
<br /> rtconvey dte Praperty and shall surren�lcr thih Security lnstrument und all notes evidenring debt secured by thi.i S�rurety
<br /> Instru:ncnt to Trustcc.Tru�;tcc shull rr.convcy the Property�vithout warranty und wi[hout chargc to thc person or per�nn:�IGgaUy
<br /> cntitlal co it. Such person ar per�ons shall pay uny recordation cnsts. "'�
<br /> 23. Sukntitute Trastee. Lender, at i�s option, may ii�am time to time remoca Trustee and�ppoini u successor trustee to __
<br /> any Trustee appointed l�ereunder by an instnmient recorded in the counry in which this Security Ins�rument is n:corded. Without
<br /> conveyc�nce of the Propeny, the succcssor trustee shall succecd to all the title,pciwcr and dutics confer�eci upnn Trustee herein
<br /> and by applicable law. _
<br /> 24. RKquest Yor Notiees. Borrower requests that copie.s oF tl�e notices of default and aale be sent to Borrower's nddress
<br /> whir,h is thc Property Address.
<br /> 2S.Rlders to this Security inst�ument. If ane o�more ridcrs are executed by Borrower and recorded togetl�cr with thls
<br /> Secu:ity lnstrument, the covenants and agreements of a►ch such rider shall be incorporated into and shall aanend and supplement
<br /> the covenants and agreements of this Security[nstrument as if Qie rider(s)were a part of this Security[nstrument.
<br /> [Chcck applicablc box(es)] --
<br /> �Adjustablc Rate Ridcr �Condominium Ridcr J� I-4 Family Ridcr
<br /> �Graduated Paymcnt Rider 0 Planned Unit Devclopment Ridcr n Biweckly Payrru;nt Ridcr � _
<br /> �Halloon Rider U Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> ❑V.A.Rider �Other(s) (specify� -
<br /> BY SIGNIN(i BEL01W, Bnrnm�cr aceepts and agrces to the terens and covenants containod in this Sccurity Instrumcnt and
<br /> in any rider(s!executed by Borrower and recordcd with it.
<br /> W itrtesses: --
<br /> �O"r_L.�.Le� �. ? _(Seap -
<br /> RONALD L 200K �sorrowcr � -
<br /> .J�E�Yt' (Scal) '�-,•"
<br /> —• FRANCENE K ZOOK� -eorrowcr i:=:'�-�;
<br /> �..W
<br /> ,�:
<br /> _ (Seap (Se�l) � '
<br /> -Borrowcr •Oornxvcr
<br /> Ir.
<br /> S'fATE OF NE�P.I!S�SA, Coanty ss: HALL � ,
<br /> The fd�•�,going instrumenY was acknowlc�dgeci before me this gTH �uY�f MARCH 1 995 . '
<br /> Witne.as my hand and notarial�enl at in said County, tlie datc uforesaid.
<br /> GRAND ISLAND, NEBR_ ASKA � �r�7 n
<br /> My Commission Expires: z�-r�t� e»z�y^—
<br /> ��}.��$�1��ft�i Not:�ry Public
<br /> lih Oattm.Exp.Aus 4.�996
<br /> �(
<br /> J0...�¢..tC G..��JIl�O �/M L......---_.
<br /> y • � �
<br /> � _"
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<br /> - ----„"r'�!�i�vlWa��m'. _ _-i=T.m 'kiNS.6'.?'!lTt'r:.�._ •f'�V�.h't.�.C"u+t.:.�7.`�iIMUY. � ... . , .
<br /> 0.1� . .. ., . . '�- .���r . .. .
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