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<br /> ;��;:%;fi�°�!?+.°��." i TQG6TH�R WITH:�II thc impr�.cments now or hercaPtcr crcctccf on thc properry. :►nd ,dl cusema�ntv,nppurtenanccs,und ,. �
<br /> "�"'��='y�,��;t,�. �ixtures naw or hereafitcr u pa�•� o' thc pruperty. All rcplucements and addition. tihaU al�o hc cavcrcd By this Sccurity
<br /> �'�-`�� Instrwnr.nt. All of the foreguing is rcferrccl tn in this Sccurity In�trument a.r thc"Nroperty." �� ., '` '�`
<br /> �-_.nr�; •-,�,• �..,,,.:
<br /> "'''"' " '"s' (30RltO�VEI�COVENAN"P5 Ihstt Riirrnwcr i� I:�wfullv sciscJ of thc c,tutc hcrcby convcycd and hus thc right to grant and
<br /> =�`F:���L:s'f!"zZt'C�"� . -
<br /> ='����; convcy thc Property und thnt thu Propeny is uncncumbcecd, exccpt fbr cncumbrancc� uf rccord. Norrowrr warron+and will ,
<br /> ��:,�'.,'..�.,x•,.,.F� , .
<br /> „ �' ; defaid generally the title to the Property;�gainst idl cluims and demands, huUjcct to.my encumbranee���f record. _
<br /> ''r���"�� -'• I THiS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambincti unifbrm covcn:tnts fur national u+c and nun-uniform mvcnunts with limitcd ,�.
<br /> L.::ri�iiKlfi•.' , " '"
<br />;;:'-_�,�;,y�,�qr1Nr3�- ; variutions by jurisdictiun ta c�nstitute a unifonn security instrunzent rovcring n:al property.
<br /> '• ° UN(FO[tM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and l.�:ndcr a}vcnunt:and agn:c as foUows:
<br /> -!�.:��• • ,: . ; .
<br /> : . � l. Pay�nent of Princlp.�l tmd [nter�st; Prep�vn4znt t�nd Lnte ChivFc.9. Borrowcr ,liall promptly pay +��hcn du�: thc _
<br /> r-� � •�' -�'•'�; i principal of and intr.rest on thc dc�t evidenced by thc Notc and any prcPayment;uid latc chnrges duc under thc Note• ,
<br />,....., ,
<br /> � •. .
<br /> ,..
<br /> `�, ` ,°�': � 2, Fmtds ibs Tnxes und Insuruncc. Subjcc[ to applicablc law ur to a wriucn�vuivcr by I.,cndcr, Horcowcr shaU pay to •
<br /> a r.-.,•.,, ':1.. i . .��' � . <: _
<br /> 'a�`•'•�_� ' `� � Lcnder on the day monthly payments am duc und�:r thc ivo�c, un►ii ►he i�u�c��paid in t'ull, a sum{^Funds"1 for: ts?�ru*!y r�Y�c ::: _ �
<br /> 't ��_'^, , -�' , _
<br /> �ti�ti�; �.•`� I and assessments which may attain priority overthiti Securiry Instrument a5 a lien on thr Prc�perty; lh)yc:aly Ieasehald payments , ,, _:
<br /> "°°`- �•�;H�� �,,� Ar ground rents an thc Property. if any;(c)ycarly hazard ar property insura�icc prcmiums; (d)penrly flood insurancc premiums, .,. � ,,�f'd��i,',
<br /> >rt�r' .-�...�� � if any: (c)ycnrly mnrtga�c insurancc prcroiums, if any; and (� any sums payablc bp nrmwcr to Lendcr, in accordnncc with
<br /> . '��f `..�'�ri`x��.=:
<br /> : 1 v�i ` �r", � the provisi��ns of paragraph 8, in liru uf�he payment of mortgagc insarance prcmiunn, 'I'hctie itenu are callcd "Escrow Items." : "�"��=- __
