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__ . „ , .u�= .,.�.. ,r,+';: :�, ... , � <br /> e • , <br /> :.,.4.r � -� . „ .. _�e.._. <br /> � .. <br /> °`, , <br /> , . . � . . ' . - ' . <br /> .. <br /> . . " :l iK1-.•;�,:. <br /> ' . ....D� �'�1 - . - • � . 1 � _-�Jyq.•� .. •J�. ��: _ .Jy.�� . '^'I�I�iR . i t i . �- <br /> .� ..r� �'� ..�.. . <br /> -��•..::h�.-�,��,. :�'L4_ati:S.^S:'.._'_�'.t_sCi`arsienf�lfilwlLLS�i._ �� u�►�.aa,.._....:..�..s._�.u..���._...�...-�.._..i��I .. . ..'t — <br /> � �Y�iRlYJi1G'�t 1.: _� ,.d... <br /> .. . ..ii:1��x��... �� � . .-„ <br /> • Borrower mey cure sueh a de!oult and relnstste, es prov(ded In parapraph 1B, by causing the uctlon or proceedinp to bo „ ,, . ' -` <br /> � d!�misecd wlih a nel'np that, In Lender'o pood faith detenninnilan, prec!ude�fode{ture oi Iho Borrowcr'�Interast in tho Property or _ <br /> . " other rn�terlal Impal�r��ent o1 tho li�n crc�ated by thls Sccu�y Instmr�icn4 or Lcndcr'�r aecuriy IntErwt. Dorrowcr nhn!I nloo�o In - <br /> detauit II Borrowev, during tha loen applicatlon process,g�ve rtsAterf�ay tslse or Inaccurata Inform.atlon ar at�atemente to Lendar(ar . <br /> - , t�Aed to provlda Lender wHh �ny materl�I IntortnaUon) In eonnection wlth the lo�n avldenced 6y the Nots, Includlny, bul not • , , <br /> " IimRed to, represent�tiona concaning Elorrower'a occupmcy of the Properlq aa e pdncipel re�ldence. If thle Racurtry � • �� <br /> InsUumenl la on• leeaehotd, BorroHer ehsll compy wKh �N the provlslona ot the le�ee. II Bortower acqulraa lee title to th� ! . �- <br /> ' � Property,the leaaehold md the fee tttte shsM not mxge unlees Lender agrees ro the merpx !n w�11ng. (J� I � :�:�s.`;�_ <br /> 7. Ps�te�tl�n o1�ndAr'e f�ight� In th�Prop�rty►. II eorrower tella to penarm the covenenta and apreement g <br /> �• �. contalncd In thb Sacurtty Inswment, ot there la � leg�t proceedk�g th�t rruty sipnlAcantly ettec! Lenda'e dghta In the Props�� •. . :::�,.4, <br /> �� _°' (euch �a a procoedhp In l�nlwptcy, probate, for candemnation or toHekuro or to entorce laws or re9uktlona), then 4a�der rrNy � � r' ~•,-. <br /> do and pay tor whetave►le necess�ry to protact the vdue of the Propely snd Lender's dghts In the Property. Lendx'e ac+Jone � .• .� r'� ` <br /> r- nHy Include paying eny euma secured by a Nen which hes priorfty over thla Secudty In�trument, ippe�rk►g In court, p�ylnp � , �',,�_ <br /> ,�•T'�'�' reason�ble�ttameye'teea�nd entering on the Property to make repeiro.Atchough LendK may t�ke action under thia parapnph � � <br />� 7,Lmder doe�not h�ve to do ao. • "�'` <br /> My emounte dis4urootl by Lender under paragroph 7 ahall become addfHond debt ot Bortower secured by this Securfry " °=t"<'`'`y <br /> �- In�trument. Unless Borrower �nd Lenda agroe to otha terms o1 paymant, lhese amounte shaN bear(rttoreat hom the drte o} „ ,, �;'�`":'= <br />_ _ I disbursement ot the N�te rate end aheN be payable,wRh Interest,upon notice hom Lenda to Dartowsr requesNng payme�ri. �`f�{`�� ` <br /> 1 n.u..nn� i_ �.'a:4•'i•,�,;- <br /> 9. Mort���e I.._.. _._ . !t L!!tder reG!I�ed mnrtpage Inaur�!nce t±e !! MndNlnn ot m.k�+��hw in.n Ran,r� hy thls �-?�':-�=�d'-��_. <br /> 3ecurity Instrument. Borrower ehaN pay the premluma raquired to malntaln the mortgage Inaurance In eftect. If,for any reason,the , .:.:Y�,;�^�`,�'�,j�;� <br /> . mortgage insurenca coverege requlred by Lcnder lapses or ceasea to be in effect, Bortowes ahaH psy the premlums requirod to ,.,;:-�--- <br /> obtatn coverage aubstanUiHy equiratent to the mortgage Inaurence prevlousy in etfect, �t a coat subatantlaay equlvalent to the `>>t'y'yy=���`s""" <br /> .�, cost to Bortower o1 the mottgage Insurance prevlously In eHect irom an aftemete mortpage Inserer epproved by Lender. It ='�`"'�^��_-'4-�_ <br /> - „ substanUafiy equMalmt mortga9e (nsu►ance covereye is not a�ailahle, 8urrawer sheU p�y to L�ttd�r c�ch Ranth a�um cqual to ��"=�==" °--- <br /> one-Mrelfth of the yeerly mort e Insu�ancn remlum bein ald b Borrower whm the insumnce covera e la aed or ce�sed to ��"�^y�= <br /> � 9i9 P 8 P Y 9 P �;��.':,;��__.. <br /> .