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. .. ,�, � ' <br /> � ��.,� , , ' . _ <br /> . . +�tt�� Ij,'i• . ' � . . ;..�.,..y,.. o . ... . , . ,,�+` �kr . ` <br /> ,. <br /> , <br /> _L.�,. .-". ..`.:�n: -- - nc.u_�w�.a:r.tmd22s,bar �.a!s.++mw�__ ...___, .''• --•. -.... .. ..,. <br />.�:t:i i�.:��... .__ rt.C•. �. . �� ... <br /> ' ' . TOOE?FiER WI�H eil the Improvementa new or hereaRer nrectad on the �roperty,end e�easements, nppurtonAncee, ertd — <br /> (ixture3 now ar h�+raatter a pflet o}tha property. AII repSsceinents and addltione ohail Alao bo covered by�tils S�curfry In�trument. . <br /> ,; A(1 0l lho fo��c�jo'n�la rc�c�rcd t�In Ihls 9ccur;iy Inc!rumcnt aa tho'Propc�ijr.' <br /> . , BORFIOVYEF� CONENANT9 that BoROwer Is lawfuly seized o}the esteto hereby conveyed and h9e the ri�6t to prunt end � <br /> . convey the Pra�+xty �nd Ih�l the properly la unencum6ered, except tnr enrumbancae o1 record, Bortowar warrante snd wNl <br /> , datend aenanYy th�titl�to Ihe Ptoperty oqainet aN clrkna and dem�nd�,eubJect to any enc.umbnncee ot record. - � �•�°o <br />` THI9 9EGUAIT/ INST�iUMENT cnmbfne� unNortn ccvenante tor nation�l uso �nd nomunNorrn covenente wlth fmited - <br /> ;'�'=• + - va�tbm by�dsdkUon to constRute e unHortn eer,urfry instnment caverk�p rs�l propaty. � � �. -i;?� <br /> �5�' • UNIFQflM COVENANTB. Bnrrower�nd Lender covenent end egrev ae tollowa: -- <br /> � 1. Pr�y��:.�Z e,7 Pv�c�cf��0 Gi�ti Ii7�oFOii� PPOpi�yiiioii4 YflC7 L�4q C�li►Q�s.Bonowe►ehaH prompty poy when � I ,.�--�' <br /> _ .. due ths pdnclp�t o1 and(ntsreet on ths debt evldenced by tl�e Note and eny prepayment�nd wte ch�rgea due under the Noto. �' . • -•�h'-=T <br />._ , � , 2. Funds ior 71ut�s �nd Iniuranc�. SubJect to appNable kw or to a wrfttere waNa by Lender,Borrower stsaN pay � �� ' `�y"•�� <br /> ; � . • to Le��der on the cl�y monthty paymente ero due underr ihe Note, untG tha Note I�pald In tuN,e �um ('Funds'J tor. (e� yeulyr " „ '�.,,�ys?-� <br /> �',,y�:•�--•• taxes end �eaesamenta whlch mey ettaln prlcrity over thia Securiry InaUument ae a Nen on ihe Property; (b) yeuly Ieasehoid �j � '�^n"' - <br /> a..�„s�%ri%r'�v` psyment�or pround rente on the Properiy, Ii an , c <br /> yr O ynarty he=�rd or property Insurnnca prcm(uma; (d) yetrly Ilood Insunnce ;Z <br /> � ••° �' premiums,if any; (e)yearly mortga�ge Insurance premiuma,If any; end (Q any aums payablm by Borrower to Lender In accwdanca ��� � •• . - <br /> • ° with the provlalona ot pansgmph B, ln Iicu of tha paymcnt of mortg�ge Inourance prer�ilums. Ti�ese Ilema are cailed 'Escrow <br /> Items.' Lender mny, at any tkne, coqect and hotd Funda In an amount not to exceed the ma�dmum amuunt� lender tor a ��• � .`3:r <br /> fedcralty related mart5age loan may requlre tor Hortower's escrow account under the fed�al Real Eetate Sottletnent Procedurea ;: <br /> - •�..�. ._ ... _.- AC!0�1874 l�R wm!!t�lwi f!nm tim�fn tlmw. �'J,U.S.C.g 2601 Bt SCQ. ('RESPA'�, Ut118S9 B110thlt (&W th6► BF�l�iv'o i3 tlio i Uiw'S � - •- +. <br /> sete a losser amount. If so,Lender may, at eny time, collect end hold Funds In an amount not to exceed the less�ar amount. �► � �;' - <br /> Lender mey estlmste the emount of Fund� due on the basis of current datn and reesonable estimates of expendilures of future � `"` `• :�-'�'�L = <br /> � ' • ;..•.,�.,►wrr�¢�::�. <br /> • Escrow Itema or othawlae In accordance wkh applicabie law. .� :- r.—_.__... <br /> . _.�acwrrer�aGa:... <br /> _ The Funde shaA be hetd in an trsMutlon whose depoafta ere Insurad by e federsl agency,InstrumenUllty,or enUty Qnciuding :k:,. �-�":-� <br /> _ Lender, If Lender la stioh an ln�titutlon) or In any Fcdcr�l tiome Loan Bunk. Lender aha6i e p pf� Qhe Fundy lo pa y the Eacrc�w . �^:�,�.• -- <br /> _. I tema. Len der mey not charge Bonower tor holdtng and epplying the Funda, annual.y anatyring the esc.�ow eccount, or vedtylnp , `:._�-...---_-- <br /> . yj, '� <br /> the Eacrow Items, unlesa Lender pays Borrower Interest on the Funds and appHcable law parrNls Lender to mdke such e ,.