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" ,•Y.`s�Al . .. .. , � <br /> .�T <br /> / ��r� <br /> .� <br /> •` , <br /> j <br /> .. ,. .. . . ..^i� , .. ., ' . • .tatK.4.}.4 '- <br /> .1:i. _..`.3., ...� .. . - a�1F. ,. <br /> —_ F.i.�� i e ...4.. . ... �l . . � . ,. . <br /> - ,�-;:-�'�.�,.r w,�., . . ,s�i ..�,. � . ,. .. .� f . <br /> z <br /> ,. . . � <br /> • ' - �� „ „ „ <br /> „ „ <br /> ., .. ....._.... _.,_. __..... �.. <br /> _ _._._...._. _ . _.... .. .. __- ---- _----- <br /> rY . . . . . ._...'_"..... . _"_'_""_" "__—....._"__"—"--'_' i� __. <br /> ro 74,.. . _. w . . , _ <br /> . . ' • , <br /> ,�s;�ty�,, :�� . �q(���� - <br /> --,;-�:.. :. .; � 9b� i�, _ <br /> • � 5. Hni�vd or ProExriv Insurnnce. Hiirc��wcr �h�dl kcep thc imprn4enuntti n��w cxi,ting or hemal'tcr erected �.n the i <br />";�F•,�:.�r �.�„� � Property insured against lotis hy fire, harards included within the term "extended cc�vcrage" snd any uther har;►rds, including ';� <br /> �":•' ��. ,; � flacxls or flooding, fur which l.cndcr rcquircti in,ur.mcc. This insurancc tihall hc muintained in the amoun[s and fnr the periods . <br /> ,,�::..�;�.,. , that I.rndcr rcyuircs. Thc intiw.incc carricr providing thc inrurancc,hall hc chrncn by Qurrowcr yuhjcct [u l.cndcr'ti approval <br /> ; .,:��w;,,�r�.. which shull not bc unrcasimably withhcld. If Borruwcr fail� to m,iintain rovrragc dcsrrihcd abuvc. Lcndcr muy. at IAndcr's . <br /> s �v� -� ��';'� option,obtain covcragc ti�pmtcct Lcndcr's rights in Q!c Propeny in accordancc with paragraph 7. <br /> -' �'�•. . ., All insurme�pnli�:ieti and renewal�tihall he aceeptaNle to [,endrr c�nd tihadl include a tit:�nd.�rcl mortguga clausr. l,ender <br /> _ ' �haU have tht right tcn hnld thc policics and rene�v,ds. lf L.endcr requires,Borrowcr sh�ill prontptly givc to I..endcr all rcccipts nf I � <br /> • �i paid premiums and renewal no[ices. In the evem of loss, Borm�ver shall give prumpt natice to the insurance carricr and Lc:nder. I <br /> '---'-- l.titd:����ay �iiakc Nwui vi iu,�ii noi mauc promptiy by Hi�rruwcr. � <br /> � . • Unlcss L.cndcr and Borrowcr othcnvisc ugrec in writing, insurancc procceds tihall bc applicd to r�storation or rcpair of thc . <br /> �v.. . j' Property damagcd. if thc restoration or repair is economically fcasible and l.cndcr's�ccurity is not Icssened. If thc restoration or <br /> --�"� ; repair is not economieally feasible or Lender's securiry wauld bc lessenul, the insurance procecds shull he applieJ to the sums I <br /> -- 1;: - <br />—. � securcd by this Security Instrument, WI10QICf vl' IlU[ I�ICII�UC, willi uny cxcctis paid w Burrowrr. [f Borrower abandons the „� . � <br /> ; Property, or does not unswer within 30 dayti a notice from L.ender that the insuranee rarrier hus olfered t�� seale a claim, then .. - <br /> �`? • . ' '' Lend.:r may collcct the inaurance procceds. 1.enJer may use thc proceeds to repair or resti�rc du Propeny i�r to pay sums ' . " <br />_ secured by this Security Instrumcnt,whcthcr or not then due. The 30-day period wili begin whcn Qu notice is given. ' <br />� �• ��_ Unl�ss L.endcr and f3orrowcr otherwisc agrec in writin�, any application ��f prorecd. u� rrinriral �h:dl nnr r+rrcnd nr `�`�`t�=�'` <br /> . , , •; , . <br /> -�...-� - •--- ,�,.. .. -----.:.----'-- � <br /> � postpone the due date of the monthly p.q�mcnts mfcrrcd to in paragraphs 1 anJ 2 or rhangr thc amount of the payments. If ''�'�•-R`- <br /> . , ,; ; .y���.� <br /> °,,.K under paragraph 31 tht Property is ucquired by Lender. Borruwer's ri�ht to,tny incurance policies and proceeds resulting from �; � �,---- <br /> damage w the Property prior to thc acyuisition�hall p.tss tu I.cnder co thc extent of thc sums secured by this Security Instrument �` -;r���- <br /> �Y immcdiately prior to thc acyuisition. • "�� <br /> „�` 6.Oc�upancy,Preservntion.Aiaintenance und Protection of thc Property; Borro«�cr's I.oan ApNlication;Leaseholds. y �!,!�. <br /> Borro�ver shall occu establish,and use the Pro en rti Borrower's rinci al residence�vithin sixt da s afier the execution of � t <br />, '''.�' PY• P Y"•' P P" Y Y :,�� ":� <br /> .,.,... a�d.,�..� .......:...... ...�._...... .�... . . . •� � <br /> y� , eF;:s�ur.e; i.^.s::i:..t.... •'��,i�l ,....�.��..,� ..,......,�,; ���� I'r:,F���y ;i�Go��o::c!