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<br /> � lT.Tr�msfcr of thc {h•oExrty ar i�ticmf'iclid lutcrctit iu Horro�vcr. If.dl nr any p:w uf tlir Pru��cit}• ur miy iiurrc,� in I� ',
<br /> •:;�y:,. . . . is sold or tr:u�sfcrn�d (ur if a bcnciiciul intcrcsl in Hurr�necr i�u�ld��r U•��ntilcrrcd�mil liurrwti•rr i. nut u n��lu�al per,�ml��tilhuut ;,`
<br /> ,,;;•�'',. ,; , , I.cndcr'r prior wriur.n runscm. I.cndcr muy, ut i�� np�inn. rci{uirr innncdiutc p�iynunt in full „f nll .uni, .c.uir�l h�• ihiti =
<br /> 4�r11f115' �II�U'11111ttI1L �j���VCt�Cf.1�11�n4ll�vtl��I�I�I Itt�l hl CtlfCt�cd h)•LClltllf If lrlfClti�1�rf�+�llhll�vl li� trd��rsl I;��v a+uf Ihr d�dc �
<br /> . .. �'.r i�f Ihis Securi�y Intitrwnent. *.
<br /> �.r lf 1.,�:ndcr cxcrcitieti Il�is upliun.l.�`nd�r+hall �i�c 13urruwrr noticc of c�rrcicratiun.'I'hc nutirr �liall pr�i�•iilc�i��rru�d i�(nnt _
<br /> , �,•.� , Icss thun 30 dirys frum thc Jutc lhc nuticc is dclivcrcJ ur mailcJ within which [�urn+wcr mu�i �tia�• all �um. ,rrin•cd hy thi,
<br /> ', t: :• Sccuriry (nstrument. II'f3orrower fails tu pay thc,c sums prior ti� the cxpirution of this period. I.endcr may inv��kc�uiy rcmcJir�
<br /> .' - "!.w,.H••` permitted by this Security Instrument�vithout further n�nire cu demand on Borrower.
<br /> ' .;,.;.,'w. ., 18. Dorrowcr's lZight tn Rclnstntc. If' Burruwcr mcets ccrtain conJition�. B��rru�vrr .hall h;n•r ihc ri�;lu tu havc
<br /> ' cnforcemcnt of thiti Srcuriry Instrumcnt discon�inucd ut any tinu prior to thr carlicr nt': la) S day+ (ur �uch ��Ih�r �cri�,d a�
<br /> applicablc law may spc�ify for reinstatcmcnq bcforc +alc of thc Proper¢y purcuant tu any puv�cr of+alc runtaincd in this
<br />. ., Security Instrumrnt: nr(b)cntry of a,juJgmcnt cnfurcing thi,Sccurity Instrumcnt.1'h��sc conditi�mti arc that Horru��•rr. (al pay.
<br /> ' I.xnder�II sums which then wiiuld be due unJer tlii.Security Instrument and the Nate as if no acceleratiun li,iJ ocrurred; (bl
<br /> � f ,:ures any d:�dii�i �'i uiip .,iii.:i::.::�1:;t;::i.1�;1'CCI11CIllti; (C) P;rys all expenses incurrcd in enforcing this $CCU�Ity Inscrumcnt. '
<br /> including, but not limiic�l to, rcasonablc attomeyti' fees:and(d► takes surh action as LenJer may rcasonabl�• rcyuire ti�a.+urc
<br /> � . thut the lien i�f this Security Instrununt. Lander's rights in the Property and Burmwcr's cibligation to pay the sum, �ccurcd hy
<br /> . this Security Instrument tihnll continue unch.�ngeJ. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the
<br />_:�;; obligations sccurcd hcrct;��shall rcntain fully c:fective as if no ac�eleration had�xcurrcd. llawcvcr. this right to rcinstatc shall - Y
<br /> -
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