. _. . .
<br /> ;r.� ,. • . . . ,:_ . .;. .
<br /> . . .�';. _J„ . . �''�:
<br /> , ��/' . . . '.. <� :i=
<br /> . ii��� . l� .. ' + ' .,
<br /> � 'r^.'.,- „ .•• ' •'.•' ifi�llil► '– '•� � . l•i ?A.a.. .. � . . . . .
<br /> ' � fL. . _.,;e+��AS1p�
<br /> � :,.. . �--•--------�----•--°-•-..,...-- _ ... ._ .....__..._....._.. _._..._...... .
<br /> �.�.+.,�:"t,. ....,..__..-------- ... ---•-_... .
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<br /> . � 17. TranBter ot thA Proporty or a H��aflclal Intoreat In �oerower. �f al! or ony pnrt o} tho �roperry or . Q
<br /> � sny Interest In It la oold or iranotcrrcd (or Ii o b�ncflcill In4erc:,t In Bortower Is aoid or fmnolc�rcd ond 8amo�•ur la not n nntuml -
<br /> percon)�•��ihout Lcndcr'a pdor erdYr.n conocrd, Lcnd�r ra�y,at ita op4lon, rcqulra i:nm�d!�ta pny�nc�it In tull ol ntl uuma cccyrcd uy
<br /> ` thln Secudty Inat.ument. ilowever, thl9 op0on nhnll nol be oxcrclood by Lender If oxerclae 13 prohibited by faderal law a� oi tho(� �
<br /> . �
<br /> ,', •� date of thla Sacurity lnsUument. : _
<br /> If Lenda exurds�a thla optlon, Lenda eh�N phre Borrnwer notice o9 �ccalentlon. 7he notice shail provlde e perlod of not� � , -_
<br /> ��' leae th�n 30 d�ya from lhe date the n�tice la delfvered �r maued withln whlch BoRawa muat pay all suma se�ured by tl�la�� l _
<br />-�*'� ' " , Security InstrumenL II BOROWEI��II!lQ pay lhose sume pHor to the explydlon o1 thla pN1od, Lendar may Invoko any remedlea� ( �
<br /> prrmlttrd by thle Securtty Inetn�r•nont without lurther noticu or dc�und on Borrawer. � �
<br /> 1�. �orrow�r'� Ripht to R�Inst�t�. 11 Borrower meete cert�ln condttiona, Bortower eha4 have the rlght to heve � � � _
<br />� �� entacement o1 ihle Security Inetniment dlscontinued �t iny time pdor to the eariler of: (a) 5 daye (or such other pcartod ae ` ,
<br /> . appMcable law r►uy opacly 1or rdnntatoment)6elore aele nf the Property pursuent to eny powar ot sate centninesf In thle SecuriSy �
<br /> Y r,,.,t�'� Inetrument; or(b)entry o}e Judpment entorchg thls Security Inatrument. Those condKlone ere thet Borrower: (e) paya 4ender all � � �
<br /> _ � '' "' sums which then woutd ha due unda this Securiry inetrument end the tVote ae if no acceleration hsd occurred; (b)curee any f
<br /> • de(wit of any other covon�nt or egroementn; (o) psya ell expenses Incurred In enfotcing iFl� Securtty Insuument, tnGuding, but I
<br /> .� not Iknked to,rnesonr6le ettnmeys'feea;snd(d) tekea euch action es Lendsr may resisonabty requlre to assure that tha Aen of �
<br /> • thla ^uecurity InsVument, Lender'e �i�ht� in the Propertyr end QoROwer'o obNgAtlon to piy the sums secured by thle Securiry �
<br /> - InnWment nhell conUnue unchenaed. IJpon relnatatement by Borrower, this Secudty Instrument and the nhl4gations secured �
<br /> ' hare6y ehall remeln tuliy effectnre aa it no acceleration hed occurted, liowever.thls right to re�nsteie shail not appy N the case
<br /> . of eccelen4lon under pRngraph 17.