*�p:,p�.,.s#:;_,,: <br /> a, _ charge. However, Lender may requlre Bortower to pay e one-timo chcrge tor an Independent real estete tax reporting service � � - <br /> _. .. used by Lctider In connecUon with thls loan, unless appOcable law provldes otherwlse. Un!ess an apreanent ta made or '��'f'~��-'�"� <br /> _ _ . � eppNcable law requlres interest to bo pald, Lendc�shall not be requtred to pay Hortower any Inte�•xst or eamings on the Funds. �-�'�'!�°�`"'�R"+"' _ <br /> Bortower end Lender mey agree in wdting, however, that intxest shall be pald on the Funda. L.endar shall ghre to Borro�Ner, �� _,;,�;;.�`�-`�"` <br /> wRhout charge, an ennual accounUng of the Funds, shawing credita end debits to the Fmnds and 1he purpuee for whlch eech " =--- <br /> debit to the Funda wae made. The Funda ere pledged as additlonal security tor a0 suma secured D�the Sncurtry Inetrument, ���-- <br /> �► If the Funds held by Lender excee�the emounts peimitted to be held by npplicable taw,Lender�hnl� account to BoROwer � �""'��"��' <br /> „ . •�.u« tor the excess Funds In accordance wlth the requiremento oi ap�licsble Inw. li the nmounE oi tho Funde hNd by Let�der nt eny ' •� � `�- <br /> <� 'x;"� time Ia not autticlent to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may ao noJ1y Borrower In wriling,end,In such case Borrower . ''a <br />' , ahaN pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up tha deflclency. Borrower shaii malce up the deflciency In no more than ��. :;.� <br />_ � twehre monthy payments,at Lender's solo diacreUon. <br /> Upon payment In full of nll sums secured by thfs 3ecu InsWment, Lend�r shall rom ``";f'�' <br /> dty p ptty reNnd to Borrowe►any Funds ,.,�i,��},` ,, <br /> R hNd by Lender. If,undr.r pa�aflraph 21. Lender shall scqulre or sell the Property, Lender, prlor to iho acqulsitlon or eale o}the i'!•;��i l%x; , <br /> � . „ Property, shnll apply any Funds held by Lender et the time ot acqulsklon or sale es a aedit against tho sums secured by thls � <br /> ' Security Instrument. '�1�;i <br />_ 3. Applicatlun of PAyments. Unless appticeble lew provides othervvise, ap peymenta receHed by Londer under �!',;� <br /> , ,: paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be sppUed: ftmt, to any prepayment charyes due under the Note; second,to emountes payuble under :,li.':�, <br /> �:,:;:�y:., ,. paragreRh 2;thkd,to Intereat due;foufth,to pdncipal duo;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. � <br />' 4. Charges; l.leps. Borrower ehaH pay all taxos, assassments, charges, fines nnd ImposiUons ettributsble to the � &: •* <br /> N ', Property which rttny attain prtodty ovor this Security Inatrument,and leasehold payments or graund rmta,It any. 9orrower shall M �% <br />= pay theso obHpatlons in the manner provided In paragraph 2, or B not pald In that menner, Borrower ehall pay them on Ume +.,, <br /> , direcllyr to tha person owed payment. Horrower ahall prompUy tumish to Lender au noUces o1 amounts to 6e paid undn this w '�' <br />' piregraph. If Bortower mek�s these payments dfrectly, gortower ehall prompUy tumish to Lender receipta evlclenclnp the . <br />_ . PRyments. ,��'".+��ic a <br />_ BoROwer nhell promptly dlscherge eny lien which has pdodty over this Securfty Inshu�nent unless Borrower: (a) egrees in � ��re�,��� <br /> � wr(ting to the payment oi the obligation secured by the Ilen in a mann�r acceptable to Lender; (b)conteste In good taith the f .'• �i' o <br /> - Ilen Gy, or dotEmds a�ainst eniorcement o9 the Iien In, lepal proceedings which in the Lender's op:ninn operate to prevent the �� . <br />. ., entorcemeot of the lisn; or(a)eecures from the holder ot the Ilen an agrr.ement satistnctory to Lender subordinating the Ilen to <br />_ thls Securfty Inshument. If Lender determines that any part of tho Properly Is sub�ect to e lien whlch may attain pdodty over thls <br /> ' Security InaVument, Lender may ghre BoROwer a nottce ldontitying the Ilen. Borcower ahnu satisry the�en or take ono or more of <br /> �� the acUona aet forth above wHhin 