••+y be In eNect. LMder will ar,cept, use end reUin these paymente ns a loss reserve In Ileu o1 modgago Insurnnce. Loas roaerve . . .. <br /> � �'f�'i," <br /> ,::�•� payments may no fongar ba required, at the opUon of Lender, If mortga�e Insurance coverege pn ihe amount end for the periad {• ";'�`.'!`�"�:��:sr <br /> ,�;; • • lhat Lender requkes)provided by an Insurer approved by Lender agaln becomos avallable and la obtdned. Bortower sheN pay ' ::,?;;�. � � <br /> � ' ". the premtums requireo m maintein mortgago inauran�ti��� &iiia:�, Gi i4 N�uviun n IGSb io6Eii6, tiilYl tiio��yU��CTi�D:�CT i��i:�:.$a -- ' --'�+�..iv:r�"'- <br /> Iraurance enda In accordence with sny w�itten agreement between Bortower and Lender or appHcable law. `''��-� <br /> `,����'� 9.Insp�ctlon. Lender oe iis agent may make reasoneble entrles upon end InspecUona of the Propaty. Lender sheN ghre ��`' )�'•- <br /> . �� Bortower noUce at the i'me of or pdor to an Inspectlon speat�rfng re�son�ble cauae(or tha Inspectlon. -�};���'.,_ <br />' . mu. 10. Condamnati3un.'fhe proaeeds of eny award or cialm for damages, dlrect or consequentid, In cannectlon wlth eny •..�,::�....:���- <br /> 'z condemnaUon or ather takin of en pert of the Pro or for conveyanco In Ileu of condemneUon,ere herehy essf ed end � ;':°""""— <br /> 9 Y Pe►tY• 9� .'ti':�`;.;.., �:., <br />: shaA ba paid to Lender. ' ,a• . <br /> In the event oi a total taking of ihe Property, the proceeds shail bs appiled ro the sums saeured by this �curity f� •'_Y��� <br /> �(:. Instrumeni,whe,ther or nat then due, wfth any excesa pald to Bortower. In the avent of a parttat takinp of lhe Property In wnlct+ r .�, <br /> the falr market velue of the Property tmmedlately before the tuking Is equal to or greater than the smount of tho sume secured E � <br /> ' by thla Securtty Instrument immediately before the taking, unless BoROwer and Lender otherwise agree in wriUng, the suma }�",."'�`,...,,...�ti <br /> secured by thls Security Inst►ument sheil be reduced by the amount of tho proceeda muttlplied by the following frection: (e) the ;. �!� ;•,, <br /> " toUl amount of the sums secured Immediately betora the taking, divided by (b) the feir market value of the Property Immodistely '� '•� #:x <br /> . , beforo the teking.a4ny baiance shall be pa�d to Borrower. In the event of a partlat taking of the Properiy In which thA felr marfcet . �1� <br /> � value o1 the PropMy immediately beforo the taking is less than the amouat of the sums secured immedtt�tely before the teking, �,, • i � <br /> „ unless Bortower and Lender othervriae agree In w�iting or unlesa appNcable law otherwise provldes, the proceeda aheU be . ,. <br /> •• a�upNed tn the suma secured by this Secudry Instrumant whether or not the aums are then due. <br />' 11 the Property b abindoned by Borrower, or ff, after notice by Lender to Borrower that tho condemnor atters to make an <br /> • awerd or setde e clelm for dunages, Borrower fatta to respond to Ler!der within 30 days after the date the nottce la given, - - � <br />� Lender Is authodzed to collect and appy the proceeds, at its optlon, eilher to restoretlon or repflfr of the Property or to tha ��• �� <br />- suma aecured by thls Secudty InsVUment, whether or not then due, :�� ' , <br /> Unless Lender nnd Borrower otherwlae agrce in writing, any applicatlon of proceeds ta prfnclpal shnll not extend or � • , ��;_,fy� <br /> pootpone the due deta of the mqnthry payments refe►red to In paragraphs 1 ond 2 or change the nmount of such pnyments. , '��+�^^-- <br />= 11. Bo�rower �lot Rs1A�sod; For6earancs By Lender Nat a Walvsr. Exteneion ot the nme tor peyment or ;.:�^h�• <br />_ '� modHicetlon of emorlizaUon ot the sutns secured by this Security Instrument grented by Lender to any auccessor In Interest ot � � <br />- BoROwer shaU not operate to rNease tAe IfabAiry ot the original BoROwer or Borroww's succeasors in Interest. Lender shall not I ' <br />__ �' be requlred to commence proceedings aga,nst any successor in interost or refuse to extend Ume for payment or otherwlse � : <br /> • � . modlty amortizatlon o}the eums secured by thls Socurtty Instrumcnt by rcason ot any dcmnnd made by the orlglnal Borrower or � '�� <br />- ' BoROwer'a suceessots in intereat. My forbearance by Lender In oxerclsing nny dght or remedy �hall not be a welver o( or �� <br /> ,}' � prnr.tude the nxerNse ot eny dght or remedy. � � � - <br /> ., �' 12. Succ�ssora and Asslgns Bound; Joint and Sevoral Llablllty; C�signare.The covenante and ; <br />- '� agreements af thla Secutity InaLUment shall bind and benoflt the succeseors end asstgns ot Lender and Borrower,subJeat to the • ' <br /> provisions of petagreph 17. Borrower's cove�iante nnd agreements ahall be�olnt and severel. My 8orrawer who co•signs this � <br /> ,� Sacurity Inshument but daes not execute the Note; (a)Is co•signing thls Secarity Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey � <br /> thet BorroNer's Interest in the Property und�r the tertna of thls Security Inatrument; (b) Is nat personaVy obligated to pay the ' <br />- sums secured by this 3ecudty Instrument; end (c) agrees that Le��der and any other Barrower may agree ta extend, mod�ty, <br /> fo�'oe�r or melce any accommadatlons wlth regard to iho tertns of this Securiry Instrument or the Note wlthout thst Borrower's <br /> ° � consent. • <br />� " 13. Loan Charge�. It the loen secured by thls Socur(ry Instrument Ia subJect to a law whtch set� maximum loan <br />- , chnrges, end that law Is Gnalty interpreted so thet the Interest or othor loan charges collected or to be collected in connectiun <br /> - with the loan exceecl the permitted limfts, then: (a) eny such loan cherge shall be reduced by the smount necessary to reduco • . <br /> - the charge to the permlttod Iimlt; end (b) any suma already collected from Bartower which exceeded permikted Ilmits will be <br /> refunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to make this retund by reducing tho princtpal owed under the Noto or by making a <br /> . direct payment to Borrnwer. If a retund reduces pHnclpal, the reduction wGi be treated es a pertial prepayment without any <br /> _ .''' prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14. Noticsa.My notice to Borcower provlded for In ihis Secudty InsUument shsli be given by dellvering It or by mall{ng it <br /> '-'�-�'' hv t'ust daaa m�Il wlesa enn�rable law reaulres use of nnother method. Tho natice shaN be direated to the Pronertv Address __ .. <br />_ " r� I or eny other addreas Bortower deslgnetes by notice to Lender. My notica to Lender shnil bo given by first ciass mall to <br />-_ . ,� � Lender's address steted hereln or any other address Lertder deslgnatea by notice to Borrower. My notice provided for In thts <br /> __ _ , ,. Secumy inatnimr�nf 9hp�1 be dee!rted [��heve bcsn gksn to IIorratre;or Lendcr wncn given ss providatl in ihl�parsg�ph. ° <br /> - � � 15. GOVUntng Law; Seve►abil(ty. This Security Instrument shell ba govMned by iederal inw m�d tho law ot tho <br /> -- „ , J��risdittion in which the Property Is locnted. In tho event thet any provision or ciause oi this Socudry Instrument or the Note <br /> � •� coniticts with applica6le law, such conllict ahall not attect other provislone of this Securiry�nstrument or the Nota which cnn be <br />� given eflect withouE Iho conftiding provlslon.To tNls end tho provlslons of thls Socurity Instniment and tho Noto are dactared to <br /> be severeble. <br /> 18. Borrowor's Copy. BortnNer chall bo gwen ono conlormed copy oi the Nate and ot this Security Instrument. <br />� --- <br /> 'i , � F1316.LMCl(10/Bt) Pngo 3 ot 9 <br /> _ �L <br /> i � <br /> I� . � <br /> 3�307 <br /> � 1 <br /> ,. , - - ----- <br />