<br /> '� 19. S�I� of Not�; Ch�ng� of Loan Servlcer. Tne Nota or e a patUal Interest In tne Note ��oeecner wim cnis �
<br /> 3aa�fty InsUument) nuy be sold one or moro 41mes wfthout prtor naUce to Borrower.A sale mr►y resuft in a changa In tho enUry I ,
<br /> — � (known�s the"Loan Servlcer°)that coilectn monthy pay�nents �ue under the Note and thla Sccurity in�trumcnt. Thcro s:�o m:y .. . .
<br /> . foe one or mor» chr�gea of tho Loan Servicer unrHated to a aele ot tho Noto. B thero Is a change of lhe Loan �enicer. ,�
<br /> • .. Bortower wfN be gNen written notice oi the chenga In accordance with paregreph 14 abcve and sppNcabte law. The notice will
<br /> � stete the name end eddress of the new Loan Servlcer and the address to which payments should be made. The nodce wi�also _
<br /> - . ._ contain any olha InlormaUon �equired by applicable Iaw. " .� ;
<br /> 20. Hazardous 5ubsta�ecas. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, dispos3l, storage, or releaoe of
<br /> , any Huardaua Sub�tanca on or In the Property. 8orro�ver shell not do, nor allow anyone else to do, an}4hkig eflectinp the ;;,.���: :
<br /> f�„ Property thet Is In vlolation of any Envtronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not eppy to the preaence, usa, or � rs�aJ�
<br /> .� stonge on the Nroperty of small quantiUes of Hazerdous Substances thet are generaPly recognized to be epproprlate to nomwl �� �t' '�
<br /> '"' resldentkl uses end to maintenance of Yhe Property. f �.,
<br /> � �. t „ Barrower shall prompUy glve Lender wiitten noUce of any Investlgation, ctalm, demand, IawsuR or other aetian by any I � •' .� �+�t_
<br /> �' govemmentel or regulatory agency or prNate partyr InvoNing the Property and eny Hazardous Substance or Environmentsl Law of
<br /> _ �-•--- - .,
<br /> .. : � :��j, wh�h @orrower hne actual knowtedge. it �sorrower ieams, o► is noiiiiod oy ntty ytir6�7nTiad'ni ui Pisyiiwwiy aU'u`���uj, Qi�ut m�y .- �. . .
<br />„ removel or other remediaUon of any Hamrdoue Substance affecting Property la necessary, BoROwer shaH promply take a9 � � ,
<br /> � necessary remedlal acUons In accordance with Environmental Law. � •'� "� � '� •
<br /> � An used In thls paregraph 20, 'Hezardous Substances'are those subatances defined ae toxio or hezerdous subst�nas by ��� *
<br />- Environmer�tal L.sw and tho tollowing substances: gasoline, keroser►e, other Aammable or toxic peholeum producte, toxic ,'�` ' ��
<br /> pesUGdes and herblcldes,volatile soNents, materlals containing esbestos or fortnaldehyde,and radioacWe materiels. An used M ' !
<br /> pangraph 20, 'Envkonmentel Law' means federnl tawa end lawe of the Judsdiction where the Property is located th�t rekto to ��: �
<br /> heelth,oafety or envlronment�l protectlon. ��+
<br /> " NON-UNIFORM CQVENANTS. Borrowe►and Lender turther covenant and agree as tot!ows: �,�°'
<br />� � 21. Acael�r�tion; Rem�dlee. Lendsr shall give notice to Borrower prlor to accolar�tion �� .