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> �• S. Hazard or Proporty Insur�nce. Bortower ahall keep the Improvemonts now�udstlng or hereafter erected on the I ' ��" <br /> '� � Properly Insured againat loss by fire, hazerds Inciuded within the torm 'extended covernge• end eny other heznrds, Including � '�� <br /> �-_ flooda or}looding,for which Lender requlres Insurance. Thta Insurence shaA be mnlntelnod in the emounls and to� the periods a�' <br /> . that Lender requtres. The fnsurance cartier provldinp the Insurence shall be chosen by Bortower subJect to Lender's approval � <br /> . whtch aheN not be unrcasonnbly wkhh�eld. it Bortc►wer fells to maintefn coverage desuibed ebove, Lender may, et Lender's ' <br /> . optlon, obteln coverege to proteaS Lender's rights In the Property in accordanco with paragraph 7. I' ' <br /> All inaurnnc� policlea and renewals shall be acceptab;e to Lender ond shall Include e stendard rnortgage claueo. Lender � <br /> shall have the dght to hold the policles and renowals. If Lender rnqulres, Borcower shall prompty g!ve to Lender ell racelpts o1 l � <br /> . pald premlums end renewai noUces. In the event of loas, Bortower sheil give prompt notice to the Insu►ance currier and Lender. ' <br />- Lcnda may meke proot oi loss H not msdo promptly by Borrower. <br /> Unle9a Lcnder and 5onower otherwise agree In wNting, insurance proceeds shaN be applled to restoratlon or ropair ot the <br /> _ � Property damaged,It the rea4oretlon or repalr Is economically feasibla and Lender's securUy Is not lessened. It tha restoretion or � <br />_ c� repalr Is not economically teasi4le or Lender'� security would be lessened, tha insuranca procoeds shatl be applied to tho sums ; <br />— secured by this Secudty InsUument, whether or not then due, with any excess pald to Borrower, It Borrower ebnndons the <br /> Properry, or does �wt answer wHhin 30 dnys a notice trom Lender that the Insurance certfer hes oflered to eettle a clelm, then <br /> •. ;h. Lmda may collect the Insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repalr or restore the Rroperty or to pay sums <br /> „ secured by thls Seaidty Ins4ament,whether or not then due. Tho 90�day perfod wlll bepin when the nottce is glven. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In wdUng, any applicaUon ot proceeds to ��ncipal 3hall not extend or <br /> � postpone the dua date o}the monthty pnyment3 reterred to in paragrnpha 1 nnd 2 or change tho amount of the paymenta. If <br /> . unda pangraph 21 the Properry is ncqulred by LendcK, Borrower's rlght to any lnsurence polides ancl proceeds msuKing from <br /> � <br /> -_ dartuae to tha Prmortv nrin.fn t6s n..n..t.t�b... ��..0 .,"� ._ ���� ._ <br />-.., -__ --__-�,;,� . �.._. ._ ...' __��.��.. ....�.. �... w � w u�o oiciati ot trt0 5Um3 Oy tI11S �BCUIRY (I19[NfillYlt ' . <br /> ImmediatNy pdor to tho ecqufsftinn. <br />_ � _•_ � 8. OccupanCy, prasowailon� Malntenance and Protectlon of the ProQertv; Borrower's Loan <br /> - -_-� -- _- o�pilGBei�l�; �9eQeIlfl!l3�. 8otrce:w aTSE�oc:.upy, estublish, und usa iiia Froperiy es BortoweYS princlAal resldence wRhin <br />'_- sixry days after thA executlon of thla Securiry Instrument end chall contlnue ta occupy tho Properly es Borrower's prindpal <br /> _ rosidenca tor at least one year efter tho datn of occupancy, unlesa Lender otherwise agrees In vrt"sting, which consent sheli not <br /> — , be unreasonably withheid,or unlerss oMenuaBng c!rcumstances exlst whlch aro boyond 8orrowcr's control. 8orrower shall not <br />� destroy, damaga or Impalr the Propertyr, allow ihe Praperty to deteriorato,or commit waate on the Property. BoROwer shnl! be in <br />—• dofauft ii any foAefturo acUon or proceeding, whether civii or cdmfnal, Is bugun that In Lender's goad leith Judgment could result <br />��•� In fodekuro of tho Property or otherwise materialty Impalr the lien created by thls Socurity Insttummt or Lande►'s security Interest. <br /> ti'- <br /> _ .:�i <br /> � <br /> : . . F1J10.LM0(1019�) Paqc 2 ot 5 �� <br /> �� <br />�' 94;107 <br /> :JE � . ...... <br />