�piiiiuNai IC.ItUCt{�C lVl ui ICit1l VIIC yCt17 itl�ICf <br /> the date af occuFancy, unless L.ender otherwise agrecs in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonubly withheld, or unless ' � • <br />. °�'� extenuati�g circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower tihall not destroy, damuge or irnpair the <br /> . Propeny, allow thc Properry to detcrioratc, ur commit waste on the Property. Borrowcr shall bc in dcfault if any forfeiture <br /> • action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun thrt in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forFeiture of the <br /> ' Property or othcrwise muterially impair ehc lien crc;tted by this Security Instrument or Lcndcr's security interest. Borrower may <br /> Y ` � !�,'.' cure such n default and reinstate,as providui in para�raph 18, by cuusing the action or praceeciing to be disnti�seci�vith a ruling y <br /> `�'��• "� that, in Lender's good faith detemiination, prccludes forfcilure of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other mAterial <br /> '� � impair�ttent of the licn created by this Security Instrument ar Lender's security intcrest. Borrower shull also bo in dtsfault if <br /> , • :. Borrower,during thc loan appliration process,Eave materially Yalse or inaccurate informatiun or,tatemcrnts to L.ender(or fuiled <br /> • to provide Lendcr with any matcrial infornintion)in conncction with the loan cviJenccd hy the Note,including,but not limited � <br /> :�.:�; to,representutions concerning Borruwer's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If thi�Security Instrument is un a , <br /> ' . ' ' °-" Ieaschold, Borrowcr shall comply wiQt all the provirionti of the Icasc. If Borrowcr :tcquires fce tidc to thts Pmperty, the �I !I I �='-' <br /> " " ' '°- leasehnld Fmd the f'ee tiNc shall not merge unlcss Lcndcr agrccs to the mcrger in writing. �?�'�` <br /> �� '� ,'�,� �: � 7. F'rotectton of Lender's RigU��s in the Property. If Bonowcr fails to perform the covenunts and agreemente contained in --__�_ <br /> tttis Security Instrumcnt, or there is a Icgal procecding that Anay significantly affect Lendcr's rights in the Property (such as a --- <br /> � "' ' proceeding in bankruptcy, probate. for condemnation or furfeiwrc or to enf'orce laws or regulations), then lxnder ntny do and ��,�,=d- <br /> � ,, - pay for whatevcr is necessary to protect thc value of the Property and Lcndcr's rights in the Propeity. L.�nder's nctions mny m'�,�,-� -� - <br /> include payin� any sums sccured by a lien which has norit over thi, Securit Instrument, a �arin in coart, u in �'im`'"���'� <br /> - � P � Y Y PP' F P Y B �.;�r;^-..-. <br /> -_ .. . - reasonaBle utrorneys'fees and enterinb on the Property to mal:c repairs. AI[hough L.cnder may take action under this para��aph --'---�--�-� � <br /> '�:�;,���� <br /> '.� 7.L.endcr docs not havc to do�o. �,,;,a�4:_:-----_ - <br /> _.�.:: ------- <br /> An imounts disburseJ b Lcndcr undcr this ;=,:1 ."°.=��' <br /> `,�, " y : y paragraph 7 shall becomc additional dcbt of Borrowcr sccurcd by this +:��„�f <br /> -,,.;;, - Security [�strument. Unless Borrower and Lcndcr agrce to other tenns of paymcnt, these amounts tihall bear intcrest from the :t�!Y!'�` <br /> ' � • ' date of disburscmcnt at thc Note r:rte and shall bc payuble, widi interest, upon noticc fTOm C.cnder tu Borrower rc ucstin ���`1`'• °'�'°i?'`�", <br /> ' ., I 9 B :-ti��=�.�;:x; <br /> payment. .,. ,?;. <br /> ." I 8. Mart�age Insursince. If Lender rcyuired m�mgage insurance as a conclition of making thc loan securecl by this Security "'�'� '''' `� ' <br /> • � .'�' � Instrument. Dorro�ver xhall pay the premiums required ro maintain the mongage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the t�";"� ± :Y' '' . <br /> �. <br /> : . , '* i mortgage insur.�nce chverage required by I.ender lapses or ccases to be in effcct.Borrower shall pay the pr,em�ums required to S. ' �• <br /> obtain coverage substantialiy eyuivalent to the mortgagc insurance previously in effcct, at a cost substantially equivulent to the i ' . <br /> ..0 cost to Borrowcr of thc mortgugr insurancr prcviously in effcct, from an altcrnate mortgage insurcr approvcci by I.ender. lf • <br /> • � '"- � substantially equivalcnt mortgagc insu�:�ncc covcr.�ge is not available. k3orro�vcr sh�ll pay to Lcndcr each month a sum cqual to � " <br /> � "� � ` .: � one-twelRh of the ycarly mortgage insur:ince premium being paid by Borrower�vhen thc insur,�nce coverage Inpsed or ceased to •. <br /> . <br /> _.. <br /> °_ " ''.� i be in effect. L�;nder will accept.use and retain thcsc payments as a loss rescrve in licu uf m��rtgagc insurance. I.,oss reserve <br /> ` . ;�sJ j <br /> '- - ------.- 1 Form3028 9/90 <br /> :W ..,j� P����o�� � ,._-.. ___ .__ . <br /> r <br /> o�M <br /> •4�-- -- ... . r- --_. _.. - - <br /> -.;- . , ^-- --- .• I <br />— � . , � _ ` <br />�' <br /> , . <br /> � <br /> . , <br />� , . <br />