<br /> following Borrower'e brench of any covenant or agreement in this Securlty Instrum.n4 (bu! nat T4'a:--•==
<br /> .. x:�;:
<br />- prlor to acceler�tton under paragraph 17 unlass applicable law provides otherwlse). Th� notica � , , :
<br /> � ' ' shAll specliy: (a) the default; (b) the action r�quired to cure the default; (c) a dato, no� I�ss than '"'r''
<br /> .. ;,:���
<br /> . 30 days from the clr�te the n6tice la glvon t� Borrower, by v�hlch the dofault must b� cured; and � ; �,,,y
<br />_ (d) th�t falluve to cure 4he default an or b�tore the date specffied in the notice mey result tn n
<br /> � accalsration of tha suma eacured by tlrls Se�curify Instrument and s�le of the Proparty.Th� notfce `• '
<br /> ' �� � aha01 further Intorm Borrower of the right to relnstate after acceleratinn and the Nght to b�ing a ; r.�' �''�:
<br /> = l court action to asae�t tho non-exlstence of a dafault or any other defenas of Horrower to °�-���-�
<br /> . . ;� � acceleratlon and eale. If tha dehult la not cured on or bs�fore the date specified i� th� notice, ,,�"`�a, �
<br /> �� � . i.ondor at if[s option may requlee Itii�.iedl�i4a �iLl�iiieii4 I1i rit1�I O7 8II 8UPi78 b6�UP6t� IfY Zli:s S�cu��3y , � '�„�...,_
<br /> ° Inatrum�nt wtthout further demand and may Invoke the power of sale and any othor rennedtas
<br />_ pormitted by applicabl� law. Lender shall bs entitled to oollect all expensea Incurred In puPeuing �
<br /> :, �'� �h� ramodise provided In thts paragraph Z7, Including, but not Ilmited to� reasoneble attorneys'
<br /> � � 4ees Rnd coafe of title evidence. • ''�'
<br />- • � If the power of salo Is Invoked, Trustee shail record a notice of default In �ach county In �` ;�}
<br />- - . which any paK af tho Property la located and shall mall copies of such not7ae in tho monner
<br /> _- presaribed by epplicabls law to �orrow�r a�nd to 4he othor persmns prescrlbed by applic�blo law. •
<br />_� , Attor tho tlrree requlred by appllopble law, Trustee ahall givs publlc notice ot sata ta the persons i
<br />° end In th� mannor prescribsd by applicable law.Trustea, withou4 demand on Borrower. shall soll
<br /> ' . ths Proporty at public auctton to the higheat blddsr at the ttme and place and under tha terma ;
<br /> .,. destgnatad In the rtotics of salo in one or mor� parcels and I� Rny orde� T�uetee det�e�minea. i' '
<br /> : Trust�a may poa�eone eale of all or any parcel of the Property by publlc announcement et the I
<br /> � ~ t(m� and placo of any previous�y schedulQd sal�. L.�nder or ita designee may purchaso the �
<br /> ���k� Prop�rty at any salo. I
<br /> _._ .___.�—' .. . � � � � .�' _""�__ a�.� �_""�__ _L_�■ J�14�_ t� �L_ _____L____ T__'�__I_ L _��._—'—
<br /> ---.. .....--�.- .-. .._ U�JOII �C�IPI Qi �7Ayfi10OL Q� llt8 (3ft47 �Jtu� �ruOa�� on�n vou�vr w ano �tenw�saer nvat�ee °�-��--�-�-�- -
<br /> �
<br /> deed conveying tha proporty. The recitala in the Truetee's deed shalt be prima facle evldance of
<br /> _._ ,,:.� � ahe h�th U' :�o ��:eme:.:s :;t��e .�a:�in. Tr�;o aa r,ha:: aa�ly tha ps��e^�!; �f the �sb^ !n the ' -
<br /> � followin� order: (a) to all cQSte and expenses of exercistng the poviror of aale, and the sale, ,
<br /> = tncluding the payment of tho Tn�steo's tees actualiy Incu�►od, not to excoed thres ; '
<br />_ � % of ths princlpal amaunt of thn
<br />� �� noto at tha tlma af the decla�ation of detault, and roason�blo attorney'e feea as pormltted by law; �
<br />= , (b) Ro all sums socured ioy thla Socurity Ins4rument; end (c) any excess to the person o!persons
<br />� logaliy Antftisd to tt.
<br />� ; „ �
<br /> F1370.LM0(10,44) �'aqo�ot 5
<br />� ., . �
<br /> �� ,
<br /> li.. ' � v 9l"307 �`
<br /> .� - .. `_ ___._. _ ._ -
<br />