<br /> _',�` � �;•.:s.�-,,-
<br /> �•;.,.};;:..� ;`*•._ Lendcr may, at any tima, collect u►ed hold Funds in an amoum not to excccd the m• 'mum amount a lender for a federally . ,*.�o�
<br /> � 'r:`-
<br /> ' � � related mortgage loan may require for Borruwer's escrow account under the federal R 6state Setdement Proceciures Aet af ';.... .:,,-_
<br /> !-„ ,;,.y;�c�;;�r,. 197d a5 umcndcd from time to timc. 12 U.S.G Section 2601 et sey. ("RESPA"), unlcss other law that applies tu thc Funds I,a,�tif',.,���'►_�_�=
<br /> a�t� u Icsser amour,t. If so, l.ender may, at �ny time. collect and hold Funds in an amou t not to exceed the lesser atnourtt. ",�_ 6 j=
<br /> .,�':; ,,,�. L.endcr may estimate the amount of Fund�duc on the b�sis of currcnt Jata and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future �h _- rz-�
<br />`�' Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance wi[�,applicable la�v. �,_��,�-,
<br /> '��'s"': .•�� '� 1'he Funds shall he held in an institution whose deposits ure insured by a�dcral agency, instrumentality, or cntity __��_. _
<br /> ' �'' " " • (including l.ender, if Lendcr i�tiuch an institotion)�r in any Faieral Home Loan Bahk. I-endcr shall apply the Funds to p�y ehe
<br /> ,:..,,. +�'��-
<br /> ,�':,Yi'`� •• �� Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Bonower for holding and upptying the Funds,annu:illy anulyzing the escrow account, or _ __ ;;�_
<br /> ''.,...,` ..z��. � ;r"��—
<br /> � '�. verifying[he Fscrow Itcros,unless L.endcr pays Barrowcr intercrt on t.he Funds xnd applirablc law permits L,cnder to make such ..
<br /> � , • p..T.......� •...��n_rimn rhtirao fnr:1O IIIdCQCtI(ICtl[iC:1I L'SI:IIC I�1% rcporting scrvicc '
<br />••!���:•', , a Ctldt'gC. �It�wCVel'. lxuuc� iiia'y icyuii� u..�..,.,.. :a�«�............- --•--o-
<br /> ..:-.. . ,'�`
<br /> �•;•!�;�.,. '��,, useci by Lender in cunnection �vith [his loan, unless applicable law pravides otherwise. Unlcss an a�rcement is made ar ,
<br />`' ��'�'!"• app6irublc law eequires intcrest to be paid.Lcnder shall not be reyuireci to pay Borro���er any interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> . ,:1,.'il�,, �� '
<br /> . .�'.'� 19armwer zuid Lender may agree in�vriting, howevcr, that intcrest shull bc psid on the Funds. L.endcr shall give to Aottower,
<br /> `-.., . ;-,;:;.,�,is�;•; without churg�, an annual nccounting of the Funds, shu�vinb credits and debits to th: Funds nnd the purpose for which each
<br /> a .��,;� ,;;•.w�,�;'`�� debit to�he Funds was madc. Tlic Funds are pleclgcd as udditional scc��rity for all sums secured hy this Sccurity Instrument.
<br />''ti�;�W.�,�'�_;:�;+.h;'y�. If Ih� ��nds held by Lender cxcced the amounts permiued to be held by applicable law,l.ender shall uccaunt to Borro�ver
<br />;�••:'-'°'•,'�` .
