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<br /> _ Upon recelpt of puyment of the prlce bld, Trustee shall dclEver to the purchascr '1'rustec'� deed conveyGt� thc .. ���'*.�-
<br /> 1'rapertv. 7'he rtcitWls in the Trustee's demcf shall be prEnm fecie evtdence of the tn�th nt Ilie stutements made dwrein. ;r;v�-:=
<br /> Trustee shs�ll upply the procceds of the sale in the followln�order:(u)to oll costs un@ expeatics ot exercitilnF Ihe{x�Ker nf + :{''F,:�,:
<br /> f� � �`-yf.is;i.
<br /> sale,and tt�e seie,including the payment af the Trustee's�ees uctuuf�y incurred,uot to excecd � + �;-.:;-
<br /> af the princlpal umount of the note at the ti�no oP the decln��dan of defuult,und reusons�ble nttnrncys' fccs ns permilted 1�..,'Y%q4�s;`;
<br /> by luw;(b)t�al!sums secured by thi�Security Instrument;und(c)s�ny exc�.�y In the pei-son nr�crsans Ic�ally eutltlecl to �,�k_���,,,�_
<br /> L!�{IITS�-=_,
<br /> ��. f�:�,�::�:_.
<br /> �2. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums securcd by t1�is Sccurity lnstrument, I.cnJcr �hall rcquest Trustec to ���
<br /> recanvey the Froperty nnd shall surrender this Security Instruntent and �11 notes evidencinF dcUt sccured by this Securit�� �'_____;�'.
<br /> Instrum�nt to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without wnrmnry and without charge to thc pecson or persons Icgally _____
<br /> entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pny any recardution casts. --
<br /> 23.Subst[tute'Cnistee. [.ender, at its optian, muy from time to time remove Trustec and appaint a succcssor trustee to _
<br /> any Trustcc apFointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the caunty in which this Security Instrument is rec�►rded.Without _v �
<br /> conveylnce of the Property.die successor tmstee shall succezd to all the title,power and dutics conferrcd�uFon Trustee herein �� _
<br /> and by npplicabte law. ��_M
<br /> 24. �tequest for Notices. Borrower requests thut capies of the noticcs of defiwlt and salc be scnt to Borrotivcr�5 a(IIIIC,4S
<br /> wliich is the Fropeny Address. �����
<br /> 25. Riders to this Securitg�Instrument.If one or more riders are exP,cuted by Borrowcr snd recordal togethcr�vith thrs
<br /> �rity[nstrument,the coven�nu and agreements of each such ridc;;�att�c ir.x:rosst°.�d.^.!4».^.�chr�ll amrnd artd SuQpIC111CItY �,�_.,r:_�.�
<br /> the covenants and agreements of th�s Security [nstrument as if the�ider(s)werc a part of this Security Instrument. -
<br />- [Check applicable box(es)]
<br /> �Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condomanium Rider Q I-4 Family Rider
<br /> 0 Graduated Pa�ment Rider �Planned'1?nit Develo�ment Rider L.�Bitireekly Payment 4t�:l�r
<br /> �I Rallnnn RidPr �Rate Improvement Ricler �Second Home Ri�+cr
<br /> 0 V.A. Rider 0 Other(s)(specifyJ
<br /> BY'SIGNING BELOW.Borrower accepu and agrces to the tenns and covenants contained in this Security Instrument mid
<br /> in any rider(s)executed b�Borrower and rewrd�d with it. J
<br /> Witnesses: //
<br /> ____lScnl) �"'
<br /> RI('H.�RD .T 'F•.AB •Uurniu•cr
<br /> / �t-
<br /> ,����1 y,rC !'l�rTr- _(Scnl)
<br /> SHE:RY L WFpB -�Iro��ti� _
<br /> (g�) lSettl)
<br /> -Borroµcr •&inv��tir �`. --
<br />= S1ATE OF NEBRAS[CA, HAI.L County ss: - ----
<br /> The fore�uing instrument was acknowledged befare me this 1 S't day of !�i ARCH . ]�9 S • ��=
<br /> bY RICHARD J pnBB A4� SH�kYL L GtBB. ilUSBAUD �I,J WI�F. ' '-°"_
<br /> Witness my h�id and notarial seal at GRANb I SL,ANQ. � GBRASt� in sud County,the date afoctsaid. ----°-�°-
<br />. L�'�`-
<br /> �-�-��,_
<br />� My Commissic:a�xpires: -�;.;�;.=
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