<br /> ,,,.:,�•,,�-., � _.; for thu cxcass Funds in accordancc with thc rcyuirements of applicablc law. If the amount of the E�unds hcld by l.ender at any
<br /> -,. •;.i,�.�,r.,r�,►.�, time is not sufficient to pay th�Escrow Items when due. Lcndcr tnay so notify Bnrrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower
<br /> - x'1'``'�"'` " �"" shall pay to[.ender thc amoimt necessury to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall inake up the deficiency in no more than
<br />'�,y�;•'.,;' . ;� nvelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole diure:ion. - •; =
<br /> ,.=;���",*'•��•=•� •' Upon payment in full of all sums xcc�ved hy this 5ecurity Instrument. Lender �hall promptly refund to Barrower any ��7� �.a
<br /> �.,�,;.,,:•,,,; y,, . �'-
<br /> _,_:...�;.,,;�,:,;t .• Funds licld by i.cndcr.If,undcr parugraph 21,L.endcr shall acquirc or scll thc Property. Lcndcr, prior to thc acquisition or sale __ „»%
<br /> ���y :,�:���; of the Property, til�all apply uny I�unds lield by L.ender ut the time of acyuisition r�r s�le ns a credit u�;ainst tNe sums secured by � .. .__,�
<br /> ,�t .;,�:., •� this Security Instrument, '__..._..��. =
<br /> `K'�'r `�' 1.Applicatton of Poyments.Unlcss npplirablc law pro��ides othcrwise.all p:�yments reccivc;cl by Lender under paragruphs
<br /> __;�;;K�.;r,r:Y•� �y�;. .
<br /> :r:.. ��m,1.m:.
<br /> �.;;�;.'".. • '`f .�•�?• 1 and 2 shnll be applied: first, to any prepnyment char�es due under the Notc; sccond, to amouc�ts�ayablc under para�raph 2; ��„�;
<br /> �' -`l,'�1.'�- -- -
<br /> ���:';;� •'�� ' third,to interest duc: founh, to principal duc;and last,to any latc chargcs duc uit�lcr thc Notc. ��....-,.
<br /> :'�;,;�.;_��,�, 4. Charges; L(ens. Barrowcr shull pay all taxes, assessments, charges, tines and impositions attributablc to thc Property � .�,;..����°
<br /> ,_�.. � `� which may attain priority over this Su:uriry In,Uwuent, and leasehold payments or ground rents, it'any. Horrower shall pay �-'�'-�, .� -
<br /> �! these obli�;ations in the manner providecl in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thut manner, Bocro�ver shall pay them on timc directly � �°�=
<br /> .�r....;„e..�;'�,;?,�:.
<br /> �_;�.,,,.�•:,;,._., .- to the person owcd payment. Bnrrower shall promptly furnish tn Lcnc�er ull notices of amowits to be paid under this paragraph. �'.„ . -��
<br /> � a.�'�'`':'�''.`' - I f B o r r o w e r m a k e s these pa yments directl y, I�orruwcr+hall pron�iptly fumish co L.c:nder rcceip[s evidencing the payments. ;
<br /> _ •-�;ti,':' . ; `�.
<br /> Borrower sliall�mmptly dischargc any lien wliich has priority over this Security Instruntent uniess Barruwer: (nf agrees in �.r , �
<br /> ��� �'t" writing m thc paymcnt of thc obligation sccured by the lien in a manncr acccptablc to LcnJcr:(b)contcsts in good faith the lien
<br /> -_ "'`��" by, or ciefends against cnforccment of the licn in, Icgal prcx:cedinzs which in the Lcndcr'� opinion operatc to prevcnt ihe ,:
<br /> '.�:;t,::,;�.
<br /> ' ` �°:'�+i.`..:' enforcement of the lien; or(�) secures fmm the holJer of thc lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to ��'�'
<br /> ;.�,. :,'.�.� � •..:�t: .
<br /> _ • this Sccurity Instrununt. If l.ender determines that any parc of the Property is subject tu a licn �vhich may attain priority aver �•
<br /> __ . . �� .:,-�„L' - this Securiry Instrumcnt. Lender may givc Borrowcr a notice idcntifying thc lien. Borrowcr shall satisfy thc licn ar take one or
<br /> ;��;:-,�• • ':� � morc of thc uctions set fortl�abovc within 10 days uf thc gi�•ing of noticc. .
<br /> - -- .-_µ� � Form 3028 9/fl0 •
<br /> -� . . : ,��• Papo 2 ot 0 _
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